Iterate over key/value pairs in associative array in D. - d

I don't know why I cannot find an answer to this on the web. It seems such a simple thing.
The associative array has a byValue member and a byKey member for iterating over the values and the keys. There's also a byKeyValue member for iterating over key/value pairs. It's just not clear what type it returns for iterating using foreach, and the compiler complains that auto is not good enough here.
The language docs ( call it an "opaque type".
Any idea how to get the commented code working? Thank you!
int main(){
int[string] contained;
contained["foo"] = 4;
contained["bar"] = 5;
contained["gooey"] = 7;
writeln("*by values*");
foreach(int i ; contained.byValue){
writeln("*by keys*");
foreach(string i ; contained.byKey){
// writeln("*by key/values*");
//foreach(auto i ; contained.byKeyValue){
return 0;

So first, you don't even strictly need a thing:
foreach(key, value; contained) {
// use right here
But the .byKeyValue thing can be more efficient, so it is cool to use... just don't specify a type at all (in fact, you very rarely have to with D's foreach, and btw it is always wrong to use auto in the foreach statement - a common mistake since it is used in many other places...)
foreach(item; contained.byKeyValue()) {
writeln(item.key, " ", item.value);
Also btw you can use void main if you always want main to return 0 - the language will do that automatically.


Is it possible / advisable to return a range?

I'm using the ranges library to help filer data in my classes, like this:
class MyClass
MyClass(std::vector<int> v) : vec(v) {}
std::vector<int> getEvens() const
auto evens = vec | ranges::views::filter([](int i) { return ! (i % 2); });
return std::vector<int>(evens.begin(), evens.end());
std::vector<int> vec;
In this case, a new vector is constructed in the getEvents() function. To save on this overhead, I'm wondering if it is possible / advisable to return the range directly from the function?
class MyClass
using RangeReturnType = ???;
MyClass(std::vector<int> v) : vec(v) {}
RangeReturnType getEvens() const
auto evens = vec | ranges::views::filter([](int i) { return ! (i % 2); });
// ...
return evens;
std::vector<int> vec;
If it is possible, are there any lifetime considerations that I need to take into account?
I am also interested to know if it is possible / advisable to pass a range in as an argument, or to store it as a member variable. Or is the ranges library more intended for use within the scope of a single function?
This was asked in op's comment section, but I think I will respond it in the answer section:
The Ranges library seems promising, but I'm a little apprehensive about this returning auto.
Remember that even with the addition of auto, C++ is a strongly typed language. In your case, since you are returning evens, then the return type will be the same type of evens. (technically it will be the value type of evens, but evens was a value type anyways)
In fact, you probably really don't want to type out the return type manually: std::ranges::filter_view<std::ranges::ref_view<const std::vector<int>>, MyClass::getEvens() const::<decltype([](int i) {return ! (i % 2);})>> (141 characters)
As mentioned by #Caleth in the comment, in fact, this wouldn't work either as evens was a lambda defined inside the function, and the type of two different lambdas will be different even if they were basically the same, so there's literally no way of getting the full return type here.
While there might be debates on whether to use auto or not in different cases, but I believe most people would just use auto here. Plus your evens was declared with auto too, typing the type out would just make it less readable here.
So what are my options if I want to access a subset (for instance even numbers)? Are there any other approaches I should be considering, with or without the Ranges library?
Depends on how you would access the returned data and the type of the data, you might consider returning std::vector<T*>.
views are really supposed to be viewed from start to end. While you could use views::drop and views::take to limit to a single element, it doesn't provide a subscript operator (yet).
There will also be computational differences. vector need to be computed beforehand, where views are computed while iterating. So when you do:
for(auto i : myObject.getEven())
std::cout << i;
Under the hood, it is basically doing:
for(auto i : myObject.vec)
if(!(i % 2)) std::cout << i;
Depends on the amount of data, and the complexity of computations, views might be a lot faster, or about the same as the vector method. Plus you can easily apply multiple filters on the same range without iterating through the data multiple times.
In the end, you can always store the view in a vector:
std::vector<int> vec2(evens.begin(), evens.end());
So my suggestions is, if you have the ranges library, then you should use it.
If not, then vector<T>, vector<T*>, vector<index> depending on the size and copiability of T.
There's no restrictions on the usage of components of the STL in the standard. Of course, there are best practices (eg, string_view instead of string const &).
In this case, I can foresee no problems with handling the view return type directly. That said, the best practices are yet to be decided on since the standard is so new and no compiler has a complete implementation yet.
You're fine to go with the following, in my opinion:
class MyClass
MyClass(std::vector<int> v) : vec(std::move(v)) {}
auto getEvens() const
return vec | ranges::views::filter([](int i) { return ! (i % 2); });
std::vector<int> vec;
As you can see here, a range is just something on which you can call begin and end. Nothing more than that.
For instance, you can use the result of begin(range), which is an iterator, to traverse the range, using the ++ operator to advance it.
In general, looking back at the concept I linked above, you can use a range whenever the conext code only requires to be able to call begin and end on it.
Whether this is advisable or enough depends on what you need to do with it. Clearly, if your intention is to pass evens to a function which expects a std::vector (for instance it's a function you cannot change, and it calls .push_back on the entity we are talking about), you clearly have to make a std::vector out of filter's output, which I'd do via
auto evens = vec | ranges::views::filter(whatever) | ranges::to_vector;
but if all the function which you pass evens to does is to loop on it, then
return vec | ranges::views::filter(whatever);
is just fine.
As regards life time considerations, a view is to a range of values what a pointer is to the pointed-to entity: if the latter is destroied, the former will be dangling, and making improper use of it will be undefined behavior. This is an erroneous program:
#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/view/filter.hpp>
#include <string>
using namespace ranges;
using namespace ranges::views;
auto f() {
// a local vector here
std::vector<std::string> vec{"zero","one","two","three","four","five"};
// return a view on the local vecotor
return vec | filter([](auto){ return true; });
} // vec is gone ---> the view returned is dangling
int main()
// the following throws std::bad_alloc for me
for (auto i : f()) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
You can use ranges::any_view as a type erasure mechanism for any range or combination of ranges.
ranges::any_view<int> getEvens() const
return vec | ranges::views::filter([](int i) { return ! (i % 2); });
I cannot see any equivalent of this in the STL ranges library; please edit the answer if you can.
EDIT: The problem with ranges::any_view is that it is very slow and inefficient. See
It is desirable to declare a function returning a range in a header and define it in a cpp file
for compilation firewalls (compilation speed)
stop the language server from going crazy
for better factoring of the code
However, there are complications that make it not advisable:
How to get type of a view?
If defining it in a header is fine, use auto
If performance is not a issue, I would recommend ranges::any_view
Otherwise I'd say it is not advisable.

Why can't I use a range based loop with an array when it's returned from a function?

I am making a sudoku game in C++ to improve and learn SFML more thoughtfully, but I have run into a problem with range based loops.
I have an array of Tables like this:
Table Tables[9];
and when I loop through them like so:
for(auto table: Tables){
//do stuff
There is no problem. Every table has an array of sub-fields, like so
Field fields[9];
which are supposed to be accessed with getter
Field *Table::getFields() {
return fields;
But when I try to go through it all with
for(auto table: Tables){
for(auto field: table.getFields()) {
//do stuff
I get an error "Field *" is not a valid range type. How do I return the array so it's loop-able?
Also: I have tested Tables[i].getFields()[f].doStuff and it work just fine, so I believe the array is returned.
Field fields[9];
Field *Table::getFields() {
return fields;
The problem with your code is that you are returning a raw pointer (Field*), that has no clue of the size of the array it points to.
If you want to use range-based for loops in this case, you have to return something higher-level, for which a range is well defined.
For example, you can use std::array (which is a very tiny wrapper around raw C-style arrays), and return a reference to it (or const reference, for read-only access).
// Instead of Field fields[9]
std::array<Field, 9> fields;
Another approach would be using std::vector<Field>, which has more overhead than std::array, but also offers many more features and is much more versatile.
Again, you can define a vector<Field> data member, and return vector<Field> & from your getFields member function (or const vector<Field>& for read-only access).
The reason you can't use range based for loops is that you are not returning an array. Strictly speaking you are returning a pointer to the first element of the array. When passing or returning arrays in C++ they "decay" into a pointer to their first element.
To fix this you can return a reference to the array like this:
struct Table
std::string stuff() const { return "stuff"; }
Table tables[9];
auto& getTables()
return tables;
int main()
for(auto table: tables)
std::cout << table.stuff() << '\n';
I am using auto& here because the syntax for returning a reference to an array is somewhat convoluted:
Table (&getTables())[9] // using auto is nicer
return tables;
Of course there are much nicer options available depending on your situation you might use std::vector<Table> or std::array<table> and return references to those.

C++ for each With a Pointer

I am trying to use a pointer to an array inside of a for each loop in C++. The code below won't work because the "for each statement cannot operate on variables of type 'int *'". I'd prefer to use the new operator so that the array is on the heap and not the stack, but I just can't seem to figure out the syntax here. Any suggestions?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int total = 0;
int* array = new int[6];
array[0] = 10; array[1] = 20; array[2] = 30;
array[3] = 40; array[4] = 50; array[5] = 60;
for each(int i in array) {
total += i;
cout << total << endl;
That for each thing you are using is a Visual C++ extension that's not even recommended by some microsoft employees (I know I've heard STL say bad things about it, I can't remember where).
There are other options, like std::for_each, and range-based for from C++11 (though I don't think Visual C++ supports that yet). However, that's not what you should be using here. You should be using std::accumulate, because this is the job that it was made for:
total = std::accumulate(array, array + 6, 0);
If you're really just interested in how to use this Microsoft for each construct, well, I'm pretty sure you can't if you just have a pointer. You should use a std::vector instead. You should be doing that anyway.
C++0x introduced a ranged-based for loops, which work equal to foreach in other languages. The syntax for them is something like this:
int arr[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
for( int & tmp : arr )
//do something
These loops work for C-style arrays, initializer lists, and any type that has begin() and end() functions defined for it that return iterators.
I strongly believe that int * doesn't have begin() and end() functions for them that return iterators, because it's just a raw pointer. I also believe that other foreach-equivalents such as foreach in Qt, or what you've posted, work the same way, so you can't use them like this. msdn says that it works for collections:
for each (type identifier in expression) {
A managed array expression or collection. The compiler must be able
to convert the collection element from Object to the identifier type.
expression evaluates to a type that implements IEnumerable, IEnumerable,
or a type that defines a GetEnumerator method. In the
latter case, GetEnumerator should either return a type that implements
IEnumerator or declares all the methods defined in IEnumerator.
Once again, you have a raw pointer, so it will not work.
you can always use for loop like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 6;i++)
total += array[i];
Although, answer for using "for each" using "gcnew" is already being given so I am omitting that. As an alternative, you can also use vectors as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int total = 0;
vector<int> myarray;
for each(int i in myarray) {
total += i;
cout << total << endl;
return 0;
Hope this will help...
The only way I can think about is iterating over array of reference types especially if you want your storage on the heap
Here Microsoft shows you how to do so
But for your case, the simplest alternative (if you want your array on the heap) would be as follows:-
array<int>^ arr = gcnew array<int>{10, 20, 30, 40. 50, 60};
int total = 0;
for each (int i in arr){
gcnew creates an instance of a managed type (reference or value type) on the garbage collected heap. The result of the evaluation of a gcnew expression is a handle (^) to the type being created.
You have to use an standard library collection such as std::vector or std::arrayto use for each.
Please note that this codee I not standard C++, therefore not portable, because for each is a Visual C++ extension. I recommend to use std::for_each or C++11 auto ranged loops.
VC++ is not different from ISO/ANSI C++. Anybody who tells you that it is, is wrong. Now, to answer your question of the for each statement. There is no such statement in the ISO C++ specification. Microsoft supports the 'foreach' statement in C#, as part of the .Net framework. As a result, there might be a chance that this is supported in Visual Studio, although I would recommend not using it.
Like the user shubhansh answered a few replies back, try using a vector. However, I'm guessing you would like to use a generic size, rather than hard-coding it in. The following for loop would help you in this regard:
for(vector<int>::size_type i =0; i<myarray.size();i++)
This is the perfect way to iterate through a vector, as defined by the ISO standard.
Hope this helps you in your development.

C++ cast vector type in place

Is it possible to do this without creating new data structure?
Suppose we have
struct Span{
int from;
int to;
vector<Span> s;
We want to get an integer vector from s directly, by casting
vector<Span> s;
vector<int> s;
so we could remove/change some "from", "to" elements, then cast it back to
vector<Span> s;
This is not really a good idea, but I'll show you how.
You can get a raw pointer to the integer this way:
int * myPointer2 = (int*)&(s[0]);
but this is really bad practice because you can't guarantee that the span structure doesn't have any padding, so while it might work fine for me and you today we can't say much for other systems.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Span{
int from;
int to;
int main()
std::vector<Span> s;
Span a = { 1, 2};
Span b = {2, 9};
Span c = {10, 14};
int * myPointer = (int*)&(s[0]);
for(int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
std::cout << myPointer[k] << std::endl;
return 0;
As I said, that hard reinterpret cast will often work but is very dangerous and lacks the cross-platform guarantees you normally expect from C/C++.
The next worse thing is this, that will actually do what you asked but you should never do. This is the sort of code you could get fired for:
// Baaaad mojo here: turn a vector<span> into a vector<int>:
std::vector<int> * pis = (std::vector<int>*)&s;
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator It = pis->begin(); It != pis->end(); It++ )
std::cout << *It << std::endl;
Notice how I'm using a pointer to vector and pointing to the address of the vector object s. My hope is that the internals of both vectors are the same and I can use them just like that. For me, this works and while the standard templates may luckily require this to be the case, it is not generally so for templated classes (see such things as padding and template specialization).
Consider instead copying out an array (see ref 2 below) or just using s1.from and s[2].to.
Related Reading:
Are std::vector elements guaranteed to be contiguous?
How to convert vector to array in C++
If sizeof(Span) == sizeof(int) * 2 (that is, Span has no padding), then you can safely use reinterpret_cast<int*>(&v[0]) to get a pointer to array of int that you can iterate over. You can guarantee no-padding structures on a per-compiler basis, with __attribute__((__packed__)) in GCC and #pragma pack in Visual Studio.
However, there is a way that is guaranteed by the standard. Define Span like so:
struct Span {
int endpoints[2];
endpoints[0] and endpoints[1] are required to be contiguous. Add some from() and to() accessors for your convenience, if you like, but now you can use reinterpret_cast<int*>(&v[0]) to your heart’s content.
But if you’re going to be doing a lot of this pointer-munging, you might want to make your own vector-like data structure that is more amenable to this treatment—one that offers more safety guarantees so you can avoid shot feet.
Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea about what you are trying to do. I am simply making educated guesses and showing possible solutions based on that. Hopefully I'll guess one right and you won't have to do crazy shenanigans with stupid casts.
If you want to remove a certain element from the vector, all you need to do is find it and remove it, using the erase function. You need an iterator to your element, and obtaining that iterator depends on what you know about the element in question. Given std::vector<Span> v;:
If you know its index:
v.erase(v.begin() + idx);
If you have an object that is equal to the one you're looking for:
Span doppelganger;
v.erase(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), doppelganger));
If you have an object that is equal to what you're looking for but want to remove all equal elements, you need the erase-remove idiom:
Span doppelganger;
v.erase(std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), doppelganger)),
If you have some criterion to select the element:
v.erase(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(),
[](Span const& s) { return s.from == 0; }));
// in C++03 you need a separate function for the criterion
bool starts_from_zero(Span const& s) { return s.from == 0; }
v.erase(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), starts_from_zero));
If you have some criterion and want to remove all elements that fit that criterion, you need the erase-remove idiom again:
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), starts_from_zero)),

C++ STL - iterate through everything in a sequence

I have a sequence, e.g
std::vector< Foo > someVariable;
and I want a loop which iterates through everything in it.
I could do this:
for (int i=0;i<someVariable.size();i++) {
or I could do this:
for (std::vector< Foo >::iterator i=someVariable.begin(); i!=someVariable.end(); i++) {
Both these seem to involve quite a bit of repetition / excessive typing. In an ideal language I'd like to be able to do something like this:
for (i in someVariable) {
It seems like iterating through everything in a sequence would be an incredibly common operation. Is there a way to do it in which the code isn't twice as long as it should have to be?
You could use for_each from the standard library. You could pass a functor or a function to it. The solution I like is BOOST_FOREACH, which is just like foreach in other languages. C+0x is gonna have one btw.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
void print(int v)
std::cout << v << std::endl;
int main()
std::vector<int> array;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
std::for_each(array.begin(), array.end(), print); // using STL
foreach(int v, array) // using Boost
std::cout << v << std::endl;
Not counting BOOST_FOREACH which AraK already suggested, you have the following two options in C++ today:
void function(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), function);
struct functor {
void operator()(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), functor());
Both require you to specify the "body" of the loop elsewhere, either as a function or as a functor (a class which overloads operator()). That might be a good thing (if you need to do the same thing in multiple loops, you only have to define the function once), but it can be a bit tedious too. The function version may be a bit less efficient, because the compiler is generally unable to inline the function call. (A function pointer is passed as the third argument, and the compiler has to do some more detailed analysis to determine which function it points to)
The functor version is basically zero overhead. Because an object of type functor is passed to for_each, the compiler knows exactly which function to call: functor::operator(), and so it can be trivially inlined and will be just as efficient as your original loop.
C++0x will introduce lambda expressions which make a third form possible.
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), [](Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
Finally, it will also introduce a range-based for loop:
for(Foo& arg : my_someVariable)
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
So if you've got access to a compiler which supports subsets of C++0x, you might be able to use one or both of the last forms. Otherwise, the idiomatic solution (without using Boost) is to use for_eachlike in one of the two first examples.
By the way, MSVS 2008 has a "for each" C++ keyword. Look at How to: Iterate Over STL Collection with for each.
int main() {
int retval = 0;
vector<int> col(3);
col[0] = 10;
col[1] = 20;
col[2] = 30;
for each( const int& c in col )
retval += c;
cout << "retval: " << retval << endl;
Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops
There are three reasons:
1) Efficiency: Algorithms are often more efficient than the loops programmers produce
2) Correctness: Writing loops is more subject to errors than is calling algorithms.
3) Maintainability: Algorithm calls often yield code that is clearer and more
straightforward than the corresponding explicit loops.
Prefer almost every other algorithm to for_each()
There are two reasons:
for_each is extremely general, telling you nothing about what's really being done, just that you're doing something to all the items in a sequence.
A more specialized algorithm will often be simpler and more direct
Consider, an example from an earlier reply:
void print(int v)
std::cout << v << std::endl;
// ...
std::for_each(array.begin(), array.end(), print); // using STL
Using std::copy instead, that whole thing turns into:
std::copy(array.begin(), array.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, "\n"));
"struct functor {
void operator()(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), functor());"
I think approaches like these are often needlessly baroque for a simple problem.
do i=1,N
call blah( X(i),Y(i) )
call woop( Z(i) )
end do
is perfectly clear, even if it's 40 years old (and not C++, obviously).
If the container is always a vector (STL name), I see nothing wrong with an index and nothing wrong with calling that index an integer.
In practice, often one needs to iterate over multiple containers of the same size simultaneously and peel off a datum from each, and do something with the lot of them. In that situation, especially, why not use the index?
As far as SSS's points #2 and #3 above, I'd say it could be so for complex cases, but often iterating 1...N is often as simple and clear as anything else.
If you had to explain the algorithm on the whiteboard, could you do it faster with, or without, using 'i'? I think if your meatspace explanation is clearer with the index, use it in codespace.
Save the heavy C++ firepower for the hard targets.