Disable completionItemProvider inside quotations - typeahead

I've successfully used monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider to populate a completion list. Is there any way for monaco to detect when the cursor is in-between single or double quotes and temporarily deactivate the completion provider?

Yes, you can embed any kind of logic into your CompletionItemProvider. You can use the provdied Position and parse the file to figure out if you are inside single or double quotes and then return a [] accordingly.


Escaping and unescaping HTML

In a function I do not control, data is being returned via
return xmlFormat(rc.content)
I later want to do a
The problem is all the HTML tags are escaped.
I have considered
But I am not sure these are inverses of each other
Like Adrian concluded, the best option is to implement a system to get to the pre-encoded value.
In the current state, the string your working with is encoded for an xml document. One option is to create an xml document with the text and parse the text back out of the xml document. I'm not sure how efficient this method is, but it will return the text back to it's pre-encoded value.
function xmlDecode(text){
return xmlParse("<t>#text#</t>").t.xmlText;
TryCF.com example
As of CF 10, you should be using the newer encodeFor functions. These functions account for high ASCII characters as well as UTF-8 characters.
Old and Busted
New Hotness
The output from these functions differs by context.
Then, if you're only getting escaped HTML, you can convert it back using Jsouo or the Jakarta Commons Lang library. There are some examples in a related SO answer.
Obviously, the best solution would be to update the existing function to return either version of the content. Is there a way to copy that function in order to return the unescaped content? Or can you just call it from a new function that uses the Java solution to convert the HTML?

How can I replace text in a Siebel data mapping?

I have an outgoing web service to send data from Siebel 7.8 to an external system. In order for the integration to work, before I send the data, I must change one of the field values, replacing every occurence of "old" with "new". How can I do this with EAI data mappings?
In an ideal world I would just use an integration source expression like Replace([Description], "old", "new"). However Siebel is far from ideal, and doesn't have a replace function (or if it does, it's not documented). I can use all the Siebel query language functions which don't need an execution context. I can also use the functions available for calculated fields (sane people could expect both lists to be the same, but Siebel documentation is also far from ideal).
My first attempt was to use the InvokeServiceMethod function and replace the text myself in eScript. So, this is my field map source expression:
InvokeServiceMethod('MyBS', 'MyReplace', 'In="' + [Description] + '"', 'Out')
After some configuration steps it works fine... except if my description field contains the " character: Error parsing expression 'In="This is a "test" with quotes"' for field '3' (SBL-DAT-00481)
I know why this happens. My double quotes are breaking the expression and I have to escape them by doubling the character, as in This is a ""test"" with quotes. However, how can I replace each " with "" in order to call my business service... if I don't have a replace function? :)
Oracle's support web has only one result for the SBL-DAT-00481 error, which as a workaround, suggests to place the whole parameter inside double quotes (which I already had). There's a linked document in which they acknowledge that the workaround is valid for a few characters such as commas or single quotes, but due to a bug in Siebel 7.7-7.8 (not present in 8.0+), it doesn't work with double quotes. They suggest to pass instead the row id as argument to the business service, and then retrieve the data directly from the BC.
Before I do that and end up with a performance-affecting workaround (pass only the ID) for the workaround (use double quotes) for the workaround (use InvokeServiceMethod) for not having a replace function... Am I going crazy here? Isn't there a simple way to do a simple text replacement in a Siebel data mapping?
first thing (quite possibly - far from optimal one) which is coming to my mind - is to create at source BC calculated field, aka (NEW_VALUE), which becomes "NEW" for every record, where origin field has a value "OLD". and simply use this field in integration map.

How do I prohibit double quotes in an inputText in XPages?

I've been trying to prohibit users from entering double-quotes (") into some fields that are used in JSON strings, as they cause unexpected termination of values in the strings. Unfortunately, while the regex isn't hard to write, I can't get it to work within XPages.
I tried using both double-quotes alone and using the escape character. Both ways fail any string, not just ones including the double-quotes.
<xp:validateConstraint message="Please do not use double quotes in organization/vendor names">
There must be a simple way around this issue.
I think you're running into issues with your regex property for your xp:validateConstraint validator. You seem to be attempting to strip the characters in the xp:this.regex as opposed to specifying what characters are allowed, as I believe the docs read. I might recommend checking out the xp:customConverter (bias: I'm more familiar with the customConverter) which gives you the ability to alter the getValueAsObject and getValueAsString methods; then you can escape the undesired characters.
Here's what I'm thinking of, to strip them out. If you plug this into an XPage, you'll find that when the value is pulled (e.g.- by the partial refresh), it converts the input content accordingly by stripping out quotes (both single and double, in my case).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:this.getAsString><![CDATA[#{javascript:return value.replace(/["']/g, "");}]]></xp:this.getAsString>
<xp:this.getAsObject><![CDATA[#{javascript:return value.replace(/["']/g, "");}]]></xp:this.getAsObject>
value="Do Something"
refreshId="computedField1" />
value="#{viewScope.myStuff}" />
My interaction with the above code yields:
Notice that for it to reflect in the refresh, I'm modifying both the getAsString and the getAsObject, since it's updating the viewScope'd object during the refresh (a fact I had to remind myself of), but saving to a text field in XPages will get the value by the getAsString (provided your data source knows its a String related field, e.g.- NotesXspDocument as document1, with known Form, where the field is a Text field).
As the above comments alluded to, this performs an act of filtering the input values as opposed to escaping or validating those values. You could also change my replace methods to replacing with a text escape character, return value.replace(/"/g,"\"").replace(/'/g,"\'");.
Is the simple answer just add a JavaScript function call on the submit button to remove the quote?
A more elegant solution would be to not allow typing of the quote by checking the keydown event and preventing for that character code. The user should not be able to type one thing and then have it changed on them in processing
#Eric McCormick recommends a customConverter which in my opinion is a neat solution I probably would be going for in many cases. Sometimes however we need to teach users to adhere to the rules so we have to show them where they did wrong. That's when we may need a validator.
Playing around a bit the simplest solution I came up with is a xp:validateExpression simply looking for the first occurrence of a double quote within the String entered:
message="Hey, wait! Didn't I tell you not to use double quotes in here?">
If that's a single occurrence in your application that's it, really. If you need this and similar solutions all over the place you might want to take a look into writing a small validator bean (java), register it via faces-config.xml and then use it everywhere in your application e.g by using an xp:validator instead
As suggested by #Tomalik and #sidyll, this is attempt to solve the wrong problem. While each of the answers supplied do solve the problem of preventing the user from entering undesirable characters, it is better to encode those characters to preserve the user's input. In this particular case, the intermediate step in providing the data to the user via a JSON string is to pull the value from a view.
So, all I had to do was change the column formula to encode the string using the UTF-8 character set and it displays the values with the "undesirable characters". The unencoded value is stored on the document so that Old Notes access won't create confusion.
#URLEncode ("UTF-8"; vendorName )
In one case, the JSON is computed as part of the form design, but the same solution works.

match the content of vim register

i have a piece of code like this
int a=8;
cout<<"a is :"<<a<<endl; // show what is the value of a
string b="ice"; // b is ice
const char* c=b.c_str();
this code repeats at many places in exact same way. I want to find all the occurrence of this piece of code. I was thinking I could copy the code and put it into one of the registers and use the content of register to perform the matching. The text can have any of the special characters and while matching, it needs to be treated as ordinary text. Is it possible to match using the register content? in what other way I can accomplish the same?
This becomes even easier by selecting the lines, and then searching for the visual selection, and you don't clobber a register through this. There are several plugins that extend the built-in normal mode * command to visual mode, also my SearchHighlighting plugin. (The plugin page has links to alternative plugins.)
If you want to do this manually, through a register, use a very nomagic (\V) pattern, and escape the special characters. To insert the (escaped) register contents into the command-line, insert register <C-R> with the expression register is used:
/\V<C-R>=substitute(escape(##, '/\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')<CR><CR>

Looking for a Google script that will perform CTRL+F replace for a string

I have looked at multiple solutions here for similar tasks, and tried them in different ways.
Essentially, I have a cells with long, somewhat similar strings of text, and I want to isolate specific text markers in order to be able to split on those markers. The specific string I am looking for is "MHPP" and I want to replace it with "][MHPP " so I can used the split function to split on the "]".
I was able to get it to work by manually Finding and Replacing (CTRL+F and selecting parameters for the replace), but I want to be able to script it because I won't be the one running the script and need to simplify the process for low-information users.
Using =replace(find("MHPP"),7,"][MHPP ") only finds the first instance of the find value, and there may be multiple usages of the term throughout the cell.
Any suggestions? I suppose there might be a way to write the cell to a string, and replace within the array, but the logic of that process is escaping me at the moment.
I'm not asking for the entire code. I can activate the sheet, get the range, and work from there, but I just don't know how to write the specific function findAndReplace() that would actually locate all repetitions of the string and replace them all.
I'm also open to importing the .csv into a different format, running a function there, and returning it back out to a .csv, but that hasn't proven to be very fruitful either in my searches.
Thanks for any guidance you can offer to get me on the right path.
You can use the replace string function on every cell in a global iteration of your sheet, do that at array level to keep it fast and simple.
The code itself can be very short and straightforward like this :
function myFunction() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var data = sh.getDataRange().getValues();// get all data
for(var n=0;n<data.length;n++){
for(var m=0;m<data[0].length;m++){
if(typeof(data[n][m])=='string'){ // if it is a string
data[n][m]=data[n][m].replace(/MHPP/g,'][MHPP');// use the regex replace with /g parameter meaning "globally"
sh.getDataRange().setValues(data);// update sheet values
This could be improved to take care of certain situations where the script would be executed twice (or more) to prevent replacement if '][' is already present... I'll let you manage these details.