Toad for Oracle Grid is read-only - toad

Version : Toad for Oracle 13.0 (Trial)
The data grid is read-only and I can't find a way to change it.
Options\Data Grids\Data checkbox "Use read-only queries" is UNCHECKED
The Context Menu has no option to change read-only.

The option you reference controls grids that Toad populates automatically like those on the Schema Browser, Data tab.
If you are running your own queries in the Editor you need to run editable statements. These include ROWID.
select rowid, t.* from my_table t;
Similarly you can run an edit statement and Toad will insert ROWID automatically.
edit my_table;
If you are running your SQL as a script (F5) then grids are always read-only.


PopUp LOV with Multi-Select

Oracle APEX gives us the option of creating a POP-UP LOV, but I couldn't find any way to have multiple select in this item.
Is there any way to have multiple select in POP-UP LOVs?
Go to Item
Type : Popup LOV
Multiple values : Yes
List of value: SQL query
select ename, empno from emp
Apex doesn't offer it, so I'd say not. Maybe with some help of e.g. JavaScript or something else, I can't tell.
Select list items or shuttles let you select more values, if you want to use them instead.

Oracle Apex 5 Checkbox binding

I have an apex interactive report and a matching edit form working. I'm trying to add extra column in my database that would bind to a checkbox on a report and a form for each row. The only way of doing that after researching various references seem to be using APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX2 in SQL query and selecting graph as column data type. I can render a check box but it is not bound and to save the state I figure I would have to script some code somewhere. Seems to be an awkward way of doing things considering text just binds out of the box. Is there a better way of binding a row level check box in an interactive report, i.e. choosing some specific data type in a database?
Thank you in advance,

Editing rows in an interactive report using Oracle APEX

I have been trying but I cannot edit rows. When I click the pencil icon near any row in the interactive report, I want it to take me to a separate page where I can edit the rows and update the table.
1st Step
First create a blank page
Add all those items to the page which are in the table
Add source for each items as sql query i.e Use select statement with condition.
Add an update button so that changes made are reflected to the table(You have
to use the update query by giving primary key of the table in where condition).
2nd Step
Go to the interactive report page and edit the region
Go to column link
click on the pencil icon in the left side
use your blank page no as the page to be redirected to
below you will find some blank rows as Items and Values
In Items select the item which you want to use in the where condition and value corresponding to it.
Apply Changes.
Try this.
1 - click on "Create Page"
2 - select "Form"
3 - select "Report with Form on Table"
4 - Fill the rest of the wizard
After you made this, apex create a report and when you clik on a pencil you can edit the data and save.

How to edit filtered rows in interactive report in apex oracle

I want to edit rows in interactive report. Before or after filtering. I have made column link in select query using ''edit_link but in Regions > Interactive Report > Column Attributes > [Column Name (edit_link)] > Column Link section i can't send data using item because there is no items on list to pick in page with interactive report. In normal report there are items i can select to read data from and send to (item and value boxes). Is it any solution to edit filtered rows?
There are a couple of ways that come to mind to accomplish this. I will explain an approach that starts off with where your prompt left off.
1. Create a FORM Page
This is to edit a record from your Interactive Report. I assume that the query behind your IR is not a complex, multi table query, which will not work with this approach unless you build this form on a Stored Procedure (instead of Apex's automatic DML functionality).
Build a Form on the Table from the IR
From the Application Builder menu, CREATE a New FORM. Select "Form on a Table or View". Select the TABLE to build this form on and fill in the information required to map it. You will be asked to identify the PRIMARY KEY of the table from your Interactive Report.
Set All Branching Activity to Return to the IR
When Prompted for "After Page Submit And Processing Branch to Page" and "When Cancel Button Pressed Branch to this Page" Choose the page number of your Interactive Report. Any activity on this page, when done (whether through CANCEL or SUBMIT and process), you will want it to go back.
2. Set Column "Edit Link" Properties
Under the Column Link section, set the target to "Page in this Application", and add the page of the form previously created. Items should now show in your popup. Select the Page Item from your Forms page that corresponds to your Table's Primary Key. The value can be derived in some way, or just point to a the column it came from. (i.e., #MY_KEY_ID#).
The key part that was probably missing for you was the existence of the edit form required to modify the record. That is not an automatically created feature when you create an IR report.

how to Setting VIEWTABLE to show column names in SAS?

Problem Description:
when viewing a sas table in VIEWTABLE, the header for each column is default to show column description, how do I make it show column name instead?
I am using SAS version:9.3
What I did so far:
I found the following solution online (This solution was tested on SAS 9.2)
when I run this command I was given the following error
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
The point and click version of the solution did not work for me either.
That is a dm command, so you need to submit it to DM:
You could also assign that command (what you have, in mine just the part within the quotes) in KEYS ('keys' in the command bar). You also can do this on a case by case basis in the VIEW menu once you've opened the dataset.
The way to do this permanently:
Open the Explorer (View -> Explorer)
Select Members
Select Table, Edit
Select &Open, Edit
Add COLHEADING=NAMES to the end of the string already present (should be something like VIEWTABLE %8b."%s".DATA COLHEADING=NAMES after you finish).
Save everything (OK to all dialog boxes).
This will only persist if save settings on exit is enabled in the preferences (tools-options-preferences) and this is not an rsasuser session (read-only access to user profiles).