job scheduling in windows pc - virtualbox

When I submitting to job I am using the following format
My questions are follows
1) Can I use my personal pc to execetute simulations. Like using VirtualBox and using one of the linux distribution ?
2) Is it possible to execute .out in the windows machine?
Sorry for my poor questions I am not expert on Linux systems.

However now I don't have access to execute my job files on the LSF
You should talk with your cluster administrator about this. Transferring data from laptop to cluster is a common task. I'm sure that they have best practices.
1) Can I use my personal pc to execetute simulations. Like using
VirtualBox and using one of the linux distribution ?
Impossible to say with the limited information in the question. e.g., if your simulation software is licensed, then your laptop may not be eligible to use it.
2) Is it possible to execute .out in the windows machine?
Again, with the limited information in the question, its impossible to say. But in general Linux binaries cannot be directly run on Windows.


Any equivalent linux package repository mirror to Windows Server

Is there any way to host windows update server for software updates? I am aware of WSUS, but it seems that not used for public purpose.
There is SCCM which is distributed by Microsoft itself.
InTune (again offered by MS) is a cloud based solution and could
also be useful, depending on your specific requirements.
Maybe Opsi is worth a look, too. It uses Linux servers to manage
Windows clients. Some parts of it (the ones you seem to be interested
in) are free to use and open source.

Is there a way to test the PsExec tool on a single machine?

I want to run a PsExec demo, that simulates running a command on multiple machines in a network
Would I need a VMWare tool? I'm looking at Workstation 12 at the moment.
No, just ensure your firewall rules are correct and sysinternal tools are installed on each machine, file and printer sharing are enabled and that your antivirus product does not block psexec.
VMTools gives you things like drag and drop, shared drives, improved graphics and code wise PowerCli. That can do things like Invoke-script which allows you to run commands on other machines this might be alternative you want to use.

Is it good practice to use a VM for Django projects?

So I was looking at the Getting Started with Django tutorial, and everything was done in a vm. The author set up a vm, and then created a virtualenv in the vm. Is this good practice to get started on a django project, or software projects in general? Why the need for a vm? What happens if I have more than one project - should I use two vms? Or just create additional virtualenvs in the original vm?
I'm still a student in school, and I'm working on my own personal side projects, so it'd be useful to get some input on how things are really done in the real world.
You do not need VMs. You can get through just fine using virtualenv with an environment for each project - especially just starting out in Django.
In the future, one of the times you may need a separate VM environment for your project is if it has a lot of unique infrastructure needs. It's much easier to setup a VM, setup the unique environment, and not have to alter it when you want to work on other projects.
Another common reason I see people using VMs is when they have a Windows machine but want to develop in Linux. It's easy to spin up a Linux VM and work there since Linux is more programmer friendly.
It's subjective. I leverage virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for my development, which I do on Linux. There are instance where you might need to leverage two separate just depends, although I haven't encountered this.
There's no unwritten rule that says you have to use a VM. Python (and many other languages/frameworks) simply work better on Linux, so many people will leverage VMs to run Linux on Windows or Mac to do their development in that environment.

Is it possible to create Portable VM?

I want to know that is it possible to create a fully portable virtual machine using any of the VMWare like products? My objective is to create a virtual machine (XP as guest OS), install some app in it, put the vm in a usb2 drive (performance is not a matter), and run it in any windows os (xp, vista, 7) without installing anything in host, using any host account (admin, guest, limited).
Is it possible to do that using any vmware like product? If possible then which one is my best bet?
Can't be done if you want to take advantage of Hardware assisted virtualization. Basically you need admin rights in order to access all the nifty features that make modern, hardware assisted virtualization so fast.
QEMU can run in a few different modes. When run as an emulator the processor is replicated in software, so hardware assisted virtualization is not necessary. This emulation is slow, but very useful if you're developing for embedded hardware that is different than your main PC.
Do you absolutely need to run the VM on top of Windows? If not, and if re-booting the hardware is allowed, you may be able to install a bootable OS on the USB drive. Boot straight from USB when you're elsewhere, and use the VM tool of your choice to boot from USB when you're back at your desktop (I know VMware and QEMU let you access a raw device).
You may also consider a bootable CD to get to a VM environment, then access the VM on the USB. I know there are CDs that will provide KVM or QEMU (I think Knoppix has it); I've not sure about booting to a VMware Server/Workstation environment.
Vmware ACE.
Specifically Pocket ACE. You'll need vmware Workstation to create the package. Check out the youtube video on how to do it. :D
[EDIT] Ace does not fit the requirement of having no Admin rights on the box.
Might want to Moka5. They supposedly support limited accounts, although they also mention requiring administrator access to install.
Vmware Thinapp will allow you to virtualize your app without having to go through the hassle of creating and running a whole VM. Here's another how-to video. has a bunch of thinstalled apps if you want to try it out.

Whats the best way to get started with server virtualization?

We recently bought a new rack and set of servers for it, we want to be able to redeploy these boxes as build servers, QA regression test servers, lab re-correlation servers, simulation servers, etc.
We have played a bit with VMWare, VirtualPC, VirtualBox etc, creating a virtual build server, but we came across a lot of issues when we tried to copy it for others to use, having to reconfigure every new copy of the VM.
We are using Windows XP x86/x64 and Windows Vista x86/x64, so I had to rename the machine, join the domain etc for every new copy.
Ideally we just want to be able to add a new box, deploy a thin boot strap OS (Linux is fine here) to get the VM up an running, then use it.
One other thing we have limited to no budget, so free is best.
I would like to understand others experiences in doing the same thing.
FYI, I am not in systems IT, this we are group of software engineers trying to set this up.
Any links to good tutorials would be great.
The problem you're running into is the machine SID must be unique for each machine in a domain. Of course by copying an image you now break that unique constraint.
I'd suggest that you read the documentation for Sysprep in the reskit and Vista System Image Manager - your friends for XP/Win2k3 and Vista/Win2k8 respectively.
These tools enable to "reseal" your configured instance of the OS such that the next time it boots - it can prompt for information such as network configuration, machine names, admin user ID's, run scripts etc.
Also be aware that the licencing restrictions for Windows desktop clients are generally per image - not per server.
Using these tools with HyperV we created complete preconfigured instances of Win2k3 & Win2k8 that boot to finish installing Sharepoint - going further we used the diffing disks to overlay Visual Studio so our devs could use the production images for their work. It has radically changed our development process.
At this point our entire public website is run on HyperV with of 5 boxes running 15 images for a mix of soft and hard redundancy - they take several hundred million page views per week.
Another option for dealing with the SID probelm is NewSID. This is a simpler tool than sysprep, in that all it does is rename the machine and reassign the SID; if you don't need all the other features of sysprep this is a much easier tool to use.