Creating a clean isolated compile environment for Linux C++ builds - c++

Trying to bring some more quality into our build system and porting software recently to Android made me think that i do want a clean build environment where i don't accidently use dependencies to libraries and include files i do not want.
Is there something like Androids "" script which just creates a clean directory structure and provides the linux system headers and base libraries (like defined in Linux Standard Base LSB) and C and C++ runtimes?

You might want to consider using a Docker container for it. I believe it will fully give you what you want since you'll have a clean Linux image.


Moving away from DevC++ to command line compiling

I've inherited a large volume of C++ code for running & monitoring laboratory equipment. Currently the deployment is managed by compiling all of the individual modules (each it's own program) using DevC++, manually moving all the .exe files to a Dropbox folder, and then running them on the host machine manually.
I'm trying to automate this process somewhat to make rolling out an implementation on a new machine simpler and making sure the most up to date binaries are what is running on any given machine quickly. However, I don't know anything about deploying software in a Windows environment (I'm used to working on linux systems where a simple makefile would suffice) What tools (preferably command line) are available to compile & organize binaries in a portable way on windows systems?
Assume that you have a C++ compiler usable on the command line, on one translation unit. For example, GCC is such a compiler (and mingw is or contains a variant of GCC). Assume also that it is capable of linking (e.g. by driving the system linker).
Then you need to use some build automation tool to drive such compilation commands. For example GNU make or ninja (but there are many others). AFAIK they exist on Windows (so you could port your Makefile on Linux to Windows).
Once you have chosen your build automation tool, studied its documentation and understood how to use it, you'll write the relevant configuration file for it. For make, you'll write a Makefile (caveat : tab characters are significant). For ninja, you'll write some files (but you'll probably generate it, perhaps with meson).
Notice that some build tools (e.g. cmake) are cross-platform.
BTW, DevC++ is an IDE, not a compiler.

packaging libraries in c++

I am a java developer for last four years . I am planning to develop an c++ application which uses the library like boost etc.
In java we can add the libraries in class path and export as single jar and distribute it .
I am not sure how to do this in c++ and more over i use ant for build too in java.
Do we have any build too like ant for c++.
What are the things we need to consider while developing an c++ application in terms for supporting different operating systems and some general things.
Do c++ have some thing like maven in java?
There is no such thing like Maven for C++. Dependency Management is usually done either by your operating system (Unix package manager like apt-get or yum) or by Hand (Windows ;)).
For multi platform environments I would recommend CMake as it can generate Project files for Visual Studio, Eclipse, XCode, Unix Makefiles etc. CMake can provide you with a lot of tool functions like find_package (XXXXX) which make life a lot easier.
IMHO the best way to learn it is to read documentation of your compiler, your build tool (e.g. CMake) and some sample code. Some keywords are 'static library', 'dynamic library' (like DLLs, 'linking'), include path. Start with something simple like a small program which uses Boost and maybe the CURL library and try to build it on multiple platforms.

Ncurses static libraries to include with a C++ project

I have installed the latest ncurses library which my project is using. Now, I want to check in the ncurses static libraries into svn so that I can checkout the project on a different machine and compile it without having to install ncurses on the system again.
So the question is what is the difference between libncurses.a, libncurses++.a and libncurses_g.a files? And do I need all of them for my C++ project?
libncurses.a - This is the C compatible library.
libncurses++.a - This is the C++ compatible library.
libncurses_g.a - This is the debug library.
libncurses_p.a - This is the profiling library.
If you want to find out if you can get by without using libncurses.a, you can rename the library and run a build of your application.
My answer comes a little late [ :-) ] since you posted your question more than 4 years ago. But:
Archiving the pre-compiled library in your SVN means that your built application may fail if the target machine differs under some critical aspect.
Yes, you can safely run the application on other machines which are configured entirely in the same way (e.g., on a fully homogeneous computation cluster). However, if the machines differ (e.g., because one machine had a system upgrade and the other not), it may stop working. This is not very likely, so the risk may be acceptable for what you'd like to do.
I would suggest another solution: Commit a recent, stable version of the libncurses sources (tarball) to your SVN repo and add a little script (or make target) that runs the libncurses build and installs the built library to some project directory (not the system directory but next to your applciation build directories, without committing to SVN). This build step only needs to be repeated if the libary shall be upgraded or if you would like to build/run on another machine.
This does not apply to the ncurses library in special but to any library.
Depending on your project target, consider further reading about
package management
cross compile

What do people need to run my application?

I made a little app and built a release version. Now I want to upload it to my site. I have never done this before with Qt, so I'm unsure as to what I should include along with the binary.
How do I figure out which DLLs should be included with my app? And where do I get them? I'm running Windows, but I'd also like to know what I should do in case I want to release a Linux version.
For windows:
You can use dependency walker to see what Qt libraries (or others) you should ship. This is the depends.exe executable that is included with Visual Studio, but you can download it separately from:
Load your app into that and it will list out all the modules it expects at runtime. You might also have to ship a Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable compatible with the compiler that you built the executable with (if it's VC++).
Do note that dependency walker does not account for things like Qt's plugins. An example of this would be the QtAssistant system (for help menu-type functionality), which as of Qt4 relies on Qt's sqlite functionality, which is typically built as a plugin (qtsqlite4.dll if I remember).
For Linux:
This is trickier because of wider disparities in Linux distributions. You can of course use the GNU build system if you want to ship source, but if you're shipping binaries, and want to support a variety of distros, you might do best to build packages for each platform you want to release on.
In my past, a company I worked for switched to using cmake and after setting up all the project and build files, used that to generate builds and packages for different OSes. On Windows, this meant hooking in with Inno Setup, and for Unix-like systems, cmake knows how to generate things like installable shell scripts. Definitely made life much easier.
Our QA department would test our software in virtual machine instances of our supported platforms, completely clean, and see if anything was missing.
If you're talking about DLLs, I assume it is about Windows.
Use Dependency Walker to see the DLL dependencies.
Or... take a clean system, with no dev tools installed, and put your executable, try to run it there, and see what DLLs are reported as necessary and inexistent. Put the DLLs near the executable.
For a Linux version, you can either create platform targeted releases of installers for each Linux fork or you can let people compile from source. If your app is new, the only way you get exposure is supply people with readymade installers, the targeted installers. New users loathe compiling packages from source.
You can try debian (.deb) and redhat (.rpm) packages first. These two are extremely popular lines and will let you have a taste of things.

How are open source projects in C/C++ carried out exactly without .sln/.project files?

Seems most open source projects in C/C++ only provide the source code,i.e. nginx
Is this a convention that anyone interested in joining the developing team should figure out the .sln/.project files himself to qualify??
most open source projects are coming from the linux side of computing. thus, they are mainly using unix style build tools, as well as open source compilers.
the main build tool is make, which uses a makefile to know how to build a project. on Windows, the main open source compiler is MinGW which is a win32 port of gcc. the use of those tools allows to keep a maximum of common things between unix and windows.
note that .sln files are specific to microsoft compilers which are not free to use (and are rather costly), they are not portable and so are not suitable for multi-platform programming.
Some projects use CMake, which can generate project files for Your Favourite Build System, but as mentioned above, you don't need to use .sln and pro files, even if a project is built with the MSVC compiler, MinGW + makefiles, or scons, or CMake, or any other number of scripty methods to invoke the right commands to compile the program will work just fine.
Don't confuse the IDE with the compiler!
No, most opensource project do not use MSVC solutions as they not portable and very weak in terms of features.
In most cases they use what is called "build-system" like autotools, CMake or SCons.
These build systems include information about:
source code and how to build it
various system checks that should be done (like find various 3rd part libraries)
How to build and run unit-tests
How to install application
They also allow important tasks like cross compilation and packaging for deploy.
These task done via specific build system scripting language that allow you big flexibility.
So, these build systems generally much more powerful then typical "project files" and they
generally work with multiple compilers on different platforms and operating systems.
Some of build systems (like CMake) allow as one of the options to generate MSVC solutions as well as one of optional ways to build application.