How can I show elapsed time in Django - django

So, I'm trying to show elapsed time on a page for recent-visited history. On my model, I have the following attribute.
class History(models.Model):
created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
I already checked the date documentation, but it doesn't have a way to represent elapsed time from creating time to now. Doesn't Django support the feature? then should I implement it on my own?

As far I know Django doesn't have such function. It's better to implement your own. With js for instance by using setInterval() and Ajax to update a specific time field.
Before that, you need to add a field to record when leaving the page.
created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
left_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
It's important that you have this script in your HTML page, since we'll use Django variables.
var id_obj = '{{ }}'; // $('tag').val();
totalSeconds = 5;
},totalSeconds * 1000);
var recordElapsedTime = function(){
csrfmiddlewaretoken:'{{ csrf_token }}'
import datetime
def elapsedTime(request):
if request.method == 'POST' and request.is_ajax():
id_obj = request.POST.get('id_obj')
obj = get_object_or_404(ObjectModel,id=id_obj)
obj.left_at =
Now it's pretty easy to determine the elapsed time, as a property method in Model for instance.
def elapsed_time(self)
return (self.left_at - self.created_on).seconds


How to use timezones in Django Forms

Timezones in Django...
I am not sure why this is so difficult, but I am stumped.
I have a form that is overwriting the UTC dateTime in the database with the localtime of the user. I can't seem to figure out what is causing this.
my timezone settings look like:
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Toronto'
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = False
USE_TZ = True
I am in Winnipeg, my server is hosted in Toronto. My users can be anywhere.
I have a modelfield for each user that is t_zone = models.CharField(max_length=50, default = "America/Winnipeg",) which users can change themselves.
with respect to this model:
class Build(models.Model):
PSScustomer = models.ForeignKey(Customer, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
buildStart = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
I create a new entry in the DB using view logic like:
now =
newBuild = Build(author=machine,
PSScustomer = userCustomer,
buildStart = now,
status = "building",
addedBy = (request.user.first_name + ' ' +request.user.last_name),
buildStart is saved to the database in UTC, and everything is working as expected. When I change a user's timezone in a view with timezone.activate(pytz.timezone(self.request.user.t_zone)) it will display the UTC time in their respective timezone.
All is good (I think) so far.
Here is where things go sideways:
When I want a user to change buildStart in a form, I can't seem to get the form to save the date to the DB in UTC. It will save to the DB in whatever timezone the user has selected as their own.
Using this form:
class EditBuild_building(forms.ModelForm):
buildStart = forms.DateTimeField(input_formats = ['%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'],widget = forms.DateTimeInput(attrs={'type': 'datetime-local','class': 'form-control'},format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), label = "Build Start Time")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):# for ensuring fields are not left empty
super(EditBuild_building, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['buildDescrip'].required = True
class Meta:
model = Build
fields = ['buildDescrip', 'buildStart','buildLength'...]
labels = {
'buildDescrip': ('Build Description'),
'buildStart': ('Build Start Time'),
widgets = {'buildDescrip': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'required'}),
and this view:
class BuildUpdateView_Building(LoginRequiredMixin,UpdateView):
model = Build
form_class = EditBuild_building
template_name = 'build_edit_building.html'
login_url = 'login'
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
proceed = True
instance = Build.objects.get(id = (self.kwargs['pk']))
return HttpResponse("<h2 style = 'margin:2em;'>This build is no longer available it has been deleted, please please return to dashboard</h2>")
if instance.buildActive == False:
proceed = False
if instance.deleted == True:
proceed = False
#all appears to be well, process request
if proceed == True:
form = self.form_class(instance=instance)
customer = self.request.user.PSScustomer
choices = [(, (str(item.first_name) + ' ' + str(item.last_name))) for item in CustomUser.objects.filter(isDevice=False, PSScustomer = customer)]
choices.insert(0, ('', 'Unconfirmed'))
form.fields['buildStrategyBy'].choices = choices
form.fields['buildProgrammedBy'].choices = choices
form.fields['operator'].choices = choices
form.fields['powder'].queryset = Powder.objects.filter(PSScustomer = customer)
context = {}
context['buildID'] = self.kwargs['pk']
context['build'] = Build.objects.get(id = (self.kwargs['pk']))
return render(request, self.template_name, {'form': form, 'context': context})
return HttpResponse("<h2 style = 'margin:2em;'>This build is no longer editable here, or has been deleted, please return to dashboard</h2>")
def form_valid(self, form):
proceed = True
instance = Build.objects.get(id = (self.kwargs['pk']))
return HttpResponse("<h2 style = 'margin:2em;'>This build is no longer available it has been deleted, please please return to dashboard</h2>")
if instance.buildActive == False:
proceed = False
if instance.deleted == True:
proceed = False
#all appears to be well, process request
if proceed == True:
form.instance.editedBy = (self.request.user.first_name)+ " " +(self.request.user.last_name)
form.instance.editedDate =
print('edited date ' + str(form.instance.editedDate))
form.instance.reviewed = True
next = self.request.POST['next'] #grabs prev url from form template
build = Build.objects.get(id = self.kwargs['pk'])
if build.buildLength >0:
anticipated_end = build.buildStart + (timedelta(hours = float(build.buildLength)))
anticipated_end = None
build.anticipatedEnd = anticipated_end
build_thres_updater(self.kwargs['pk'])#this is function above, it updates threshold alarm counts on the build
return HttpResponseRedirect(next) #returns to this page after valid form submission
return HttpResponse("<h2 style = 'margin:2em;'>This build is no longer available it has been deleted, please please return to dashboard</h2>")
When I open this form, the date and time of buildStart are displayed in my Winnipeg timezone, so Django converted from UTC to my timezone, perfect, but when I submit this form, the date in the DB has been altered from UTC to Winnipeg Time. Why is this?
I have tried to convert the submitted time to UTC in the form_valid function, but this does not seem like the right approach. What am I missing here?
I simply want to store all times as UTC, but display them in the user's timezone in forms/pages.
When I remove timezone.activate(pytz.timezone(self.request.user.t_zone)) from both get and form_valid, UTC is preserved in the DB which is great. But the time displayed on the form is now in the default TIME_ZONE in I just need this to be in the user's timezone....
I also tried to add:
{% load tz %}
{% timezone "America/Winnipeg" %}
{% endtimezone %}
Which displayed the time on the form correctly, but then when the form submits, it will again remove 1 hour from the UTC time in the DB.
If I change template to:
{% load tz %}
{% timezone "Europe/Paris" %}
{% endtimezone %}
The time will be displayed in local Paris time. When I submit the form, it will write this Paris time to the DB in UTC+2. So, in summary:
Time record was created was 11:40 Winnipeg time, which writes
16:40 UTC to database, perfect
I access the form template, and time is displayed as local Paris time, 6:40pm, which is also what I would expect.
I submit form without changing any fields.
Record has been updated with the time as 22:40, which is UTC + 6 hours.
What is happening here!?
Put simply: your activate() call in form_valid() comes too late to affect the form field, so the incoming datetime gets interpreted in the default timezone—which in your case is America/Toronto—before being converted to UTC and saved to the database. Hence the apparent time shift.
The documentation doesn't really specify when you need to call activate(). Presumably, though, it has to come before Django converts the string value in the request to the aware Python datetime in the form dictionary (or vice versa when sending a datetime). By the time form_valid() is called, the dictionary of field values is already populated with the Python datetime object.
The most common place to put activate() is in middleware (as in this example from the documentation), since that ensures that it comes before any view processing. Alternatively, if using generic class-based views like you are, you could put it in dispatch().

Form POST using Ajax doesn't populate database in Django, but gives success message

class AddFoo(BSModalCreateView):
template_name = 'qualitylabs/add_foo.html'
form_class = AddFooForm
success_message = 'Success: Foo was created'
success_url = reverse_lazy('Home')
class AddFooForm(BSModalModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Foo
fields = '__all__'
widgets = {
'part_number': PartNumberWidget,
'operation': OperationNumberWidget,
function sendToServer(machine, before, after) {
var modified_form_data = before + "&inspection_machine=" + encodeURIComponent(machine) + after
type: $('#AddFooForm').attr('method'),
url: $('#AddFooForm').attr('action'),
data: modified_form_data,
success: function (data) {
console.log('did it!!!!!')
I'm trying to post a form to the server, which should populate the database. I have to send it in Ajax because I have to iterate multiple times, changing variables each time (poorly set up database). The weirdest thing is that when I run the code, I get:
"POST /add_foo/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0
which is the same result that you get when the server responds properly. The page does not redirect to the success_url, and when I check the data in the admin page, the items have not been added. However, in the admin page I do get the success message of "Sucess: Foo was created"
Any ideas? It's quite strange.
I was copying off of some previous code that had used BSModalModelForm because they were using modal forms, but I wasn't. Once I changed it to CreateView it worked.

Testing AJAX in Django

I want to test an AJAX call in my Django app.
What is does is adding a product to a favorite list. But I can't find a way to test it.
def add(request):
data = {'success': False}
if request.method=='POST':
product = request.POST.get('product')
user = request.user
splitted = product.split(' ')
sub_product = Product.objects.get(pk=(splitted[1]))
original_product = Product.objects.get(pk=(splitted[0]))
p = SavedProduct(username= user, sub_product=sub_product, original_product = original_product)
data['success'] = True
return JsonResponse(data)
My html:
<form class="add_btn" method='post'>{% csrf_token %}
<button class='added btn' value= '{{ }} {{ }}' ><i class=' fas fa-save'></i></button
$(".row").on('click', ".added", function(event) {
let addedBtn = $(this);
var product = $(this).val();
var url = '/finder/add/';
url: url,
type: "POST",
'product': product,
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': $('input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').val()
success: function(data) {
if (data['success'])
The problem is that I pass '{{ }} {{ }}' into my views.
My test so far:
class Test_add_delete(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user= User.objects.create(username="Toto", email="") = Product.objects.create(
self.prod_2 = Product.objects.create(
brand=['belvita', 'lu', 'mondelez'],
def test_add(self):
old_saved_products = SavedProduct.objects.count()
user =
original_product =
sub_product =
response ='finder:add', args=(user,))), {
'product': original_product, sub,product })
new_saved_products = SavedProducts.objects.count()
self.assertEqual(new_saved_products, old_saved_products + 1)
My test is not running and I get a SyntaxError 'product': original_product, sub_product. I know it's not the proper way to write it but my AJAX send the two ids with a space in between to the view.
If all you want to do is test if the data was actually saved, instead of just returning data['success'] = True you can return the whole entire new object... That way you can get back the item you just created from your API, and see all the other fields that may have been auto-gen (ie date_created and so on). That's a common thing you'll see across many APIs.
Another way to test this on a Django level is just to use python debugger
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() right before your return and you can just see what p is.
The set_trace() will stop python and give you access to the code scope from the command line. So just type 'l' to see where you are, and type(and hit enter) anything else that's defined, ie p which will show you what p is. You can also type h for the help menue and read the docs here

How to update database after clicking on html element?

In my flask application, I have a points column in the database, which is initialized to 0 on user registration. Now, I want to be able to update the points in database after clicking an html element.
class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
points = db.Column(db.Integer)
def activity1():
return render_template('activity1.html', title='Activity 1')
Activity1.html has the point-generating html element
#bp.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
form = RegistrationForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
user.points = 0
<a data-toggle="collapse" class="w3-large" href="#tip4" onclick="getPoints()">...</a>
function getPoints(){
points += 20; #How do i access the database.points in this case?
I'm not sure if I understand the code correctly, but are you asking how to update the number of points from activity1.html in the last code snippet? That won't work, the HTML is rendered on the server and once presented to the browser, there's no link between the two.
If you need to pass some data to the template while rendering it, you have to pass it in the render_template call, e.g.
render_template('activity1.html', title='Activity 1', user=user)
Then you can access it in the template like this:
function getPoints(){
points = {{ user.points|int }} + 20;
// post to backend to update data in database (using jQuery)
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: {
id: "{{ }}",
points: points
dataType: 'json',
url: 'http://xxx/update_points',
success: function (e) {
// successful call
error: function(error) {
// an error occured
If you then want to update the user points in the database, you'll have to make a request to the server, which will take care of this. On the server side in Flask, define a view to handle this request:
#bp.route('/update_points', methods=['POST'])
def update_points():
data = request.get_json()
# don't know exactly what's the model and how to get the 'user' instance
user = User.get_user_by_id(data['id'])
user.points = data['points']
Take it as an example code, I didn't test it and ommited quite a lot of details (e.g. how to get user instance in update_points etc.) Also, I might have missed what you are really asking for.

Manually dispatch a Django Class Based View

My application is very simple, it has a WeekArchiveView class based view:
class MenuWeekArchiveView(WeekArchiveView):
queryset = Menu.objects.all()
And its corresponding URL:
url(r'^(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/week/(?P<week>[0-9]+)/$', menu.views.MenuWeekArchiveView.as_view(), name="menu_week"),
I would like to have the home page of my application return the current week.
With old function based views, this was easy. I'd just have the home page return that function with the current week number as the arguments.
today =
current_week_number = today.isocalendar()[1]
current_year = today.year
return week_view(request, year=current_year, week=current_week_number)
A redirect wouldn't be acceptable because when someone bookmarks the page, they'll be bookmarking that week.
View.as_view() returns a proper view function you can use:
today =
current_week_number = today.isocalendar()[1]
current_year = today.year
return MenuWeekArchiveView.as_view()(request, year=current_year, week=current_week_number)