I am currently developing a class to work with big unsigned integers. However, I need incomplete functionality, namely:
bi_uint+=bi_uint - Already implemented. No complaints.
bi_uint*=std::uint_fast64_t - Already implemented. No complaints.
bi_uint/=std::uint_fast64_t - Implemented but works very slowly, also requires a type that is twice as wide as uint_fast64_t. In the test case, division was 35 times slower than multiplication
Next, I will give my implementation of division, which is based on a simple long division algorithm:
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
class bi_uint
using u64_t = std::uint_fast64_t;
constexpr static std::size_t u64_bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(u64_t);
using u128_t = unsigned __int128;
static_assert(sizeof(u128_t) >= sizeof(u64_t) * 2);
std::vector<u64_t> data;
//User should guarantee data.size()>0 and val>0
void self_div(const u64_t val)
auto it = data.rbegin();
if(data.size() == 1) {
*it /= val;
u128_t rem = 0;
if(*it < val) {
rem = *it++;
u128_t r = rem % val;
while(it != data.rend()) {
rem = (r << u64_bits) + *it;
const u128_t q = rem / val;
r = rem % val;
*it++ = static_cast<u64_t>(q);
You can see that the unsigned __int128 type was used, thefore, this option is not portable and is tied to a single compiler - GCC and also require x64 platform.
After reading the page about division algorithms, I feel the appropriate algorithm would be "Newton-Raphson division". However, the "Newton–Raphson division" algorithm seems complicated to me. I guess there is a simpler algorithm for dividing the type "big_uint/uint" that would have almost the same performance.
Q: How to fast divide a bi_uint into a u64_t?
I have about 10^6 iterations, each iteration uses all the operations listed
If this is easily achievable, then I would like to have portability and not use unsigned __int128. Otherwise, I prefer to abandon portability in favor of an easier way.
This is an academic project, I am not able to use third-party libraries.
Part 1 (See Part 2 below)
I managed to speedup your division code 5x times on my old laptop (and even 7.5x times on GodBolt servers) using Barrett Reduction, this is a technique that allows to replace single division by several multiplications and additions. Implemented whole code from sctracth just today.
If you want you can jump directly to code location at the end of my post, without reading long description, as code is fully runnable without any knowledge or dependency.
Code below is only for Intel x64, because I used Intel only instructions and only 64-bit variants of them. Sure it can be re-written for x32 too and for other processors, because Barrett algorithm is generic.
To explain whole Barrett Reduction in short pseudo-code I'll write it in Python as it is simplest language suitable for understandable pseudo-code:
# https://www.nayuki.io/page/barrett-reduction-algorithm
def BarrettR(n, s):
return (1 << s) // n
def BarrettDivMod(x, n, r, s):
q = (x * r) >> s
t = x - q * n
return (q, t) if t < n else (q + 1, t - n)
Basically in pseudo code above BarrettR() is done only single time for same divisor (you use same single-word divisor for whole big integer division). BarrettDivMod() is used each time when you want to make division or modulus operations, basically given input x and divisor n it returns tuple (x / n, x % n), nothing else, but does it faster than regular division instruction.
In below C++ code I implement same two functions of Barrett, but do some C++ specific optimizations to make it even more faster. Optimizations are possible due to fact that divisor n is always 64-bit, x is 128-bit but higher half is always smaller than n (last assumption happens because higher half in your big integer division is always a remainder modulus n).
Barrett algorithm works with divisor n that is NOT a power of 2, so divisors like 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... are not allowed. This trivial case of divisor you can cover just by doing right bit-shift of big integer, because dividing by power of 2 is just a bit-shift. Any other divisor is allowed, including even divisors that are not power of 2.
Also it is important to note that my BarrettDivMod() accepts ONLY dividend x that is strictly smaller than divisor * 2^64, in other words higher half of 128-bit dividend x should be smaller than divisor. This is always true in your case of your big integer divison function, as higher half is always a remainder modulus divisor. This rule for x should be checked by you, it is checked in my BarrettDivMod() only as DEBUG assertion that is removed in release.
You can notice that BarrettDivMod() has two big branches, these are two variants of same algorithm, first uses CLang/GCC only type unsigned __int128, second uses only 64-bit instructions and hence suitable for MSVC.
I tried to target three compilers CLang/GCC/MSVC, but some how MSVC version got only 2x faster with Barrett, while CLang/GCC are 5x faster. Maybe I did some bug in MSVC code.
You can see that I used your class bi_uint for time measurement of two versions of code - with regular divide and with Barrett. Important to note that I changed your code quite significantly, first to not use u128 (so that MSVC version compiles that has no u128), second not to modify data vector, so it does read only division and doesn't store final result (this read-only is needed for me to run speed tests very fast without copying data vector on each test iteration). So your code is broken in my snippet, it can't-be copy pasted to be used straight away, I only used your code for speed measurement.
Barrett reduction works faster not only because division is slower than multiplication, but also because multiplication and addition are both very well pipelined on moder CPUs, modern CPU can execute several mul or add instructions within one cycle, but only if these several mul/add don't depend on each other's result, in other words CPU can run several instructions in parallel within one cycle. As far as I know division can't be run in parallel, because there is only single module within CPU to make division, but still it is a bit pipelined, because after 50% of first division is done second division can be started in parallel at beginning of CPU pipeline.
On some computers you may notice that regular Divide version is much slower sometimes, this happens because CLang/GCC do fallback to library-based Soft implementation of Division even for 128 bit dividend. In this case my Barrett may show even 7-10x times speedup, as it doesn't use library functions.
To overcome issue described above, about Soft division, it is better to add Assembly code with usage of DIV instruction directly, or to find some Intrinsic function that implements this inside your compiler (I think CLang/GCC have such intrinsic). Also I can write this Assembly implementation if needed, just tell me in comments.
Update. As promised, implemented Assembly variant of 128 bit division for CLang/GCC, function UDiv128Asm(). After this change it is used as a main implementation for CLang/GCC 128 division instead of regular u128(a) / b. You may come back to regular u128 impementation by replacing #if 0 with #if 1 inside body of UDiv128() function.
Try it online!
#include <cstdint>
#include <bit>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <immintrin.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#define IS_MSVC 1
#define IS_MSVC 0
#include <intrin.h>
#define ASSERT_MSG(cond, msg) { if (!(cond)) throw std::runtime_error("Assertion (" #cond ") failed at line " + std::to_string(__LINE__) + "! Msg: '" + std::string(msg) + "'."); }
#define ASSERT(cond) ASSERT_MSG(cond, "")
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DASSERT_MSG(cond, msg) ASSERT_MSG(cond, msg)
#define DASSERT_MSG(cond, msg)
#define DASSERT(cond) DASSERT_MSG(cond, "")
using u16 = uint16_t;
using u32 = uint32_t;
using i64 = int64_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;
using UllPtr = unsigned long long *;
inline int GetExp(double x) {
return int((std::bit_cast<uint64_t>(x) >> 52) & 0x7FF) - 1023;
inline size_t BitSizeWrong(uint64_t x) {
return x == 0 ? 0 : (GetExp(x) + 1);
inline size_t BitSize(u64 x) {
size_t r = 0;
if (x >= (u64(1) << 32)) {
x >>= 32;
r += 32;
while (x >= 0x100) {
x >>= 8;
r += 8;
while (x) {
x >>= 1;
return r;
#if !IS_MSVC
inline u64 UDiv128Asm(u64 h, u64 l, u64 d, u64 * r) {
u64 q;
asm (R"(
mov rdx, %V[h]
mov rax, %V[l]
div %V[d]
mov %V[r], rdx
mov %V[q], rax
: [q] "=r" (q), [r] "=r" (*r)
: [h] "r" (h), [l] "r" (l), [d] "r" (d)
: "rax", "rdx"
return q;
inline std::pair<u64, u64> UDiv128(u64 hi, u64 lo, u64 d) {
u64 r, q = _udiv128(hi, lo, d, &r);
return std::make_pair(q, r);
#if 0
using u128 = unsigned __int128;
auto const dnd = (u128(hi) << 64) | lo;
return std::make_pair(u64(dnd / d), u64(dnd % d));
u64 r, q = UDiv128Asm(hi, lo, d, &r);
return std::make_pair(q, r);
inline std::pair<u64, u64> UMul128(u64 a, u64 b) {
u64 hi, lo = _umul128(a, b, &hi);
return std::make_pair(hi, lo);
using u128 = unsigned __int128;
auto const x = u128(a) * b;
return std::make_pair(u64(x >> 64), u64(x));
inline std::pair<u64, u64> USub128(u64 a_hi, u64 a_lo, u64 b_hi, u64 b_lo) {
u64 r_hi, r_lo;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, a_lo, b_lo, (UllPtr)&r_lo), a_hi, b_hi, (UllPtr)&r_hi);
return std::make_pair(r_hi, r_lo);
inline std::pair<u64, u64> UAdd128(u64 a_hi, u64 a_lo, u64 b_hi, u64 b_lo) {
u64 r_hi, r_lo;
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, a_lo, b_lo, (UllPtr)&r_lo), a_hi, b_hi, (UllPtr)&r_hi);
return std::make_pair(r_hi, r_lo);
inline int UCmp128(u64 a_hi, u64 a_lo, u64 b_hi, u64 b_lo) {
if (a_hi != b_hi)
return a_hi < b_hi ? -1 : 1;
return a_lo == b_lo ? 0 : a_lo < b_lo ? -1 : 1;
std::pair<u64, size_t> BarrettRS64(u64 n) {
// https://www.nayuki.io/page/barrett-reduction-algorithm
ASSERT_MSG(n >= 3 && (n & (n - 1)) != 0, "n " + std::to_string(n))
size_t const nbits = BitSize(n);
// 2^s = q * n + r; 2^s = (2^64 + q0) * n + r; 2^s - n * 2^64 = q0 * n + r
u64 const dnd_hi = (nbits >= 64 ? 0ULL : (u64(1) << nbits)) - n;
auto const q0 = UDiv128(dnd_hi, 0, n).first;
return std::make_pair(q0, nbits);
template <bool Use128 = true, bool Adjust = true>
std::pair<u64, u64> BarrettDivMod64(u64 x_hi, u64 x_lo, u64 n, u64 r, size_t s) {
// ((x_hi * 2^64 + x_lo) * (2^64 + r)) >> (64 + s)
DASSERT(x_hi < n);
#if !IS_MSVC
if constexpr(Use128) {
using u128 = unsigned __int128;
u128 const xf = (u128(x_hi) << 64) | x_lo;
u64 q = u64((u128(x_hi) * r + xf + u64((u128(x_lo) * r) >> 64)) >> s);
if (s < 64) {
u64 t = x_lo - q * n;
if constexpr(Adjust) {
u64 const mask = ~u64(i64(t - n) >> 63);
q += mask & 1;
t -= mask & n;
return std::make_pair(q, t);
} else {
u128 t = xf - u128(q) * n;
return t < n ? std::make_pair(q, u64(t)) : std::make_pair(q + 1, u64(t) - n);
} else
auto const w1a = UMul128(x_lo, r).first;
auto const [w2b, w1b] = UMul128(x_hi, r);
auto const w2c = x_hi, w1c = x_lo;
u64 w1, w2 = _addcarry_u64(0, w1a, w1b, (UllPtr)&w1);
w2 += _addcarry_u64(0, w1, w1c, (UllPtr)&w1);
w2 += w2b + w2c;
if (s < 64) {
u64 q = (w2 << (64 - s)) | (w1 >> s);
u64 t = x_lo - q * n;
if constexpr(Adjust) {
u64 const mask = ~u64(i64(t - n) >> 63);
q += mask & 1;
t -= mask & n;
return std::make_pair(q, t);
} else {
u64 const q = w2;
auto const [b_hi, b_lo] = UMul128(q, n);
auto const [t_hi, t_lo] = USub128(x_hi, x_lo, b_hi, b_lo);
return t_hi != 0 || t_lo >= n ? std::make_pair(q + 1, t_lo - n) : std::make_pair(q, t_lo);
#include <random>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
void TestBarrett() {
std::mt19937_64 rng{123}; //{std::random_device{}()};
for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << 11); ++i) {
size_t const nbits = rng() % 63 + 2;
u64 n = 0;
do {
n = (u64(1) << (nbits - 1)) + rng() % (u64(1) << (nbits - 1));
} while (!(n >= 3 && (n & (n - 1)) != 0));
auto const [br, bs] = BarrettRS64(n);
for (size_t j = 0; j < (1 << 6); ++j) {
u64 const hi = rng() % n, lo = rng();
auto const [ref_q, ref_r] = UDiv128(hi, lo, n);
u64 bar_q = 0, bar_r = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
bar_q = 0; bar_r = 0;
if (k == 0)
std::tie(bar_q, bar_r) = BarrettDivMod64<true>(hi, lo, n, br, bs);
std::tie(bar_q, bar_r) = BarrettDivMod64<false>(hi, lo, n, br, bs);
ASSERT_MSG(bar_q == ref_q && bar_r == ref_r, "i " + std::to_string(i) + ", j " + std::to_string(j) + ", k " + std::to_string(k) +
", nbits " + std::to_string(nbits) + ", n " + std::to_string(n) + ", bar_q " + std::to_string(bar_q) +
", ref_q " + std::to_string(ref_q) + ", bar_r " + std::to_string(bar_r) + ", ref_r " + std::to_string(ref_r));
class bi_uint
using u64_t = std::uint64_t;
constexpr static std::size_t u64_bits = 8 * sizeof(u64_t);
std::vector<u64_t> data;
static auto constexpr DefPrep = [](auto n){
return std::make_pair(false, false);
static auto constexpr DefDivMod = [](auto dnd_hi, auto dnd_lo, auto dsr, auto const & prep){
return UDiv128(dnd_hi, dnd_lo, dsr);
//User should guarantee data.size()>0 and val>0
template <typename PrepT = decltype(DefPrep), typename DivModT = decltype(DefDivMod)>
void self_div(const u64_t val, PrepT const & Prep = DefPrep, DivModT const & DivMod = DefDivMod)
auto it = data.rbegin();
if(data.size() == 1) {
*it /= val;
u64_t rem_hi = 0, rem_lo = 0;
if(*it < val) {
rem_lo = *it++;
auto const prep = Prep(val);
u64_t r = rem_lo % val;
u64_t q = 0;
while(it != data.rend()) {
rem_hi = r;
rem_lo = *it;
std::tie(q, r) = DivMod(rem_hi, rem_lo, val, prep);
//*it++ = static_cast<u64_t>(q);
auto volatile out = static_cast<u64_t>(q);
void TestSpeed() {
auto Time = []{
static auto const gtb = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - gtb).count();
std::mt19937_64 rng{123};
std::vector<u64> limbs, divisors;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << 17); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << 8); ++i) {
size_t const nbits = rng() % 63 + 2;
u64 n = 0;
do {
n = (u64(1) << (nbits - 1)) + rng() % (u64(1) << (nbits - 1));
} while (!(n >= 3 && (n & (n - 1)) != 0));
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3);
double div_time = 0;
bi_uint x;
x.data = limbs;
auto const tim = Time();
for (auto dsr: divisors)
div_time = Time() - tim;
std::cout << "Divide time " << div_time << " sec" << std::endl;
bi_uint x;
x.data = limbs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (IS_MSVC && i == 0)
auto const tim = Time();
for (auto dsr: divisors)
x.self_div(dsr, [](auto n){ return BarrettRS64(n); },
[i](auto dnd_hi, auto dnd_lo, auto dsr, auto const & prep){
return i == 0 ? BarrettDivMod64<true>(dnd_hi, dnd_lo, dsr, prep.first, prep.second) :
BarrettDivMod64<false>(dnd_hi, dnd_lo, dsr, prep.first, prep.second);
double const bar_time = Time() - tim;
std::cout << "Barrett" << (i == 0 ? "128" : "64 ") << " time " << bar_time << " sec, boost " << div_time / bar_time << std::endl;
int main() {
try {
return 0;
} catch (std::exception const & ex) {
std::cout << "Exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
Divide time 3.171 sec
Barrett128 time 0.675 sec, boost 4.695
Barrett64 time 0.642 sec, boost 4.937
Part 2
As you have a very interesting question, after few days when I first published this post, I decided to implement from scratch all big integer math.
Below code implements math operations +, -, *, /, <<, >> for natural big numbers (positive integers), and +, -, *, / for floating big numbers. Both types of numbers are of arbitrary size (even millions of bits). Besides those as you requested, I fully implemented Newton-Raphson (both square and cubic variants) and Goldschmidt fast division algorithms.
Here is code snippet only for Newton-Raphson/Golschmidt functions, remaining code as it is very large is linked below on external server:
BigFloat & DivNewtonRaphsonSquare(BigFloat b) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_algorithm#Newton%E2%80%93Raphson_division
auto a = *this;
a.exp_ += b.SetScale(0);
if (b.sign_) {
a.sign_ = !a.sign_;
b.sign_ = false;
thread_local BigFloat two, c_48_17, c_32_17;
thread_local size_t static_prec = 0;
if (static_prec != BigFloat::prec_) {
two = 2;
c_48_17 = BigFloat(48) / BigFloat(17);
c_32_17 = BigFloat(32) / BigFloat(17);
static_prec = BigFloat::prec_;
BigFloat x = c_48_17 - c_32_17 * b;
for (size_t i = 0, num_iters = std::ceil(std::log2(double(static_prec + 1)
/ std::log2(17.0))) + 0.1; i < num_iters; ++i)
x = x * (two - b * x);
*this = a * x;
return BitNorm();
BigFloat & DivNewtonRaphsonCubic(BigFloat b) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_algorithm#Newton%E2%80%93Raphson_division
auto a = *this;
a.exp_ += b.SetScale(0);
if (b.sign_) {
a.sign_ = !a.sign_;
b.sign_ = false;
thread_local BigFloat one, c_140_33, c_m64_11, c_256_99;
thread_local size_t static_prec = 0;
if (static_prec != BigFloat::prec_) {
one = 1;
c_140_33 = BigFloat(140) / BigFloat(33);
c_m64_11 = BigFloat(-64) / BigFloat(11);
c_256_99 = BigFloat(256) / BigFloat(99);
static_prec = BigFloat::prec_;
BigFloat e, y, x = c_140_33 + b * (c_m64_11 + b * c_256_99);
for (size_t i = 0, num_iters = std::ceil(std::log2(double(static_prec + 1)
/ std::log2(99.0)) / std::log2(3.0)) + 0.1; i < num_iters; ++i) {
e = one - b * x;
y = x * e;
x = x + y + y * e;
*this = a * x;
return BitNorm();
BigFloat & DivGoldschmidt(BigFloat b) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_algorithm#Goldschmidt_division
auto a = *this;
a.exp_ += b.SetScale(0);
if (b.sign_) {
a.sign_ = !a.sign_;
b.sign_ = false;
BigFloat one = 1, two = 2, f;
for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) {
f = two - b;
a *= f;
b *= f;
if (i % 3 == 0 && (one - b).GetScale() < -i64(prec_) + i64(bit_sizeof(Word)))
*this = a;
return BitNorm();
See Output: below, it will show that Newton-Raphson and Goldschmidt methods are actually 10x times slower than regular School-grade (called Reference in output) algorithm. Between each other these 3 advanced algorithms are about same speed. Probably Raphson/Goldschmidt could be faster if to use Fast Fourier Transform for multiplication, because multiplication of two large numbers takes 95% of time of these algorithms. In code below all results of Raphson/Goldschmidt algorithms are not only time-measured but also checked for correctness of results compared to School-grade (Reference) algorithm (see diff 2^... in console output, this shows how large is difference of result compared to school grade).
FULL SOURCE CODE HERE. Full code is so huge that it didn't fit into this StackOverflow due to SO limit of 30 000 characters per post, although I wrote this code from scracth specifically for this post. That's why providing external download link (PasteBin server), also click Try it online! linke below, it is same copy of code that is run live on GodBolt's linux servers:
Try it online!
========== 1 K bits ==========
Reference 0.000029 sec
Raphson2 0.000066 sec, boost 0.440x, diff 2^-8192
Raphson3 0.000092 sec, boost 0.317x, diff 2^-8192
Goldschmidt 0.000080 sec, boost 0.365x, diff 2^-1022
========== 2 K bits ==========
Reference 0.000071 sec
Raphson2 0.000177 sec, boost 0.400x, diff 2^-16384
Raphson3 0.000283 sec, boost 0.250x, diff 2^-16384
Goldschmidt 0.000388 sec, boost 0.182x, diff 2^-2046
========== 4 K bits ==========
Reference 0.000319 sec
Raphson2 0.000875 sec, boost 0.365x, diff 2^-4094
Raphson3 0.001122 sec, boost 0.285x, diff 2^-32768
Goldschmidt 0.000881 sec, boost 0.362x, diff 2^-32768
========== 8 K bits ==========
Reference 0.000484 sec
Raphson2 0.002281 sec, boost 0.212x, diff 2^-65536
Raphson3 0.002341 sec, boost 0.207x, diff 2^-65536
Goldschmidt 0.002432 sec, boost 0.199x, diff 2^-8189
========== 16 K bits ==========
Reference 0.001199 sec
Raphson2 0.009042 sec, boost 0.133x, diff 2^-16382
Raphson3 0.009519 sec, boost 0.126x, diff 2^-131072
Goldschmidt 0.009047 sec, boost 0.133x, diff 2^-16380
========== 32 K bits ==========
Reference 0.004311 sec
Raphson2 0.039151 sec, boost 0.110x, diff 2^-32766
Raphson3 0.041058 sec, boost 0.105x, diff 2^-262144
Goldschmidt 0.045517 sec, boost 0.095x, diff 2^-32764
========== 64 K bits ==========
Reference 0.016273 sec
Raphson2 0.165656 sec, boost 0.098x, diff 2^-524288
Raphson3 0.210301 sec, boost 0.077x, diff 2^-65535
Goldschmidt 0.208081 sec, boost 0.078x, diff 2^-65534
========== 128 K bits ==========
Reference 0.059469 sec
Raphson2 0.725865 sec, boost 0.082x, diff 2^-1048576
Raphson3 0.735530 sec, boost 0.081x, diff 2^-1048576
Goldschmidt 0.703991 sec, boost 0.084x, diff 2^-131069
========== 256 K bits ==========
Reference 0.326368 sec
Raphson2 3.007454 sec, boost 0.109x, diff 2^-2097152
Raphson3 2.977631 sec, boost 0.110x, diff 2^-2097152
Goldschmidt 3.363632 sec, boost 0.097x, diff 2^-262141
========== 512 K bits ==========
Reference 1.138663 sec
Raphson2 12.827783 sec, boost 0.089x, diff 2^-524287
Raphson3 13.799401 sec, boost 0.083x, diff 2^-524287
Goldschmidt 15.836072 sec, boost 0.072x, diff 2^-524286
On most of the modern CPUs, division is indeed much slower than multiplication.
Referring to
That on Intel Skylake an MUL/IMUL has a latency of 3-4 cycles; while an DIV/IDIV could take 26-90 cycles; which is 7 - 23 times slower than MUL; so your initial benchmark result isn't really a surprise.
If you happen to be on x86 CPU, as showing in the answer below, if this is indeed the bottleneck you could try to utilize AVX/SSE instructions. Basically you'd need to rely on special instructions than a general one like DIV/IDIV.
How to divide a __m256i vector by an integer variable?
A real world third party API takes a parameter of type fraction which is a struct of an int numerator and denominator. The value that I need to pass is known to me as a decimal string that is converted to a double.
The range of possible values are, let's say 10K to 300M but if there is a fraction part after the decimal point, it's significant.
I have here code for two approximation approaches, one uses the extended euclidean algorithm while the other is brute-force. Both methods find a rational approximation using int types for a given double.
The brute-force is of course the more accurate of the two and is actually faster when the converted numbers are large. My questions is, can I say anything clever about the quality of the approximation using the euclidean algorithm.
More formally, can I put a bound on the approximation using the euclidean algorithm vs. the approximation of the brute-force algorithm (which I believe to be optimal).
An example for a bound:
If the error of the optimal approximation is r, then the euclidean algorithm approximation would produce an error that is less than 2*r.
(I'm not claiming this is the bound and I certainly can't prove it, it's just an example for what a good bound may look like).
Here's the code an a test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
// extended euclidian algorithm
// finds the coefficients that produce the gcd
// in u, we store m,n the coefficients that produce m*a - n*b == gcd.
// in v, we store m,n the coefficients that produce m*a - n*b == 0.
// breaks early if the coefficients become larger than INT_MAX
int gcd_e(uint64_t a, int b, int u[2], int v[2])
auto w = lldiv(a, b);
// u[0] * a' - u[1] * b' == a
// v[0] * a' - v[1] * b' == b
// a - w.quot * b == w.rem
// (u[0] * a' - u[1] * b') - w.quot * (v[0] * a' - v[1] * b') == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' - u[1] * b' + w.quot * v[1] * b' == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' + (w.quot * v[1] - u[1]) * b' == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' - (u[1] - w.quot * v[1]) * b' == w.rem
auto m = u[0] - w.quot * v[0];
auto n = u[1] - w.quot * v[1];
u[0] = v[0];
u[1] = v[1];
constexpr auto L = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (m > L || n > L)
throw 0; // break early
if (m < -L || n < -L)
throw 0; // break early
v[0] = int(m);
v[1] = int(n);
if (w.rem == 0)
return b;
return gcd_e(b, int(w.rem), u, v);
inline double helper_pre(double d, bool* negative, bool* inverse)
bool v = (d < 0);
*negative = v;
if (v)
d = -d;
v = (d < 1);
*inverse = v;
if (v)
d = 1 / d;
return d;
inline void helper_post(int* m, int* n, bool negative, bool inverse)
if (inverse)
std::swap(*n, *m);
if (negative)
*n = -(*n);
// gets a rational approximation for double d
// numerator is stored in n
// denominator is stored in m
void approx(double d, int* n, int *m)
int u[] = { 1, 0 }; // 1*a - 0*b == a
int v[] = { 0, -1 }; // 0*a - (-1)*b == b
bool negative, inverse;
d = helper_pre(d, &negative, &inverse);
constexpr int q = 1 << 30;
auto round_d = std::round(d);
if (d == round_d)
// nothing to do, it's an integer.
v[1] = int(d);
v[0] = 1;
else try
uint64_t k = uint64_t(std::round(d*q));
gcd_e(k, q, u, v);
catch (...)
// OK if we got here.
// int limits
// get the approximate numerator and denominator
auto nn = v[1];
auto mm = v[0];
// make them positive
if (mm < 0)
mm = -mm;
nn = -nn;
helper_post(&mm, &nn, negative, inverse);
*m = mm;
*n = nn;
// helper to test a denominator
// returns the magnitude of the error
double helper_rattest(double x, int tryDenom, int* numerator)
double r = x * tryDenom;
double rr = std::round(r);
auto num = int(rr);
auto err = std::abs(r - rr) / tryDenom;
*numerator = num;
return err;
// helper to reduce the rational number
int gcd(int a, int b)
auto c = a % b;
if (c == 0)
return b;
return gcd(b, int(c));
// gets a rational approximation for double d
// numerator is stored in n
// denominator is stored in m
// uses brute force by scanning denominator range
void approx_brute(double d, int* n, int* m)
bool negative, inverse;
d = helper_pre(d, &negative, &inverse);
int upto = int(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / d);
int bestNumerator;
int bestDenominator = 1;
auto bestErr = helper_rattest(d, 1, &bestNumerator);
for (int kk = 2; kk < upto; ++kk)
int n;
auto e = helper_rattest(d, kk, &n);
if (e < bestErr)
bestErr = e;
bestNumerator = n;
bestDenominator = kk;
if (bestErr == 0)
// reduce, just in case
auto g = gcd(bestNumerator, bestDenominator);
bestNumerator /= g;
bestDenominator /= g;
helper_post(&bestDenominator, &bestNumerator, negative, inverse);
*n = bestNumerator;
*m = bestDenominator;
int main()
int n, m;
auto re = std::default_random_engine();
std::random_device rd;
for (auto& u : {
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(10000, 15000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(100000, 150000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(200000, 250000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(400000, 450000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(800000, 850000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(1000000, 1500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(2000000, 2500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(4000000, 4500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(8000000, 8500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(10000000, 15000000)
auto dd = u(re);
std::cout << "approx: " << std::setprecision(14) << dd << std::endl;
auto before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
approx_brute(dd, &n, &m);
auto after = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << n << " / " << m << " dur: " << (after - before).count() << std::endl;
before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
approx(dd, &n, &m);
after = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << n << " / " << m << " dur: " << (after - before).count()
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
Here's some sample output:
approx: 13581.807792679
374722077 / 27590 dur: 3131300
374722077 / 27590 dur: 15000
approx: 103190.31976517
263651267 / 2555 dur: 418700
263651267 / 2555 dur: 6300
approx: 223753.78683426
1726707973 / 7717 dur: 190100
1726707973 / 7717 dur: 5800
approx: 416934.79214075
1941665327 / 4657 dur: 102100
403175944 / 967 dur: 5700
approx: 824300.61241502
1088901109 / 1321 dur: 51900
1088901109 / 1321 dur: 5900
approx: 1077460.29557
1483662827 / 1377 dur: 39600
1483662827 / 1377 dur: 5600
approx: 2414781.364653
1079407270 / 447 dur: 17900
1079407270 / 447 dur: 7300
approx: 4189869.294816
1776504581 / 424 dur: 10600
1051657193 / 251 dur: 9900
approx: 8330270.2432111
308219999 / 37 dur: 5400
308219999 / 37 dur: 10300
approx: 11809264.006453
1830435921 / 155 dur: 4000
1830435921 / 155 dur: 10500
Thanks to all who commented and drew my attention to the concept of continued fractions.
According to this paper by (William F. Hammond)
There is equivalence between the euclidean algorithm and the continued fractions method.
The sub-optimal results are due to the fact that the numerator is constrained as well as the denominator so if the non brute force algorithm only produces "convergents" it means that it neglects the range of denominators between the first convergent to violate the constraints and the one just before it.
The denominators after the returned convergent and the one that follows may approximate close to the latter convergent and the difference between subsequent convergents can be shown to be:
So I suppose this would be the bound on the difference between the brute-force and the euclidean algorithm. The ratio of the error between them can be practically anything.
(can find examples of error ratios of more than 100 easily)
I hope I read everything correctly. I'm no authority on this.
I've been trying to write a function to approximate an the value of an integral using the Composite Simpson's Rule.
template <typename func_type>
double simp_rule(double a, double b, int n, func_type f){
int i = 1; double area = 0;
double n2 = n;
double h = (b-a)/(n2-1), x=a;
while(i <= n){
area = area + f(x)*pow(2,i%2 + 1)*h/3;
area -= (f(a) * h/3);
area -= (f(b) * h/3);
return area;
What I do is multiply each value of the function by either 2 or 4 (and h/3) with pow(2,i%2 + 1) and subtract off the edges as these should only have a weight of 1.
At first, I thought it worked just fine, however, when I compared it to my Trapezoidal Method function it was way more inaccurate which shouldn't be the case.
This is a simpler version of a code I previously wrote which had the same problem, I thought that if I cleaned it up a little the problem would go away, but alas. From another post, I get the idea that there's something going on with the types and the operations I'm doing on them which results in loss of precision, but I just don't see it.
For completeness, I was running it for e^x from 1 to zero
\\function to be approximated
double f(double x){ double a = exp(x); return a; }
int main() {
int n = 11; //this method works best for odd values of n
double e = exp(1);
double exact = e-1; //value of integral of e^x from 0 to 1
cout << simp_rule(0,1,n,f) - exact;
The Simpson's Rule uses this approximation to estimate a definite integral:
So that there are n + 1 equally spaced sample points xi.
In the posted code, the parameter n passed to the function appears to be the number of points where the function is sampled (while in the previous formula n is the number of intervals, that's not a problem).
The (constant) distance between the points is calculated correctly
double h = (b - a) / (n - 1);
The while loop used to sum the weighted contributes of all the points iterates from x = a up to a point with an ascissa close to b, but probably not exactly b, due to rounding errors. This implies that the last calculated value of f, f(x_n), may be slightly different from the expected f(b).
This is nothing, though, compared to the error caused by the fact that those end points are summed inside the loop with the starting weight of 4 and then subtracted after the loop with weight 1, while all the inner points have their weight switched. As a matter of fact, this is what the code calculates:
Also, using
pow(2, i%2 + 1)
To generate the sequence 4, 2, 4, 2, ..., 4 is a waste, in terms of efficency, and may add (depending on the implementation) other unnecessary rounding errors.
The following algorithm shows how to obtain the same (fixed) result, without a call to that library function.
template <typename func_type>
double simpson_rule(double a, double b,
int n, // Number of intervals
func_type f)
double h = (b - a) / n;
// Internal sample points, there should be n - 1 of them
double sum_odds = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2)
sum_odds += f(a + i * h);
double sum_evens = 0.0;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i += 2)
sum_evens += f(a + i * h);
return (f(a) + f(b) + 2 * sum_evens + 4 * sum_odds) * h / 3;
Note that this function requires the number of intervals (e.g. use 10 instead of 11 to obtain the same results of OP's function) to be passed, not the number of points.
Testable here.
The above excellent and accepted solution could benefit from liberal use of std::fma() and templatize on the floating point type.
#include <cmath>
template <typename fptype, typename func_type>
double simpson_rule(fptype a, fptype b,
int n, // Number of intervals
func_type f)
fptype h = (b - a) / n;
// Internal sample points, there should be n - 1 of them
fptype sum_odds = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2)
sum_odds += f(std::fma(i,h,a));
fptype sum_evens = 0.0;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i += 2)
sum_evens += f(std::fma(i,h,a);
return (std::fma(2,sum_evens,f(a)) +
std::fma(4,sum_odds,f(b))) * h / 3;
I was trying to optimize following code (sum of squared differences for two arrays):
inline float Square(float value)
return value*value;
float SquaredDifferenceSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t size)
float sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
sum += Square(a[i] - b[i]);
return sum;
So I performed optimization with using of SSE instructions of CPU:
inline void SquaredDifferenceSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t i, __m128 & sum)
__m128 _a = _mm_loadu_ps(a + i);
__m128 _b = _mm_loadu_ps(b + i);
__m128 _d = _mm_sub_ps(_a, _b);
sum = _mm_add_ps(sum, _mm_mul_ps(_d, _d));
inline float ExtractSum(__m128 a)
float _a[4];
_mm_storeu_ps(_a, a);
return _a[0] + _a[1] + _a[2] + _a[3];
float SquaredDifferenceSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t size)
size_t i = 0, alignedSize = size/4*4;
__m128 sums = _mm_setzero_ps();
for(; i < alignedSize; i += 4)
SquaredDifferenceSum(a, b, i, sums);
float sum = ExtractSum(sums);
for(; i < size; ++i)
sum += Square(a[i] - b[i]);
return sum;
This code works fine if the size of the arrays is not too large.
But if the size is big enough then there is a large computing error between results given by base function and its optimized version.
And so I have a question: Where is here a bug in SSE optimized code, which leads to the computing error.
The error follows from finite precision floating point numbers.
Each addition of two floating point numbers is has an computing error proportional to difference between them.
In your scalar version of algorithm the resulting sum is much greater then each term (if size of arrays is big enough of course).
So it leads to accumulation of big computing error.
In the SSE version of algorithm actually there is four sums for results accumulation. And difference between these sums and each term is lesser in four times relative to scalar code.
So this leads to the lesser computing error.
There are two ways to solve this error:
1) Using of floating point numbers of double precision for accumulating sum.
2) Using of the the Kahan summation algorithm (also known as compensated summation) which significantly reduces the numerical error in the total obtained by adding a sequence of finite precision floating point numbers, compared to the obvious approach.
With using of Kahan summation algorithm your scalar code will look like:
inline void KahanSum(float value, float & sum, float & correction)
float term = value - correction;
float temp = sum + term;
correction = (temp - sum) - term;
sum = temp;
float SquaredDifferenceKahanSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t size)
float sum = 0, correction = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
KahanSum(Square(a[i] - b[i]), sum, correction);
return sum;
And SSE optimized code will look as follow:
inline void SquaredDifferenceKahanSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t i,
__m128 & sum, __m128 & correction)
__m128 _a = _mm_loadu_ps(a + i);
__m128 _b = _mm_loadu_ps(b + i);
__m128 _d = _mm_sub_ps(_a, _b);
__m128 term = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_d, _d), correction);
__m128 temp = _mm_add_ps(sum, term);
correction = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_sub_ps(temp, sum), term);
sum = temp;
float SquaredDifferenceKahanSum(const float * a, const float * b, size_t size)
size_t i = 0, alignedSize = size/4*4;
__m128 sums = _mm_setzero_ps(), corrections = _mm_setzero_ps();
for(; i < alignedSize; i += 4)
SquaredDifferenceKahanSum(a, b, i, sums, corrections);
float sum = ExtractSum(sums), correction = 0;
for(; i < size; ++i)
KahanSum(Square(a[i] - b[i]), sum, correction);
return sum;
I tried to enable vectorization of an often-used function to improve the performance.
The algorithm should do the following and is called ~4.000.000 times!
Input: double* cellvalue
Output: int8* Output (8 bit integer, c++ char)
if (cellvalue > upper_threshold )
*output = 1;
else if (cellvalue < lower_threshold)
*output = -1;
*output = 0;
My first vectorization approach to compute 2 doubles in parallel looks like:
__m128d lowerThresh = _mm_set1_pd(m_lowerThreshold);
__m128d upperThresh = _mm_set1_pd(m_upperThreshold);
__m128d vec = _mm_load_pd(cellvalue);
__m128d maskLower = _mm_cmplt_pd(vec, lowerThresh); // less than
__m128d maskUpper = _mm_cmpgt_pd(vec, upperThresh); // greater than
static const tInt8 negOne = -1;
static const tInt8 posOne = 1;
output[0] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower.m128d_f64[0])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper.m128d_f64[0]));
output[1] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower.m128d_f64[1])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper.m128d_f64[1]));
Does this make sense to you? It works, but I think the last part to create the output is very complicated. Is there any faster method to do this?
Also I tried to compute 8 values at once with nearly the same code. Will this perform better? Does the order of instructions make sense?
__m128d lowerThresh = _mm_set1_pd(m_lowerThreshold);
__m128d upperThresh = _mm_set1_pd(m_upperThreshold);
// load 4 times
__m128d vec0 = _mm_load_pd(cellValue);
__m128d vec1 = _mm_load_pd(cellValue + 2);
__m128d vec2 = _mm_load_pd(cellValue + 4);
__m128d vec3 = _mm_load_pd(cellValue + 6);
__m128d maskLower0 = _mm_cmplt_pd(vec0, lowerThresh); // less than
__m128d maskLower1 = _mm_cmplt_pd(vec1, lowerThresh); // less than
__m128d maskLower2 = _mm_cmplt_pd(vec2, lowerThresh); // less than
__m128d maskLower3 = _mm_cmplt_pd(vec3, lowerThresh); // less than
__m128d maskUpper0 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(vec0, upperThresh); // greater than
__m128d maskUpper1 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(vec1, upperThresh); // greater than
__m128d maskUpper2 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(vec2, upperThresh); // greater than
__m128d maskUpper3 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(vec3, upperThresh); // greater than
static const tInt8 negOne = -1;
static const tInt8 posOne = 1;
output[0] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower0.m128d_f64[0])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper0.m128d_f64[0]));
output[1] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower0.m128d_f64[1])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper0.m128d_f64[1]));
output[2] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower1.m128d_f64[0])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper1.m128d_f64[0]));
output[3] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower1.m128d_f64[1])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper1.m128d_f64[1]));
output[4] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower2.m128d_f64[0])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper2.m128d_f64[0]));
output[5] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower2.m128d_f64[1])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper2.m128d_f64[1]));
output[6] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower3.m128d_f64[0])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper3.m128d_f64[0]));
output[7] = (negOne & *((tInt8*)&maskLower3.m128d_f64[1])) | (posOne & *((tInt8*)&maskUpper3.m128d_f64[1]));
Hopefully you can help me to understand the vectorization thing a bit better ;)
_mm_cmplt_pd and _mm_cmpgt_pd produce a result that is already either 0 or -1; anding it with -1 does nothing, and anding it with 1 is equivalent to negating it. Thus, if upper_threshold > lower_threshold (so that both conditions are never true), you can just write*:
_mm_storeu_si128(output, _mm_sub_epi64(maskLower, maskUpper));
(*) it's unclear what an "int8" is in your code; that's not a standard type in C++. It could be an 8-byte int, which is the behavior I've used here. If it's an 8-bit int instead, you'll want to pack up a bunch of results to store together.
Questioner clarifies that they intend int8 to be an 8-bit integer. In that case, you can do the following for a quick implementation:
__m128i result = _mm_sub_epi64(maskLower, maskUpper)
output[0] = result.m128i_i64[0]; // .m128i_i64 is an oddball MSVC-ism, so
output[1] = result.m128i_i64[1]; // I'm not 100% sure about the syntax here.
but you may also want to try packing eight result vectors together and store them with a single store operation.
If you change the code not to branch, then a modern compiler will do the vectorization for you.
Here's the test I ran:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
typedef double Scalar;
typedef int8_t Integer;
const Scalar kUpperThreshold = .5;
const Scalar kLowerThreshold = .2;
void compute_comparisons1(int n, const Scalar* xs, Integer* ys) {
#pragma simd
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
Scalar x = xs[i];
ys[i] = (x > kUpperThreshold) - (x < kLowerThreshold);
void compute_comparisons2(int n, const Scalar* xs, Integer* ys) {
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
Scalar x = xs[i];
Integer& y = ys[i];
if (x > kUpperThreshold)
y = 1;
else if(x < kLowerThreshold)
y = -1;
y = 0;
const int N = 4000000;
auto random_generator = std::mt19937{0};
int main() {
std::vector<Scalar> xs(N);
std::vector<Integer> ys1(N);
std::vector<Integer> ys2(N);
std::uniform_real_distribution<Scalar> dist(0, 1);
for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
xs[i] = dist(random_generator);
auto time0 = Clock::now();
compute_comparisons1(N, xs.data(), ys1.data());
auto time1 = Clock::now();
compute_comparisons2(N, xs.data(), ys2.data());
auto time2 = Clock::now();
std::cout << "v1: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(time1 - time0).count() << "\n";
std::cout << "v2: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(time2 - time1).count() << "\n";
for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
if (ys1[i] != ys2[i]) {
std::cout << "Error!\n";
return -1;
return 0;
If you compile with a recent version of gcc (I used 4.8.3) and use the flags "-O3 -std=c++11 -march=native -S", you can verify by looking at the assembly that it vectorizes the code. And it runs much faster (3 milliseconds vs 16 milliseconds on my machine.)
Also, I'm not sure what your requirements are; but if you can live with less precision, then using float instead of double will further improve the speed (double takes 1.8x as long on my machine)