C++ Use of wstring_convert on Linux - c++

I would like to be able to convert text read from a file into multibyte characters.
I have the following C++ code on Windows that is working for me.
When I try to compile the code on Linux though it is failing.
#include <locale>
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> utfconv;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> utfconv;
std::wstring widestr = utfconv.from_bytes(line);
This throws the following errors:
wstring_convert is not a member of std
codecvt_utf8_utf16 is not a member of std
expected primary-expression before wchar_t
I'm using GCC Red Hat 4.4.7-4.
Based on what I read, I've imported 'locale', but it still can't find it.
If wstring_convert is not available, is there something equivalent that I can do?

Most likely your standard is not set properly. std::wstring_convert was first introduced in C++11 and deprecated in C++17, so you need to add the compiler flag -std=c++11 or -std=c++14.
Just saw the GCC version you're using. It's way out of date. Everything should work fine if you download GCC 4.9.x or above

You will have to use a newer GCC version. Precompiled versions are part of Developer Toolset (available as part of most Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions) or as part of Software Collections for CentOS:


Same version of clang giving different results on different OS's

I have clang 15.0.7 installed with brew in MacOS and the same version installed with MSYS2 in Windows 10.
When I compile the following program:
#include <filesystem>
int main()
std::filesystem::path p("/some/path");
std::string s(p);
using clang++ -std=c++20 test.cpp I get no compilation errors on MacOS, but in windows it gives:
test.cpp:6:15 error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'std::string' (aka 'basic_string<char>')
std::string s(p);
^ ~
[more errors]
What is going on?
std::filesystem::path::value_type is wchar_t on Windows and char elsewhere.
Hence, std::filesystem::path has a conversion operator to std::wstring on Windows and to std::string elsewhere (who even thought this was a good idea?!).
Call .string() to get std::string in a "portable" manner.
On Windows, make sure to test UTF-8 support on all standard library flavors you're interested in (MSVC STL, GCC's libstdc++, Clang's libc++). I remember that at least on MSVC you had to enable UTF-8 support with a locale, or use std::u8string.

Migrating GCC from 4.1.2 to 6.2.0 and from RHEL 5.5 to CentOS 7.2

I have RHEL with GCC 4.1.2 and my C++ code is compiling as expected. But same code when I try to compile on CentOS 7.2 with GCC 6.2.0 it fails with below error:
compiling UpcSummarization.o ...
UpcSummarization.cpp: In member function âvoid UpcSummarization::LoadUpcList(std::__cxx11::string)â:
UpcSummarization.cpp:480:40: error: âmemsetâ was not declared in this scope
memset(&pBuffer, 0, sizeof(100));
I am including below header file:
If I include string.h or cstring it will pass.
Any idea how to make it work with just string include file? Migrating code base to include string.h or cstring is not an option
Yes it was string.
May be I should have phrased it as second option instead of not an option
Before starting code migration, I need to rule out the any possibility of compiler options to make it work work as is.
I can install extra libs if required and change the way it is being compile. Not actually editing the code.
I am including below header file:
Any idea how to make it work with just string include file?
You can create a dummy string file and store it with your other headers. Inside string you do for example
#include <string.h>
Migrating code base to include string.h or cstring is not an option
Note that you most probably won't be able to port your code to 6.2 if you can't modify it even to this small extent. 4.1 and 6.2 are 10 years apart so your code will definitely require changes/fixes to work with newer compiler.

Orwell Dev C++ doesn't work with C++11

I'm trying to use any of the C++11 features in Orwell Dev C++ but with no luck. I installed the version with minGW and whatever I set in the compiler options, I just get the "[Error] 'to_string' was not declared in this scope" in this code:
using namespace std;
int main()
string test = to_string(5);
I tried setting -std=gnu++11 and -std=c++0x but neither does the job. What's the most curious is that when I click on to_string, it shows me the overloaded functions - for long, float, int and so on. Thus, it must somehow get what the function does - how come it doesn't compile it, then? The compiler is set correctly to MinGW GCC 4.7.2 (the one bundled with the installer).
If you want to use C++11 in Dev-C++ you should to this steps:
Go to Tools > Compiler Options
Go to the tab Settings > Code Generation
Change the parameter Language Standard (-std) to ISO C++11
It is a known bug that to_string does not work with MinGW yet (which is actually GCC's fault, to a degree):
Intellisense is often driven by a different engine than the compiler (as very few compilers have hooks to make intellisense easy), so that's likely why you're seeing it in your IDE when it's not supported by your compiler.

How can I use a C++11 to program the Arduino?

How can I use C++11 when programming the Arduino?
I would be fine using either the Arduino IDE or another environment. I am most interested in the core language improvements, not things that require standard library changes.
As of version 1.6.6, the Arduino IDE enables C++11 by default.
For older versions, read on:
It is very easy to change the flags for any element of the toolchain, including the assembler, compiler, linker or archiver.
Tested on the Arduino IDE version 1.5.7 (released on July 2014),
Locate the platform.txt file,
AVR architecture => {install path}\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt
SAM architecture => {install path}\hardware\arduino\sam\platform.txt
Inside that file, you can change any flag, for instance,
compiler.c.flags for changing the default compilation flags for C++ files.
compiler.cpp.flags for changing the default compilation flags for C++ files.
You can also change any of the "recipes" or compile patters, at the corresponding section of the configuration file, under the title "AVR/SAM compile patterns".
After making the changes, you must restart the Arduino IDE, at least on version 1.5.7.
For instance,
To enable support for C++11 (C++0x), tested on Arduino IDE versions 1.5.7 and 1.5.8, you will simply add the flag "-std=gnu++11" at the end of the line starting with compiler.cpp.flags=".
It is expected that C++11 is enabled by default in the near future on the Arduino IDE. However, as of version 1.5.8 (Oct 2014) it is still not the case.
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and newer have C++11 enabled by default (they have the compiler flag "-std=gnu++11" set in the platform.txt file).
Firstly, only GCC 4.7 and above (and therefore AVR-GCC 4.7 and above) support C++11. So, check the versions installed with:
gcc --version
avr-gcc --version
If AVR-GCC is 4.7 or higher, then you may be able to use C++11.
The Arduino IDE does not support custom compiler flags. This has been requested, but has not yet been implemented.
So, you are left with having to use other environments or to compile your program directly from the command line.
In case, of compiling directly from the command line using AVR-GCC, you simply need to add an extra compiler flag for enabling C++11 support.
For specific development environments, most would support editing of the compiler flags from the build options within the IDE. The above mentioned flag needs to be added to the list of flags for each environment.
C++0x was the name of working draft of the C++11 standard. C++0x support is available GCC 4.3 onwards. However, this is strictly experimental support so you cannot reliably expect C++11 features to be present. Here is the complete list of features available with the corresponding version of GCC. The availability of features in AVR-GCC will be the same as what's available in the corresponding GCC version.
The compiler flag for C++0x is:
Please, note, that there is no easy way to specify additional flags from Arduino IDE or use other IDE (Eclipse, Code::Blocks, etc.) or command line.
As a hack, you can use a small proxy program (should be cross-platform):
// Name : gcc-proxy.cpp
// Copyright : Use as you want
// Description : Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5846934/how-to-pass-a-vector-to-execvp
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
vector<string> arguments;
vector<const char*> aptrs;
// Additional options, one per line
ifstream cfg((string(argv[0]) + ".ini").c_str());
if (cfg.bad())
cerr << "Could not open ini file (you're using proxy for some reason, er?)" << endl;
string arg;
while (cfg) {
getline(cfg, arg);
if(arg == "\r" || arg == "\n")
for (const string& arg : arguments)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
// Add null pointer at the end, execvp expects NULL as last element
// Pass the vector's internal array to execvp
const char **command = &aptrs[0];
return execvp(command[0], command);
Compile the program.
Rename the original avr-g++.exe to avr-g++.orig.exe (or any other name).
Create avr-g++.ini file where the first line is FULL path to the original program (e.g. D:\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avr-g++.orig.exe) and add additional parameters, one per line, as desired.
You're done!
Example avr-g++.ini:
I use Ino and this worked:
ino build -cppflags="-std=c++0x"
This generated a hex file at least 15k in size (that's with optimizations turned on), compared to about 5k for the standard build, which is a consideration for a poor little ATmega328. It might be okay for one of the microcontrollers with a lot more program space.
If you need more control and a better IDE, I recommend using Sloeber Plugin for Eclipse or the Sloeber IDE itself.
Creating more complicated code is much easier using this IDE. It also allows to add flags to the compiler (C, C++ and linker). So to customize the compile, just right click on project and select Properties. In the Properties window, select Arduino → Compiler Option. This way you can add options to your build.

clang++ and u16string

I'm having a hell of a time with this simple line of code and the latest clang++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
using std::u16string;
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
u16string s16 = u"鵝滿是快烙滴好耳痛";
Ben-iMac:Desktop Ben$ clang++ -std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++ main.cpp -o main
main.cpp:15:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'u'
u16string s16 = u"鵝滿是快烙滴好耳痛"
The latest released versions of clang, v2.9 from llvm.org or Apple's clang 3.0, do not support Unicode string literals. The latest available version, built from top of trunk source does support Unicode string literals.
The next llvm.org release of clang (i.e., 3.0) will support the Unicode string literal syntax, but does not have support for any source file encoding beyond ASCII. So even with that llvm.org release you won't be able to type in those characters literally in your source and have them converted to a UTF-16 encoded string value. Instead you'll have to use the \u escapes. Again, top of trunk does support UTF-8 source code, but it didn't get put in in time for the llvm.org 3.0 release that is currently under testing. The next release after that (in 6 months or so) should have better support for UTF-8 source code (but not other source encodings).
Edit: The Xcode 4.3 version of clang does have these features.
Edit: And now the 3.1 release from LLVM.org has them
So clang now fully supports the following:
#include <string>
int main() {
std::u16string a = u"鵝"; // UTF-8 source is transformed into UTF-16 literal
std::u32string b = U"滿"; // UTF-8 source is transformed into UTF-32 literal
It turns out the standard does not actually require much support for char16_t and char32_t in the iostreams library, so you'll probably have to convert to another string type to get much use out of this. At least the ability to convert between these and the more useful std::string is required (though not exactly convenient to set up...).
You can test clang for individual C++11 features, e.g.:
and here's a status page: