Send email to new sign user using AWS sns with lambda function - amazon-web-services

I am working on one project with AWS lambda function, DynamoDB, serverless architecture with the node.js runtime environment.
Now thing is that I want to send an email when a new user signup in my system for email address confirmation.
First, I tried with SES(SMTP credentials) and nodemailer module. When we try to send an email using SES then we need to verify both the email addresses(From and TO). But thing is that suppose I verify my From email address but the new signup user has a new email address, so, this when I try to send an email to the new signup user's email address then it through error like email address not verified.
So, i want to know that if I want to send an email to this new signup user how can I send the email confirmation mail?
Can I use SNS with AWS lambda and serverless architecture?
Thanks in advance for the help.

I'm suspecting your Amazon SES is still in sandbox mode. As long as you are in sandbox mode, you can only do the following things:
You can only send mail to verified email addresses and domains, or to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator.
You can send a maximum of 200 messages per 24-hour period.
You can send a maximum of 1 message per second.
To get yourself removed out of sandbox mode, you need to open a SES Sending Limits Increase case to the AWS Support center.


How to verify email address in AWS SES

I have bought a domain,then I have created domain identity in SES and verified it successfully, now comes the email part. I have created email address in identity management that is (assume that is my domain), documentation states that I need to go to the email inbox and click on the email but what inbox they mean? How can I access this inbox of this address that I've just created? If I have to use my own email here then what's the point of adding a domain If I can use gmail smtp straight away? Can someone please clarify this?
Here is the clear answer:
At first, you need to purchase and verify your domain in SES(you've done this already, it's good to go for next step)
You need to write a support ticket to move your SES account out from sandbox mode as it's in sandbox mode by default(You need to provide all info AWS requires in detail)
moving out from sandbox mode
This might take 1 day around, finally you can get production SES status and check in your statistics section from SES console.
Next, you need to go AWS WorkMail service console and create your email accounts to be used for sender or receiver in your platform by your purchased domain(i.e, if your domain is, or
When I say creating email accounts, it says you need to create email address, username and password for each email account.
Finally, If you need to check out the inbox for above created accounts, WorkMail provides a cool web client for it.
Here is the WorkMail web client documentation from AWS
It says this:
The web client URL looks like this: Replace alias with the alias you received from your site administrator.
Here, alias is configured by you when you create your organization in WorkMail console.
The reason why SES requires to verify domain is something like ID verification of email sender, and verification of 3rd party email addresses gives us a flexibility to work with any other email addresses not registered in SES, also allow development and test before registration of domain in sandbox mode.
The email address you want to verify must have existing mail service, before you can validate the address in SES.
From AWS docs, about receiving email
When you receive email, Amazon SES processes it according to instructions you provide. For example, Amazon SES can deliver incoming mail to an Amazon S3 bucket, publish it to an Amazon SNS topic, or send it to Amazon WorkMail.
If you need an inbox service, use Amazon WorkMail.
Creating a IAM user doesn't create an inbox. And SES has no inbox capability at all. The point of validation is to allow sending in behalf of the service. In certain use cases, you can process inbound email via Lambda, store attachments on S3 etc. but there is no POP3/IMAP inbox-like service included in the SES.
Creating an IAM user is not required to validate your email. That is only for authentication purposes for accessing AWS account services.
AWS SES can receive emails and mostly this is used for automated email processing.
If you have verified in identity that you own the domain(by adding txt record in your domain DNS table) then by default you have verified all emails that fall in that domain.
You don't have to follow the steps to verify individual emails by clicking the link received on the emails.
From your example: since the domain is verified, you don't have to again verify emails( that fall under same domain.
Individual email verification is for scenarios where you cant verify domain by placing dns records. Here you will not be able to receive emails, but if you still want to send emails from an address then you can verify it by clicking the link you receive on your inbox. This can be done with gmail or other mail providers.

Use Amazon SES to build a marketing email system

Currently I'm working on building an email marketing system using Amazon SES. I have some problems which I have googled about for a while now but I couldn't find any clue so I decided to ask you guys here.
The first thing is I use only one Amazon account to send email, but it is limited up to 10,000 verified sending addresses or domains per region, so if I want to verify more than that I need to use different regions or Amazon accounts?
Next, is there any way can I add some custom arguments when I request to verify an email address? Because I need to check which account in my system owns that address so that no other account can use that verified address to send emails.
Any answer would be appreciated. And by the way, I'm sorry for my bad English.
Email address verification is only required while Amazon SES is in sandbox mode. This is done to prevent people creating an AWS account and using it to send spam.
From Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox - Amazon Simple Email Service:
When your account is in the sandbox, we apply the following restrictions to your account:
You can only send mail to verified email addresses and domains, or to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator.
You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains (also applies to Production mode)
You can send a maximum of 200 messages per 24-hour period.
You can send a maximum of 1 message per second.
You would typically only "send" from one email address, or perhaps a few to make it easier to handle replies. There should be no need for 100s or 1000s of verified 'sending' email addresses.
Once you request to move into Production mode and it is accepted, you can send to any recipients (whereas in Sandbox mode, each recipient need to be verified).

How to Send Mail Using AWS SES Without verify Receiver Email Id?

Actually, I want to send bulk email using Amazone SES and I was stuck in verification of Receiver's Email Addresses.
So, can you ple.showing us the way how we can do it us without verifying the Receivers Email Id's ?
When you create a new account in SES, it goes to something called sandbox account which requires recipient email address verification.
You can submit a support ticket to get your account out of sandbox. Once you are not in sandbox account, you will not be required to verify recipient email addresses.
You can view the documentation to get your account out of sandbox at

Amazon SES - notifications for email verification

We use Amazon's SES service, and have set up Topics and Subscriptions under SNS (Simple Notification Service) so that we get notification emails when an email is bounced or successfully delivered. That's all working fine.
We sometimes send emails via SES on behalf of one of our partners, and before we can do that we need to verify their email address. The process is that the system asks SES to send out a verification email to the person saying " wants to send emails on your behalf, is that ok?", with a link for them to click. If they click it, then that email is marked as Verified within SES, and we can use it as a from address.
What I can't work out is how to automate the process of knowing whether they've clicked the link yet. I can log in to the AWS dashboard, and go and look at the list of verified email addresses, but i'd like to make it an automated process.
What would be ideal is if it worked the same way as bounces & deliveries: that i set up a "Verification" topic, and subscribe to it so we get an email like we do with bounces and deliveries. Then, the scheduled job that deals with incoming email notifications can say "Aha, this is a verification email for I'll mark their account as 'ses-verified'".
Does anyone know if it's possible to set this up? All the docs on the SES site just talk about bounces, deliveries and complaints.
thanks, Max
You can use the GetIdentityVerification api call in the SES part of the awssdk:
You could do this in a serverless way by having a lambda function do the check, and expose the lambda as an API endpoint to your application (among other ways).
Alternatively you could just try to send a single test email to a test/internal email address and check if it gives you an error - if its not verified, it will return an error immediately when you try to do the send.
If you want to use the CLI instead:
aws ses get-identity-verification-attributes --identities ""

Amazon SES fails to deliver emails to office domains

I have an AWS SES application, which sends an email when an event happens. The mail deliver is successful when I send it to gmail. But, if I want to use my company domain address which is also verified by SES, I do not see any emails in my account. The confusion part is, the sender email (FROM) is my company domain address.
Simple way is to create a SNS subscription and a topic from Amazon console, if you are trying to send e-mails from you application you might have to see if your corporate SMTP server is able to recieve e-mails.
Another simple route is to use "sendgrid" service, this is a paid subscription and it is very easy to use.