How to configure a writable directory on elastic beanstalk - amazon-web-services

I'm deploying an PHP application a AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
The base app is working, but I doesn't get a configured writable directory for the app
When I try to create a temporary file with the following code:
$CACHEFilePath = \Yii::$app->runtimePath . $model->reportpath;
$tempfile = tempnam($CACHEFilePath, 'charts') . '.png';
I'm getting the following error :
tempnam(): file created in the system's temporary directory
Even I force the directory to be /tmp, the error stay the same. I also tried to force the upload_tmp_dir from php.ini with Environment properties
Please advice

Well I change my code like follow :
$CACHEFilePath = sys_get_temp_dir() . $this->reportpath;
with the upload_tmp_dir=/tmp in the php.ini


Spring Boot on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and logging to a file

I have been looking to find an easy way to view debug statements on Beanstalk as I develop. I thought I could simply log to a file on Beanstalk.
In my file I set
And that did not produce any results even on my local machine. I am not sure if it's a permission issue or what, but locally I set the path to my home directory and then I saw the file, spring.log, appear.
With Beanstalk I tried /var/log, var/log/tomcat, /home/webapp/, ./, ~, and various other values. Nothing worked.
I even tried what was suggested here with no luck:
If logging to file is not a good idea, what are the alternatives? I have Googled a lot about this issue and all answers are not very clear.
Yes, this is permission issues. Your app runs under webapp user, while /var/log is own by root. Thus you can't write to it.
The proper way of adding your log files to be recognized by EB is through config files.
Specifically, assuming Amazon Linux 2, you can create .ebextensions/mylogfiles.config with the content of:
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
Obviously, /var/app/current/log/*.log would point to location where your app stores its log files. /var/app/current is the home folder of your app.

How to create folder on Elastic Beanstalk server to install LetsEncrypt SSL certificate with AcmePHP

I have a site running on an Elastic Beanstalk single instance server and want to add automated SSL certificate generation from LetsEncrypt using the AcmePHP library.
The library tries to store the certificates in ~/.acmephp, which the server responds to with an error
Failed to create "/home/webapp/.acmephp": mkdir(): Permission denied.
The acmephp library doesn't have an option to change the path built in, and rather than fork and recompile the script, I'd like to be able to store the files in the default directory.
Does anyone know how I can give the app permission to create this directory, outside of the web root, or how I can make the server create it automatically and have it be available to the app?
It looks like since it's being ran by the webapp user, when acmePHP is trying to store the certificate under that user's home directory it fails because that directory doesn't exist (afaik the webapp user only runs httpd and it definitely doesn't have a home directory).
A very dirty workaround could be manually creating that file and folder in the . ebextensions folder in your project.The file would be .ebextensions/create_home.config and it would contain something like this:
"/tmp/" :
mode: "000755"
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p /home/webapp
chown webapp:webapp -R /home/webapp
command: "/tmp/"
That script is ran by the root user, and afterwards it changes ownership of the /home/webapp folder to the webapp user and group respectively. Hope it helps

Adding JDBC jar driver to classpath for AWS Elastic Beanstalk job

I have an Elastic Beanstalk application that I'm trying to configure to connect to a FileMaker Pro database, over JDBC. The code I'm using is:
import jaydebeapi as jdp
jdbc_driver_location = '/tmp/fmjdbc.jar'
conn = jdb.connect(jdbc_driver_class,
jdbc_connection_type + '://' + db_url + '/' + db_name,
[user_name, password], jdbc_driver_location,)
When I attempt this, I get the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:filemaker://<class ''>
To try and solve to problem, I've added the jdbc.jar to both the /tmp folder of the Ec2 instance, as well as included it in the project directory. When if I SSH into the EC2 instance and issue the command:
The program will run the next time it's prompted, without issue. After a few hours it will give the original error and need to be issued the above command again to work. To fix this I tried adding the following to /.ebextensions, to copy the .jar into the tmp folder from the project directory and issue the above command to the server from the start:
command: sudo cp /opt/python/current/app/fmjdbc.jar /tmp/fmjdbc.jar
command: JAVA_HOME=/tmp/fmjdbc.jar
But the project still gives the error. Any thoughts on how I can add this driver to the classpath such that the job will run consistently?
To help folks who have this issue in the future, the answer to this that I found was at the end of this thread.
I appended the following:
if jpype.isJVMStarted() and not jpype.isThreadAttachedToJVM():
Just above the
jdbc_driver_location = '/tmp/fmjdbc.jar'
section of my original code above. This allows the application to loop and successfully find the necessary driver.
JAVA_HOME is supposed to point to the location where Java is installed on the server. You don't use JAVA_HOME to add libraries to the classpath. You shouldn't have to set any environment variables for your code to work.
The root of your problem is that you are copying the file to /tmp/fmjdbc.jar but you are setting jdbc_driver_location to be /tmp/jdbc.jar. Notice how those file names are different. To fix your code change it to this:
jdbc_driver_location = '/tmp/fmjdbc.jar'

Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions ignored (Windows)

This is Driving me nuts.
I had a working .ebextensions config file in my Project which was working fine.
Recently my single instance failed and a new one got initiated. My configuration failed to run so i tried to troubleshoot what went wrong. I didn't find anything suspicious so i just created a new .config with a very simple command but it still fails!!
I validated my config file with an online yaml validator.
I Connected to the instance through remote desktop and saw that .ebextensions folder is actually created within the wwwroot and then it disappears meaning that it got successfully picked up by elastic beanstalk.
I also granted all permissions to everyone on the test folder just to make sure this is not the reason.
Whichever i tried the old configuration or this test command it just does not work and elastic beanstalk just ignores it!
Any info of what might be wrong is appreciated.
command: mkdir kakarot
cwd: c:\\testdir
waitForCompletion: 0
I think everything under 01_DoWork needs to be indented (command, cwd, waitForCompletion). Also, make sure you're using spaces and not tabs.
Check the properties on your config file in VS. It should be (I think) both 'Content' and 'Copy if Newer'. Also, make sure that it gets packaged into the msdeploy package. It's a .zip file in/below your obj directory.
The command will error-out of it's already succeeded, so you would want to either ignore errors or add this. I found this syntax on another SO post but don't know who to credit for it :-/. The errorlevel will cause your command to not run if the directory already exists.
test: test ! -d c:\\testdir\\kakarot
If you're creating a (that inside has a deploy manifest json file plus the actual content) for a Windows deployment, it appears the .ebextensions directory needs to be inside, alongside the manifest json, not inside the, contrary to the current documentation.

Elastic Beanstalk ebextension config files using VS toolkit

Im trying to set Folder Permissions for creating additional folders/files inside Temp directory in my .Net Project.
I know there a lot of references for a similar question like this (as given)
Running a .config file on Elastic Beanstalk?
How To Set Folder Permissions in Elastic Beanstalk Using YAML File?
Im having trouble verifying if its given the permission, im not able to create any folders/files in the Temp folder; i cant find any errors either during deployment in the Elastic Beanstalk (last 100 lines) related to permission setting.
Im using the following code in my config file
command: icacls \"C:/inetpub/wwwroot/myapp_deploy/Temp\" /grant DefaultAppPool:(OI)(CI)
(i have replaced myapp with the EB application name)
Please help anyone.
i was having trouble posting the code and a general unknown exception error was being generated with no additional details.
Figured out the mistake i was making:
ICACLS command requires the directory path to have double slash '\'.
Verified command for above would be:
command: "icacls \"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Temp\" /grant DefaultAppPool:(OI)(CI)F"