Assign Host IP-Address to Docker Container - amazon-web-services

Is it possible to assign the ip address of the host system to a docker container?
I want to access my AWS Elasticsearch Service (ES) Domain by using the Elasticsearch-Pipline for Srcapy. The ES domain is only accessible for certain IP addresses. Currently I get an "connection refused error" when running the scrapy spider. As far as I understand a docker container gets a dynamic IP address (which then is not amongst the allowed IPs). As the host's IP Address is allowed to access the ES Domain I want to assign this IP to the docker container running the scrapy spider.
Currently I try the described using Docker for Windwos on my own machine. A step further I want run the container on an AWS EC2 Instance.
current for my scrapy project:
'scrapyelasticsearch.scrapyelasticsearch.ElasticSearchPipeline' : 300
thanks in advance

I think
docker container create --net host ...
will do it for you.


Access AWS SSM Port inside Docker container

I try to access some AWS resources from inside a docker container. Therefore I have a PortForwarding SSM session running on the host and everything works fine when I try to access the resources via localhost:<port>.
However, inside of a docker container I cannot access these same resources via<port>. Host communication per se seems to work just fine, as I can communicate with a local web server via Only the combination of SSM and docker seems to be a problem.
nmap inside of the container also shows the port as closed.
Is there any way to get the combination of SSM and docker up and running?
I suspect that what is happening is that AWS SSM is port forwarding to localhost and is bound to the loopback adaptor.
If I run aws ssm port forwarding, I am able to access the port on the localhost and not via my machine IP:Port.
So when docker tries to access the port via its own natted IP it is unable to connect to the port.
I have the same issue that I am trying to solve with miniKube. Since I am only able to access my ports via localhost on my system, minikube is unable to access my localports.
If I understand correctly, you try to connect to a webserver from your container host and this works, but when logged into the docker container itself you cannot reach it?
If this is what you meant, It could be related to the fact that containers have a different network interface from the host and thus different security groups. If the receiving server's security group is configured to allow traffic from the host, but not from the security group of the containers running on the host, it would be a possible explanation for what you experienced.

How to bind Docker Container Running Apache to domain

I deployed application based on this stack on AWS where under Rout 53 DNS is set. I want to point my domain ( to web server (any apache/nginx) running in docker container. I want to know how can i bind domain to that web server?
I am not sure it's good or bad way to deploy an application on production but it will help me to understand.
as #mipnw suggested, you can easily run your Docker containers in Amazon ECS.
Since you are not using ECS, here is how you can point the domain to the ec2 instance.
Assign an elastic IP address to the ec2 instance
Create an A record in AWS Route53 to point to the elastic IP address.
if your docker is exposing for e.g port 80 to the host machine.
Now you can access your application via (since http default port is 80), for that you should enable port 80 in your instance's security group
If your docker is exposing port for e.g 8080 and you want to access the website via, you will need to configure apache/nginx proxy to accept the traffic via port 80 or 443 and forward the request to the port exposed by docker (8080 in this example)
The most difficult part of your setup is setting up SSL, you would need to configure the SSL certificate inside the nginx proxy.
Hope this helps.
You need to host your docker container somewhere. Since you're already using AWS I'd suggest running your container inside AWS ECS.
Then you'll have expose a port on the container, and configure Route53 to point to your container etc... It looks like ECS Service Discovery makes it easier to register your service running inside ECS with Route53.

link from ngnix installed outside docker to a container

I have a ubuntu server with ngnix installed outside of docker.
I have a docker image that has a web application, with an ip for example:
(all within the same server)
How can I do it from my nginx to the ip of the name container? for example: "ip container docker"
That structure cannot change, that's how aws service creates it.
* obs: the Ip can change because of that I need as a dynamic variable.
upstream openerp {
server "ip container docker":8069;}
use: $host or hotname, not work
You should publish your docker container port on the docker host and use server
Read more details in the docker docs
This way docker will take care of everything docker networking related under the hood.

Container instance network

I am having troubles to connect one ECS container instance(www, python) to another container instance (redis).
I am getting an "connecting to Connection refused" error from the www container.
Both instances are running on the same host and were created using two task definitions each containing one docker image.
Both use Bridge networking mode. Each task is executed by means of a service.
I also did setup service discovery for both services.
Things I did do and try:
Assure that Redis is bound to and not
Added port mappings for www (80) and redis container (6379)
ssh'ed into the ec2 instance to assure port mappings are ok. I can telnet to both port 80 and 6379
connected to the www instance and tested by means of the python console if was available.
It wasn't the case. I also tried with the docker(redis) IP address without luck. I also tried using the .local service discovery name of the redis container without luck. The service discovery name did not resolve
resolving the service discovery name from the ec2 container (using dig): that did work but returned a 10.0.* address
I am a bit out of option why this is the case. Obviously things do work on a local development machine.
Update 10/5: I changed container networking to type "host" which appears to be working. Still not understanding why "bridge" won't work.

How to connect to 'real' localhost from inside my VM boot2docker container?

Amazon AWS doesn't allow ElastiCache/Redis instances to be accessible outside of EC2 instances (outside as in, from my laptop). So for dev purposes, this means my docker containers need to reference the redis instance running on my local Mac.
But how do I map the redis server running on 6379 on my localhost into my boot2docker container? I somehow need to tell boot2docker to route some domain like my_real_localhost to outside my VM.
From the point of view of a container running at Amazon (or inside Boot2Docker), it just needs to know an IP address of your Mac that it can connect to via any NAT routers and firewalls you are running, to port 6379 there.