How do I add simple licensing to api when using AWS Cloudfront to cache queries - amazon-web-services

I have an application deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, I added some simple licensing to stop abuse of the api, the user has to pass a licensekey as a field
If this is not valid then the request is rejected.
However until the monthly updates the above query will always return the same data, therefore I now point to an AWS CloudFront distribution, then only if query is not cached does it go to actual server as
However the problem is that if two users make the same query they wont be deemed the same by Cloudfront because the license parameter is different. So the Cloudfront caching is only working at a per user level which is of no use.
What I want to do is have CloudFront ignore the license parameters for caching but not the other parameters. I dont mind too much if that means user could access CloudFront with invalid license as long as they cant make successful query to server (since CloudFront calls are cheap but server calls are expensive, both in terms of cpu and monetary cost)
Perhaps what I need is something in front of CloudFront that does the license check and then strips out the license parameter but I don't know what that would be ?

Two possible come to mind.
The first solution feels like a hack, but would prevent unlicensed users from successfully fetching uncached query responses. If the response is cached, it would leak out, but at no cost in terms of origin server resources.
If the content is not sensitive, and you're only trying to avoid petty theft/annoyance, this might be viable.
For query parameters, CloudFront allows you to forward all, cache on whitelist.
So, whitelist query (and any other necessary fields) but not license.
Results for a given query:
valid license, cache miss: request goes to origin, origin returns response, response stored in cache
valid license, cache hit: response served from cache
invalid license, cache hit: response served from cache
invalid license, cache miss: response goes to origin, origin returns error, error stored in cache.
Oops. The last condition is problematic, because authorized users will receive the cached error if the make the same query.
But we can fix this, as long as the origin returns an HTTP error for an invalid request, such as 403 Forbidden.
As I explained in Amazon CloudFront Latency, CloudFront caches responses with HTTP errors using different timers (not min/default/max-ttl), with a default of t minutes. This value can be set to 0 (or other values) for each of several individual HTTP status codes, like 403. So, for the error code your origin returns, set the Error Caching Minimum TTL to 0 seconds.
At this point, the problematic condition of caching error responses and playing them back to authorized clients has been solved.
The second option seems like a better idea, overall, but would require more sophistication and probably cost slightly more.
CloudFront has a feature that connects it with AWS Lambda, called Lambda#Edge. This allows you to analyze and manipulate requests and responses using simple Javascript scripts that are run at specific trigger points in the CloudFront signal flow.
Viewer Request runs for each request, before the cache is checked. It can allow the request to continue into CloudFront, or it can stop processing and generate a reaponse directly back to the viewer. Generated responses here are not stored in the cache.
Origin Request runs after the cache is checked, only for cache misses, before the request goes to the origin. If this trigger generates a response, the response is stored in the cache and the origin is not contacted.
Origin Response runs after the origin response arrives, only for cache misses, and before the response goes onto the cache. If this trigger modifies the response, the modified response stored in the cache.
Viewer Response runs immediately before the response is returned to the viewer, for both cache misses and cache hits. If this trigger modifies the response, the modified response is not cached.
From this, you can see how this might be useful.
A Viewer Request trigger could check each request for a valid license key, and reject those without. For this, it would need access to a way to validate the license keys.
If your client base is very small or rarely changes, the list of keys could be embedded in the trigger code itself.
Otherwise, it needs to validate the key, which could be done by sending a request to the origin server from within the trigger code (the runtime environment allows your code to make outbound requests and receive responses via the Internet) or by doing a lookup in a hosted database such as DynamoDB.
Lambda#Edge triggers run in Lambda containers, and depending on traffic load, observations suggest that it is very likely that subsequent requests reaching the same edge location will be handled by the same container. Each container only handles one request at a time, but the container becomes available for the next request as soon as control is returned to CloudFront. As a consequence of this, you can cache the results in memory in a global data structure inside each container, significantly reducing the number of times you need to ascertain whether a license key is valid. The function either allows CloudFront to continue processing as normal, or actively rejects the invalid key by generating its own response. A single trigger will cost you a little under $1 per million requests that it handles.
This solution prevents missing or unauthorized license keys from actually checking the cache or making query requests to the origin. As before, you would want to customize the query string whitelist in the CloudFront cache behavior settings to eliminate license from the whitelist, and change the error caching minimum TTL to ensure that errors are not cached, even though these errors should never occur.


Should django health-check endpoint /ht/ be accessible from everybody?

From the documentation reported here I read
This project checks for various conditions and provides reports when
anomalous behavior is detected.The following health checks are bundled
with this project: cache, database, storage, disk and memory
utilization (viapsutil), AWS S3 storage, Celery task queue, Celery
ping, RabbitMQ, Migrations
and from use case section
The primary intended use case is to monitor conditions via HTTP(S),
with responses available in HTML and JSONformats. When you get back a
response that includes one or more problems, you can then decide the
appropriate courseof action, which could include generating
notifications and/or automating the replacement of a failing node with
a newone
And then
The /ht/ endpoint will respond aHTTP 200 if all checks passed and a HTTP
500 if any of the tests failed.
From a security point of view: should this url ( be reachable from everybody? It seems to give away different information.

Does Cloudwatch not log Lambda functions from Cloudfront?

Does Cloudfront require special settings to trigger a log?
I have the following flow:
Devices -> Cloudfront -> API Gateway -> Lambda Function
which works, but Cloudwatch doesn't seem to create logs for the lambda function (or API Gateway).
However, the following flow creates logs:
Web/Curl -> API Gateway -> Lambda Function
In comments, above, we seem to have arrived at a conclusion that unanticipated client-side caching (or caching somewhere between the client and the AWS infrastructure) may be a more appropriate explanation for the observed behavior, since there is no known mechanism by which an independent CloudFront distribution could access a Lambda function via API Gateway and cause those requests not to be logged by Lambda.
So, I'll answer this with a way to confirm or reject this hypothesis.
CloudFront injects a header into both requests and responses, X-Amz-Cf-Id, containing opaque tokens that uniquely identify the request and the response. Documentation refers to these as "encrypted," but for our purposes, they're simply opaque values with a very high probability of uniqueness.
In spite of having the same name, the request header and the response header are actually two uncorrelated values (they don't match each other on the same request/response).
The origin-side X-Amz-Cf-Id is sent to the origin server in the request is only really useful to AWS engineers, for troubleshooting.
But the viewer-side X-Amz-Cf-Id returned by CloudFront in the response is useful to us, because not only is it unique to each response (even responses from the CloudFront cache have different values each time you fetch the same object) but it also appears in the CloudFront access logs as x-edge-request-id (although the documentation does not appear to unambiguously state this).
Thus, if the client side sees duplicate X-Amz-Cf-Id values across multiple responses, there is something either internal to the client or between the client and CloudFront (in the client's network or ISP) that is causing cached responses to be seen by the client.
Correlating the X-Amz-Cf-Id from the client across multiple responses may be useful (since they should never be the same) and with the CloudFront logs may also be useful, since this confirms the timestamp of the request where CloudFront actually generated this particular response.
tl;dr: observing the same X-Amz-Cf-Id in more than one response means caching is occurring outside the boundaries of AWS.
Note that even though CloudFront allows min/max/default TTLs to impact how long CloudFront will cache the object, these settings don't impact any downstream or client caching behavior. The origin should return correct Cache-Control response headers (e.g. private, no-cache, no-store) to ensure correct caching behavior throughout the chain. If the origin behavior can't be changed, then Lambda#Edge origin response or viewer response triggers can be used to inject appropriate response headers -- see this example on Server Fault.
Note also that CloudFront caches 4xx/5xx error responses for 5 minutes by default. See Amazon CloudFront Latency for an explanation and steps to disable this behavior, if desired. This feature is designed to give the origin server a break, and not bombard it with requests that are presumed to continue to fail, anyway. This behavior may cause various problems in testing as well as production, so there are cases where it should be disabled.

Can AWS API Gateway cache invalidate specific entries based on the response content?

I have used AWS API Gateway with the endpoint as a lambda function. I have enabled the cache functionality provided by API Gateway, to reduce both response time & the number of calls forwarded to my lambda function.
The lambda function queries another data store to return data. If data is not found, an asynchronous call is made to update the data store and "data not found" is returned to the caller. Now the API Gateway is even caching this result, which we do not want to happen. This results in the cache always returning "data not found" for its lifetime (1 hr TTL), even though data is updated asynchronously in the data store.
I'm aware of the request header (Cache-Control: max-age=0) which can invalidate cache and get response directly from Lambda, as mentioned in this documentation page.
But this will not be useful because the caller is unaware whether data is present in data store or not and hence cannot selectively send such request header.
So, my 2 questions are:
Does the API Gateway caches other HTTP response as well, like 404 (apart from 200)?
Is it possible to tell the API Gateway not to cache specific responses?
As you observed, API Gateway caches the result of your endpoint regardless of the status code.
No, not at this time. I can bounce the idea to see if this is something we can support in the future.
Even if API Gateway conditionally did not cache the 404, the caller would need to call the endpoint again anyway, so why not return the result synchronously? This pattern is how most cached APIs that I'm aware of behave and would allow your API to work with what API Gateway offers today.

AWS API Gateway Cache - Multiple service hits with burst of calls

I am working on a mobile app that will broadcast a push message to hundreds of thousands of devices at a time. When each user opens their app from the push message, the app will hit our API for data. The API resource will be identical for each user of this push.
Now let's assume that all 500,000 users open their app at the same time. API Gateway will get 500,000 identical calls.
Because all 500,000 nearly concurrent requests are asking for the same data, I want to cache it. But keep in mind that it takes about 2 seconds to compute the requested value.
What I want to happen
I want API Gateway to see that the data is not in the cache, let the first call through to my backend service while the other requests are held in queue, populate the cache from the first call, and then respond to the other 499,999 requests using the cached data.
What is (seems to be) happening
API Gateway, seeing that there is no cached value, is sending every one of the 500,000 requests to the backend service! So I will be recomputing the value with some complex db query way more times than resources will allow. This happens because the last call comes into API Gateway before the first call has populated the cache.
Is there any way I can get this behavior?
I know that based on my example that perhaps I could prime the cache by invoking the API call myself just before broadcasting the bulk push job, but the actual use-case is slightly more complicated than my simplified example. But rest assured, solving this simplified use-case will solve what I am trying to do.
If you anticipate that kind of burst concurrency, priming the cache yourself is certainly the best option. Have you also considered adding throttling to the stage/method to protect your backend from a large surge in traffic? Clients could be instructed to retry on throttles and they would eventually get a response.
I'll bring your feedback and proposed solution to the team and put it on our backlog.

What HTTP status code should I use for a GET request that may return stale data?

The scenario is: I'm implementing a RESTful web-service that will act as a cache to entities stored on remote a C system. One of the web-service's requirements is that, when the remote C system is offline, it would answer GET requests with the last cached data, but flagging it as "stale".
The way I was planning to flag the data as stale was returning a HTTP status code other than 200 (OK). I considered using 503 (service unavailable), but I believe that it would make some C#/Java HTTP clients throw exceptions, and that would indirectly force the users to use exceptions for control flow.
Can you suggest a more appropriate status code? Or should I just return 200 and add a staleness flag to the response body? Another option would be defining a separate resource that informs the connectivity state, and let the clients handle that separately.
Simply set the Last-Modified header appropriately, and let the client decide if it's stale. Stale data will have the Last-Modified date farther back than "normal". For fresh data, keep the Last-Modified header current.
I would return 200 OK and an appropriate application-specific response. No other HTTP status code seems appropriate, because the decision if and how to use the response is being passed to the client. I would also advise against using standard HTTP cache control headers for this purpose. I would use them only to control third-party (intermediary and client) caches. Using these headers to communicate application-specific information uneccesarily ties application logic to cache control. While it might not be immediately obvious, there are real long-term benefits in the ability to independently evolve application logic and caching strategy.
If you are serving stale responses RFC-2616 says:
If a stored response is not "fresh enough" by the most
restrictive freshness requirement of both the client and the
origin server, in carefully considered circumstances the cache
MAY still return the response with the appropriate Warning
header (see section 13.1.5 and 14.46), unless such a response
is prohibited (e.g., by a "no-store" cache-directive, or by a
"no-cache" cache-request-directive; see section 14.9).
In other words, serving 200 OK is perfectly fine.
In Mark Nottingham's caching article he says
Under certain circumstances — for example, when it’s disconnected from
a network — a cache can serve stale responses without checking with
the origin server.
In your case, your web service is behaving like an intermediary cache.
A representation is stale when either it's Expires or Max-age header has passed. Therefore if you returned a representation with
Cache-control: Max-age=0
Then you are effectively saying that the representation you are returning is already stale. Assuming that when you retrieve representations from the "System C" that the data can be considered fresh for some non-zero amount of time, your web service can return representations with something like,
Cache-control: Max-age=3600
The client can check cache control header for max-age == 0 to determine if the representation was stale when it was first retrieved or not.