How to annotate field without duplicate fields django - django

So I basically have this simple model:
class BaseLesson(models.Model):
(YOUTUBE_VIDEO, 'youtube-video'),
(MARKDOWN, 'markdown'),
type = models.CharField(
max_length=10, choices=TYPE_CHOICES, default=MARKDOWN, verbose_name=_('type'))
shown_users = models.ManyToManyField(
User, related_name='lessons', verbose_name=_('shown users'), blank=True)
objects = managers.BaseLessonManager()
There is a many-to-many relationship with the User model in shown_users
And I wanna annotate the is_shown status based on the many-to-many table, so I did this:
class BaseLessonManager(InheritanceManager, CachingManager):
def get_lesson_with_is_shown(self, user):
shown_user_case = django_models.Case(
return self.get_queryset().annotate(
The problem with this is that if user1 and user2 saw the same lesson it will be duplicate, for example:
| lesson_id | user_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 |
For such case, I will get these duplicated lessons:
"id": 1
"type": "0",
"is_shown": true
"id": 1
"type": "0",
"is_shown": false
"id": 1
"type": "0",
"is_shown": false
So it's checking each related lesson field in the SHOWN_USERS table... sample photo:
What I tried so far:
1. Exclude:
I added an exclude expression to get rid of the extra lessons:
return self.get_queryset().annotate(
django_models.Q(is_shown=False) & django_models.Q(
And I think this is super ugly cuz if I have 1000 users and 50 lessons it means I'm taking all 50000 fields then filter 50 of them :(
Is there any cleaner way to do that ?
2. Distinct:
I have tried distinct before and it's not fixing the problem, instead of shown the lesson three times it will show:
once (is_shown = True),
and another time (is_shown = False)

I managed to fix the problem, and If figured out that my way of querying many-to-many is the problem, instead of shown_users__id == I used id__in==user.lessons.values('id'), full code:
class BaseLessonManager(InheritanceManager, CachingManager):
def with_is_shown(self, user):
user_shown_lessons = user.lessons.values('id')
shown_user_case = django_models.Case(
return self.get_queryset().annotate(


I need to test django filters applying different lookup_expr on the same field

I have a challenge model with fields: name, start_date and end_date. I need to apply different django filters to each field like this
class ChallengeFilter(filters.FilterSet):
class Meta:
model = Challenge
fields = {
"name": ["exact", "icontains"],
"start_date": ["exact", "lte", "gte"],
"end_date": ["exact", "lte", "gte"],
when I test the exact lookup_expr it works okay but I need help testing "icontains" or "lte" or "gte"
Here's my test for exact
def test_challenge_filter_by_name(self, user):
c1 = ChallengeFactory(name="chal", owner=user)
c2 = ChallengeFactory(name="star", owner=user)
data = {
"name": "chal",
challenge_filter = ChallengeFilter(data, queryset=Challenge.objects.all())
assert challenge_filter.is_valid()
assert challenge_filter.qs.count() == 1
and here's the test I tried with contains but if fails assert 0 == 1
def test_challenge_filter_by_name_contains(self, user):
c1 = ChallengeFactory(name="chal", owner=user)
c2 = ChallengeFactory(name="star", owner=user)
data = {
"name": "challenge",
challenge_filter = ChallengeFilter(data, queryset=Challenge.objects.all())
assert challenge_filter.is_valid()
assert challenge_filter.qs.count() == 1
I also don't know how to test gte and lte for dates.
You are trying to check if "challenge" is contained in either "chal" or "star". You should name one Challange "challenge" and then filter by "chal".
c1 = ChallengeFactory(name="challange", owner=user)
c2 = ChallengeFactory(name="star", owner=user)
data = {
"name": "chall",
challenge_filter = ChallengeFilter(data, queryset=Challenge.objects.all())
assert challenge_filter.is_valid()
assert challenge_filter.qs.count() == 1

How to rearrange priority field for a django model?

I have a Model with a priority field of type postitive integer. This field is unique and allows me to manage the priority of objects.
For example, I want the most important object to have priority one, the second most important to have priority two, etc...
{ "name": "object82",
"priority": 1
{ "name": "object54",
"priority": 2
{ "name": "object12",
"priority": 3
class MyObject(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=255)
priority = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_("priority"), unique=True)
I want to override the object serializer so that if I add a new object with an existing priority, it unpacks the existing objects. (same thing for the path of an existing object)
For example if I take the example above and add:
{ "name": "object22",
"priority": 2
I want the following result:
{ "name": "object82",
"priority": 1 // the priority didn't changed
{ "name": "object22", // my new object
"priority": 2
{ "name": "object54",
"priority": 3 // the priority had changed
{ "name": "object12", // the priority had changed
"priority": 4
I think I have to check first if an object with the same priority exists in the database or not.
If not => I save as is
If yes, I have to change the priority of some objects before add the new object.
How to do this ?
Maybe something like:
class MyObjectSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyObject
fields = '__all__'
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
target_priority = validated_data.get('priority')
if MyObject.objects.filter(target_priority).exists():
existing_priorities = MyObject.objects.filter(priority__gte=target_priority)
for existing_priority in existing_priorities:
existing_priority.priority += 1['priority'])
instance.priority = target_priority['priority'])
I was facing a similar problem, and what I have done is that I have a model form and I'm doing the validation in clean function
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
priority = cleaned_data.get('priority')
task = Task.objects.filter(priority__exact=priority)
while task.exists():
prev_task_id = task[0].id
priority += 1
task = Task.objects.filter(priority__exact=priority).exclude(pk=prev_task_id)
return cleaned_data
I have used the prev_task_id variable for excluding the model that is just got updated. For e.g. let's say we have data
title: 'first one',
priority: 3
title: 'second one',
priority: 4
So now if I got priority 3 and after updating it we will have two tasks with priority 4 so we have to exclude the previous task i.e. 'first one'. We have to only update the second task in next iteration
PS:- This code is written assuming that in the database no duplicate priority exists.

Get Hourly based sum in django

I have a model which contains two fields DateTimeField and an IntegerField.
I want to sum the total integers on the basis of hour.
class ModelA(models.Model):
date_time = models.DateTimeField()
relative_change = models.IntegerField()
Now i want to query the modelA so that it will return the total sum of relative_change for each hour,What's the good way to do it?
I checked this stackoverflow question but i am not clear what is 'hour' there.
The Output should look like
This should do it:
from django.db.models import Sum
queryset = (
You should expect the following result:
<QuerySet [{
'date_time__hour': 9,
'relative_change_sum': 20,
}, {
'date_time__hour': 10,
'relative_change_sum': 40,
Here's more details about the 'hour' lookup:

Django annotate several same objects in QuerySet by different related object

I got:
# models
class Building(models.Model):
class Flat(models.Model):
building = models.ForeignKey(Building)
class Profile(models.Model):
flats = models.ManyToManyField(Flat)
# logic
building = Building.objects.create()
flat_1 = Flat.objects.create(building=building)
flat_2 = Flat.objects.create(building=building)
profile = Profile.objects.create()
profiles = Profile.objects.filter(flats__building=building)
I got in profiles 2 same profiles. How i can annotate each of them by different flat like this: profiles.first().flat == flat_1 and profiles.last().flat == flat_2?
Maybe Subquery() but how?
UPD I need this in some DRF list view. Output in JSON must be something like:
"profile_id": 1,
"flat_id": 2
"profile_id": 1,
"flat_id": 3
To obtain that output, you could do:
data = Profile.objects.all().values('flats', 'id')
return Response(data=data)
in your DRF view.
You don't have to profile instances ...
I wrote the code for your exact needs at the end, but first wrote a couple of things that might be of interest.
In your code sample, you've created only one profile, I'm sure you are not getting 2 instances of Profile that are equals but only one.
The thing is if you have a QuerySet with only one entry, then:
profiles.first() == profiles.last() # True
since profile.first() and profiles.last() are the same instance.
You should try creating 2 Profile instances:
building = Building.objects.create()
flat_1 = Flat.objects.create(building=building)
flat_2 = Flat.objects.create(building=building)
profile_1 = Profile.objects.create() # You coud/should use bulk_create here.
profile_2 = Profile.objects.create()
profiles = Profile.objects.filter(flats__building=building)
will return two different profile objects.
On the other hand, obtaining the JSON like you want ...
Following the example, you posted, filter flats by profile and get the values (this also works if you have more that one profile).
Flat.objects.filter(profile=profile_1).values('profile__id', 'id')
This will return something like ("id" stands for flats ids):
"profile__id": 1,
"id": 1
"profile__id": 1,
"id": 3
If you do not filter by profile (and you have more than one) you could get something like:
"profile__id": 1,
"id": 1
"profile__id": 2,
"id": 3
"profile__id": 2,
"id": 4
Annotating to get the EXACT json you want:
Filter as shown previously annotate, and get desired values:
'profile_id', 'flat_id'
will give exactly what you want:
"profile_id": 1,
"flat_id": 2
"profile_id": 1,
"flat_id": 3
You can do that with the right serializer and the right annotation:
The serializer:
class FlatSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Flat
fields = ('flat_id', 'building_id')
flat_id = serializers.CharField(read_only=True)
Then I would simply query Flats rather than profiles and serialize:
flats = Flat.objects \
.annotate(flat_id=F('id')) \
serialized = FlatSerializer(flats, many=True)
print( # [ { flat_id: 1, building_id: 1 }, { flat_id: 2, building_id: 1 } ]
Let me know if that works for you

Using Spock test how to validate json attributes key-value pairs comes as dynamically inputs

How to write right test, in order to test the below csv data stored in database table. In the input other than item, anything could be optional.
In this, item is key, rest all goes as part of json format typically it looks like this in database {"brand": "Brand6", "category": "Category6", "subcategory": "Sub-Category6"}
Test case tried:
def "Case 3a. Verify New 2 records with two more additional fields along with earlier fields to the same tenant"() {
sql().eachRow("SELECT * FROM item WHERE item IN ('"+item+"')") { row ->
def dbItem = row[0]
def dbAttributes = getJsonToObject(row[1])
def dbCategory = dbAttributes.getAt("category").toString()
def dbSubCategory = dbAttributes.getAt("subcategory").toString()
def dbBrand = dbAttributes.getAt("brand").toString()
def dbType = dbAttributes.getAt("type").toString()
def dbFeature = dbAttributes.getAt("feature").toString()
assert dbItem == item
assert category == dbCategory
assert subcategory == dbSubCategory
assert brand == dbBrand
assert type == dbType
assert feature == dbFeature
item << ['TEST-ITEM6', 'TEST-ITEM7', 'TEST-ITEM8']
category << ['Category6','Category7', 'Category8']
subcategory << ['Sub-Category6','Sub-Category7', 'Sub-Category8']
brand << ['Brand6','Brand7', 'Brand8']
type << ['TYPE7', 'TYPE8']
feature << ['FEATURE7', 'FEATURE8']
Condition not satisfied:
type == dbType
| | |
1 difference (80% similarity)
Expected :TYPE7
Actual :TYPE8
In this case I would recommend to use Data Tables as it becomes more readable and resembles your input more closely.
And while type and feature are optional, you need to provide some value for it. It could be null or it could be an empty List or Map (if an Item can have more than one type/feature)
So you where block might look like this:
item | category | subcategory | brand | typeFeatureMap
'TEST-ITEM6' | 'Category6' | 'Sub-Category6' | 'Brand6' | [:] // empty
'TEST-ITEM7' | 'Category7' | 'Sub-Category7' | 'Brand7' | ['TYPE7':'FEATURE7']
'TEST-ITEM8' | 'Category8' | 'Sub-Category8' | 'Brand8' | ['TYPE8':'FEATURE8']
I would also recommend to collect the data and then compare it, so you get around ordering issues.
So bofore your eachRow do something like
def itemFeatures = [:]
In your eachRow do something like
itemFeatures.put(dbAttributes.getAt("type").toString(), dbAttributes.getAt("feature").toString())
And afterwards
itemFeatures == typeFeatureMap
While not answering your question, I would recommend to think about separating the tests from your database if possible.
If you create separate tests for an database abstraction layer and your business logic, you'll be more happy in the long run ;)
For the optional fields you can use the Elvis operator ?: like this (sorry, long code, I modeled your database and two new test cases, one with many optional fields and one failing test):
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class DataTableWithOptionalItemsTest extends Specification {
def "Case 3a. Verify record '#item' with possibly optional fields"() {
testData[item].each { row ->
def dbItem = row["item"]
def dbCategory = row["category"]
def dbSubCategory = row["subcategory"]
def dbBrand = row["brand"]
def dbType = row["type"]
def dbFeature = row["feature"]
assert dbItem == item
assert (category ?: dbCategory) == dbCategory
assert (subcategory ?: dbSubCategory) == dbSubCategory
assert (brand ?: dbBrand) == dbBrand
assert (type ?: dbType) == dbType
assert (feature ?: dbFeature) == dbFeature
item | category | subcategory | brand | type | feature
'TEST-ITEM6' | 'Category6' | 'Sub-Category6' | 'Brand6' | null | null
'TEST-ITEM7' | 'Category7' | 'Sub-Category7' | 'Brand7' | 'TYPE7' | 'FEATURE7'
'TEST-ITEM8' | 'Category8' | 'Sub-Category8' | 'Brand8' | 'TYPE8' | 'FEATURE8'
'TEST-ITEM9' | null | null | null | null | null
'TEST-FAIL' | 'CategoryX' | 'Sub-CategoryX' | 'BrandX' | 'TYPEX' | 'FEATUREX'
static final testData = [
item : 'TEST-ITEM6',
category : 'Category6',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category6',
brand : 'Brand6',
type : 'dummy',
feature : null
item : 'TEST-ITEM6',
category : 'Category6',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category6',
brand : 'Brand6',
type : null,
feature : "foo"
item : 'TEST-ITEM7',
category : 'Category7',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category7',
brand : 'Brand7',
type : 'TYPE7',
feature : 'FEATURE7'
item : 'TEST-ITEM7',
category : 'Category7',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category7',
brand : 'Brand7',
type : 'TYPE7',
feature : 'FEATURE7'
item : 'TEST-ITEM8',
category : 'Category8',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category8',
brand : 'Brand8',
type : 'TYPE8',
feature : 'FEATURE8'
item : 'TEST-ITEM8',
category : 'Category8',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category8',
brand : 'Brand8',
type : 'TYPE8',
feature : 'FEATURE8'
item : 'TEST-ITEM9',
category : 'Category1',
subcategory: 'Sub-Category1',
brand : 'Brand1',
type : 'TYPE1',
feature : 'FEATURE1'
item : 'TEST-ITEM9',
category : null,
subcategory: null,
brand : null,
type : null,
feature : null
item : 'TEST-FAIL',
category : 'CategoryX',
subcategory: 'Sub-CategoryX',
brand : 'BrandY',
type : 'TYPEX',
feature : 'FEATUREX'