Simple task queue using Google Cloud Platform : issue with Google PubSub - python-2.7

My task : I cannot speak openly about what the specifics of my task are, but here is an analogy : every two hours, I get a variable number of spoken audio files. Sometimes only 10, sometimes 800 or more. Let's say I have a costly python task to perform on these files, for example Automatic Speech Recognition. I have a Google Intance managed group that can deploy any number of VMs for executing this task.
The issue : right now, I'm using Google PubSub. Every two hours, a topic is filled with audio ids. Instances of the managed group can be deployed depending on the size of queue. The problem is, only one worker get all the messages from the PubSub subscription, while the others are not receiving any, perhaps because the queue is not that long (maximum ~1000 messages). This issue is reported in a few cases in the python Google Cloud github, and it is not clear if it is the intended purpose of PubSub, or just a bug.
How could I implement the equivalent of a simple serverless task queue in Python and Google Cloud, and can spawn instances based on a given metric, for example the size of the queue ? Is this the intended purpose of PubSub ?
Thanks in advance.

In App Engine you can create push queues and set rate/concurrency limits and Google will handle the rest for you. App Engine will scale as needed (e.g. increase Python instances).
If you're outside of App Engine (e.g. GKE), the pubsub Python client library may be pulling many messages at once. We had a hard time controlling this (for google-cloud-pubsub==0.34.0) as well so we ended up writing a small adjustment on top of google-cloud-pubsub calling SubscriberClient.pull with max_messages set). The server side pubsub API does adhere to max_messages.


Google Cloud PubSub message republishing across GCP projects

I am working on a project where we are getting realtime data on a PubSub topic in a particular GCP project STAGE-1.
We have other GCP projects (we are treating as lower level environments) such as DEV-1, QA-1 etc, where we want these message to be re-published to as data realtime data is only hydrating the topic under STAGE-1 GCP project.
Is there a way to configure message republishing (a bridge) to other PubSub topics across GCP project?
What could be a possible approach to follow if this sort of setup is not natively supported by Cloud PubSub?
P.S. I am very new to PubSub.
Thanks in advance. Cheers :)
Here are issues about this =>
A way for cloud functions to trigger a pub/sub topic from a different project
Cloud Function triggered by pubsub message from an external project topic
There may be at least a possible work around solution.
You will need to create additional subscription(s) to the original topic in the source project. That subscription is to be used by some 'active' component (in any project, subject to IAM permissions to access the given subscription).
The 'active' component can be a cloud function, cloud run, dataflow job, app engine, or something running on a compute engine or running on a k8s cluster...
From my point of view, one of the simplest solutions (but may be not the cheapest, depends on your context) - is to use a streaming dataflow job, which reads from a source subscription and push messages into one or many target topics - kind of a 'bridge'.
If the flow of messages (number of messages per time) is significant, or you need to serve many (dozens or hundreds of) source subscriptions - it can be quite good cost effective solution (from my point of view).
A potential side bonus in case you are to develop bespoke template for the dataflow job - you can implement additional message handling logic inside the dataflow job.
If you need something 'yesterday', no additional transformation is OK, only one source subscription and one target topic, than there is a Google provided template: Pub/Sub to Pub/Sub which can be used 'immediately'.

Serverless python requests with long timeouts?

I have a several python scripts that follow a similar format: you pass in a date, and it either: - checks my S3 bucket for the file with that date in the filename, and parses it or - Runs a python script doing some analysis on the file of that date (which take over 1 hour to run)
I am looking for a serverless solution that would let me call these functions on a range of dates, and run them all in parallel. Because of the long duration of my python script, services like AWS and Google Cloud Functions don't work because of their timeouts (15 minutes and 9 minutes respectively). I have looked at Google Cloud Dataflow, but am not sure whether this is overkill for my relatively simple use case.
Something with the lowest possible outages is important, so I am leaning towards something from AWS, Google Cloud, etc.
I also would like to be able to see a dashboard of the progress of each job with logs, so I can see which dates have completed and which dates had a bug (plus what the bug is)
As you said, with Google Cloud Functions you can configure the timeout for up to 9 minutes during the deployment.
Solutions different to Dataflow that allow higher timeouts:
App engine Flex
Other GCP product that allows higher timeouts (up to 60 minutes) is the App Engine Flex environment link.
Cloud Tasks
Cloud tasks is also similar, but asynchronous. With timeouts up to 30 min. It is a task queue, you put the task in the queue and returns quickly. Then, the worker (or workers) of the queue will evaluate the tasks one by one.
The usual output of Cloud Tasks is to send emails or to save the results into a Storage link.
With this solution, you can add a task for each file/filename to process and each of this tasks has the timeout of 30 min.
Long running duration is planned in the Cloud Run roadmap but we don't have date for now.
Today, the best recommended way is to use AppEngine in addition of Task Queue. With push queue, you can run process up to 24H long when you deploy in manual scaling mode. But Be careful, manual scaling doesn't scale to 0!
If you prefer container, I know 2 "strange" workaround on GCP:
Use Cloud Build. Cloud Build allows you to build custom builder in a container. Do whatever you want in this container, even if it's not for building something. Think to set up the correct timeout for your processing step. You have 120 minutes per day FREE with Cloud Build (shared across the entire organisation, it's not a free tier per project!). You can run up to 10 build jobs in parallel.
Use AI Platform training. Similarly to Cloud Build, AI Platform training allows you to run a custom container for performing processing, initially think for training. But, it's a container, you can run whatever you want in it. No free tier here. You are limited to 20 CPU in parallel but you can ask for increasing the limit up to 450 concurrent vCPU.
Sadly, it's not as easy as a Function or a Cloud Run to use. You don't have an HTTP endpoint and you simply call this with the date that you want and enjoy. But you can wrap this into a function which perform the API calls to the Cloud Build or the AI Platform training.

Deploying distributed queue mechanism on GCP

I have a system working on Google Cloud. This system built on Micro-services architecture. The application communicating with each other with queues. Currently, I using Azure Storage Queues and want to move this managed service into GCP too.
Max processing time - 1 second to 1 hour.
Ack mechanism to mark tasks as completed.
Scaleable solution - should support the load of a few thousands of messages per second.
Support pulling of messages.
Nice to have:
Handle priorities - some tasks queues are more important than others.
Managed solution - I prefer to use a managed solution rather than install it my self.
Solutions I have checked
I already checked those services and I refused it because:
Microsoft Azure Storage Queue - Outside of google cloud.
Google Cloud PubSub - Not meet the mandatory requirement - Processing time is limited to 10 minutes.
Google Cloud Task - Seems like mostly designed for serverless applications, which are not suitable for my application.
I also check the RabbitMQ solution which seems to support all my requirements, except the one of 'managed solution'. It seems like GCP not provide RabitMQ as a service. So, I'll have to deploy it into virtual machines and make all the configuration my self...
The question
To be honest, it seems like the solution that I'm looking for should be pretty common. Nothing really special. But, all of the services I described here have some critical cons.
Which service did I miss here?

Getting data from local running java app to google cloud app and back

I wanted to dive into the world of distributed systems, cloud computing, IoT, etc., and I gotta be honest, I imagined everything being a little more intuitive than it finally turned out.
I had a tiny testing architecture in mind, that I'd like to set up with Google Clouds and their services, but I am kinda stuck since I can't get my head around some concepts.
What I basically wanted to do (as a first step) is writing a simple java application that would run locally on my computer. This application should just generate random numbers and send those numbers somehow to the google cloud. On the cloud I wanted to define another java application that would manipulate those random numbers in some kind of way (it doesn't matter actually). Afterwards, the output should somehow get back to me of course. And actually, at the moment, I don't even care about how exactly. It could be somehow back to my local app (with some kind of listener, would that be possible?). But it could also simply store the results somewhere on the google cloud? Or maybe upload them to my google drive?
I guess you already noticed that - at some points - I don't even know what i want exactly, since I'm not sure of what is possible, and what not.
Could you provide me some help to get this set up?
The most important questions for me right now are:
Do I need to use a pubsub system, where my generated numbers are sent
to, and which then forwards this to the cloud app, that transforms my
How do I get my data from the local app to the cloud services?
Would my data transforming app run on Google Dataflow?
Above I wrote "as a first step"... because later I would also like to send config files (for example in json format, or xml) to the cloud, and the
cloud application should transform those config files... if I get the
first scenario running the I guess this woul also be no problem
Those are just a few of the questions that are on my mind currently. The most important ones I guess.
It would be a big help. Sorry, if the questions are not very precise, but I really need some kind of pointing into the right direction.
Thank you in advance!
I think it would be good to read up on some of the technologies you mention here:
Google Cloud Pubsub: Pub/Sub enables you to publish messages to a topic, and consume them in another place in the (Google) Cloud. You can see some different examples of publishers and consumers in the link. In your case you could for example write a Java application that writes random numbers to the Pub/Sub queue, where they will sit for 7 days to be consumed by another component (for example, Google Cloud Dataflow). To get started developing, you can find the SDKs here (there is a Java SDK).
Google Cloud Dataflow is managed service running Apache Beam pipelines to process your data at scale. You can learn about the different concepts here and get started designing your pipeline here. I suggest taking a look at some examples first though, which will make it more easy to grasp what is actually going on. Dataflow has a PubSub connector, so in your application you will be able to read from the topic you created before. In Dataflow you can for example multiply all your random numbers and write them to a certain sink (for example Google Cloud Storage, or even BigQuery or PubSub again).
Google Cloud Storage: is a cloud storage where you can put files, for example the output of your Dataflow pipeline. You will be able to manually download the files using the Cloud Console UI, or you can use one of the SDKs to download the output programmatically.
Hope this gives you an overview and some pointers to start. Whenever you are ready and have a more concrete use case in mind, you can start looking at some more components.

Are there any Schedulers for AWS/DynamoDB?

We're trying to move to AWS and to use DynamoDB. It'd be nice to keep everything under DynamoDB so there aren't extraneous types of databases, but aside from half complete research projects I'm not really finding anything to use for a scheduler. There's going to be dynamically set schedules in the range of thousands+, possibly with many running at the same time. For languages, Java or at least JVM would be awesome.
Does anyone know a good Scheduler for DynamoDB or other AWS technology?
When I say scheduler I'm thinking of something all purpose like quartz. I want to set a cron and it runs at that time with the code I give it. This isn't doing some AWS task, this is a task internal to our product. SWF's cron runs inside the VM, so I'm worried what happens when the VM is down. Data Pipeline seems a bit too much. I've been looking into making a dynamodb job store for quartz, consistent read might get around the transaction and consistency issues, but I'm hesitant, might be biting off a lot with a lot of hard to notice problems.
Have you looked at AWS Simple Workflow? You would use the AWS Flow Framework to program against the service, and they have a well documented Java API with lots of samples. They support continuous workflows with timers which you can use to run periodic code (see code example here). I'm using SWF and the Flow Framework for Ruby to run async code that gets kicked off from my main app, and it's been working great.
Another new option for you is to look at AWS Lambda. You can attach your Lambda function code directly to a DynamoDB table update event, and Lambda will spin up and shut down the compute resources for you, without you having to manage a server to run your code. Also, recently, AWS launched the ability to call the Lambda function directly -- e.g. you could have an external timer or other code that triggers the function on a specific schedule.
Lastly, this SO thread may have other options for you to consider.
Another option is to use AWS Lambda Scheduled Functions (newly announced on October 8th 2015 at AWS re:Invent).
Here is a relevant snippet from the blog (source):
Scheduled Functions (Cron)
You can now invoke a Lambda function on a regular, scheduled basis. You can specify a fixed rate (number of minutes, hours, or days between invocations) or you can specify a Cron-like expression: