Set multiple value using #IBDesignable - swift3

How do I create #IBDesignable for set deferent value when I run app on iPhone and ipad


How to access window object in webpack 5 at runtime

I have React application with the custom webpack config (not CRA app). I am using Docker for the production build which is in turn run a small bash script and generates env.js file into window object (window._env = { vars}. The question is: how can I access window.myVAR variable in my webpack config? The main intention is to pass my production domain url value (depending on environment) from the window object into PUBLIC_URL property instead of '.'. Is there any plugins for it to read variables from the window object in webpack at runtime?
new InterpolateHtmlPlugin({

Access application items from other applications only through fetch_app_item?

I have several applications in an Oracle APEX 19.2 workspace that use shared authentication. In order to access enduser metadata, I want to use an application item defined as global in the master application. It seems to be configered correctly: In a slave application, I can see the correct session value in the debugger windows (Session State, View: Application Items).
But the usual replacement syntaxes do not work: I can not access the value with any of those methods:
The only method that is working is apex_util.fetch_app_item('variable',[application id]) - this is cumbersome, as I would like to work with application aliases and I would need to translate the alias using the view apex_applications.
Is this working as intended or did I do something wrong?
Have you created the same application item in the slave application as well? You will also have to set it to Scope = Global. This will expose the value in the current application.

Tensorboard is not showing any information in profile tab

I am trying to explore model tuning through tensorboard profiling tab and was trying to generate files through tensorboard call back as shared below.
log_dir="logs/profile/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir,
histogram_freq=1, profile_batch = 3),
and it has generated following files in my colab. Have then downloaded these files into my local PC to view in tensorboard but nothing is getting displayed in Profile tab. All the other tab showing information.
logs/profile/ logs/profile/20190907-130136/
The script is located in
Wanted to attach the files but there is no option to attach he files here...Can anyone please help why profile info from this script is not getting displayed into local PC tensorboard profile tab?
Apparently you need to use Chrome to view the profile information:
I think you must install tensorboard plugin profile.
using this link to guid.

AppsFlyer: Is there way to find if user reinstalls the app

I am trying to find if the users current app install if the first or if its a reinstall. Is there any way to determine this using iOS SDK?
You can make use of the getAppsFlyerUID API and compare the ID's you are getting.
let appsflyerId = AppsFlyerTracker.shared().getAppsFlyerUID()
NSString *appsflyerId = [AppsFlyerTracker sharedTracker].getAppsFlyerUID;
For every new install, you should see a new AppsFlyer ID.
For this to work in between app reinstalls, you'll have to keep the "old" AppsFlyer ID in a persistent data storage like KeyChain or an internal BI system - so you can compare (or check if a previous ID exists).

How to force Mongoid to refresh query

A background job polls devices table in a Mongoid mapped database in a Rails 4.0.2 application like that:
while go
Device.all.each do |device|
#do something
I can verify that it load the first set correctly. However, it doesn't refresh the set if new devices are added to the database.
Identity map is off (removed in the current version).
This does the trick:
Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false