Deployment of Qt app when sources change frequently - c++

I'm currently working on a GUI app that is supposed to decrypt some data and print it on the screen, on Windows and Qt (C++) based. The code works fine and I now have to distribute it.
However, the format of the data to decipher can (and will) evolve, and is described on headers (.h) and sources (.c). Therefore, when this happens, I just have to change these files to the last version, the compilation goes fine and the program runs smoothly. It's a simple drag&drop of the new files in my source folder, really.
I am aware of how to deploy a .exe (with the correct dll and so forth), but I don't think it would work in this case. I briefly looked at how to create installers but i'm not sure that this is the right way to handle the situation (
How could I distribute this code so that people that want to use it can just change the sources, run a script, and the .exe is generated, even with a computer that does not have Qt ? (but probably mingw32 and only on Windows)
Thanks in advance for your help !

From my understanding, you should include dll's and if the format of the data changes, you can just update and maintain your dll's.
Build your project in release mode and then use QTWinDeploy to finalize the build of the project with all the dependencys the projects require for users without QT.
This is how I maintain and distribute a project similar to yours.
Otherwise, I would recommend looking at self-updating programs.


Qt Application : How to create standalone executable file for Windows (& Mac) from Mac?

I developed a Qt application in MacBook (El-Capitan 10.11.2) and it is ready now to be released.
What i want now, is to create the standalone executable file for both Mac and Windows OS.
But I don't know how !
I found this link but I am unable to follow it is guidance, it looks different from what my system is showing me.
If you have any idea, please help me.
Thank you
Well, to compile an application for windows, you will need a windows machine (or at least a virtual machine). You can't compile for windows on mac.
Regarding the "standalone": The easy way is to deploy your application together with all the required dlls/frameworks and ship them as one "package". To to this, there are the tools windeployqt and macdeployqt. However, those will not be "single file" applications, but rather a collection of files.
If you want to have one single file, you will have to build Qt statically! You can to this, but you will have to do it on your own. And if you do, please notice that the LGPL-license (the one for the free version of Qt) requires you to make the source-code of your program public! That's not the case if you just link to the dynamic libraries.
Deployment can be really hard, because you have to do it differently for each platform. Most times you will have 3 steps
Dependency resolving: In this step, you collect all the exectuables/lirabries/translations/... your application requires and collect them somewhere they can find each other. For windows and mac, this can be done using the tools I mentioned above.
Installation: Here you will have to create some kind of "installer". The easiest way is to create a zip-file that contains everyhing you need. But if you want to have a "nice" installation, you will have to create proper "installers" for each platform. (One of many possibilities is the Qt Installer Framework. Best thing about it: It's cross platform.)
Distribution: Distribution is how to get your program to the user. On Mac, you will have the App-Store, for windows you don't. Best way is to provide the download on a website created for this (like sourceforge, github, ...)
I can help you with the first step, but for the second step you will have to research the possibilities and decide for a way to do it.
Resolving the dependencies can be done by either building Qt statically (this way you will have only one single file, but gain additional work because you will have to compile Qt) or using the dynamic build. For the dynamic build, Qt will help you to resolve the dependencies:
macdeployqt is rather easy to use. Compile your app in release mode and call <qt_install_dir>/bin/macdeployqt <path_to_your_bundle>/<bundle>.app. After thats done, all Qt libraries are stored inside the <bundle>.app folder.
For windeployqt is basically the same: <qt_install_dir>\bin\windeployqt --release <path_to_your_build>\<application>.exe. All dependencies will be inside the build folder. (Hint: copy the <application>.exe in an empty directoy and run windeployqt on that path instead. This way you get rid of all the build-files).
Regarding the static build: Just google it, you will find hundreds of explanations for any platform. But unless you have no other choice but to use one single file (for whatever reason) it would recommend you to use dynamic builds. And regarding the user experience: On mac, they won't notice a difference, since in both cases everything will be hidden inside the app bundle. On windows, it's normal to have multiple files, so no one will bother. (And if you create an installer for windows, just make sure to add a desktop shortcut. This way the user will to have "a single file" to click.)

DLL locked - Visual Studio 2010 C++

I’m currently logged onto a machine and my current problem involves a custom build step that has trouble copying a .dll to the Bin directory because Windows says it cannot access the file because it’s currently being used by another process.
I’m able to reproduce this on several other projects. The sequence of events is that I build a release successfully, do some test, checkout another SHA when doing a git bisect, and attempt to build a release from that SHA without doing a git clean -xfd (intentionally, because I’m trying to cache as much reusable data as possible). The weird thing is that I tried to use Process Explorer (procexp) and tasklist /m <locked_dll.dll> to search for whatever is holding onto this dll, and am unable to find anything holding onto the dll. I’m on a non-admin account, and I’m not sure if that is causing Windows to hide certain processes from me. Rebooting the machine helps, but that’s not an acceptable solution since I’m trying to automate things. I’m able to delete the .dll, and when I try to build the project in VS, it’ll complain that it still can’t access the dll when trying to copy it over to the Bin folder. Any ideas? I’m going to keep researching the issue, but as of right now, I’m sort of stumped.
This seems to be a duplicate question (Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process), but I'll leave this open to see if anyone has found anything new related to the topic.
I've seen this problem in VS 2010 with a large .Net solution with multiple projects in it. Every case I've seen so far pertains to have one project with dependency DLLs that another project also uses, and that other project also uses the first project as a reference, and also uses the same dependency DLLs that happen to be a different version from the first project.
To describe it a different way:
Project A depends on v1 of DLL A
Project B depends on project A and v2 of DLL A
Both project A and B are in the same solution
The solution is to use the same version of DLL A. I usually run into this when upgrading to a new version of SQLite, and I forget to update the dependency in all of my projects.
After talking with a few coworkers, I found the solution to my problem. procexp and tasklist did not see which process was locking the dll because there was no process locking the dll on that particular machine.
I have a hardware configuration where machine A (a host PC) is connected to machine B (acts as a client that retrieves instructions from machine A) using a network switch. machine B runs the same binaries that link to the same dll's. Thus, obviously, running procexp or tasklist on machine A will not see anything locking the dll's because machine B is the culprit.

Packaging a modified Qt class

Heads up, this is going to be confusing:
I customized 9 files from Qt5.2: qquicktextdocument.cpp qquicktextdocument.h qquicktextedit.cpp qquicktextedit_p.h qquicktextedit_p_p.h qquicktextnode.cpp qquicktextnodeengine.cpp qquicktextnodeengine_p.h qquicktextnode_p.h
Each file is simply prefixed with a letter and still inside /qtdeclarative/src/quick/items/. I am 100% happy with the modifications I made being put under GPL etc. I somewhat want my end application (discussed below) to be Apache or MIT, but, I'm flexible.
My modifications work fine. When I modify a few additional files I am able to compile them along with the rest of Qt (at the same time, using the same make command). But these modifications are going into another Qt application that I am making which I want other people to be able to use, and requiring general consumers to have a custom compiled version of Qt would be obviously absurd.
I want to package/compile/do something, that will enable me to include the modifications in my final project as a shared library, or something.
As a web developer writing C++ and Qt, I am very confused about linking shared libraries, header files, etc.
To recap, I modified Qt 5.2 and made a custom compilation of it for an application I am building, and I want people to be able to run that application without having to have a custom compilation of Qt. I need a way to decouple my Qt modifications from Qt.
I realize this might be a big topic, I'm not expecting a step by step guide, just some general guidance. So far I have tried compiling my modified files as a library, then including that library in my actual project, but I am getting undefined references and missing files all over the place. (I don't know if I did anything right)
I am also currently looking at subclassing the classes I want but I'm unsure about this. It might require copy pasting some code, which could have licensing issues?
end goal: be able to have a wavy underline (in qml) for incorrectly spelt words.
Thank You.
My 5 cents.
If your changes can be useful (in general) to other people you can try to push them to upstream via codereview.
If you want your application to run only in windows everything become obvious: in windows it is normal to provide your application with shared libraries (to avoid DLL HELL). Btw, have you heard about static linking?
Qt has some plugin mechanism. You can compile your code into shared object (dynamic library) and install it with your application. For example, QML FolderListModel do this. You can look at code in $qt5_src/qtdeclarative/src/imports/folderlistmodel.

EXE from C++, Sqlite dll if any

I am a Java programmer and have come across a very nasty situation. For POC purposes, I need to write down a small segment of my solution that will run as a standalone application doing something very specific.
I have 2 questions:-
I can write the code, but what I don't know is how do I create an installer and exe out of that C++ code.
Secondly, I need to parse a sqlite db file and show its data in the application. Is there a sqlite windows dll or some C++ library or something that I can use, instead of asking the user to install sqlite (or doing it myself through the installer)? So basically, I don't want an extra program to be pushed in, just a dll or some C++ library..
Please let me know if you have an answer to either or both the issues that I'm facing.
Compiling your code will turn it in to an executable. For distribution, you'll want to build it in Release mode. I'm not sure what version of Visual Studio you are using, but you might have a "Setup and Deployment" Project type which will enable you to create an installer. Failing that, you may have to look at InstallShield or a tool like that to ensure that the installer has all necessary files (such as the runtime libraries).
SQLLite is called light for a reason! The source code for it can be incorporated directly in to your project and compiled alongside the rest of the files (see: ). This means no external libraries are necessary to link against, and no extra DLLs need to be redistributed alongside your executable.

xcode's executable product for c++ project

I've completed a simple numbers-version of the game "Towers of Hanoi" using xcode's command line tool in C++. Being accustomed to PC compilers like borland's and visual-c, I've attempted to "share" the game with others via e-mail by simply attaching the executable product built by xcode. However, the recipients can't run the program as it shows up in a different format - usually machine code, it sounds like.
After a bit of extensive searching, I'm realizing the complexity of building projects within xcode's IDE and the variations on the build settings/ targets, etc.
Anyone know how to build a self-contained c++ executable to be universally run? I don't go outside the STL library for this game. I'd greatly appreciate any help.
OS X is based on Unix, which uses plain binary files (i.e. no filename extension) as executables. If they have a certain "executable permission," they can be double-clicked to be run as executables, or run from the command line. However, this permission can't be sent over email - it's metadata within the file system itself, and this makes sense from a security standpoint (you wouldn't want spammers sending you executable viruses over email right?). So when the recipient receives the binary, they'll need to run the following command line command on it, assuming "hanoi" is the name of the binary file:
chmod +x /path/to/hanoi
If you really want to package it as an instantly double-clickable application, you'll need to give it a native UI and package it as a .app, then put that .app (which is actually a folder with the .app extension) in an archive to distribute. Sorry if that's more work than you were hoping for. Hope this helps!
Sharing applications across dot releases of the same OS can be notoriously difficult on the Mac (at least, as far as personal experience goes).
In order to be able to share your application with the least amount of effort, you will need to figure out:
What project type is this? Are you using any resources like images etc?
What version of the OS your friends are using? If they are not on the Mac, you're out of luck (or you'll have to recompile for their OS-es).
If they run Mac, check out that you have the same OS versions, if you have developed on Leopard and someone's running on SnowLeopard your application might simply fail. (I also ran into issues between Mac OS 10.5.4 and 10.5.3 so keep your fingers crossed.)
Check out what sort of hardware you are running. Are you building for your hardware (say, MacIntel) only or are you creating an Universal Binary?
Make sure that all resources are packaged into your application bundle. Make sure your application uses only relative paths.
Check if you are not writing to special folders (i.e. use only temp and/or word-writable locations, if you need to).
I wish I could give a more detailed/to the point reply but unfortunately you'll have to figure out some of the answers yourself (without any other specific information about the error you are getting).
If you're satisfied with a command line tool rather than a double-clickable app, it should suffice to zip it and attach that to the e-mail. Be sure to build universal if anyone you're sending to might be using a PowerPC-based Mac. Oh, and set the deployment target to the minimum OS that any recipient might be using.