Creating and filling array dynamically - c++

I have an array which is to be filled using an object like this -
const std::map<Id, std::vector<Data>> *const DataSets[]=
Condition here is, If object.data1.size() == 0 I dont want to push it into array. in that case I want to fill my array like this -
const std::map<Id, std::vector<Data>> *const DataSets[]=
I am using std::vector instead of array now and trying to initialize vector in same as array -
const std::vector<std::map<Id, std::vector<Data>>> *const DataSets
I am getting error: E0146 too many initializer values. Can't I initialize my vector in this way? If not can anyone please suggest how to do that?
Thanks in advance!

You don't do that.
Respectively you don't use C style plain arrays if you want to do anything dynamic. You just wrap it in yet another std::vector because that supports dynamic sizes.

[...] since my further logic depends upon this arraya and the code is long
back implemented...thatswhy not using vector
Thats not a good reason for not using a vector. If you ever need a c-array you can still use std::vector::data() in combination with std::vector::size(). There is (almost) no good reason to prefer a c-array to a std::vector, even if you need c-arrays in some places.


create a Dynamic std::array of std::array

My task requires me to create an array of arrays to store some data , where the number of row is fixed and the columns are to be decided at run-time.
If I was using a simple int array then this would've been a simple task but because I have to use std::array , I am lost .
My attempt so far
using std::array;
int main(){
array<array<int,1>*,3> x;
for(size_t i=0;i<3;i++)
which leads to the error
array1.cpp:12:29: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type
~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 1 error generated.
when using clang++
I have read that an std::array is equivalent to a normal array ,
I know i can use vectors but since i know how many rows i have from the beginning , I feel it to be a waste to use vectors , while I would love the added functionality of std::array when compared to a traditional array. How do I implement this .
std::array<std::vector<int>,3> is the type you want.
std::vector is a dynamicly sized array.
int main(){
std::array<std::vector<int>,3> x;
for(std::size_t i=0;i<3;i++)
this creates a 3 "major" element array of 22 "minor" size.
Note that column-major and row-major (which is first and which is second) is a matter of convention. So std::vector<std::array<3,int>> is another equally valid interpretation of the requirements.
If you are banned from using std::vector, you will have to figure out an alternative solution, possibly rolling your own. I'd advise against unique_ptr<int[]> (or worse, raw pointers) as they don't store the size of the element.
A std::array< std::array< cannnot be dynamic in either dimension. std::array is fixed size.
My task requires me to create an array of arrays to store some data , where the number of row is fixed and the columns are to be decided at run-time.
It sounds like your task requires using a matrix class. Like boost::numeric::ublas::matrix.
The benefit of using a matrix class is that internally it uses one dynamic array to minimize storage overhead.
If you are coding this as an exercise create your own matrix class. Otherwise use an existing one.

C++ - How do I put a static array inside my array?

I apologize for the total noob question, but I just cannot find an answer. I googled, searched here, searched C++ array documentation, and some C++ array tutorials.
The question is simple. Why does
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
short pixelarray[3][3] = {{1,1,1},{0,0,0},{-1,-1,-1}};
... //do stuff. Imagine a loop here, and BIG array - I'm just simplifying it for StackOverflow
pixelarray = {{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1}};
return 0;
result in an error?
1>arraytest.cpp(11): error C2059: syntax error : '{'
How do I put a static array inside my array? I realize I could set each item individually, but there has to be a better way.
Built-in arrays in C++ have their problems, and not being assignable does make them rather inflexible. I'd stick with std::array, a C++11 container that emulates a better style of array, which allows a somewhat similar syntax to what you're looking for:
std::array<int, 3> arr{{1, 2, 3}};
std::array<int, 3>{{4, 5, 6}}.swap(arr);
//now arr is {4, 5, 6}
Here's a full sample. The trick is to use the initializer list on a newly-constructed array and then swap that with yours. I believe that the next C++ update is going to remove the need for the double braces as well, which makes it an even closer match to familiar syntax.
Initializer lists can be used just for initialization :)
Like when you declare your variable:
short pixelarray[3][3] = {{1,1,1},{0,0,0},{-1,-1,-1}}; // this is ok
You have to remove this:
pixelarray = {{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1}};
And assign new values manually (i.e. pixelarray[x][y] = or with a memcpy(pixelarray, <some other array>, sizeof(pixelarray)))
If you don't want to assign each individual element manually, you can do this:
short pixelarray2[3][3] = {{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1}};
memcpy(pixelarray, pixelarray2, sizeof(pixelarray));
As #Nick points out: initializer lists are not for assignment.
Arrays are not assignable, so the short answer is that you can't do exactly what you're asking for. The most direct way to do something similar enough for most purposes is probably a 2D array class that acts as a wrapper around a std::vector, on the order of the one I posted in a previous answer.
If you insist on staying with C-style arrays, one possibility would be to use a pointer:
int main() {
typedef short array[3];
array pixelarray0[3] = {{1,1,1},{0,0,0},{-1,-1,-1}};
array pixelarray1[3] = {{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1}};
array *pixelarray = pixelarray0;
// when needed:
pixelarray = pixelarray1;
Taking this question from a straight C context, you can have different constant arrays and just copy them with memcpy:
typedef short TArray[3][3];
const TArray a1 = {{1,1,1},{0,0,0},{-1,-1,-1}};
const TArray a2 = {{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{1,0,-1}};
// ...
TArray a;
memcpy( a, a2, sizeof(TArray));
Or you could exploit C99 struct copying, but I'd consider this a dangerous hack because the structure might be padded to be larger than the array, or have a different alignment.
typedef struct {
TArray arr;
} TDummyArray;
// ...
TArray a;
*(TDummyArray*)a = *(TDummyArray*)a2;
Once you have declared your array there is no way to use the assignment operator to reassign the entire content of the array.
So to change the contents or your array after this:
short pixelarray[3][3] = {{1,1,1},{0,0,0},{-1,-1,-1}};
You need to either loop through the array and manually change each value, or you something like std::memcpy to copy your new values over.
But you should really not be using an array in the first place, use some fromthing the std collections library instead like std::array or std::vector. Only use arrays if you have a really really good reason why you can't use a collection.

counting elements stored in an array

I really need some help... I detail my problem, I need an array of a certain type, but I don't know its length before having retrieving values from other arrays, using for structures. In fact, I don't want to spend time passing again the several loops, and i wonder the best way to do this. Should I use a stack and a counter, and after filling it, instanciate and fill the array ?
RelAttr *tab;
//need to initialize it but how
/*several for loops retrieving values*/
tab[i] = value;
/*end for loops*/
Obviously this code is incomplete, but it is how stuff is done. And i know i can't do the affectation without having specified the array length before...
Thanks for your help
Just use a std::vector.
std::vector<RelAttr> vec;
It manages its own growth transparently. Every time it grows, all the items are copied, but the amortized cost of this is O(1).
The storage is also guaranteed to be contiguous, so if you really need a raw C-style array, then you can simply do this:
const RelAttr *p = &vec[0];
However, you should really only do this if you have a legacy C API that you need to satisfy.
As this is C++, suggest using a std::vector (std::vector<RelAttr>) as the number of objects is not required to be known beforehand. You can use std::vector::push_back() to add new elements as required.
The easiest way (assuming nothing exceptionally performance critical) is to use a std::vector to assemble the values and (if needed) convert the vertor to an array. Something like;
std::vector<RelAttr> vec;
and if you want to convert it to an array afterwards;
RelAttr *tab = new RelAttr[vec.size()];
copy( vec.begin(), vec.end(), a);
If you don't know length at compiling time you can use
function malloc, operator new, vector or another type of container

Need help with returning a 2D array C++, please

I'm trying to create an array and pass it to functions, which then return it, but I don't know the correct way of returning.
I've been looking around tutorials and trying stuff out, but haven't managed to solve this.
I'm new to C++ and thought it would be similar to Java, but apparently it isn't.
This is where I've gotten:
class MainClass {
static int countLetterCombinations(string array[], int numberOfWords) {
// Code
return totalCombos;
// This is the function I'm having trouble with.
static string** sortCombos(string combinations[][3]) {
// Do something
return combinations; // This gives converting error.
int main() {
// Code
int numberOfCombinations = MainClass::countLetterCombinations(words, numberOfWords);
string combinations[numberOfCombinations][3];
combinations = MainClass::sortCombos(combinations);
// Further code
Anyone know how to fix this?
You need to use a vector. C++ stack-based arrays cannot be dynamically sized- oh, and you can't convert [][] to **, the conversion only works for the first dimension. Oh, and you can't assign to arrays, either.
The simple rule is, in C++, never use primitive arrays- they're just a headache. They're inherited from C, which actually defined a lot of it's array behaviour for source compatibility with B, which is insanely old. Use classes that manage dynamic memory for you, like std::vector, for dynamically sizable arrays.
std::vector<std::array<std::string, 3>> combinations(numberOfCombinations);
static void sortCombos(std::vector<std::array<std::string, 3>>& combinations) {
// Do something
} // This function modifies combinations in-place and doesn't require a return.
Oh, and you really don't have to make functions static class members- they can just go in the global namespace.
Your sortCombos method can modify the array parameter in-place, and the caller will see those changes directly. Because you doesn't need to return anything, you should change the return type to void.
Even if you could return input array, you can't assign to combinations.

Convert std::vector to array

I have a library which expects a array and fills it. I would like to use a std::vector instead of using an array. So instead of
int array[256];
I would like to do:
std::vector<int> array;
But I can't find a way to do it. Is there any chance to use std::vector for this?
Thanks for reading!
I want to place an update to this problem:
I was playing around with C++11 and found a better approach. The new solution is to use the function to get the pointer to the first element.
So we can do the following:
std::vector<int> theVec;
object->getArray(; // will pass the pointer to the first element
If we want to use a vector with a fixed amount of elements we better use the new datatype std::array instead (btw, for this reason the variable name "array", which was used in the question above should not be used anymore!!).
std::array<int, 10> arr; //an array of 10 integer elements
arr.assign(1); //set value '1' for every element
Both code variants will work properly in Visual C++ 2010. Remember: this is C++11 Code so you will need a compiler which supports the features!
The answer below is still valid if you do not use C++11!
std::vector<int> array(256); // resize the buffer to 256 ints
object->getArray(&array[0]); // pass address of that buffer
Elements in a vector are guaranteed to be contiguous, like an array.