I have the code
long long x = 200000 * 200000;
cout << x << endl;
it outputs 1345294336
I've tried converting to a string and outputting each digit, and it still outputs the same thing
long long x = 200000LL * 200000LL;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
note the "LL" suffix. To read more about using suffixes for numeric literals, visit the Integer Literals page on cppreference.com.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main(void) {
std::string fx = "6x^2+6x+4";
int part1 = fx[0] * fx[3];
cout << fx[0] << endl;
cout << fx[3] << endl;
cout << part1;
So I have this string and fx[0] and fx[3] are obviously integers: when I print them to the console they print out just fine; however, part1 (their multiplication) equals some totally unrelated number? Can anyone help?
Here is the output:
Your fx[0] and fx[3] variables are of type char (which is an integer type in C++). However, the actual values in those two elements of your fx string will be representations of the digits, 6 and 2, not the numerical values of those digits.
Very often, those representations will be ASCII codes (but that's not required); however, what is required is that the representations of the digits 0 thru 9 have contiguous, sequential values. Thus, by subtracting the value of the digit, 0, we can convert to their numerical representations.
In your case, the following line will do the conversion:
int part1 = (fx[0]-'0') * (fx[3]-'0');
The reason why you see the correct values when printing fx[0] and fx[3] is because the version of the cout << operator that takes a char argument is designed to print the represented character (not its 'ASCII' code); however, the cout << operator for an int type (like your part1) will print the actual value represented internally. (Try changing one of your lines to cout << (int)fx[0] << endl; to see the difference.)
P.S. Don't forget the #include <string> header – some implementations do that implicity inside the <iostream> header, but don't rely on that!
well, first of all, string::operator[] returns a char... then, a char can be casted to an int, and the cast works checking the ID in the ASCII table (in your case)
In ASCII, the ID of "6" and "2" are respectively 54 and 52 (you can check it here for example)... so your program is taking the two char, casting them to int, and multiplying them (54 * 50 = 2700)
If you need to interpret those as the integer value they represent, you can check this answer:
int val = '6' - '0'; // val == 6
Characters are values representing glyphs from some representation, usually the ASCII table. The numeric value of a character is not the same as the glyph that is printed on the screen. To convert a numeric-looking char to an actual "0-based" numeric value, subtract '0' from your char value.
(fx[3]-'0']) will be the numeric value of character represented at position 3.
You are multiplying character types. so the characters '6' and '2' will converted to its integer values 54 and 50 respectively then multiplication is applied. This works based on C++ type conversion rule. Then you will get 2,700. Try the modified sample code
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main(void) {
std::string fx = "6x^2+6x+4";
int part1 = fx[0] * fx[3];
cout << fx[0] << endl;
cout << fx[3] << endl;
cout << part1;
cout << std::endl;
cout << (int)fx[0] << " " << (int)fx[3] << std::endl;
And the results
54 50
I've noticed some weird behaviour in c++ which i don't understand,
i'm trying to print a truncated double in a hexadecimal representation
this code output is 17 which is a decimal representation
double a = 17.123;
cout << hex << floor(a) << '\n';
while this code output is 11 and also my desirable output
double a = 17.123;
long long aASll = floor(a);
cout << hex << aASll << '\n';
as double can get really big numbers i'm afraid of wrong output while storing the truncated number in long long variable, any suggestions or improvements?
Quoting CPPreference's documentation page for std::hex (and friends)
Modifies the default numeric base for integer I/O.
This suggests that std::hex does not have any effect on floating point inputs. The best you are going to get is
cout << hex << static_cast<long long>(floor(a)) << '\n';
or a function that does the same.
uintmax_t from <cstdint> may be useful to get the largest available integer if the values are always positive. After all, what is a negative hex number?
Since a double value can easily exceed the maximum resolution of available integers, this won't cover the whole range. If the floored values exceed what can fit in an integer type, you are going to have to do the conversion by hand or use a big integer library.
Side note: std::hexfloat does something very different and does not work correctly in all compilers due to some poor wording in the current Standard that is has since been hammered out and should be corrected in the next revision.
Just write your own version of floor and have it return an integral value. For example:
long long floorAsLongLong(double d)
return (long long)floor(d);
int main() {
double a = 17.123;
cout << hex << floorAsLongLong(a) << endl;
I wrote the following code
#include <iostream>
#define circleArea(r) (3.1415*r*r)
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
std::cout << circleArea('10') << std::endl;
std::cout << 3.1415*'10'*'10' << std::endl;
std::cout << 3.1415*10*10 << std::endl;
return 0;
The output was the following
Hello, World!
The doubt i have is why is 3.1415 * '10'*'10' value 4.98111e+08. i thought when i multiply a string by a number, number will be converted to a string yielding a string.Am i missing something here?
EDIT: Rephrasing question based on comments, i understood that single quotes and double are not same. So, '1' represents a single character. But, what does '10' represent
'10' is a multicharacter literal; note well the use of single quotation marks. It has a type int, and its value is implementation defined. Cf. "10" which is a literal of type const char[3], with the final element of that array set to NUL.
Typically its value is '1' * 256 + '0', which in ASCII (a common encoding supported by C++) is 49 * 256 + 48 which is 12592.
I have 2 numbers, n = 1000000000000, and j = 1. When I write
cout << n / j << endl;
The console outputs the right answer, 1000000000000.
However, when I do :
int d = n / j;
cout << d << endl;
The console outputs 3567587328.
Can someone please explain why this happens and what should I do?
The value you are using is greater than the maximum value that an integer variable can store.
If you need to perform arithmetic operation with such big numbers then you will have to use special classes that handle such numbers. Perhaps your implementation of C++ supports the long long data type?
The max int you can have is 2,147,483,647 which is way smaller that 10^12 that you have there, so you have an integer overflow. Instead of an int you could use long long.
Try using long.
long long d = n / j;
cout << d << endl;
const double dBLEPTable_8_BLKHAR[4096] = {
If I change the double above to float, am I doing incurring conversion cpu cycles when I perform operations on the array contents? Or is the "conversion" sorted out during compile time?
Say, dBLEPTable_8_BLKHAR[1] + dBLEPTable_8_BLKHAR[2] , something simple like this?
On a related note, how many trailing decimal places should a float be able to store?
This is c++.
Any good compiler will convert the initializers during compile time. However, you also asked
am I incurring conversion cpu cycles when I perform operations on the array contents?
and that depends on the code performing the operations. If your expression combines array elements with variables of double type, then the operation will be performed at double precision, and the array elements will be promoted (converted) before the arithmetic takes place.
If you just combine array elements with variables of float type (including other array elements), then the operation is performed on floats and the language doesn't require any promotion (But if your hardware only implements double precision operations, conversion might still be done. Such hardware surely makes the conversions very cheap, though.)
Ben Voigt answer addresses your question for most parts.
But you also ask:
On a related note, how many trailing decimal places should a float be able to store
It depends on the value of the number you are trying to store. For large numbers there is no decimals - in fact the format can't even give you a precise value for the integer part. For instance:
float x = BIG_NUMBER;
float y = x + 1;
if (x == y)
// The code get here if BIG_NUMBER is very high!
// The code get here if BIG_NUMBER is no so high!
If BIG_NUMBER is 2^23 the next greater number would be (2^23 + 1).
If BIG_NUMBER is 2^24 the next greater number would be (2^24 + 2).
The value (2^24 + 1) can not be stored.
For very small numbers (i.e. close to zero), you will have a lot of decimal places.
Floating point is to be used with great care because they are very imprecise.
For small numbers you can experiment with the program below.
Change the exp variable to set the starting point. The program will show you what the step size is for the range and the first four valid numbers.
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
int exp = -27; // <--- !!!!!!!!!!!
// Change this to set starting point for the range
// Starting point will be 2 ^ exp
float f;
unsigned int *d = (unsigned int *)&f; // Brute force to set f in binary format
unsigned int e;
// Calculate step size for this range
e = ((127-23) + exp) << 23;
*d = e;
cout << "Step size = " << fixed << f << endl;
cout << "First 4 numbers in range:" << endl;
// Calculate first four valid numbers in this range
e = (127 + exp) << 23;
*d = e | 0x00000000;
cout << hex << "0x" << *d << " = " << fixed << f << endl;
*d = e | 0x00000001;
cout << hex << "0x" << *d << " = " << fixed << f << endl;
*d = e | 0x00000002;
cout << hex << "0x" << *d << " = " << fixed << f << endl;
*d = e | 0x00000003;
cout << hex << "0x" << *d << " = " << fixed << f << endl;
return 0;
For exp = -27 the output will be:
Step size = 0.0000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
First 4 numbers in range:
0x32000000 = 0.0000000074505805969238281250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x32000001 = 0.0000000074505814851022478251252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x32000002 = 0.0000000074505823732806675252504646778106689453125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x32000003 = 0.0000000074505832614590872253756970167160034179687500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
const double dBLEPTable_8_BLKHAR[4096] = {
If you change the double in that line to float, then one of two things will happen:
At compile time, the compiler will convert the numbers -0.00000000239150987901837200000000 to the float that best represents them, and will then store that data directly into the array.
At runtime, during the program initialization (before main() is called!) the runtime that the compiler generated will fill that array with data of type float.
Either way, once you get to main() and to code that you've written, all of that data will be stored as float variables.