I have a problem with this :
"expected primary-expression before ‘/’ token"
Help me please
the error shows on : angle = i * 2.0f * PI / numSegments;
Here is my code:
void display() {
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear colour buffer
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // To operateon the model-view matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset model-view matrix
glTranslatef(ballX, ballY, 0.0f); //translate to (xPos, yPos)
// use triangular segments to form a circle
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Biru
glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // center of circle
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle;
for (int i = 0; i <= numSegments; i++) { // last vertex same as first vertex
angle = i * 2.0f * PI / numSegments;
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * ballRadius, sin(angle) * ballRadius);
glutSwapBuffers(); // Swap front and back buffers (of double buffered mode)
// animation control - compute the location for the next refresh
ballX += xSpeed;
ballY += ySpeed;
//Check if the ball exceeds the edges
if (ballX > ballXMax) {
ballX = ballXMax;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
else if(ballX < ballXMin) {
ballX = ballXMin;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
if (ballY > ballYMax) {
ballY = ballYMax;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
else if (ballY < ballYMin) {
ballY = ballYMin;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
Maddeningly, neither the C nor the C++ Standards define a value for pi, and the compiler error you're getting is entirely consistent with PI not being defined.
If you're not using Boost with C++, the easiest thing to do is to define PI yourself, to a very large number of decimal places in order to guard yourself against future precision changes in your types. In POSIX you could use M_PI, but then your code is not strictly portable.
NOTE I know that my plane and the cylinder are badly built but their purpose is just to have something to see on the screen. Considering (px,py,pz), the camera position, and (dx, dy, dz), the view direction.
Important: My camera should follow a structure similar to the one I implemented here, so I can't use glRotate, glTranslate everything has to be done manually, the imposition of my teacher sadly, And also I am using Visual Studio.
FIX: My translations are all ok now I fixed a thing in the case GLUT_KEY_LEFT and GLUT_KEY_RIGTH.
Problem: Now the remaning problem is in the mouse_motion, when I click with left mouse button and drag the mouse around the screen my camera changes it direction really fast and sometimes when I go up it faces down its strange and hard to describe XD.
Warning: Warning C26451 Arithmetic overflow: Using operator '+' on a 4 byte value and then casting the result to a 8 byte value. Cast the value to the wider type before calling operator '+' to avoid overflow (io.2). class2 main.cpp 199 .
This is my the line that says gluLookAt(px, py, pz, px+dx, py+dy, pz+dz, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); How can I fix it?
Camera: I just want the motion of the mouse to allow me to define the direction I want to go and use the up, down, left, right keys to move.
#include <math.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <GLUT/glut.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
//For Camera
#define GlUT_KEY_UP 72
#define KEY_DOWN 80
#define KEY_LEFT 75
#define KEY_RIGHT 77
// angle of rotation for the camera direction
float angle = 0.0f; //alpha
float angle1 = 0.0f; //beta
// actual vector representing the camera's direction
float dx = 0.0f;
float dy = 0.0f;
float dz = 1.0f;
// XZ position of the camera
float px = 0.0f;
float py = 0.0f;
float pz = 10.0f;
float speed = 1.0f;
float rotateSpeed = 0.0008f;
//For FPS
int timebase;
float frame;
void changeSize(int w, int h) {
// Prevent a divide by zero, when window is too short
// (you cant make a window with zero width).
if(h == 0)
h = 1;
// compute window's aspect ratio
float ratio = w * 1.0 / h;
// Set the projection matrix as current
// Load Identity Matrix
// Set the viewport to be the entire window
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
// Set perspective
gluPerspective(45.0f ,ratio, 1.0f ,1000.0f);
// return to the model view matrix mode
// Draw Figures
void drawAxis() {
// X axis in Red
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(-100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Y Axis in Green
glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f);
// Z Axis in Blue
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f);
void drawPlane(float width) {
glColor3f(4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
glVertex3d(width, 0,width);
glVertex3d(width, 0, -width);
glVertex3d(-width, 0,-width);
glColor3f(3.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3d(width, 0, width);
glVertex3d(-width, 0, -width);
glVertex3d(-width, 0, width);
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glVertex3d(width, 0, -width);
glVertex3d(width, 0, width);
glVertex3d(-width, 0, -width);
glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
glVertex3d(-width, 0, -width);
glVertex3d(width, 0, width);
glVertex3d(-width, 0, width);
void drawCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices) {
float interval = 2 * PI / slices;
float next_a, next_h;
for (float a = 0; a < 2 * PI; a += interval) {
next_a = a + interval;
if (next_a > 2 * PI) {
next_a = 2 * PI;
glColor3f(0.698f, 0.133f, 0.133f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, height / 2, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(radius * sin(a), height / 2, radius * cos(a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(next_a), height / 2, radius * cos(next_a));
glColor3f(0.698f, 0.133f, 0.133f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, -height / 2, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(radius * sin(next_a), -height / 2, radius * cos(next_a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(a), -height / 2, radius * cos(a));
for (float h = -height / 2; h < height / 2; h += height) {
next_h = h + height;
if (next_h > height / 2) {
next_h = height / 2;
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.271f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(radius * sin(next_a), next_h, radius * cos(next_a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(a), next_h, radius * cos(a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(next_a), h, radius * cos(next_a));
glColor3f((a + 0.05) / (2 * PI), (a + 0.3) / (2 * PI), (h + height / 2) / height);
glVertex3f(radius * sin(a), next_h, radius * cos(a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(a), h, radius * cos(a));
glVertex3f(radius * sin(next_a), h, radius * cos(next_a));
void renderScene(void) {
// clear buffers
// set the camera
//FPS Camera
gluLookAt(px, py, pz, px+dx, py+dy, pz+dz, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// put the geometric transformations here
// put drawing instructions here
//FPS counter
int final_time = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
if (final_time - timebase > 1000) {
int fps = frame * 1000.0f / (final_time - timebase);
char title[(((sizeof fps) * CHAR_BIT) + 2) / 3 + 2];
sprintf(title,"FPS: %d", fps);
timebase = final_time;
frame = 0;
// End of frame
//FPS Camera
void move(int key, int x, int y) {
switch (key) {
px -= (dz * speed);
pz += (dx * speed);
px += (dz * speed);
pz -= (dx * speed);
case GLUT_KEY_UP: {
px += (dx * speed);
pz += (dz * speed);
px -= (dx * speed);
pz -= (dz * speed);
default: {
void mouse_motion(int x, int y) {
float lx = x - 800;
float ly = y - 800;
angle = angle + lx * rotateSpeed;
angle1 = angle1 + ly * rotateSpeed;
dx = cos(angle1) * sin(angle);
dy = sin(angle1);
dz = cos(angle1) * cos(angle);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// init GLUT and the window
glutInit(&argc, argv);
// Required callback registry
timebase = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
// put here the registration of the keyboard callbacks
// OpenGL settings
// enter GLUT's main cycle
return 1;
I'm trying to decrease the values of 'left_eye_b' and 'left_eye_b'and then increase the values again to simulate wink on a human I made on OpenGL.
Here I created the eye:
glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
for (float i = 0; i <= (2 * p); i += 0.001) { // Left Eye Inside
x = 10.0 * cos(i) - 24.56;
y = left_eye_s * sin(i) + 56.45;
glVertex2f(x, y);
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (float i = 0; i <= (2 * p); i += 0.001) { // Left Eye Border
x = 10.0 * cos(i) - 24.56;
y = left_eye_b * sin(i) + 56.45;
glVertex2f(x, y);
Here is where I tried to make the eye wink:
void timer(int a) {
/// Simulating Wink
if (left_eye_b >= 1.12)
left_eye_b -= 0.1; // Eye Close
if (left_eye_s >= 1.12)
left_eye_s -= 0.1;
glutTimerFunc(10, timer, 1);
if (left_eye_b <= 10.0)
left_eye_b += 0.1; // Eye Open
if (left_eye_s <= 10.0)
left_eye_s += 0.1;
glutTimerFunc(10, timer, 1);
Problem statement:
If I remove the 'eye open' part, I works perfectly and the eye closes.
However, I want to use the 'Eye Open' part to make increase the values back and
open the eye again after a few seconds.
Any suggestion about how that can be achieved?
Add a variable that indicates whether the eye will be opened or closed. The value of the variable is 1.0 to open and -1.0 to close:
double eye_change = -1.0;
Change the sign of the variable when the exe has opened or closed:
void timer(int a) {
left_eye_b += 0.1 * eye_change;
left_eye_s += 0.1 * eye_change;
if (left_eye_b <= 1.12)
eye_change = 1.0;
if (left_eye_b >= 10.0)
eye_change = -1.0;
glutTimerFunc(10, timer, 1);
I am trying to draw an arrow using the style below but this arrow should be also rotated according to a condition (need to pass the degree for each condition). I can draw the rectangle and a triangle but I cannot draw the triangle as an arrowhead. Also, how can I include the rotation degree into the code? Is there any easier way to draw an arrow and rotate it?
int triangleRect=4, triangleTri=3, lineWidth=3;
double twicePi = 2.0f * M_PI, angle_offsetR =1.5* M_PI/2, radius = 0.05,
xR=m_start.x(), y=m_start.y(), xT=m_start.x()+ m_rect_width;
for(int i = 0; i <= triangleRect; i++) {
glVertex2f((xR + (radius * cos(i * twicePi / triangleRect + angle_offsetR)))* m_parent_width_function(),
(y + (radius * sin(i * twicePi / triangleRect + angle_offsetR)))* m_parent_height_function());
for(int i = 0; i <= triangleTri; i++) {
glVertex2f((xT + (radius * cos(i * twicePi / triangleTri + angle_offsetR)))* m_parent_width_function(),
(y + (radius * sin(i * twicePi / triangleTri + angle_offsetR)))* m_parent_height_function());
You accidentally add angle_offsetR to the angle for the triangle vectors. Furthermore you've to restart a GL_TRIANGLE_FAN primitiv when you draw an new shape (see Triangle primitives).
If you want to rotate the model, then set the add a rotation around the z axis to the model view matrix by glRotatef.
Do not translate and scale the vertex coordinates. Use glScale and glTranslate. The matrix transformations are not commutative, the order matters:
float angle_of_roation = 30.0; // 30°
// scale
glScalef( m_parent_width_function(), m_parent_height_function(), 1.0f);
// move triangle and rectangle to the position in the world
glTranslatef(xR, y, 0.0f);
// roatate triangle and rectangle
glRotatef(angle_of_roation, 0, 0, 1);
for(int i = 0; i <= triangleRect; i++) {
float angle = i * twicePi / triangleRect + angle_offsetR;
glVertex2f(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle));
// translate triangle relative to rectangle
glTranslatef(xT-xR, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i <= triangleTri; i++) {
float angle = i * twicePi / triangleTri;
glVertex2f(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle));
i want to move an object along a path (sine wave), lets suppose object is a roller coaster.
it moves through translate but my problem is that i also want to rotate that object according to the path.
i tried this code before translate but its not working.
if (x = -4.8)
glRotatef(89, 1, 1, 0);
my code with only translation looks like this.
i want to add rotation here along sine waves
void object()
{ glPushMatrix();
glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//Set drawing color
glVertex2f(-0.3, 0.1);
glVertex2f(0.3, 0.1);
glVertex2f(0.3, -0.1);
glVertex2f(-0.3, -0.1);
void drawsine()
glColor3f(255, 0, 0);//Set drawing color
int i = 0;
float x = 0, y = 0;
for (x = -5; x < 6; x = x + 0.1)
y = (sin(3.142*x)) / 3.142*x;
glVertex2f(x, y);
//int j= 0;
sinex[i] = x;
siney[i] = y;
The angle of rotation depends on the direction vector along the sine wave.
The direction vector can be calculated by the subtraction of 2 positions. Subtract the position before the current position from the positions after the current position, to calcaulte the direction vector. In the following i is the current position of the object:
dx = sinex[i+1] - sinex[i-1];
dy = siney[i+1] - siney[i-1];
The angle of rotation can be calculated by the arcus tangent using atan2, which returns an angle in radians:
float ang_rad = atan2( dy, dx );
Since the angle has to be passed to glRotatef in degrees, the angle has to be converted from radians to degrees, before a rotation around the z axis can be performed.
A full circle in has 360 degrees or 2*Pi radians. So the scale from radians to degrees 180/Pi:
float ang_deg = ang_rad * 180.0f / M_PI;
glRotatef( ang_deg, 0, 0, 1 );
The following cde snippet show how to apply the code. Be aware that there is no bounds check. This means i has to be grater or equal 1 and less than the number of points - 1 (1 <= i < 110):
#include <math.h>
// [...]
x = sinex[i];
y = siney[i];
dx = sinex[i+1] - sinex[i-1];
dy = siney[i+1] - siney[i-1];
// [...]
void object()
glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
float ang_rad = atan2( dy, dx );
float ang_deg = ang_rad * 180.0f / M_PI;
glRotatef( ang_deg, 0, 0, 1 );
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex2f(-0.3, 0.1);
glVertex2f(0.3, 0.1);
glVertex2f(0.3, -0.1);
glVertex2f(-0.3, -0.1);
I'm very new to OpenGL. I have a simple program that allows me to have once bouncing ball. Do you know how I can tweek the code to have two or more balls bounce (using multithreads)? I'm also supposed to have the balls bounce off each other should a collision occur. Here is the code I have for one bouncing ball.
* GL07BouncingBall.cpp: A ball bouncing inside the window
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
#include <windows.h> // for MS Windows
#include <GL/glut.h> // GLUT, includes glu.h and gl.h
#include <Math.h> // Needed for sin, cos
#define PI 3.14159265f
// Global variables
char title[] = "Bouncing Ball (2D)"; // Windowed mode's title
int windowWidth = 640; // Windowed mode's width
int windowHeight = 480; // Windowed mode's height
int windowPosX = 50; // Windowed mode's top-left corner x
int windowPosY = 50; // Windowed mode's top-left corner y
GLfloat ballRadius = 0.2f; // Radius of the bouncing ball
GLfloat ballX = 0.0f; // Ball's center (x, y) position
GLfloat ballY = 0.0f;
GLfloat ballXMax, ballXMin, ballYMax, ballYMin; // Ball's center (x, y) bounds
GLfloat xSpeed = 0.02f; // Ball's speed in x and y directions
GLfloat ySpeed = 0.007f;
int refreshMillis = 30; // Refresh period in milliseconds
// Projection clipping area
GLdouble clipAreaXLeft, clipAreaXRight, clipAreaYBottom, clipAreaYTop;
/* Initialize OpenGL Graphics */
void initGL() {
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Set background (clear) color to black
/* Callback handler for window re-paint event */
void display() {
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear the color buffer
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // To operate on the model-view matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset model-view matrix
glTranslatef(ballX, ballY, 0.0f); // Translate to (xPos, yPos)
// Use triangular segments to form a circle
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Blue
glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // Center of circle
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle;
for (int i = 0; i <= numSegments; i++) { // Last vertex same as first vertex
angle = i * 2.0f * PI / numSegments; // 360 deg for all segments
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * ballRadius, sin(angle) * ballRadius);
glutSwapBuffers(); // Swap front and back buffers (of double buffered mode)
// Animation Control - compute the location for the next refresh
ballX += xSpeed;
ballY += ySpeed;
// Check if the ball exceeds the edges
if (ballX > ballXMax) {
ballX = ballXMax;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
} else if (ballX < ballXMin) {
ballX = ballXMin;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
if (ballY > ballYMax) {
ballY = ballYMax;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
} else if (ballY < ballYMin) {
ballY = ballYMin;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
/* Call back when the windows is re-sized */
void reshape(GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
// Compute aspect ratio of the new window
if (height == 0) height = 1; // To prevent divide by 0
GLfloat aspect = (GLfloat)width / (GLfloat)height;
// Set the viewport to cover the new window
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
// Set the aspect ratio of the clipping area to match the viewport
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // To operate on the Projection matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset the projection matrix
if (width >= height) {
clipAreaXLeft = -1.0 * aspect;
clipAreaXRight = 1.0 * aspect;
clipAreaYBottom = -1.0;
clipAreaYTop = 1.0;
} else {
clipAreaXLeft = -1.0;
clipAreaXRight = 1.0;
clipAreaYBottom = -1.0 / aspect;
clipAreaYTop = 1.0 / aspect;
gluOrtho2D(clipAreaXLeft, clipAreaXRight, clipAreaYBottom, clipAreaYTop);
ballXMin = clipAreaXLeft + ballRadius;
ballXMax = clipAreaXRight - ballRadius;
ballYMin = clipAreaYBottom + ballRadius;
ballYMax = clipAreaYTop - ballRadius;
/* Called back when the timer expired */
void Timer(int value) {
glutPostRedisplay(); // Post a paint request to activate display()
glutTimerFunc(refreshMillis, Timer, 0); // subsequent timer call at milliseconds
/* Main function: GLUT runs as a console application starting at main() */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
glutInit(&argc, argv); // Initialize GLUT
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE); // Enable double buffered mode
glutInitWindowSize(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Initial window width and height
glutInitWindowPosition(windowPosX, windowPosY); // Initial window top-left corner (x, y)
glutCreateWindow(title); // Create window with given title
glutDisplayFunc(display); // Register callback handler for window re-paint
glutReshapeFunc(reshape); // Register callback handler for window re-shape
glutTimerFunc(0, Timer, 0); // First timer call immediately
initGL(); // Our own OpenGL initialization
glutMainLoop(); // Enter event-processing loop
return 0;
I've added improvements to my code. I've now created two balls, each with its own speed, color, and center. Although, the two balls remain static. The function in which I create the balls is defined by:
void create(double s, GLfloat ballRadius, GLfloat ballX, GLfloat ballY, GLfloat xSpeed, GLfloat ySpeed)//, double r, double t)
//ballRadius = f;
//xSpeed = r;
//ySpeed = t;
glTranslatef(ballX, ballY, 0.0f); // Translate to (xPos, yPos)
glColor3f(s, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Blue
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0f); // Center of circle
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle;
for (int i = 0; i <= numSegments; i++) { // Last vertex same as first vertex
angle = i * 2.0f * PI / numSegments; // 360 deg for all segments
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * ballRadius, sin(angle) * ballRadius);
// Animation Control - compute the location for the next refresh
ballX += xSpeed;
ballY += ySpeed;
// Check if the ball exceeds the edges
if (ballX > ballXMax) {
ballX = ballXMax;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
} else if (ballX < ballXMin) {
ballX = ballXMin;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
if (ballY > ballYMax) {
ballY = ballYMax;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
} else if (ballY < ballYMin) {
ballY = ballYMin;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
And I call this function by:
create(1.0, 0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.02f, 0.007f);
create(0.0, 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.04f, 0.014f);
for two separate balls
This code "creates" a circle
// Use triangular segments to form a circle
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Blue
glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // Center of circle
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle;
for (int i = 0; i <= numSegments; i++) { // Last vertex same as first vertex
angle = i * 2.0f * PI / numSegments; // 360 deg for all segments
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * ballRadius, sin(angle) * ballRadius);