Regex everything after, but not including - regex

I am trying to regex the following string:
I want only B00VU2BZRO.
This substring is always going to be a 10 characters, alphanumeric, preceded by dp/.
So far I have the following regex:
This matches dp/B00VU2BZRO
I want to match only B00VU2BZRO with no dp/
How do I regex this?

Here is one regex option which would produce an exact match of what you want:
Note that this solution makes no assumptions about the length of the path fragment occurring after dp/. If you want to match a certain number of characters, replace (.*) with (.{10}), for example.

Depending on your language/method of application, you have a couple of options.
Positive look behind. This will make your regex more complicated, but will make it match what you want exactly:
The construct (<=...) is called a positive look behind. It will not consume any of the string, but will only allow the match to happen if the pattern between the parens is matched.
Capture group. This will make the regex itself slightly simpler, but will add a step to the extraction process:
Anything between plain parens is a capture group. The entire pattern will be matched, including dp/, but most languages will give you a way of extracting the portion you are interested in.
Depending on your language, you may need to escape the forward slash (/).
As an aside, you never need to create a character class for single characters: [d][p][\/] can equally well be written as just dp\/.


Finding ALL matches after a certain character(s)

I'd like to think I'm ok at writing RegEx's, but there's one thing I can't seem to crack:
I want to start looking for multiple, identical matches after a certain set of characters and capture all of them. Here's an example string:
Dialogue: 0,0:05:47.99,0:05:50.74,JoJo-main,Koichi,0000,0000,0000,,What are you doing, Giorno Giovanna?!
For this example, I want to start looking for matches after ,,. I want to find all instances of Gio i.e.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:47.99,0:05:50.74,JoJo-main,Koichi,0000,0000,0000,,What are you doing, {Gio}rno {Gio}vanna?!
I've tried first using non-capturing groups like /(?:,,.*?)(Gio)/g then lookbehinds like /(?<=,,.*?)(Gio)/g, /(?<=,,)(?:.*?)(Gio)/g and /(?<=,,)((?:.*?)(Gio))+/g to avoid consuming the ,,
None of these give me the behaviour I want, as I want individual matches as if I just used Gio, but without the chance of accidentally capturing stuff before the ,,
I could, of course, run one RegEx to find the ,, then feed that position to another RegEx to look for Gios after that point.
However I have thousands of lines like these to parse and thousands of words to look for on each line (I separate them with |), so I'd ideally like to do it with one RegEx and without a loop.
You may consider the following option for the .NET or modern ECMAScript 2018+ compliant JS environments:
See the regex demo.
The (?<=,,.*?)Gio pattern matches Gio when it is preceded with ,, and any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible.
The following variant will work with PCRE/Onigmo regex engines:
See another regex demo. Here, (?:\G(?!^)|,,) matches either the end of the previous successful match or ,, and then .*? matches and consumes any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible, then \K will reset the match buffer and Gio will land right there.

How to extract characters from a string with optional string afterwards using Regex?

I am in the process of learning Regex and have been stuck on this case. I have a url that can be in two states EXAMPLE 1:
I need to extract the 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA ID
So far I am using this: (?<=track\/)(.*)(?=\?)? which works well for Example 2 but it includes the ?si=Nf5w1q9MTKu3zG_CJ83RWA when matching with Example 1.
BUT if I remove the ? at the end of the expression then it works for Example 1 but not Example 2! Doesn't that mean that last group (?=\?) is optional and should match?
Where am I going wrong?
I searched a handful of "Questions that may already have your answer" suggestions from SO, and didn't find this case, so I hope asking this is okay!
The capturing group in your regular expression is trying to match anything (.) as much as possible due to the greediness of the quantifier (*).
When you use:
only 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA from the first example is captured, as there is no question mark in your second example.
When using:
You are effectively making the positive lookahead optional, so the capturing group will try to match as much as possible (including the question mark), so that 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA?si=Nf5w1q9MTKu3zG_CJ83RWA and 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA are matched, which is not the desired output.
Rather than matching anything, it is perhaps more appropriate for you to match alphanumerical characters \w only.
Alternatively, if you are expecting other characters , let's say a hyphen - or a underscore _, you may use a character class.
Or you might want to capture everything except a question mark ? with a negated character class.
As pointed out by gaganso, a look-behind is not necessary in this situation (or indeed the lookahead), however it is indeed a good idea to start playing around with them. The look-around assertions do not actually consume the characters in the string. As you can see here, the full match for both matches only consists of what is captured by the capture group. You may find more information here.
This should work:
Please see here.
Since track is part of both the strings, and the ID is formed from alphanumeric characters, the above regex which matches the string "track/" and captures the alphanumeric characters after that string, should provide the required ID.
Regex : (\w+(?=\?))|(\w+&)
See the demo for the regex, .
This will first try to search for word which has '?' just after it and if thats unsuccessful it will fetch the last word.

Regex to find last occurrence of pattern in a string

My string being of the form:
" fdsfs. dfsd d.sdfsd. sdfsdf sd .COM"
I only want to match against the last segment of whitespace before the last period(.)
So far I am able to capture whitespace but not the very last occurrence using:
How can I make it less greedy?
In a general case, you can match the last occurrence of any pattern using the following scheme:
where [\s\S]* matches any zero or more chars as many as possible. (?s) and (?s:.) can be used with regex engines that support these constructs so as to use . to match any chars.
In this case, rather than \s+(?![\s\S]*\s), you may use
See the regex demo. Note the \s and \S are inverse classes, thus, it makes no sense using [\s\S]* here, \S* is enough.
\s+ - one or more whitespace chars
(?!\S*\s) - that are not immediately followed with any 0 or more non-whitespace chars and then a whitespace.
You can try like so:
(?=\.[^.]+$) Positive look ahead for a dot and characters except dot at the end of line.
" ffindMyLastOccurrencedsfs. dfindMyLastOccurrencefsd d.sdfsd. sdfsdf sd ..COM"
replaced by `>\1<`
> <
As a more generalized example
This example defines several needles and finds the last occurrence of either one of them. In this example the needles are:
defined word findMyLastOccurrence
whitespaces (?<=\S)\s+
dots (?<=[^\.])\.+
" ffindMyLastOccurrencedsfs. dfindMyLastOccurrencefsd d.sdfsd. sdfsdf sd ..COM"
replaced by `>\1<`
Part 1 .*
is greedy and finds everything as long as the needles are found. Thus, it also captures all needle occurrences until the very last needle.
edit to add:
in case we are interested in the first hit, we can prevent the greediness by writing .*?
Part 2 (?=(findMyLastOccurrence|(?<=\S)\s+|(?<=[^\.])\.+|(?<=**Not**NeedlePart)NeedlePart+))
defines the 'break' condition for the greedy 'find-all'. It consists of several parts:
positive lookahead: ensure that previously found everything is followed by the needles
several needles for which we are looking. Needles are patterns themselves.
In case we look for a collection of whitespaces, dots or other needleparts, the pattern we are looking for is actually: anything which is not a needlepart, followed by one or more needleparts (thus needlepart is +). See the example for whitespaces \s negated with \S, actual dot . negated with [^.]
Part 3 .*
as we aren't interested in the remainder, we capture it and dont use it any further. We could capture it with parenthesis and use it as another group, but that's out of scope here
All of the answers that I have read through are way off topic, overly complicated, or just simply incorrect. This question is a common problem that regex offers a simple solution for.
Breaking Down the General Problem
The generalized problem is such that there is a string that contains several characters.
Within the string is a sub-string made up of a few characters. Often times this is a file extension (i.e .c, .ts, or .json), or a top level domain (i.e. .com, .org, or .io), but it could be something as arbitrary as MC Donald's Mulan Szechuan Sauce. The point it is, it may not always be something simple.
THE BEFORE VARIANCE (Most important part)
The before variance is an arbitrary character, or characters, that always comes just before the sub-string. In this question, the before variance is an unknown amount of white-space. Its a variance because the amount of white-space that needs to be match against varies (or has a dynamic quantity).
Describing the Solution in Reference to the Problem
(Solution Part 1)
Often times when working with regular expressions its necessary to work in reverse.
We will start at the end of the problem described above, and work backwards, henceforth; we are going to start at the The Before Variance (or #3)
So, as mentioned above, The Before Variance is an unknown amount of white-space. We know that it includes white-space, but we don't know how much, so we will use the meta sequence for Any Whitespce with the one or more quantifier.
The Meta Sequence for "Any Whitespace" is \s.
The "One or More" quantifier is +
so we will start with...
NOTE: In ECMAS Regex the / characters are like quotes around a string.
const regex = /\s+/g
I also included the g to tell the engine to set the global flag to true. I won't explain flags, for the sake of brevity, but if you don't know what the global flag does, you should DuckDuckGo it.
(Solution Part 2)
Remember, we are working in reverse, so the next part to focus on is the Sub-string. In this question it is .com, but the author may want it to match against a value with variance, rather than just the static string of characters .com, therefore I will talk about that more below, but to stay focused, we will work with .com for now.
It's necessary that we use a concept here that's called ZERO LENGTH ASSERTION. We need a "zero-length assertion" because we have a sub-string that is significant, but is not what we want to match against. "Zero-length assertions" allow us to move the point in the string where the regular expression engine is looking at, without having to match any characters to get there.
The Zero-Length Assertion that we are going to use is called LOOK AHEAD, and its syntax is as follows.
Look-ahead Syntax: (?=Your-SubStr-Here)
We are going to use the look ahead to match against a variance that comes before the pattern assigned to the look-ahead, which will be our sub-string. The result looks like this:
const regex = /\s+(?=\.com)/gi
I added the insensitive flag to tell the engine to not be concerned with the case of the letter, in other words; the regular expression /\s+(?=\.cOM)/gi
is the same as /\s+(?=\.Com)/gi, and both are the same as: /\s+(?=\.com)/gi &/or /\s+(?=.COM)/gi. Everyone of the "Just Listed" regular expressions are equivalent so long as the i flag is set.
That's it! The link HERE (REGEX101) will take you to an example where you can play with the regular expression if you like.
I mentioned above working with a sub-string that has more variance than .com.
You could use (\s*)(?=\.\w{3,}) for instance.
The problem with this regex, is even though it matches .txt, .org, .json, and .unclepetespurplebeet, the regex isn't safe. When using the question's string of...
" fdsfs. dfsd d.sdfsd. sdfsdf sd .COM"
as an example, you can see at the LINK HERE (Regex101) there are 3 lines in the string. Those lines represent areas where the sub-string's lookahead's assertion returned true. Each time the assertion was true, a possibility for an incorrect final match was created. Though, only one match was returned in the end, and it was the correct match, when implemented in a program, or website, that's running in production, you can pretty much guarantee that the regex is not only going to fail, but its going to fail horribly and you will come to hate it.
You can try this. It will capture the last white space segment - in the first capture group.

Collapse and Capture a Repeating Pattern in a Single Regex Expression

I keep bumping into situations where I need to capture a number of tokens from a string and after countless tries I couldn't find a way to simplify the process.
So let's say the text is:
This example has 8 items inside, but say it could have between 3 and 10 items.
I'd ideally like something like this:
start:(?:(\w+)-?){3,10}:end nice and clean BUT it only captures the last match. see here
I usually use something like this in simple situations:
3 groups mandatory and another 7 optional because of the max 10 limit, but this doesn't look 'nice' and it would be a pain to write and track if the max limit was 100 and the matches were more complex. demo
And the best I could do so far:
shorter especially if the matches are complex but still long. demo
Anyone managed to make it work as a 1 regex-only solution without programming?
I'm mostly interested on how can this be done in PCRE but other flavors would be ok too.
The purpose is to validate a match and capture individual tokens inside match 0 by RegEx alone, without any OS/Software/Programming-Language limitation
Update 2 (bounty):
With #nhahtdh's help I got to the RegExp below by using \G:
demo even shorter, but can be described without repeating code
I'm also interested in the ECMA flavor and as it doesn't support \G wondering if there's another way, especially without using /g modifier.
Read this first!
This post is to show the possibility rather than endorsing the "everything regex" approach to problem. The author has written 3-4 variations, each has subtle bug that are tricky to detect, before reaching the current solution.
For your specific example, there are other better solution that is more maintainable, such as matching and splitting the match along the delimiters.
This post deals with your specific example. I really doubt a full generalization is possible, but the idea behind is reusable for similar cases.
.NET supports capturing repeating pattern with CaptureCollection class.
For languages that supports \G and look-behind, we may be able to construct a regex that works with global matching function. It is not easy to write it completely correct and easy to write a subtly buggy regex.
For languages without \G and look-behind support: it is possible to emulate \G with ^, by chomping the input string after a single match. (Not covered in this answer).
This solution assumes the regex engine supports \G match boundary, look-ahead (?=pattern), and look-behind (?<=pattern). Java, Perl, PCRE, .NET, Ruby regex flavors support all those advanced features above.
However, you can go with your regex in .NET. Since .NET supports capturing all instances of that is matched by a capturing group that is repeated via CaptureCollection class.
For your case, it can be done in one regex, with the use of \G match boundary, and look-ahead to constrain the number of repetitions:
DEMO. The construction is \w+- repeated, then \w+:end.
DEMO. The construction is \w+ for the first item, then -\w+ repeated. (Thanks to ka ᵠ for the suggestion). This construction is simpler to reason about its correctness, since there are less alternations.
\G match boundary is especially useful when you need to do tokenization, where you need to make sure the engine not skipping ahead and matching stuffs that should have been invalid.
Let us break down the regex:
The easiest part to recognize is (\w+) in the line before last, which is the word that you want to capture.
The last line is also quite easy to recognize: the word to be matched may be followed by - or :end.
I allow the regex to freely start matching anywhere in the string. In other words, start:...:end can appear anywhere in the string, and any number of times; the regex will simply match all the words. You only need to process the array returned to separate where the matched tokens actually come from.
As for the explanation, the beginning of the regex checks for the presence of the string start:, and the following look-ahead checks that the number of words is within specified limit and it ends with :end. Either that, or we check that the character before the previous match is a -, and continue from previous match.
For the other construction:
Everything is almost the same, except that we match start:\w+ first before matching the repetition of the form -\w+. In contrast to the first construction, where we match start:\w+- first, and the repeated instances of \w+- (or \w+:end for the last repetition).
It is quite tricky to make this regex works for matching in middle of the string:
We need to check the number of words between start: and :end (as part of the requirement of the original regex).
\G matches the beginning of the string also! (?!^) is needed to prevent this behavior. Without taking care of this, the regex may produce a match when there isn't any start:.
For the first construction, the look-behind (?<=-) already prevent this case ((?!^) is implied by (?<=-)).
For the first construction (?:start:(?=\w+(?:-\w+){2,9}:end)|(?<=-)\G)(\w+)(?:-|:end), we need to make sure that we don't match anything funny after :end. The look-behind is for that purpose: it prevents any garbage after :end from matching.
The second construction doesn't run into this problem, since we will get stuck at : (of :end) after we have matched all the tokens in between.
Validation Version
If you want to do validation that the input string follows the format (no extra stuff in front and behind), and extract the data, you can add anchors as such:
(Look-behind is also not needed, but we still need (?!^) to prevent \G from matching the start of the string).
For all the problems where you want to capture all instances of a repetition, I don't think there exists a general way to modify the regex. One example of a "hard" (or impossible?) case to convert is when a repetition has to backtrack one or more loop to fulfill certain condition to match.
When the original regex describes the whole input string (validation type), it is usually easier to convert compared to a regex that tries to match from the middle of the string (matching type). However, you can always do a match with the original regex, and we convert matching type problem back to validation type problem.
We build such regex by going through these steps:
Write a regex that covers the part before the repetition (e.g. start:). Let us call this prefix regex.
Match and capture the first instance. (e.g. (\w+))
(At this point, the first instance and delimiter should have been matched)
Add the \G as an alternation. Usually also need to prevent it from matching the start of the string.
Add the delimiter (if any). (e.g. -)
(After this step, the rest of the tokens should have also been matched, except the last maybe)
Add the part that covers the part after the repetition (if necessary) (e.g. :end). Let us call the part after the repetition suffix regex (whether we add it to the construction doesn't matter).
Now the hard part. You need to check that:
There is no other way to start a match, apart from the prefix regex. Take note of the \G branch.
There is no way to start any match after the suffix regex has been matched. Take note of how \G branch starts a match.
For the first construction, if you mix the suffix regex (e.g. :end) with delimiter (e.g. -) in an alternation, make sure you don't end up allowing the suffix regex as delimiter.
Although it might theoretically be possible to write a single expression, it's a lot more practical to match the outer boundaries first and then perform a split on the inner part.
In ECMAScript I would write it like this:
.match(/^start:([\w-]+):end$/)[1] // match the inner part
.split('-') // split inner part (this could be a split regex as well)
$txt = 'start:test-test-lorem-ipsum-sir-doloret-etc-etc-something:end';
if (preg_match('/^start:([\w-]+):end$/', $txt, $matches)) {
print_r(explode('-', $matches[1]));
Of course you can use the regex in this quoted string.
"(?<a>\\w+)-(?<b>\\w+)-(?:(?<c>\\w+)" \
"(?:-(?<d>\\w+)(?:-(?<e>\\w+)(?:-(?<f>\\w+)" \
"(?:-(?<g>\\w+)(?:-(?<h>\\w+)(?:-(?<i>\\w+)" \
"(?:-(?<j>\\w+))?" \
")?)?)?" \
")?)?)?" \
Is it a good idea? No, I don't think so.
Not sure you can do it in that way, but you can use the global flag to find all of the words between the colons, see:
You'd have to validate the number of groups yourself though. Without the global flag you're only getting a single match, not all matches - change {3,10} to {1,5} and you get the result 'sir' instead.
import re
s = "start:test-test-lorem-ipsum-sir-doloret-etc-etc-something:end"
print re.findall(r"(\b\w+?\b)(?:-|:end)", s)
['test', 'test', 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'sir', 'doloret', 'etc', 'etc', 'something']
When you combine:
Your observation: any kind of repitition of a single capture group will result in an overwrite of the last capture, thus returning only the last capture of the capture group.
The knowledge: Any kind of capturing based on the parts, instead of the whole, makes it impossible to set a limit on the amount of times the regex engine will repeat. The limit would have to be metadata (not regex).
With a requirement that the answer cannot involve programming (looping), nor an answer that involves simply copy-pasting capturegroups as you've done in your question.
It can be deduced that it cannot be done.
Update: There are some regex engines for which p. 1 is not necessarily true. In that case the regex you have indicated start:(?:(\w+)-?){3,10}:end will do the job (source).

How to get the inverse of a regular expression?

Let's say I have a regular expression that works correctly to find all of the URLs in a text file:
If what I want is not the URLs but the inverse - all other text except the URLs - is there an easy modification to make to get this?
You could simply search and replace everything that matches the regular expression with an empty string, e.g. in Perl s/(http:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.])*//g
This would give you everything in the original text, except those substrings that match the regular expression.
If for some reason you need a regex-only solution, try this:
I expanded the set of of URL characters a little ([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%]) to include a few important ones, but this is by no means meant to be exact or exhaustive.
The regex is a bit of a monster, so I'll try to break it down:
The first potion matches the end of a URL. http://[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%]+ matches the URL itself, while (?=[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%]) asserts that the URL must be followed by a non-URL character so that we are sure we are at the end. A lookahead is used so that the non-URL character is sought but not captured. The whole thing is wrapped in a lookbehind (?<=...) to look for it as the boundary of the match, again without capturing that portion.
We also want to match a non-URL at the beginning of the file. \A(?!http://[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%]) matches the beginning of the file (\A), followed by a negative lookahead to make sure there's not a URL lurking at the start of the file. (This URL check is simpler than the first one because we only need the beginning of the URL, not the whole thing.)
Both of those checks are put in parenthesis and OR'd together with the | character. After that, .+? matches the string we are trying to capture.
Then we come to ((?=http://[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%])|\Z). Here, we check for the beginning of a URL, once again with (?=http://[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.#?/%]). The end of the file is also a pretty good sign that we've reached the end of our match, so we should look for that, too, using \Z. Similarly to a first big group, we wrap it in parenthesis and OR the two possibilities together.
The | symbol requires the parenthesis because its precedence is very low, so you have to explicitly state the boundaries of the OR.
This regex relies heavily on zero-width assertions (the \A and \Z anchors, and the lookaround groups). You should always understand a regex before you use it for anything serious or permanent (otherwise you might catch a case of perl), so you might want to check out Start of String and End of String Anchors and Lookahead and Lookbehind Zero-Width Assertions.
Corrections welcome, of course!
If I understand the question correctly, you can use search/replace...just wildcard around your expression and then substitute the first and last parts.
s/^(.*)(your regex here)(.*)$/$1$3/
im not sure if this will work exactly as you intend but it might help:
Whatever you place in the brackets [] will be matched against. If you put ^ within the bracket, i.e [^a-zA-Z0-9/.] it will match everything except what is in the brackets.