Finding random index with specific value in large numpy array - python-2.7

I have a very large 2D numpy array (~5e8 values). I have labeled that array using scipy.ndimage.label I then want to find a random index of the flattened array that contains each label. I can do this with:
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import label
base_array = np.random.randint(0, 5, (100000, 5000))
labeled_array, nlabels = label(base_array)
for label_num in xrange(1, nlabels+1):
indices = np.where(labeled_array.flat == label_num)[0]
index = np.random.choice(indices)
But, it is slow with an array this large. I have also tried replacing the np.where with:
indices = np.argwhere(labeled_array.flat == label).squeeze()
And found it to be slower. I have a suspicion that the boolean masking is the slow part. Is there anyway to speed this up, or a better way to do this. I will say in my real application the array is fairly sparse with about 25% fill, though I have no experience with scipy's sparse array functions.

Your suspicion that masking separately for each label is expensive is correct, because no matter how you do it the masking will always be O(n).
We can circumvent this by argsorting by label and then randomly picking from each block of equal labels.
Since the labels are an integer range we can get the argsort cheaper than np.argsort by using some sparse matrix machinery available in scipy.
As my machine doesn't have an awful lot of ram I had to shrink your example a bit (factor 4). It then runs in about 5 seconds.
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import label
from scipy import sparse
def multi_randint(bins):
"""draw one random int from each range(bins[i], bins[i+1])"""
high = np.diff(bins)
n = high.size
pick = np.random.randint(0, 1<<30, (n,))
reject = np.flatnonzero(pick + (1<<30) % high >= (1<<30))
while reject.size:
npick = np.random.randint(0, 1<<30, (reject.size,))
rejrej = npick + (1<<30) % sizes[reject] >= (1<<30)
pick[reject] = npick
reject = reject[rejrej]
return bins[:-1] + pick % high
# build mock data, note that I had to shrink by 4x b/c memory
base_array = np.random.randint(0, 5, (50000, 2500), dtype=np.int8)
labeled_array, nlabels = label(base_array)
# build auxiliary sparse matrix
h = sparse.csr_matrix(
(np.ones(labeled_array.size, bool), labeled_array.ravel(),
np.arange(labeled_array.size+1, dtype=np.int32)),
(labeled_array.size, nlabels+1))
# conversion to csc argsorts the labels (but cheaper than argsort)
h = h.tocsc()
# draw
result = h.indices[multi_randint(h.indptr)]
# check result
assert len(set(labeled_array.ravel()[result])) == nlabels+1


Access indices from 2D list - Python

I'm trying to access a list of indices from a 2D list with the following error. Basically I want to find where my data is between two values, and set a 'weights' array to 1.0 to use for a later calculation.
#data = numpy array of size (141,141)
weights = np.zeros([141,141])
ind = [x for x,y in enumerate(data) if y>40. and y<50.]
weights[ind] = 1.0
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
I've tried using np.extract() but that doesn't give indices...
Think I got it to work doing this:
#data = numpy array of size (141,141)
weights = np.zeros([141,141])
ind = ((data > 40.) & (data < 50.)).astype(float)
thanks to the helpful comment about using numpy's vectorizing capability. The third line outputs an array of size (141,141) of 1's where the conditions are met, and 0's where it fails. Then I filled my 'weights' array with 1.0s at those locations.
If you need to fill weights with ( (value - 40) / 10), then Use is better:
data = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(141, 141))
weights = ((, 40, 50) - 40) / 10).filled(0)

Vectorized version of array calculation

Is there a way of vectorizing the following array calculation (i.e. without using for loops):
for i in range(numCells):
z[i] = ((i_mask == i)*s_image).sum()/pixel_counts[i]
s_image is an image stored as a 2-dimensional ndarray (I removed the colour dimension here for simplicity). i_mask is also a 2-dimensional array of the same size as s_image but it contains integers which are indexes to a list of 'cells' of length numCells. The result, z, is a 1-dimensional array of length numCells. The purpose of the calculation is to sum all the pixel values where the mask contains the same index and put the results in the z vector. (pixel_counts is also a 1-dimensional array of length numCells).
As one vectorized approach, you can take advantage of broadcasting and matrix-multiplication, like so -
# Generate a binary array of matches for all elements in i_mask against
# an array of indices going from 0 to numCells
matches = i_mask.ravel() == np.arange(numCells)[:,None]
# Do elementwise multiplication against s_image and sum those up for
# each such index going from 0 to numCells. This is essentially doing
# matix multiplicatio. Finally elementwise divide by pixel_counts
out =
Alternatively, as another vectorized approach, you can do those multiplication and summation with np.einsum as well, which might give a boost to the performance, like so -
out = np.einsum('ij,j->i',matches,s_image.ravel())/pixel_counts
Runtime tests -
Function definitions:
def vectorized_app1(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts):
matches = i_mask.ravel() == np.arange(numCells)[:,None]
def vectorized_app2(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts):
matches = i_mask.ravel() == np.arange(numCells)[:,None]
return np.einsum('ij,j->i',matches,s_image.ravel())/pixel_counts
def org_app(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts):
z = np.zeros(numCells)
for i in range(numCells):
z[i] = ((i_mask == i)*s_image).sum()/pixel_counts[i]
return z
In [7]: # Inputs
...: numCells = 100
...: m,n = 100,100
...: pixel_counts = np.random.rand(numCells)
...: s_image = np.random.rand(m,n)
...: i_mask = np.random.randint(0,numCells,(m,n))
In [8]: %timeit org_app(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.13 ms per loop
In [9]: %timeit vectorized_app1(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts)
100 loops, best of 3: 7.76 ms per loop
In [10]: %timeit vectorized_app2(s_image,i_mask,pixel_counts)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.08 ms per loop
Here is my solution (with all three colours handled). Not sure how efficient this is. Anyone got a better solution?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Unravel the mask matrix into a 1-d array
i = np.ravel(i_mask)
# Unravel the image into 1-d arrays for
# each colour (RGB)
r = np.ravel(s_image[:,:,0])
g = np.ravel(s_image[:,:,1])
b = np.ravel(s_image[:,:,2])
# prepare a dictionary to create the dataframe
data = {'i' : i, 'r' : r, 'g' : g, 'b' : b}
# create a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Use pandas pivot table to average the colour
# intensities for each cell index value
pixAvgs = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['r', 'g', 'b'], index='i')
b g r
-1 26.719482 68.041868 101.603297
0 75.432432 170.135135 202.486486
1 92.162162 184.189189 208.270270
2 71.179487 171.897436 201.846154
3 76.026316 178.078947 211.605263
In the end I solved this problem a different way and it drastically increased the speed. Instead of using i_mask as above, a 2-dimensional array of indices into the 1-d array of output intensities, z, I created a different array, mask1593, of dimensions (numCells x 45). Each row is a list of about 35 to 45 indices into the flattened 256x256 pixel image (0 to 65536).
In [10]: mask1593[0]
array([14853, 14854, 15107, 15108, 15109, 15110, 15111, 15112, 15363,
15364, 15365, 15366, 15367, 15368, 15619, 15620, 15621, 15622,
15623, 15624, 15875, 15876, 15877, 15878, 15879, 15880, 16131,
16132, 16133, 16134, 16135, 16136, 16388, 16389, 16390, 16391,
16392, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32)
Then I was able to achieve the same transformation as follows using numpy's advanced indexing:
def convert_image(self, image_array):
"""Convert 256 x 256 RGB image array to 1593 RGB led intensities."""
global mask1593
shape = image_array.shape
img_data = image_array.reshape(shape[0]*shape[1], shape[2])
return np.mean(img_data[mask1593], axis=1)
And here is the result! A 256x256 pixel colour image transformed into an array of 1593 colours for display on this irregular LED display:

How to calculate dice coefficient for measuring accuracy of image segmentation in python

I have an image of land cover and I segmented it using K-means clustering. Now I want to calculate the accuracy of my segmentation algorithm. I read somewhere that dice co-efficient is the substantive evaluation measure. But I am not sure how to calculate it.
I use Python 2.7
Are there any other effective evaluation methods? Please give a summary or a link to a source. Thank You!
I used the following code for measuring the dice similarity for my original and the segmented image but it seems to take hours to calculate:
for i in xrange(0,7672320):
for j in xrange(0,3):
dice = np.sum([seg==gt])*2.0/(np.sum(seg)+np.sum(gt)) #seg is the segmented image and gt is the original image. Both are of same size
Please refer to Dice similarity coefficient at wiki
A sample code segment here for your reference. Please note that you need to replace k with your desired cluster since you are using k-means.
import numpy as np
# segmentation
seg = np.zeros((100,100), dtype='int')
seg[30:70, 30:70] = k
# ground truth
gt = np.zeros((100,100), dtype='int')
gt[30:70, 40:80] = k
dice = np.sum(seg[gt==k])*2.0 / (np.sum(seg) + np.sum(gt))
print 'Dice similarity score is {}'.format(dice)
If you are working with opencv you could use the following function:
import cv2
import numpy as np
#load images
y_pred = cv2.imread('predictions/image_001.png')
y_true = cv2.imread('ground_truth/image_001.png')
# Dice similarity function
def dice(pred, true, k = 1):
intersection = np.sum(pred[true==k]) * 2.0
dice = intersection / (np.sum(pred) + np.sum(true))
return dice
dice_score = dice(y_pred, y_true, k = 255) #255 in my case, can be 1
print ("Dice Similarity: {}".format(dice_score))
In case you want to evaluate with this metric within a deep learning model using tensorflow you can use the following:
def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred):
y_true_f = tf.reshape(tf.dtypes.cast(y_true, tf.float32), [-1])
y_pred_f = tf.reshape(tf.dtypes.cast(y_pred, tf.float32), [-1])
intersection = tf.reduce_sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)
return (2. * intersection + 1.) / (tf.reduce_sum(y_true_f) + tf.reduce_sum(y_pred_f) + 1.)
This is an important clarification if what you're using has more than 2 classes (aka, a mask with 1 and 0).
If you are using multiple classes, make sure to specify that the prediction and ground truth also equal the value which you want. Otherwise you can end up getting DSC values greater than 1.
This is the extra ==k at the end of each [] statement:
import numpy as np
# segmentation
seg = np.zeros((100,100), dtype='int')
seg[30:70, 30:70] = k
# ground truth
gt = np.zeros((100,100), dtype='int')
gt[30:70, 40:80] = k
dice = np.sum(seg[gt==k]==k)*2.0 / (np.sum(seg[seg==k]==k) + np.sum(gt[gt==k]==k))
print 'Dice similarity score is {}'.format(dice)

Converting theano tensor types

I have a computation graph built with Theano. It goes like this:
import theano
from theano import tensor as T
import numpy as np
W1 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(45,32).astype('float32'), 'W1')
b1 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(32).astype('float32'), 'b1')
W2 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(32,3).astype('float32'), 'W2')
b2 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(3).astype('float32'), 'b2')
input = T.matrix('input')
hidden = T.tanh(, W1)+b1)
output = T.nnet.softmax(, W2)+b2)
Now, the mapping from a vector to a vector. However, input is set as a matrix type so I can pass many vectors through the mapping simultaneously. I'm doing some machine learning and this makes the learning phase more efficient.
The problem is that after the learning phase, I'd like to view the mapping as vector to vector so I can compute:
jac = theano.gradient.jacobian(output, wrt=input)
jacobian complains that input is not TensorType(float32, vector). Is there a way I can change the input tensor type without rebuilding the whole computation graph?
Technically, this a possible solution:
import theano
from theano import tensor as T
import numpy as np
W1 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(45,32).astype('float32'), 'W1')
b1 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(32).astype('float32'), 'b1')
W2 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(32,3).astype('float32'), 'W2')
b2 = theano.shared( np.random.rand(3).astype('float32'), 'b2')
input = T.vector('input') # it will be reshaped!
hidden = T.tanh(, 45)), W1)+b1)
output = T.nnet.softmax(, W2)+b2)
#Here comes the trick
jac = theano.gradient.jacobian(output.reshape((-1,)), wrt=input).reshape((-1, 45, 3))
In this way jac.eval({input: np.random.rand(10*45)}).shape will result (100, 45, 3)!
The problem is that it calculates the derivative across the batch index. So in theory the first 1x45 number can effect all the 10x3 outputs (in a batch of length 10).
For that, there are several solutions.
You could take the diagonal across the first two axes, but unfortunately Theano does not implement it, numpy does!
I think it can be done with a scan, but this is an other matter.

Fourier coefficients for NFFT - non uniform fast Fourier transform?

I am trying to use the package pynfft in python 2.7 to do the non-uniform fast Fourier transform (nfft). I have learnt python for only two months, so I have some difficulties.
This is my code:
import numpy as np
from pynfft.nfft import NFFT
#loading data, 104 lines
t_diff, x_diff = np.loadtxt('data/analysis/amplitudes.dat', unpack = True)
N = [13,8]
M = 52
#fourier coefficients
f_hat = np.fft.fft(x_diff)/(2*M)
plan = NFFT(N,M)
x = t_diff
plan.x = x
# vector of non uniform samples
f = x_diff[0:M]
plan.f = f
plan.f_hat = f_hat
f = plan.trafo()
I am basically following the instructions I found in the pynfft tutorial (
I need the nfft because the time intervals in which my data are taken are not constant (I mean, the first measure is taken at t, the second after dt, the third after dt+dt' with dt' different from dt and so on).
The pynfft package wants the vector of the fourier coefficients ("f_hat") before execution, so I calculated it using numpy.fft, but I am not sure this procedure is correct. Is there another way to do it (maybe with the nfft)?
I would like also to calculate the frquencies; I know that with numpy.fft there is a command: is ther anything like that also for pynfft? I did not find anything in the tutorial.
Thank you for any advice you can give me.
Here is a working example, taken from here:
First we define the function we want to reconstruct, which is the sum of four harmonics:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%pylab inline --no-import-all
# function we want to reconstruct
k=[1,5,10,30] # modulating coefficients
def myf(x,k):
return sum(np.sin(x*k0*(2*np.pi)) for k0 in k)
x=np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000) # 'continuous' time/spatial domain; -0.5<x<+0.5
y=myf(x,k) # 'true' underlying trigonometric function
ax =fig.add_subplot(111)
# we should sample at a rate of >2*~max(k)
M=256 # number of nodes
N=128 # number of Fourier coefficients
nodes =np.random.rand(M)-0.5 # non-uniform oversampling
values=myf(nodes,k) # nodes&values will be used below to reconstruct
# original function using the Solver
The we initialize and run the Solver:
from pynfft import NFFT, Solver
f = np.empty(M, dtype=np.complex128)
f_hat = np.empty([N,N], dtype=np.complex128)
this_nfft = NFFT(N=[N,N], M=M)
this_nfft.x = np.array([[node_i,0.] for node_i in nodes])
this_nfft.f = f
print this_nfft.M # number of nodes, complex typed
print this_nfft.N # number of Fourier coefficients, complex typed
#print this_nfft.x # nodes in [-0.5, 0.5), float typed
this_solver = Solver(this_nfft)
this_solver.y = values # '''right hand side, samples.'''
#this_solver.f_hat_iter = f_hat # assign arbitrary initial solution guess, default is 0
this_solver.before_loop() # initialize solver internals
while not np.all(this_solver.r_iter < 1e-2):
Finally, we display the frequencies:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax =fig.add_subplot(111)
foo=[ np.abs( this_solver.f_hat_iter[i][0])**2 for i in range(len(this_solver.f_hat_iter) ) ]