deploy QML-using, QBS-built Qt application to windows - c++

I have made an application in QtCreator
I use QML for the GUI, and I use QBS as the build system
I want to be able to deploy the application to windows (and maybe to Linux and MacOS, but right now, I'm only concerned with Windows)
I tried following the deployment tutorial for Qmake with a minimal example(using QBS to build the binary on windows, and with the MSVC2017 compiler, as of 2018-05-23 3:38 PM GMT-6 I've been trying to install MinGW with the Qt Maintenance tool for the last 6 hours, and it's still only at 5%, so I will try with MinGW once that finishes), but I have the following problem
using the Qt Quick Application - Swipe template, the release version with the MSVC2017 compiler, after using windeployqt.exe --release --qmldir ../src example.exe to get the dlls and other libraries
and trying to execute example.exe, I get a message saying
"Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!"
in a cmd window, right before the actual application starts
and even if I try to disable that in the build step of the project, it doesn't get disabled
it still shows the cmd with the message, is there a way to completely make sure the build settings will work? am I missing a QtCreator configuration to make sure the settings I set actually do what they're intended? do I need to restart Qtcreator or Windows for them to work?
Update: still happens, even with MinGW

This is a bug that will be fixed in Creator 4.7. See


Qmake on Windows

I have a project written in Qt that I have no problems compiling and running on Linux. The command line is:
qmake ../trunk/
The process on Linux was really simple: install a few dependencies using apt and you are off.
My task is to recompile the same program on Windows using Visual Studio C++ compiler, but the problem is I don't know how to start. There is no such thing as qmake for Windows.
Can someone give me a few hints where to start. Please note that I don't know QT almost at all, my task is just to debug some issue unrelated to QT.
Are you using terminal exclusively on Windows? If so, maybe this image of example build steps straight from Qt Creater 4.14.2 may help you:
As you can see the image of the default Qt creator build steps list the file path where 'qmake.exe' can be located on a local installation of the toolchain.
If you can use a machine with a display I find using the Qt creator GUI is not all that bad.
Here is a link to the base get started page:
Here is a link to the installer download page:
You will need to make a Qt account, login to your account, and then download the open-source version of the API. The commercial version of the same source is acquired differently/seperately.
Otherwise, if you cannot use the GUI, can I request some clarification on why you cannot use Qt creator on your Windows installation?

cannot compile any application in Qt5 on Windows7

I have installed Qt Creator 4.0.1 (based on Qt 5.6.1) on Windows 7 (64 bit), it finds two kits (Desktop Qt 5.6.1 MCVS2013 64bit2 and Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MCVS2013 64bit), both have two debuggers to choose (MinGW or Debugging tools for windows). So everything seems to be OK, but whenever I press Run for any simple application from examples, the Build indicator goes red, and then disappears, and the exe-file is not created, but IDE does not give any explanation to the reason why.
I'm new to Qt and really want to find out what I am doing wrong and get started with it. The error output is as follows:
Cannot find file: D:\рабочее\БГУИР\qt\first\myfirst\
12:30:54: The process "C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project myfirst (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MSVC2013 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
Maybe the Cyrillic charset causes the problem?
There has to be an output of some kind somewhere. If not under the debug tab "issues", then perhaps "Compile output".
I know that on Linux if you are running a QT example, you have to make sure you have made a copy of the code instead of running it in place. Otherwise, Qt will try to create a build folder under /opt and fail due to permission. You could also specify such a build folder when you configure the project. I am not sure whether on Windows it is going to be an issue, but it's a good place to check.
Hope this helps.

Build (compile) a basic standalone .exe application using Qt-creator on Windows 8

I have installed Qt-5.7 on windows 8 because I couldn't build my released .exe from Linux (my favorite) in order to be used on Windows OS even after searching a lot on internet (Where there have to be cross-compilation...). After the installation, I just want to make sure that I can build/run a first application (one of the examples provided by default by Qt-creator "filesystembrows") and I have follow the official guide in order to build Qt as shared libraries, but the issue is that when I type the first command line I get: 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command' Also it still show the same message even though a update the variable environment of the system with C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin which one is the default path set-up when installing Qt on windows. Any help just to make a stand alone .exe for Windows (as shared libraries ) please
Why not build your project by using qtcreator ?
Did you test your build environnement by making a test application with qtcreator ?
P.S.: If you want, I can explain how to build application using Visual Studio as a compiler and QtCreator as an IDE.
nmake is a build tool provided with Visual Studio and with Windows SDK. You don't have it, apparently.
It seems you're using a mingw build of Qt; it comes with a bundled copy of mingw. There, the build tool is simply called make.

QT - Unknown debugger type "No engine"

Recently I have re-installed QT (5.5.1 MSVC 2013, 32 bit, rev. b52c2f91f5) on my PC and installed the debugging tools of Microsoft.
QT (QT Creator) can auto-detect these just fine.
When trying to start the debugger with either the default shortcut F5 or clicking it manually, it throws an error that the debugger could not be run. (Compiling works fine, debugging not at all)
No debugger-engine of type "No engine" could be created.
(Running Windows 8.1 with VS2013/VS2015 installed - QT working with VS2013 32&64 bit).
On my work PC I did the same process a few weeks ago and had no problems at all.
What could cause this problem ? Yet I have only found questions with the same problem related to other compilers.
It may point to a missing component in your installation process or an actual defect in Qt:
Option #1
Install a debugger.
If you are installing 5.5.1 for Visual Studio 2013 64 or 32bit, 2012
32bit, 201032bit. Then install windows Debuggers.
Qt will detect automatically the compiler and Debugger.
To set manually Tools->options->build&run->kits->set one of auto detected , then
you can see all.
Option #2
Unable to create a debugger engine of the type "No engine"
in the past pointed to a bug in the Qt Creator, if you'll update it may be fixed.
I'm also aware that alternatively, it may be solved by updating to Python 2.7.1.
Close Qt Creator.
In the folder where your .pro file resides, there will be some .pro.user and .pro.user.x files. Delete them all. Keep only your .pro file.
Start Qt Creator and open your .pro file. Qt Creator will ask you to reconfigure your project. Accept that.
Now you can debug again, or at least I could; the problem happened to me when I had just updated Qt Creator.
I had a problem in windows 7 but I've solved it:
Download Windows driver kit
Add your debugger
Change auto-detected kit debugger to your added debugger
I installed Debugging Tools for Windows and the debugger appeared under Manage Kits > Build & Run > Debuggers but it didn't added in the kits so I had to go to Manage Kits > Build & Run > Kits then select the desired kit and under Debugger I had to select the debugger. Initially the debugger is set to "None".
Answering the title of this question, not the person asking it.
I had the exact same error message on arch linux 64 trying to compile for arm android.
First I ran the gdb debugger in the command line to get the root issue:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libncurses is the issue! (As of 6/24/2016) Arch linux is on ncurses 6.0-4. Later you'll also find is missing.
At this point, the method for fixing the problem is up to you; I don't like using a bunch of AUR repos, so I executed a simple hack. We're forcing the library linkage that was in libncurses 5x to point at 6x.
Please ensure you don't overwrite anything before running these commands
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
Re-run your arm gdb, and it should work.

Configuring Eclipse for MinGW

I am using Eclipse Juno with MinGW (latest version) on my Win7-Laptop.
My example code is successfully built within the IDE, but I can neither run nor debug it!
When I choose Run as=>Local C/C++-Application, I get
Launch failed. Binary not found.
However, there IS an exe-file as a result of the build process!
When I call cmd.exe, navigate to the source directory and call this built exe (a.out.exe), it works without problems!
I guess this is due to wrong/missing configuration of eclipse, but I couldn't find useful info on that so far.
This thread mentions environment variables. I added MinGW and Msys to my PATH variable (that's why I can compile) but I can't run my software in eclipse!
So, what can be done to enable debugging?
I have made a little tutorial.
how to set all for Eclipse have a look it's here
Hope it can help you a little bit.