Radish Test Framework - python-2.7

I am new to the Radish Test Framework and got confused by the way of executing the test using feature files. Please clarify on:
I have installed radish module(pip install radish-bdd) already. Is there any other step to follow?
In the example, it shows to execute like "radish calculator.feature" (sample eg)
How radish behaves as the command, instead i have got it as a directory "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radish" after pip install.

I'm not entirely sure what the question is. If I understand you, you're having trouble executing tests. With radish installed you'll want to run radish <path_to_feature_file> So for example, lets say that we have a feature file called test.feature which is located in the same directory as we are, we have a few options...
Run only that feature file
radish test.feature
Run every feature file in the current directory
radish .


Can't download json schema using gradlew command

I can't figure out how to use the gradlew command to convert my GraphQL schema into a JSON file as it is specified in the documentation.
I opened CMD in my project folder, ran the gradlew command once, and it gave me this error:
Project 'module' not found in root project gradlew
I created a module inside my project with the name "module" and now it's throwing the following error:
Task 'downloadApolloSchema' not found in project ':module'.
I've already added all the dependencies to the latest version (2.0.0 as of the time of posting) so I'm clueless as to why this is happening. I've already searched the web and found nothing about this...
This is the command I'm trying to issue in the CMD:
C:\Users\myuser\AndroidStudioProjects\GraphQLApp\app>..\gradlew :module:downloadApolloSchema -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.endpoint=https://graphql-udemy-android.herokuapp.com/graphql -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.schema=src/main/graphql/com/example/schema.json
I have to go up one directory (..\) since the gradlew command is in the above my app folder.
I'm on Windows, and my Gradle version is 6.4.
You just change ./gradlew to .\gradlew
Open the root terminal
Paste the code below and ENTER!
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint=https://Your Endpoint/graphql --schema=app/src/main/graphql/com/example/Your Path/schema.json
Have a good days!
Sorry about that, the module part was mostly a placeholder for the gradle module where you apply the com.apollographql.apollo plugin. You can ignore it and gradle will find the appropriate task:
./gradlew downloadApolloSchema
This has been updated in the project README as well.
For windows i used
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint="https://rickandmortyapi.com/graphql" --schema=app/src/main/graphql/GetRepositories.json
NOTICE I used:
.\ instead of ./

(C++) How can I test the new application in MOOS-ivp?

I've got a problem with compiling my basic code with MOOS-ivp.
I made main.cpp, simpleApp.cpp and simpleApp.h from documentation, where should I put it to build it with moos? In docs there is note about launching MOOSDB and uMS - ok, but there is not any option to find path to my .cpp file. Is there any default path? Maybe should I compile it firstly with gcc?
I'll assume you know some basic information about MOOS or are taking the MIT 2.680 course and know some of the terminology talked about in the introduction lab.
The recommended way to build external MOOS is to have moos-ivp and moos-ivp-extend in a directory next to each other. You should run GenMOOSApp_AppCasting in the moos-ivp-extend/src directory and add your new project to the CMakeLists.txt file in the same directory. Then, use the included ./build.sh script to build your executables, and add the directory it makes to your $PATH.
Finally, you should be able to run your mission with your new MOOS app.

How to run bash commands like "npm install" on complie

I need to run npm install && gulp build inside my static/semantic-ui folder, so it creates the needed css file.
I saw this example with Setup.hs, however on my scaffolded project I don't have it, so my question where is the right place to put the code to run those bash commands.
If you're using the default Yesod scaffolding (generated by stack tool), then it indeed doesn't contain Setup.hs (which is a bit weird, as their own guide - https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/doc/GUIDE.md - recommends having it as a good practice)
Setup.hs should be located in main project directory (same where stack.yml and yourproject.cabal are located) and content should be roughly the same as in your included example (defaultMainWithHooks is the key part).
Details of hooks usage are specified in https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/developing-packages.html and in cabal spec: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Cabal-
BTW, for now stack doesn't support pre-build hooks on its own (for details see: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/503), so you have to stick to ones provided by cabal - that's where Setup.hs comes from.

Where to start for writing a shell script for copying elements into main app xcode4

I am looking for some documentation or tutorial for copying files from a given directory into the app created by xcode at build time, before it is run.
At first I have tried to copy files into the derived directory, hoping that everything resides in there would be automatically added to the app, but I was wrong.
So I am looking for a script because the original dir may change its name, second the script could be customized by another xcode 4 user with its src dir path etc.
The things is I don't know how to start, which language etc. I am quite confident with shell script, but maybe there's a better option.
Second, I am trying to figure out which command could add a file in the already built app.
That answer didn't really help - the BUILT_PRODUCT_DIR isn't where most stuff goes.
Ultimately, I found you just need to do:
Add the following to the very end of your script (or get your script to write directly to the output location):
...but there's a lot of other things I tried. More thoughts and ideas here: http://red-glasses.com/index.php/tutorials/xcode4-a-script-that-creates-adds-files-to-your-project/
You want a Run Script or Copy Files build phase. Select your main project in the navigator, then select the app's target. Click the Build Phases tab. Click the Add Build Phase button at the bottom of the window and choose the appropriate phase.
By "appropriate" I mean if you really want to run a script, you'll use a Run Script build phase and use Xcode-provided environment variables like $BUILT_PRODUCT_DIR (see the documentation or hit build and examine the full output of an empty script in the build log) to figure out your target folder. If all you want to do is copy files (no real processing), the Copy Files build phase already knows how to locate the app bundle's proper folders depending on what you're copying (Resources, Frameworks, etc.).

django runserver error from SVN co

I have written a Django project which runs fine on the dev server. Although I am the only one working on it, I realized I should get some sort of version control going and placed the project on a network SVN. I assume the new process for working this project should be: checkout code from SVN, make changes, test, update, and commit back to SVN.
However, when I check out the code and attempt to run the dev server from the checked out SVN location, I get an error that "has no module named yadda.yadda". But, the module is there and it works fine when I run it from the original directory. Any thoughts? Any suggestions on a better work process?
Does your $PYTHONPATH shell variable reference a relative path? If so, the relative path may be incorrect when you change to the new directory.
You can also diff the contents of the two directories to ensure that your versioned copy is a duplicate of the original.
Check if your module has init.py
As George said check if module is on python path (import sys and print sys.path)