I have a piece of code in my full code:
const unsigned int GL=8000000;
const int cuba=8;
const int cubn=cuba+cuba;
const int cub3=cubn*cubn*cubn;
int Length[cub3];
int Begin[cub3];
int Counter[cub3];
int MIndex[GL];
struct Particle{
int ix,jy,kz;
int ip;
Particle particles[GL];
int GetIndex(const Particle & p){return (p.ix+cuba+cubn*(p.jy+cuba+cubn*(;}
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<cub3; ++i) Length[i]=Counter[i]=0;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
int ic=GetIndex(particles[i]);
#pragma omp atomic update
#pragma omp single
for(int i=1; i<cub3; ++i) Begin[i]=Begin[i-1]+Length[i-1];
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
int ic=GetIndex(particles[i]);
if(ic>cub3 || ic<0) printf("ic=%d out of range!\n",ic);
int cnt=0;
#pragma omp atomic capture
If to remove
#pragma omp parallel for
the code works properly and the output results are always the same.
But with this pragma there is some undefined behaviour/race condition in the code, because each time it gives different output results.
How to fix this issue?
Update: The task is the following. Have lots of particles with some random coordinates. Need to output to the array MIndex the indices in the array particles of the particles, which are in each cell (cartesian cube, for example, 1×1×1 cm) of the coordinate system. So, in the beginning of MIndex there should be the indices in the array particles of the particles in the 1st cell of the coordinate system, then - in the 2nd, then - in the 3rd and so on. The order of indices within given cell in the area MIndex is not important, may be arbitrary. If it is possible, need to make this in parallel, may be using atomic operations.
There is a straight way: to traverse across all the coordinate cells in parallel and in each cell check the coordinates of all the particles. But for large number of cells and particles this seems to be slow. Is there a faster approach? Is it possible to travel across the particles array only once in parallel and fill MIndex array using atomic operations, something like written in the code piece above?
You probably can't get a compiler to auto-parallelize scalar code for you if you want an algorithm that can work efficiently (without needing atomic RMWs on shared counters which would be a disaster, see below). But you might be able to use OpenMP as a way to start threads and get thread IDs.
Keep per-thread count arrays from the initial histogram, use in 2nd pass
(Update: this might not work: I didn't notice the if(particles[i].ip==3) in the source before. I was assuming that Count[ic] will go as high as Length[ic] in the serial version. If that's not the case, this strategy might leave gaps or something.
But as Laci points out, perhaps you want that check when calculating Length in the first place, then it would be fine.)
Manually multi-thread the first histogram (into Length[]), with each thread working on a known range of i values. Keep those per-thread lengths around, even as you sum across them and prefix-sum to build Begin[].
So Length[thread][ic] is the number of particles in that cube, out of the range of i values that this thread worked on. (And will loop over again in the 2nd loop: the key is that we divide the particles between threads the same way twice. Ideally with the same thread working on the same range, so things may still be hot in L1d cache.)
Pre-process that into a per-thread Begin[][] array, so each thread knows where in MIndex to put data from each bucket.
// pseudo-code, fairly close to actual C
for(ic < cub3) {
// perhaps do this "vertical" sum into a temporary array
// or prefix-sum within Length before combining across threads?
int pos = sum(Length[0..nthreads-1][ic-1]) + Begin[0][ic-1];
Begin[0][ic] = pos;
for (int t = 1 ; t<nthreads ; t++) {
pos += Length[t][ic]; // prefix-sum across threads for this cube bucket
Begin[t][ic] = pos;
This has a pretty terrible cache access pattern, especially with cuba=8 making Length[t][0] and Length[t+1][0] 4096 bytes apart from each other. (So 4k aliasing is a possible problem, as are cache conflict misses).
Perhaps each thread can prefix-sum its own slice of Length into that slice of Begin, 1. for cache access pattern (and locality since it just wrote those Lengths), and 2. to get some parallelism for that work.
Then in the final loop with MIndex, each thread can do int pos = --Length[t][ic] to derive a unique ID from the Length. (Like you were doing with Count[], but without introducing another per-thread array to zero.)
Each element of Length will return to zero, because the same thread is looking at the same points it just counted. With correctly-calculated Begin[t][ic] positions, MIndex[...] = i stores won't conflict. False sharing is still possible, but it's a large enough array that points will tend to be scattered around.
Don't overdo it with number of threads, especially if cuba is greater than 8. The amount of Length / Begin pre-processing work scales with number of threads, so it may be better to just leave some CPUs free for unrelated threads or tasks to get some throughput done. OTOH, with cuba=8 meaning each per-thread array is only 4096 bytes (too small to parallelize the zeroing of, BTW), it's really not that much.
(Previous answer before your edit made it clearer what was going on.)
Is this basically a histogram? If each thread has its own array of counts, you can sum them together at the end (you might need to do that manually, not have OpenMP do it for you). But it seems you also need this count to be unique within each voxel, to have MIndex updated properly? That might be a showstopper, like requiring adjusting every MIndex entry, if it's even possible.
After your update, you are doing a histogram into Length[], so that part can be sped up.
Atomic RMWs would be necessary for your code as-is, performance disaster
Atomic increments of shared counters would be slower, and on x86 might destroy the memory-level parallelism too badly. On x86, every atomic RMW is also a full memory barrier, draining the store buffer before it happens, and blocking later loads from starting until after it happens.
As opposed to a single thread which can have cache misses to multiple Counter, Begin and MIndex elements outstanding, using non-atomic accesses. (Thanks to out-of-order exec, the next iteration's load / inc / store for Counter[ic]++ can be doing the load while there are cache misses outstanding for Begin[ic] and/or for Mindex[] stores.)
ISAs that allow relaxed-atomic increment might be able to do this efficiently, like AArch64. (Again, OpenMP might not be able to do that for you.)
Even on x86, with enough (logical) cores, you might still get some speedup, especially if the Counter accesses are scattered enough they cores aren't constantly fighting over the same cache lines. You'd still get a lot of cache lines bouncing between cores, though, instead of staying hot in L1d or L2. (False sharing is a problem,
Perhaps software prefetch can help, like prefetchw (write-prefetching) the counter for 5 or 10 i iterations later.
It wouldn't be deterministic which point went in which order, even with memory_order_seq_cst increments, though. Whichever thread increments Counter[ic] first is the one that associates that cnt with that i.
Alternative access patterns
Perhaps have each thread scan all points, but only process a subset of them, with disjoint subsets. So the set of Counter[] elements that any given thread touches is only touched by that thread, so the increments can be non-atomic.
Filtering by ranges maybe makes the most sense since that's the largest multiplier in the indexing, so each thread "owns" a contiguous range of Counter[].
But if your points aren't uniformly distributed, you'd need to know how to break things up to approximately equally divide the work. And you can't just divide it more finely (like OMP schedule dynamic), since each thread is going to scan through all the points: that would multiply the amount of filtering work.
Maybe a couple fixed partitions would be a good tradeoff to gain some parallelism without introducing a lot of extra work.
Re: your edit
You already loop over the whole array of points doing Length[ic]++;? Seems redundant to do the same histogramming work again with Counter[ic]++;, but not obvious how to avoid it.
The count arrays are small, but if you don't need both when you're done, you could maybe just decrement Length to assign unique indices to each point in a voxel. At least the first histogram could benefit from parallelizing with different count arrays for each thread, and just vertically adding at the end. Should scale perfectly with threads since the count array is small enough for L1d cache.
BTW, for() Length[i]=Counter[i]=0; is too small to be worth parallelizing. For cuba=8, it's 8*8*16 * sizeof(int) = 4096 bytes, just one page, so it's just two small memsets.
(Of course if each thread has their own separate Length array, they each need to zero it). That's small enough to even consider unrolling with maybe 2 count arrays per thread to hide store/reload serial dependencies if a long sequence of points are all in the same bucket. Combining count arrays at the end is a job for #pragma omp simd or just normal auto-vectorization with gcc -O3 -march=native since it's integer work.
For the final loop, you could split your points array in half (assign half to each thread), and have one thread get unique IDs by counting down from --Length[i], and another counting up from 0 in Counter[i]++. With different threads looking at different points, this could give you a factor of 2 speedup. (Modulo contention for MIndex stores.)
To do more than just count up and down, you'd need info you don't have from just the overall Length array... but which you did have temporarily. See the section at the top
You are right to make the update Counter[ic]++ atomic, but there is an additional problem on the next line: MIndex[Begin[ic]+cnt]=i; Different iterations can write into the same location here, unless you have mathematical proof that this is never the case from the structure of MIndex. So you have to make that line atomic too. And then there is almost no parallel work left in your loop, so your speed up if probably going to be abysmal.
EDIT the second line however is not of the right form for an atomic operation, so you have to make it critical. Which is going to make performance even worse.
Also, #Laci is correct that since this is an overwrite statement, the order of parallel scheduling is going to influence the outcome. So either live with that fact, or accept that this can not be parallelized.
I'm new to OpenMP and try to sort out the issue of collecting data from threads. I study the example of applying OpenMP on Monte-Carlo method (square of a circle inscribed into a square).
I understood how the following code works:
unsigned pointsInside = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threadNum) shared(threadNum) reduction(+: pointsInside)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) { ... }
Am I right that originally pointsInsideis a variable but OpenMP represents it as an array and than the mantra reduction(+: pointsInside) sums over the elements of the "array"?
But the main question is how to collect information directly into an array or vector? I tried to declare array or vector and provide pointer or address into OpenMP via shared and collect information for each thread at corresponding index. But it works slower than the way with the variable and reduction. Such the approach with vector or array is needed for me for my current project. Thanks a lot!
When I said above that "it works slower" I meant comparison of two realizations of the Monte-Carlo method: 1) via shared and a vector/array, and 2) via a scalar variable and reduction. The first case is faster. My guess and question about it below.
I would like to rephrase my question more clear. I create a vector/array and provide it into OpenMP via shared. I want to collect data for each thread at corresponding index in vector/array. Under this approach I don't need any synchronization of access to the vector/array. Is it true that OpenMP enable synchronization by default when I use shared. If it is so, then how to disable it. Or may be another approaches exist. If it is not so, then how to share vector/array into the parallel part correctly and without synchronization of access.
I'd like to apply this technique for my project where I want to sort through different permutations in parallel part, collect each permutation and scalar result for it outside of the parallel part. Then sort the results and choose the best one.
A partial answer:
Am I right that originally pointsInside is a variable but OpenMP represents it as an array and than the mantra reduction(+: pointsInside) sums over the elements of the "array"?
I think it is better to think of pointsInside as a scalar. When the parallel region starts the run-time takes care of creating individual scalars, perhaps you might think of them as myPointsInside, one such scalar for each thread. When the parallel region finishes the run-time reduces the values of all the thread scalars onto the original scalar pointsInside. This is just about what OpenMP actually does behind the scenes.
As to the rest of your question:
Yes, you can perform reductions onto arrays - but this was only added to OpenMP, for C and C++ programs, in OpenMP 4.5 (I think). What goes on is much the same as for the scalar case. This Q&A provides some assistance - Is it possible to do a reduction on an array with openmp?
As to the speed, it's difficult to answer that without a much clearer understanding of what comparisons you are making. But it's very easy to write parallel reductions on arrays which incur a significant penalty in performance from the phenomenon of false sharing, about which you may wish to inform yourself.
I'm new to OpenMP. When I parallelize a for loop using
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4)
//some parallelizable code
Is it guaranteed that every thread takes one and only one value of i? How is the loop work divided among the threads in general when num_threads is not equal to or does not evenly divide the total number of times of the for loop? Is there a command I can use to specify that each thread takes only one value of i, or the number of values of i each thread takes?
The work division in a loop construct is decided by the schedule. If no schedule clause is present, the def-sched-var schedule is used, which is implementation defined.
You could use schedule (static, 1), which in your case guarantees that each thread will get exactly one value.
I highly recommend to take a look at the OpenMP specification, Table 2.5 and
There may be legitimate reasons for making this kind of assumptions, but in general the correctness of your loop code should not depend on this. Primarily I would treat this as a performance-hint.
Depending on your use-case you may want to consider tasks or just parallel constructs. If you rely such details for loops, make sure it is well specified in the standard, and not just works in your particular implementation.
I'm following a udacity problem set lesson to compute a histogram of numBins element out of a long series of numElems values. In this simple case each element's value is also his own bin in the histogram, so generating with CPU code the histogram is as simple as
for (i = 0; i < numElems; ++i)
I don't get the video explanation for a "fast histogram computation" according to which I should sort the values by a 'coarse bin id' and then compute the final histogram.
The question is:
why should I sort the values by 'coarse bin indices'?
why should I sort the values by 'coarse bin indices'?
This is an attempt to break down the work into pieces that can be handled by a single threadblock. There are several considerations here:
On a GPU, it's desirable to have multiple threadblocks so that all SMs can be engaged in solving the problem.
A given threadblock lives and operates on a single SM, so it is confined to the resources available on that SM, the primary limits being the number of threads and the size of available shared memory.
Since shared memory especially is limited, the division of work creates a smaller-sized histogram operation for each threadblock, which may fit in the SM shared memory whereas the overall histogram range may not. For example if I am histogramming over a range of 4 decimal digits, that would be 10,000 bins total. Each bin would probably need an int value, so that is 40Kbytes, which would just barely fit into shared memory (and might have negative performance implications as an occupancy limiter). A histogram over 5 decimal digits probably would not fit. On the other hand, with a "coarse bin sort" of a single decimal digit, I could reduce the per-block shared memory requirement from 40Kbytes to 4Kbytes (approximately).
Shared memory atomics are often considerably faster than global memory atomics, so breaking down the work this way allows for efficient use of shared memory atomics, which may be a useful optimization.
so I will have to sort all the values first? Isn't that more expensive than reading and doing an atomicAdd into the right bin?
Maybe. But the idea of a coarse bin sort is that it may be computationally much less expensive than a full sort. A radix sort is a commonly used, relatively fast sorting operation that can be done in parallel on a GPU. Radix sort has the characteristic that the sorting operation begins with the most significant "digit" and proceeds iteratively to the least significant digit. However a coarse bin sort implies that only some subset of the most significant digits need actually be "sorted". Therefore, a "coarse bin sort" using a radix sort technique could be computationally substantially less expensive than a full sort. If you sort only on the most significant digit out of 3 digits as indicated in the udacity example, that means your sort is only approximately 1/3 as expensive as a full sort.
I'm not suggesting that this is a guaranteed recipe for faster performance in every case. The specifics matter (e.g. size of histogram, range, final number of bins, etc.) The specific GPU you use may impact the tradeoff also. For example, Kepler and newer devices will have substantially improved global memory atomics, so the comparison will be substantially impacted by that. (OTOH, Pascal has substantially improved shared memory atomics, which will once again affect the comparison in the other direction.)
Out of curiosity I decided to benchmark my own matrix multiplication function versus the BLAS implementation... I was to say the least surprised at the result:
Custom Implementation, 10 trials of
1000x1000 matrix multiplication:
Took: 15.76542 seconds.
BLAS Implementation, 10 trials of
1000x1000 matrix multiplication:
Took: 1.32432 seconds.
This is using single precision floating point numbers.
My Implementation:
template<class ValT>
void mmult(const ValT* A, int ADim1, int ADim2, const ValT* B, int BDim1, int BDim2, ValT* C)
if ( ADim2!=BDim1 )
throw std::runtime_error("Error sizes off");
int cc2,cc1,cr1;
for ( cc2=0 ; cc2<BDim2 ; ++cc2 )
for ( cc1=0 ; cc1<ADim2 ; ++cc1 )
for ( cr1=0 ; cr1<ADim1 ; ++cr1 )
C[cc2*ADim2+cr1] += A[cc1*ADim1+cr1]*B[cc2*BDim1+cc1];
I have two questions:
Given that a matrix-matrix multiplication say: nxm * mxn requires n*n*m multiplications, so in the case above 1000^3 or 1e9 operations. How is it possible on my 2.6Ghz processor for BLAS to do 10*1e9 operations in 1.32 seconds? Even if multiplcations were a single operation and there was nothing else being done, it should take ~4 seconds.
Why is my implementation so much slower?
A good starting point is the great book The Science of Programming Matrix Computations by Robert A. van de Geijn and Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí. They provide a free download version.
BLAS is divided into three levels:
Level 1 defines a set of linear algebra functions that operate on vectors only. These functions benefit from vectorization (e.g. from using SSE).
Level 2 functions are matrix-vector operations, e.g. some matrix-vector product. These functions could be implemented in terms of Level1 functions. However, you can boost the performance of this functions if you can provide a dedicated implementation that makes use of some multiprocessor architecture with shared memory.
Level 3 functions are operations like the matrix-matrix product. Again you could implement them in terms of Level2 functions. But Level3 functions perform O(N^3) operations on O(N^2) data. So if your platform has a cache hierarchy then you can boost performance if you provide a dedicated implementation that is cache optimized/cache friendly. This is nicely described in the book. The main boost of Level3 functions comes from cache optimization. This boost significantly exceeds the second boost from parallelism and other hardware optimizations.
By the way, most (or even all) of the high performance BLAS implementations are NOT implemented in Fortran. ATLAS is implemented in C. GotoBLAS/OpenBLAS is implemented in C and its performance critical parts in Assembler. Only the reference implementation of BLAS is implemented in Fortran. However, all these BLAS implementations provide a Fortran interface such that it can be linked against LAPACK (LAPACK gains all its performance from BLAS).
Optimized compilers play a minor role in this respect (and for GotoBLAS/OpenBLAS the compiler does not matter at all).
IMHO no BLAS implementation uses algorithms like the Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm or the Strassen algorithm. The likely reasons are:
Maybe its not possible to provide a cache optimized implementation of these algorithms (i.e. you would loose more then you would win)
These algorithms are numerically not stable. As BLAS is the computational kernel of LAPACK this is a no-go.
Although these algorithms have a nice time complexity on paper, the Big O notation hides a large constant, so it only starts to become viable for extremely large matrices.
The new and ground breaking paper for this topic are the BLIS papers. They are exceptionally well written. For my lecture "Software Basics for High Performance Computing" I implemented the matrix-matrix product following their paper. Actually I implemented several variants of the matrix-matrix product. The simplest variants is entirely written in plain C and has less than 450 lines of code. All the other variants merely optimize the loops
for (l=0; l<MR*NR; ++l) {
AB[l] = 0;
for (l=0; l<kc; ++l) {
for (j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
AB[i+j*MR] += A[i]*B[j];
A += MR;
B += NR;
The overall performance of the matrix-matrix product only depends on these loops. About 99.9% of the time is spent here. In the other variants I used intrinsics and assembler code to improve the performance. You can see the tutorial going through all the variants here:
ulmBLAS: Tutorial on GEMM (Matrix-Matrix Product)
Together with the BLIS papers it becomes fairly easy to understand how libraries like Intel MKL can gain such a performance. And why it does not matter whether you use row or column major storage!
The final benchmarks are here (we called our project ulmBLAS):
Benchmarks for ulmBLAS, BLIS, MKL, openBLAS and Eigen
Another Edit/Update:
I also wrote some tutorial on how BLAS gets used for numerical linear algebra problems like solving a system of linear equations:
High Performance LU Factorization
(This LU factorization is for example used by Matlab for solving a system of linear equations.)
I hope to find time to extend the tutorial to describe and demonstrate how to realise a highly scalable parallel implementation of the LU factorization like in PLASMA.
Ok, here you go: Coding a Cache Optimized Parallel LU Factorization
P.S.: I also did make some experiments on improving the performance of uBLAS. It actually is pretty simple to boost (yeah, play on words :) ) the performance of uBLAS:
Experiments on uBLAS.
Here a similar project with BLAZE:
Experiments on BLAZE.
So first of all BLAS is just an interface of about 50 functions. There are many competing implementations of the interface.
Firstly I will mention things that are largely unrelated:
Fortran vs C, makes no difference
Advanced matrix algorithms such as Strassen, implementations dont use them as they dont help in practice
Most implementations break each operation into small-dimension matrix or vector operations in the more or less obvious way. For example a large 1000x1000 matrix multiplication may broken into a sequence of 50x50 matrix multiplications.
These fixed-size small-dimension operations (called kernels) are hardcoded in CPU-specific assembly code using several CPU features of their target:
SIMD-style instructions
Instruction Level Parallelism
Furthermore these kernels can be executed in parallel with respect to each other using multiple threads (CPU cores), in the typical map-reduce design pattern.
Take a look at ATLAS which is the most commonly used open source BLAS implementation. It has many different competing kernels, and during the ATLAS library build process it runs a competition among them (some are even parameterized, so the same kernel can have different settings). It tries different configurations and then selects the best for the particular target system.
(Tip: That is why if you are using ATLAS you are better off building and tuning the library by hand for your particular machine then using a prebuilt one.)
First, there are more efficient algorithms for matrix multiplication than the one you're using.
Second, your CPU can do much more than one instruction at a time.
Your CPU executes 3-4 instructions per cycle, and if the SIMD units are used, each instruction processes 4 floats or 2 doubles. (of course this figure isn't accurate either, as the CPU can typically only process one SIMD instruction per cycle)
Third, your code is far from optimal:
You're using raw pointers, which means that the compiler has to assume they may alias. There are compiler-specific keywords or flags you can specify to tell the compiler that they don't alias. Alternatively, you should use other types than raw pointers, which take care of the problem.
You're thrashing the cache by performing a naive traversal of each row/column of the input matrices. You can use blocking to perform as much work as possible on a smaller block of the matrix, which fits in the CPU cache, before moving on to the next block.
For purely numerical tasks, Fortran is pretty much unbeatable, and C++ takes a lot of coaxing to get up to a similar speed. It can be done, and there are a few libraries demonstrating it (typically using expression templates), but it's not trivial, and it doesn't just happen.
I don't know specfically about BLAS implementation but there are more efficient alogorithms for Matrix Multiplication that has better than O(n3) complexity. A well know one is Strassen Algorithm
Most arguments to the second question -- assembler, splitting into blocks etc. (but not the less than N^3 algorithms, they are really overdeveloped) -- play a role. But the low velocity of your algorithm is caused essentially by matrix size and the unfortunate arrangement of the three nested loops. Your matrices are so large that they do not fit at once in cache memory. You can rearrange the loops such that as much as possible will be done on a row in cache, this way dramatically reducing cache refreshes (BTW splitting into small blocks has an analogue effect, best if loops over the blocks are arranged similarly). A model implementation for square matrices follows. On my computer its time consumption was about 1:10 compared to the standard implementation (as yours).
In other words: never program a matrix multiplication along the "row times column" scheme that we learned in school.
After having rearranged the loops, more improvements are obtained by unrolling loops, assembler code etc.
void vector(int m, double ** a, double ** b, double ** c) {
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
double * ci = c[i];
for (k=0; k<m; k++) ci[k] = 0.;
for (j=0; j<m; j++) {
double aij = a[i][j];
double * bj = b[j];
for (k=0; k<m; k++) ci[k] += aij*bj[k];
One more remark: This implementation is even better on my computer than replacing all by the BLAS routine cblas_dgemm (try it on your computer!). But much faster (1:4) is calling dgemm_ of the Fortran library directly. I think this routine is in fact not Fortran but assembler code (I do not know what is in the library, I don't have the sources). Totally unclear to me is why cblas_dgemm is not as fast since to my knowledge it is merely a wrapper for dgemm_.
This is a realistic speed up. For an example of what can be done with SIMD assembler over C++ code, see some example iPhone matrix functions - these were over 8x faster than the C version, and aren't even "optimized" assembly - there's no pipe-lining yet and there is unnecessary stack operations.
Also your code is not "restrict correct" - how does the compiler know that when it modifies C, it isn't modifying A and B?
With respect to the original code in MM multiply, memory reference for most operation is the main cause of bad performance. Memory is running at 100-1000 times slower than cache.
Most of speed up comes from employing loop optimization techniques for this triple loop function in MM multiply. Two main loop optimization techniques are used; unrolling and blocking. With respect to unrolling, we unroll the outer two most loops and block it for data reuse in cache. Outer loop unrolling helps optimize data-access temporally by reducing the number of memory references to same data at different times during the entire operation. Blocking the loop index at specific number, helps with retaining the data in cache. You can choose to optimize for L2 cache or L3 cache.
For many reasons.
First, Fortran compilers are highly optimized, and the language allows them to be as such. C and C++ are very loose in terms of array handling (e.g. the case of pointers referring to the same memory area). This means that the compiler cannot know in advance what to do, and is forced to create generic code. In Fortran, your cases are more streamlined, and the compiler has better control of what happens, allowing him to optimize more (e.g. using registers).
Another thing is that Fortran store stuff columnwise, while C stores data row-wise. I havent' checked your code, but be careful of how you perform the product. In C you must scan row wise: this way you scan your array along contiguous memory, reducing the cache misses. Cache miss is the first source of inefficiency.
Third, it depends of the blas implementation you are using. Some implementations might be written in assembler, and optimized for the specific processor you are using. The netlib version is written in fortran 77.
Also, you are doing a lot of operations, most of them repeated and redundant. All those multiplications to obtain the index are detrimental for the performance. I don't really know how this is done in BLAS, but there are a lot of tricks to prevent expensive operations.
For example, you could rework your code this way
template<class ValT>
void mmult(const ValT* A, int ADim1, int ADim2, const ValT* B, int BDim1, int BDim2, ValT* C)
if ( ADim2!=BDim1 ) throw std::runtime_error("Error sizes off");
int cc2,cc1,cr1, a1,a2,a3;
for ( cc2=0 ; cc2<BDim2 ; ++cc2 ) {
a1 = cc2*ADim2;
a3 = cc2*BDim1
for ( cc1=0 ; cc1<ADim2 ; ++cc1 ) {
ValT b = B[a3+cc1];
for ( cr1=0 ; cr1<ADim1 ; ++cr1 ) {
C[a1+cr1] += A[a2+cr1]*b;
Try it, I am sure you will save something.
On you #1 question, the reason is that matrix multiplication scales as O(n^3) if you use a trivial algorithm. There are algorithms that scale much better.