Ansible querying AWS AMIs - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to query AWS EC2 AMIs from Ansible but keep running into an error when looping through the results:
- hosts: localhost
- name: Get AMI
owner: amazon
architecture: x86_64
root-device-type: ebs
register: amis
- name: return filtered data
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: " {{ amis \
| json_query( 'Images[?Description!=`null`] \
| [?starts_with(Description,`Amazon Linux`)]' ) \
}} "
The idea is to return the image documents, and later just the image IDs with more filtering (end goal is to get the most recent ami id for a given description). But with the current example, and anything else I try I get this error:
TASK [return filtered data] ****************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Invalid data passed to 'loop',
it requires a list, got this instead: . Hint: If you passed a
list/dict of just one element, try adding wantlist=True to your lookup
invocation or use q/query instead of lookup."}
I can look at the 'amis' in its entirety and it looks good, but any filtering I try fails. What is the correct method?

This works, thanks for the folks at #ansible on freenode.
- hosts: localhost
- name: Get AMI
owner: amazon
architecture: x86_64
root-device-type: ebs
register: amis
- name: return latest AMI
my_ami: "{{ amis.images \
| selectattr('description', 'defined') \
| selectattr('description', 'match', '^Amazon Linux.*GP2$') \
| selectattr('description', 'match', '[^(Candidate)]') \
| sort(attribute='creation_date') \
| last }} "
- debug:
msg: "ami = {{ my_ami | to_nice_yaml }}"
Also see here:

Use following to dynamically fetch the latest AMI.
- name: Find latest AMI
owners: 099720109477
region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}"
name: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*"
register: findami
- name: Sort the latest AMI
latest_ami: >
{{ findami.images | sort(attribute='creation_date') | last }}
- name: Launch Instance with latest AMI
instance_type: "{{ INSTANCE_TYPE }}"
image: "{{ latest_ami.image_id }}"
key_name: "{{ KEY_NAME }}"
region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}"
group_id: "{{ sg.group_id }}"
wait: yes
count: "{{ INSTANCES_COUNT }}"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ }}"
assign_public_ip: no


Check if EC2 instances exists and running then skip deployment

I am trying to run a playbook that calls a role to deploy some EC2 instances, everything works fine except that I want to put a condition when the EC2 instance exists and in running state to skip the deployment I used the following to retrieve the ec2_infos :
## Check if an instance with same name exist on AWS
- name: Get {{ ec2_name }} infos
region: "us-east-1"
"tag:Name": "{{ ec2_name }}"
instance-state-name: [ "running"]
register: ec2_infos
- name: DEBUG
debug: msg="{{ aws_ec2_infos }}"
and on the Deployment stage my condition is as follows :
- name: "{{ ec2_description }} - {{ ec2_name }}"
stack_name: "some name "
state: "present"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
template: "PATH/ec2.json"
Name: "{{ ec2_name }}"
Description: "{{ ec2_description }}"
KeyName: "{{key_name }}"
KmsKeyId: "{{ key_id }}"
GroupSet: "{{ id }}"
IamInstanceProfile: "{{ name }}"
Type: "OS"
**when: ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'**
but I get an error that says :
"msg": "The conditional check 'aws_ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (aws_ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'): 'dict object' has no attribute
I think I am missing something in my condition but I can't find what exactly. Any tip or advice is more than welcome
As #benoit and #mdaniel said the error was in my understanding the condition should be :
aws_ec2_infos.instances[0] != 'running'

Ansible list has length when empty

I'm doing "aws rds describe-db-instances":
- name: list recovery points by resource
shell: aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier {{ item }} --query "DBInstances[?(LatestRestorableTime>'{{ time }}')].[DBInstanceIdentifier,LatestRestorableTime]" --output text
loop: "{{ db_identifier }}"
register: recovery_points
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: "{{ security_token }}"
-->until: (recovery_points.results|map(attribute='stdout')|list|length) > 0
-->retries: 20
-->delay: 30
when: db_identifier is defined
That should check for recovery points older than "time", also db_identifier|lenght = 2.
- debug:
msg: "{{ recovery_points.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"
['', '']
The issue I'm facing is that when there are no recovery points and it returns this empty list, it says the length of this list is 2.
- debug:
msg: "{{ recovery_points.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list | length }}"
Having this, I wanted to include the "until" condition in the shell command (that you can see preceded by -->) but I cannot do it because of this length.
How can I work around it?

Ansible in AWS, list processing question using ec2_instance_info for several nodes

I am running several Ansible playbooks in AWS and I am having difficulty with a test yaml file. The purpose of the yaml file is to query AWS for a list of servers using a filter and set_fact the instance name, the instance ID the instance size and the private IP.
The code I have is returning only data for the first node in the list and repeats the debug line every 12 lines. All the other lines show no data returned. I am using the ec2_instance_info to get the various data about the instances.
Here is the Ansible yaml file
# This script gathers the Instance ID's et. al.
- name: Get EC2 Info
region: '{{ aws_region }}'
aws_access_key: "{{ lookup('ini', 'aws_access_key_id section=saml file=~/.aws/credentials') }}"
aws_secret_key: "{{ lookup('ini', 'aws_secret_access_key section=saml file=~/.aws/credentials') }}"
security_token: "{{ lookup('ini', 'aws_session_token section=saml file=~/.aws/credentials') }}"
"tag:Name": "test-envMan*"
register: Instance_ID
- name: Get Instance ID
msg: "{{ item.0 }} | {{ item.1 }} | {{ item.2 }} | {{ item.3 }}"
- "{{ Instance_ID.instances | map(attribute='tags.Name') | list }}"
- "{{ Instance_ID.instances[0].instance_id }}"
- "{{ Instance_ID.instances[1].instance_type }}"
- "{{ Instance_ID.instances[2].private_ip_address }}"
- name: Gather and Save info
Tag_Name: "{{ Instance_ID.instances | map(attribute='tags.Name') | list }}"
Instance_ID: "{{ Instance_ID.instances[0].instance_id }}"
Instance_Size: "{{ Instance_ID.instances[1].instance_type }}"
Instance_PrivIP: "{{ Instance_ID.instances[2].private_ip_address }}"
The output shows 12 lines of Ansible "ok" output for each server. The first line of which includes the debug output of the expected fields for the first node.
So 1 line of "ok" log output, then the debug line. Then 11 lines of "ok" log output of the same node. Then 1 line of "ok" output for the second node, the the debug line for the first node. etc.
I need to discover what I am doing incorrectly and how to make it behave.
Any comments, suggestions or pointers are appreciated.

Using aws_secret in ansible

I'm trying to retrieve password from aws secret manager using ansible 2.8 using lookup.
Below things are not working for me:
In .bashrc, I have exported region
Ansible Environment Variables in task
Setting up ansible variables in pre_tasks
- hosts: StagingApps
remote_user: staging
gather_facts: false
- debug:
var: "{{ lookup('aws_secret', 'staging_mongodb_pass', region='us-east-1') }}"
msg: "{{ query('aws_secret', 'staging_mongodb_pass', region='us-east-1') }}"
region: 'us-east-1'
Error Message:
FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'aws_secret'. Error was a , original message: 'Requested entry (plugin_type: lookup plugin: aws_secret setting: region ) was not defined in configuration.'"}
below playbook has worked for me
- name: "register mongodb from secretsmanager"
shell: "aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id staging_mongodb"
register: mongodb_pass
- set_fact:
mongodb_pass_dict: "{{ mongodb_pass.stdout | from_json | json_query('SecretString') }}"
- set_fact:
mongodb_pass_list: "{{ ['staging_mongodb'] | map('extract', mongodb_pass_dict) | list }}"
- set_fact:
mongodb_pass: "{{ mongodb_pass_list[0] }}"
- template:
mode: 0644
backup: yes
It looks like Ansible released this lookup plugin in a broken state. They have an issue and a PR open to fix it:
Very disappointing, as I've been waiting for this plugin for many months.

How to create the Count tags name with sequential numbers using ansible script

I create 2 windows aws machine using exact_count tag as 2.
It creates the both of 2 AWS machine with same name.
For example:
1) itg-Web-windows
2) itg-web-windows
I want to create the machine Name as instance_tags:
Below are my code:
name: ensure instances are running
region: "{{ region }}"
image: "{{ image_id }}"
group_id: sg-1234
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5678
Name: "itg-windows-web"
exact_count: 2
Name: "itg-windows-web"`
register: ec2_result
This will create servers with name tags web_server_1, web_server_3 and web_server_5:
- name: create instances
- image: <your_ami>
instance_type: t2.micro
key_name: <your_ssh_key>
region: us-east-1
vpc_subnet_id: <your_subnet_id>
Name: "web_server_{{ item }}"
exact_count: 1
Name: "web_server_{{ item }}"
with_items: ['1', '3', '5']
Use the below ansible template:
- name: A sample template
hosts: local
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- name: create instance
keypair: test-ssh-key
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-abcd1234
wait: yes
ec2type: web
exact_count: "{{ count }}"
ec2type: web
region: us-east-1
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-1234abcd
register: ec2
- name: generate sequence id for tagging
debug: msg="{{ item }}"
no_log: true
with_sequence: start="{{ startindex }}" end="{{ count }}" format=%02d
register: sequence
- name: tag instances
no_log: true
region: us-east-1
resource: "{{ }}"
Name: "itg-windows-web-{{ item.1.msg }}"
- "{{ ec2.instances }}"
- "{{ sequence.results }}"
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ec2-basic.yml --extra-vars "startindex=1
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ec2-basic.yml --extra-vars "startindex=1 count=2"
This will create 2 instances and attach name tag itg-windows-web-01 and itg-windows-web-02 to it.
Invocation 2:
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ec2-basic.yml --extra-vars "startindex=3 count=4"
This will add 2 more instances and attach name tag itg-windows-web-03 and itg-windows-web-04 to it.
All these instances are grouped by ec2type tag.
How it works:
Use a custom tag other than Name tag for attribute count_tag. If you use Name tag, then the same tag-value is assigned for all the instances that are created(which defeats your purpose). In the above script, I have used ec2type: web as my instance_tags and count_tag. So ansible will use this tag to determine how many nodes should run based on the specific tag criteria.
The count value which you pass is assigned to exact_count in the template. Also you can have further control by passing startindex which controls the start of sequence.
with_sequence generates a sequence based on your input. Click here to read more about it.
with_together loops over parallel set of data. Click here to read more about it.
Using the above ansible loops, we append 01, 02 ... and so on to itg-windows-web text and add it to the instance Name tag.