How to Create Custom, Instant, Arrow-Shaped ToolTip with unique shape? - c++

On many web-pages nowadays, you'll frequently see instant tooltips with an arrow that points to their target, similar to:
(More specifically, I'm looking for something like:
How would you exactly replicate this in QT? I'm not necessarily looking for something super automated, just something that can be given a position to appear at, and a function call to remove it. Furthermore, if possible, it should have curved, anti-aliased corners.
I've tried using custom QToolTip, but it's behavior does not meet my standards. I've also tried a custom QDialog with a Popup flag, but it freezes the dialog it appears above.
Any recommendations on how to proceed?
As requested by two comments below, here is the code for the QDialog scenario previously referenced. Prepare yourself, it's a lot:
// Assuming "this" is the parent dialog
QDialog* popup = new QDialog(this, Qt::Popup);
This code blocks mouse hover events of the parent dialog (the "this" object), thus making it unsuitable as a tool-tip replacement.

You can use QWidget::setMask to specify custom shape of a widget. Additionally you'll have to set widget's window flags to include Qt::ToolTip.


How insert multiple FormView in View of an SDI application

I searched on the forum and I don't find a solution for my issue. So I hope you can help me :)
I work on a personal project for SFC designing (Sequential functional chart) and I'm working with visual studio in SDI(I'm using MFC library). If you see the "design" of an SFC you can see the different elements needed to compose this. So you can find Step, Transition, and more. If I take a step for explaining my issue, after double click on the step a popup dialog is opened with the elements to define this step (actions on this step, and more). The issue is here, I can't see two or more step elements at the same time. I want to reuse the existing concept on other software, see this.
Step close
Step open
Dialog to add
My question is, how I can implement a dialog with my graphic element in mainframe (In this case, a step)? I don't know how I can insert a dialog with my element, I think I need to use CFormView, but I don't know.
This dialog needs to be resizable and reduce directly by the step graphic.
any idea?
Thank you in advance! Sorry for my English ..
Sorry, I think my request is not clear .. (Thank you for your answer)
The context, it's an SDI application with the Document/View architecture. Actually the view is derived from CScrollView.
So, in the document class, you have the different lists of components for make SFC (Steps, transitions and symbols ..). I'm working today on Step element.
The user inserts a new step, the step is draw on the view like this :
enter image description here
And now the user want change the events on this Step, for this after double click on the step the events editor is opened at right of step draw, like this :
enter image description here
For this, I've created a new dialog resource and create the class by wizard in CForwView derived class. In step attribute, you can find one instance of this derived class (The derived class of dialog).
But this doesn't work correctly, I think my method is bad. At the first try, I have sent the pointer of the current document to the "CFormView::Create" function for having the "Save" button active with the focus on the FormView. But after destroying the step, the instance of FormView is destroyed and the document with the instance of formview ...
No problem, you can use "Create" within CCreateContext a null pointer. But with the document or without I have a lot of problems (graphic design not correct in FormView, regularly (not systematic I have assert fail on Proc exchange (for differents reason)). But the "concept" is good, the editor follows the draw if I scroll, I can open or close the editor at any time and on any elements.
For the old capture, it's my SFC designer "model". My application is a complement to this application, so I want a similar design. I don't know how work my model application ..
On my application all is draw by MFC GDI, I don't use ActiveX or other tools.
So what is the correct way to implement one instance of editor by instance of step ?
For the implementation on this FormView I have :
- Make new dialog in ressource
- Create a derived class of CFormView with the created dialog
- Add one instance in attributes of Step element
- "OnDbClickOnStep" -> Call "Create" with the good position / size, pointer of mainview (in my case the CSrollView derived class)
- Done, FormView inserted in a mainview, I can edit my step events.
? Not done, I lost save button and other function linked to the document with the focus on a control in FormView. The app want a document with this view, how to override this ?
? Error in Proc exchange, for different reason...
You have an idea ?
You normally don't draw anything in the "main frame" (or the "MDI clild frames", in the case of a MDI application), this is done by the library, and imo sufficiently so. You display your data in a CView-derived class.
CView is the base class of all other MFC view classes. It's a simple graphical class - you need to paint it yourself in the OnDraw() member.
CScrollView is a descendant of CView, adding scrolling functionality (scroll-bars are automatically displayed if the scrollable area is bigger than the visible window area).
CFormView is a descendant of CScrollView, displaying a dialog resource-script, containing "controls" (edit-boxes, check-boxes, images, ActiveX etc).
As in your case the "controls" won't be initially known (except maybe for some few special cases) and rather programatically created, the resource script will most likely be empty, so using either CFormView or CScrollView will basically be the same. I would suggest starting with CFormView, and "downgrade" it to CScrollView if CFormView is not necessary or causes you troubles.
What are those "Step" items shown in the pics? ActiveX controls, child dialogs maybe? These work best as child controls on a dialog window. Are they already implemented, or they are just pics of some other software? Btw ActiveX is a way to define controls that can be used in other projects too, without having to include them in the project source.

How to avoid ugly overlap with too many dockwidgets in QMainWindow?

In our application, we have a variable number of dockwidgets because some of them are added by plugins that are loaded at runtime. Not all dockwidgets need to be visible at the same time necessarily. This depends strongly on what the user is working on and what plugins are active.
However, if too many dockwidgets are added programmatically with addDockWidget(...), they start to overlap each other (not in terms of tabs, but in terms of content of one being painted on the area of a different one, which obviously looks broken).
The user can move the dockwidgets to dockareas that still have space left, but the layout/main window successfully prevents (untabbed) re-addition to the "crowded" dockarea.
We do allow tabbed docks to allow the user to arrange the dockwidgets a required, but we don't want to enable QMainWindow::ForceTabbedDocks since this would constrain the number of simultaneously visible dockwidgets too much (one per dock area).
How can I prevent this or better control how dockwidgets are added?
Not answering your question directly but it might be worthwhile to actually forget about Qt and actually think of how the whole interaction should work. What are the user expectations? What should actually happen if 10 different plugins become active? Should they be docked or should they be floating or should they become pin-able docking windows with initial state as a small button on the MainWindow edges? I think once you do that ground work and come up with user interface mock-ups, you can then start looking at Qt and figure out if Qt provides a direct way to develop that interface and if not what additional components you will need to develop to get that interface working.
From my own experience, I had developed a similar interface long back but in MFC. The way we did it was that some of the docked windows were deemed to be must have and they would come up as docked. Then there were a set of windows that didnt need to be visible always but should be quickly available and their initial state was as hidden pin-able dock window which meant they came up as buttons on the MainWindow edge. Finally there was a third set that was not required by the user always and could be called in from File->View Menu. Once the user made it visible, the user typically would assign it to one of the first two groups or keep it afloat. This whole configuration was saved in a config file and from there onwards whenever the plugin was loaded/became active the last used state of the associated docking window was used. It though involved quite a bit of extra work but the end result was to the satisfaction of all users.
Have you tryed setDockOptions(QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks)? I can't test it now but it may help.
By default, QMainWindow::dockOptions is set to AnimatedDocks | AllowTabbedDocks so you would want something like
setDockOptions(QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks | QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks | QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks)
If you are having too many problems, you may be going about this the wrong way. Instead of using docks, you may want to try using QMdiArea with QMdiWindow. This may not work for your program, but its something to think about.
This is the solution I tried:
I created in QTCreator an empty project with a window, a minimalistic menu labelled "New Dock" and a DockWidget named dockWidget
This is the triggered() handler for my menu item:
void MainWindow::on_actionNew_Dock_triggered()
QDockWidget* w = new QDockWidget("Demo", ui->dockWidget);
tabifyDockWidget(QDockWidget* first, QDockWidget* second) is a QMainWindow method that stacks the second dockwidget upon the first one. Hope it helps...

Setting parent for a QMessageBox

i can't understand what's the benefit of setting parent for a QMessageBox, for instance in the following code:
void mainWindow::showMessage(QString msg) {
QMesageBox::information(this, "title", msg); //'this' is parent
can somebody help me ?
Probably a few things. First of all QMessageBox inherits from QDialog. Since QDialog has a concept of a parent, QMessageBox should too for consistency.
Specifically, the documentation says:
parent is passed to the QDialog constructor.
At the very least, a new dialog is often displayed centered in top of its parent.
However, there is more!
According to the documentation it can effect actually functionality. For example:
On Mac OS X, if you want your message box to appear as a Qt::Sheet of
its parent, set the message box's window modality to Qt::WindowModal
or use open(). Otherwise, the message box will be a standard dialog.
Also, there is a concept of both "Window Modality" and "Application Modality", where the former only prevents input in the parent window, the latter prevents input for the whole application. This obviously requires the concept of a parent to be known.
Finally, for certain static functions such as ::about(...), the first place it looks for an icon to use is parent->icon().
So, if you want to get nice platform specific behavior and have your code be cross platform, you are better off passing a sane parent to it.
The parent-child hierarchy of dialogs defines the window stacking behavior in the various platforms. If you pass dialog P as parent of dialog C, C will appear above P on all (desktop) platforms. If you pass 0, the window stacking will differ and usually not behave as wanted. The worst such issues I've seen on OS X, where some message boxes showed up behind the main window, which was disabled as the message boxes being modal, without any way to get to the message box (neither shortcuts nor moving windows via mouse helped).
In short, my suggestion: always pass a sensible parent.
The other answers are probably better, but my own little reason is that it puts the message box at the centre of the parent instead of the centre of the screen...
Don't forget to mention that QMessageBox will inherit of the palette and the style-sheets of its parent. Believe me when you use custom complex style-sheets you don't want you message to pop like they doesn't belong to your application ...
It is also useful for memory management if you don't use static functions, but actually create an instance of QMessageBox. When the parent is deleted your instance will be deleted too.

Right-aligned tab items in Win32 tab control

I am trying to create a tab-control that have the tab-buttons aligned from right-to-left, in Win32/c++. The WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL flag doesn't help me, as it mirrors the drawing completely both for the tab items and the tab page contents. The application itself handles the mirroring automatically (it's a cross platform UI solution), which is also a reason for us not to use WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL flag (we have mirroring implemented in a generic way for all UI frameworks/platforms).
One solution would be to override TCM_GETITEMRECT and TCM_HITTEST in the subclassed TabCtrls window procedure. This enables me to move the buttons allright, but the mouse events still acts on the positions that the control "knows" the buttons really are at (ie. mouseover on the first button invalidates the leftmost button - the coordinates are not mirrored).
So that seems to be a dead end for me.
Another possibility would be to insert padding before the first tab button, to push them all to the right edge. I haven't been able to figure out how to do that, though. Visual Studio sports this little dialog:
How did they put the buttons in front of the first tab page? Knowing this would enable me to solve this problem.
Update, solution:
The solution to my problem is to use the built-in RTL support. For this to work, the tab control must have both the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT flags. That will preserve the function of all existing drawing code while only the TabCtrl buttons are mirrored. I didn't realize that the ES_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT flag goes on the parent (the TabCtrl), which is why I was looking for the workaround originally described.
For reference, I am still curious to have an answer to the original question, though.
If you take a look with a spy application you will see that it is not actually a normal windows tab-control but custom thing and the drawing is done by the parent window AFAIK:
Both Visual Studio and Office use a lot of custom controls, some of the features make their way into the common controls after a few years, some features stay private...

How to make Qt delegate editors 'sticky'

I'm migrating an application from a homegrown UI to Qt. One of the most important controls is the property panel, which takes an object that implements my reflection API's interface and spits out a dialog box containing editors for all the properties.
I've written an implementation of QAbstractItemModel for my property system and I've written a few handlers for various types inside of a QTableView. I've also written a QItemDelegate to create editors for the properties.
The trouble is that I'd like the editors to hang around, rather than be strictly popups. This is so that they can handle the rendering of the property, require less clicks to operate and also not disappear as soon as something else gets the focus, such as my colour button - the editor (which has the slots listening for colour changes) disappears as soon as the colour picker dialog appears, which means that nothing is then listening for changes.
I can't find any options for making the editors persist. Am I barking up the wrong tree here or is there a more appropriate way of doing this? I've tried to do things the 'Qt' way but I'm already hitting brick walls.
There is the QAbstractItemView::openPersistentEditor() method.