Eigen slerp resulting in a Read Access Violation (C++/OpenGL) - c++

I'm calling slerp() from the Eigen libary as follows:
Eigen::MatrixXf Rtime = (Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity().slerp(timer, quarts[i])).toRotationMatrix();
where timer is a float and quarts is declared as
std::vector<Eigen::Quaternionf> quarts;
This call to slerp only causes a Read Access Violation sometimes (about 50% of the time) , which confuses me.
Looking at the stack frame,
I can see that the code reaches Eigen::internal::pload until it breaks.
Generally I'd think that my indices are incorrect but it crashes even when
i = 0 and quarts.size() = 1. I declare the only quaternion in the vector:
Eigen::Matrix3f rotMatrix;
rotMatrix = U * V;
Eigen::Quaternionf temp;
temp = rotMatrix;
where U and V come from a computation of Singular Value Decomposition, so maybe there's something wrong with the way I declare the quaternion? Or storing it in a vector in some way affects it? I'm not sure.

The problem is that Quaternionf requires 16 bytes alignment that is not guaranteed by std::vector. More details there. The solutions are either to use an aligned allocator, e.g.:
std::vector<Quaternionf,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Quaternionf>> quats;
or to use non-aligned quaternions within the vector:
std::vector<Quaternion<float,Eigen::DontAlign>> quats;


How to efficiently store matmul results into another matrix in Eigen

I would like to store multiple matmul results as row vector into another matrix, but my current code seems to take a lot of memory space. Here is my pseudo code:
for (int i = 0; i < C_row; ++i) {
C.row(i) = (A.transpose() * B).reshaped(1, C_col);
In this case, C is actually a Map of pre-allocated array declared as Map<Matrix<float, -1, -1, RowMajor>> C(C_array, C_row, C_col);.
Therefore, I expect the calculated matmul results can directly go to memory space of C and do not create temporary copies. In other words, the total memory usage should be the same with or without the above code. But I found that with the above code, the memory usage is increased significantly.
I tried to use C.row(i).noalias() to directly assign results to each row of C, but there is no memory usage difference. How to make this code more efficiently by taking less memory space?
The reshaped is the culprit. It cannot be folded into the matrix multiplication so it results in a temporary allocation for the multiplication. Ideally you would need to put it onto the left of the assignment:
C.row(i).reshaped(A.cols(), B.cols()).noalias() = A.transpose() * B;
However, that does not compile. Reshaped doesn't seem to fulfil the required interface. It's a pretty new addition to Eigen, so I'm not overly surprised. You might want to open a feature request on their bug tracker.
Anyway, as a workaround, try this:
Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> reshaped(C.row(i).data(), A.cols(), B.cols());
reshaped.noalias() = A.transpose() * B;

Store result of sparse mat-vec-mult into pre-allocated vector

I'm working on a routine for sparse matrix-vector multiplication and want to create a reference performance benchmark using the Eigen3 library. I only want to benchmark the actual arithmetic without the memory allocation involved in the construction of the result vector. How can this be achieved?
I tried to assign the result to a pre-allocated vector but Eigen::internal::set_is_malloc_allowed reveals that some memory allocation is performed despite all my attempts.
// Setup multiplicands
const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> A = createMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(num_of_cols);
// Pre-allocate result vector
Eigen::VectorXd y = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_of_rows);
y = A * x; // <-- Runtime-error in debug mode
What I'm looking for is basically a flavor of the sparse matrix-vector multiplication which takes a reference to an output buffer where the result is written to. Instead of y = A * x in the above example I would then write something like matVecMult(A, x, std::begin(y)). Is there a way to make this happen?
Kind regards.
Try this:
y.noalias() = A * x;
noalias() indicates to Eigen that there is no potential aliasing issue involved (i.e., y does not overlap with x), and that Eigen shouldn't create a temporary.

How is it possible to get the float value from XMVECTOR? (DirectXMath)

I would like to get the dot product of two 3D vectors in float. But unfortunately the result is a vector, not a float. I trued to access it's elements using vector4_f32, but I get an error, that it's not a member of __m128
float res = XMVector3Dot(a, b).vector4_f32[0];
The [] operator is not defined on XMVECTOR
You can access individual elements of XMVECTOR by using XMVectorGetX, XMVectorGetY, XMVectorGetZ and XMVectorGetW. But remember, these are more likely expensive operations as DirectXMath uses SIMD instruction set. For more info:
1: XMVector3Dot performance
2: Expensive than expected

std::vector<float> to std::vector<glm::vecX> without copying

I am writing a small toy game engine using Tinyobjloader for loading .obj files. I store the vertex data and everything using glm::vecX to make things easier.
Tinyobjloader gives me an std::vector<float>, when I want an std::vector<glm::vecX>. How would I do this without copying?
To be clear, a glm::vecX is a simple struct containing, for example, the float members x, y, z.
I was thinking that since structs can behave a bit like arrays, that std::move would work, but no luck.
I know I wasn't clear about this, sorry. I would like to either move the std::vector<float> into an std::vector<glm::vecX> or pass it as a std::vector<glm::vecX>&.
Copying the data using std::memcpy works fine, but it copies the data, which I would like to avoid.
It may be possible to directly interpret the contents of the vector as instances of the struct, without having to copy the data. If you can guarantee the representation is compatible, that is. The contents of a vector<float> are laid out in memory as a sequence of float values directly following each other (an array) with no extra padding, while the contents of a vector<glm::vecX> are laid out as a sequence of vecX. Thus, you need to ensure the following conditions hold:
That glm::vecX is exactly the size of X floats, with no padding. Depending on the declaration of the struct, this may be platform-dependant.
That the contents of the vector<float> are in the correct sequence, i.e. as [x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, ...] for a vec3 instead of [x1,x2,...,xN,y1,y2...].
In that case, you can safely reinterpret the data pointer of the float vector as pointer to an array of vecX as in this example:
std::vector<float> myObjData = ...;
auto nVecs = myObjData.size() / 3; // You should check that there are no remainders!
glm::vec3* vecs = reinterpret_cast<glm::vec3*>(myObjData.data());
std::cout << vecs[0]; // Use vecs[0..nVecs-1]
You cannot, however, safely reinterpret the vector itself as a vector of glm::vecX, not even as a const vector, because the number of elements stored in the vector might not be consistent after the reinterpretation. It depends on whether the vector<T> code stores the number of elements directly, or the number of allocated bytes (and then size() divides that by sizeof(T)):
// Don't do this, the result of .size() and .end() may be wrong!
const std::vector<glm::vec3>& bad = *reinterpret_cast<std::vector<glm::vec3>*>(&myObjData);
bad[bad.size()-1].z = 0; // Potential BOOM!
Most of the time, however, you don't need to pass an actual vector, since most functions in the standard library accept a container range, which is easy to give for arrays like the one in the first example. So, if you wanted to sort your vec3 array based on z position, and then print it out you would do:
// nVecs and vecs from the first example
std::sort(vecs, vecs+nVecs, // Sort by Z position
[](const glm::vec3& a, const glm::vec3& b) { return a.z < b.z; });
std::copy(vecs, vecs+nVecs, std::ostream_iterator<glm::vec3>(std::cout, "\n"));
In short: It is - to the best of my knowledge - not possible without copying.
And in my opinion, std::memcpy has no business being used with std::vector.

How to get dimensions of a multidimensional vector in C++

I am using multidimensional STL vector to store my data in C++. What I have is a 3D vector
vector<vector<vector<double>>> vec;
What I want to retrieve from it is :
&vec[][1][]; // I need a pointer that points to a 2D matrix located at column 1 in vec
Anyone has any idea to do so? I would be extremly appreciate any help!
It is best to consider vec just as a vector whose elements happen to be
vectors-of-vectors-of-double, rather than as a multi-dimensional structure.
You probably know, but just in case you don't I'll mention it,
that this datatype does not necessarily represent a rectangular cuboid.
vec will only have that "shape" if you ensure that all the vectors are
the same size at each level. The datatype is quite happy for the vector vec[j]
to be a different size from the one at vec[k] and likewise for vec[j][n]
to be a vector of different size from vec[j][m], so that your structure is "jagged".
So you want to get a pointer to the vector<vector<double>> that is at
index 1 in vec. You can do that by:
vector<vector<double>> * pmatrix = &vec[1];
However this pointer will be an unnecessarily awkward means of accessing that
vector<vector<double>>. You certainly won't be able to write the
like of:
double d = pmatrix[j][k];
and expect to get a double at coordinates (j,k) in the "matrix addressed
by a pmatrix". Because pmatrix is a pointer-to-a-vector-of-vector-of-double;
so what pmatrix[j] refers to is the vector-of-vector-of-double (not vector-of-double)
at index j from pmatrix, where the index goes in steps of
sizeof(vector<vector<double>>). The statement will reference who-knows-what
memory and very likely crash your program.
Instead, you must write the like of:
double d = (*pmatrix)[j][k];
where (*pmatrix) gives you the vector-of-vector-of-double addressed by pmatrix,
or equivalently but more confusingly:
double d = pmatrix[0][j][k];
Much simpler - and therefore, the natural C++ way - is to take a reference,
rather than pointer, to the vector<vector<double>> at index 1 in vec. You
do that simply by:
vector<vector<double>> & matrix = vec[1];
Now matrix is simply another name for the vector<vector<double>> at index 1 in vec,
and you can handle it matrix-wise just as you'd expect (always assuming
you have made sure it is a matrix, and not a jagged array).
Another thing to consider was raised in a comment by manu343726. Do you
want the code that receives this reference to vec[1] to be able to
use it to modify the contents of vec[1] - which would include changing its
size or the size of any of the vector<double>s within it?
If you allow modification, that's fine. If you don't then you want to get
a const reference. You can do that by:
vector<vector<double> > const & matrix = vec[1];
Possibly, you want the receiving code to be able to modify the doubles
but not the sizes of the vectors that contain them? In that case, std::vector
is the wrong container type for your application. If that's your position I
can update this answer to offer alternative containers.
Consider using matrix from some linear algebra library. There are some directions here