Prolog list of lists get all elements - list

I have a lists of lists:
I want to return all the possible solutions pressing ';'.
The rule is to first return the values that its list has size 1.
Then I want to return the values that its size is bigger than 1.
size([_|Xs],L) :- size(Xs,N),L is N+1.
return_list_members([X|_], X).
return_list_members([_|T], X):-return_list_members(T, X).
decide([], []).
decide([L|Ls], Lit):- size(L, N), N == 1, head(L, Lit).
decide([L|Ls], Lit):- size(Ls, N), N == 0, head(L, Lit), !.
decide([L|Ls], Lit):- decide(Ls, Lit) ,return_list_members(Ls, Lit)
Example how should be the resulr:
? - decide([[1,2,-3],[-2,3],[6],[4]],K).
K = 6 ;
K = 4 ;
K = -2 ;
K = 3 ;
K = -3 ;
K = 2 ;
K = 1.
My goal is to return first the list with only one value. Then return all the elem of the others lists, one by one. The form I have the code, only return the first elem of the list, because I have the head call. How I can return not only the head values, but all the others, and without repetead? I tried to creat a function for return all the elem of the lists.
Any suggestion?

Taking your other question as a starting point, simply insert your new requirements:
listoflist_member(Xss, X) :-
( Xs = [_] ; Xs = [_,_|_] ), % new
member(Xs, Xss),
member(X, Xs).


Prolog - How to count the number of elements in a list that satisfy a specific condition?

for example, if I have a list [1,1,2,3,5,1], I want to count the number of 1's in this list, how would I do that?
I wrote something like:
count([], 0).
count([H|T], N) :-
count(T, X),
( H =:= 1
-> N is X+1
; N is X
N > 0.
In this recursion, I want to do if Head equals 1, then the counting + 1, if Head is not 1, then counting stays the same. However, it returns false if I have things that are not 1 in the list. I know the problem is that it'd fail as soon as an element does not satisfy the if statement; and it can never reach the else statement. How do I fix this? Please help!!!!
Try this:
count([1|T],N) :- count(T,N1), N is N1 + 1.
count([X|T],N) :- X \= 1, count(T,N).
Alternative solution, which uses foldl/4 and defines higher order predicate (the one which takes another predicate as a parameter):
count_step(Condition, Item, CurrentCount, NewCount) :-
call(Condition, Item) ->
NewCount is CurrentCount + 1 ;
NewCount = CurrentCount.
count(List, Condition, Count) :-
foldl(count_step(Condition), List, 0, Count).
is_one(Expr) :-
Expr =:= 1.
Usage example:
?- count([0, 2, 3, 0], is_one, Count).
Count = 0.
?- count([1, 2, 3, 1], is_one, Count).
Count = 2.
Another (rather dirty) approach is to use include/3 combined with length/2:
count(List, Condition, Count) :-
include(Condition, List, Filtered),
length(Filtered, Count).
Let’s start with your code and ask some queries!
I added comments on the side showing the result I would have expected...
?- count([0,2,3,0], Count).
false % bad: expected Count = 0
?- count([1,2,3,1], Count).
Count = 2 % ok
?- count([1,2,3], Count).
false % bad: expected Count = 1
If my expectation matches yours, the minimal fix for your code is tiny: just remove the goal N > 0!
count([], 0).
count([H|T], N) :-
count(T, X),
( H =:= 1
-> N is X+1
; N is X
Let’s run above queries again:
?- count([0,2,3,0], Count).
Count = 0 % was “false”, now ok
?- count([1,2,3,1], Count).
Count = 2 % was ok, still is ok
?- count([1,2,3], Count).
Count = 1. % was “false”, now ok
The bottom line: your original code failed whenever the last list item was not equal to 1.
Since you've already opted to use (;)/2 - if-then-else, you might find the following variant with if_/3 interesting:
list_1s(L,X) :-
list_1s_([Y|Ys],X,Acc0,Len1) :-
if_(Y=1, Acc1 is Acc0+1, Acc1 is Acc0),
Len0 is Len1-1,
The goal length/2 in the calling predicate list_1s/2 together with the 4th argument of the actual relation list_1s_/4 is used to make sure the result lists are listed in a fair manner if the predicate is called with the first argument being variable. The 3rd argument of list_1s_/4 is an accumulator that's used to count the number of 1s up from zero, in order to make the predicate tail recursive. Consequently the 2nd and 3rd arguments of list_1s_/4 are equal if the list is empty. Now let's see some example queries. In the list to number direction the predicate yields the desired results and succeeds deterministically (it doesn't leave unnecessary choice points open, no need to press ; after the single answer) in doing so:
?- list_1s([],X).
X = 0.
?- list_1s([1,2,3],X).
X = 1.
?- list_1s([1,2,3,1],X).
X = 2.
?- list_1s([0,2,3,0],X).
X = 0.
In the number to list direction there are infinitely many lists for any given number and, as mentioned above, they are listed in a fair manner, that is, all possibilities of lists of length n are listed before moving on to length n+1:
?- list_1s(L,0).
L = [] ; % <- empty list
L = [_G386], % <- length 1
dif(_G386, 1) ;
L = [_G442, _G445], % <- length 2
dif(_G442, 1),
dif(_G445, 1) ;
L = [_G498, _G501, _G504], % <- length 3
dif(_G498, 1),
dif(_G501, 1),
dif(_G504, 1) ;
?- list_1s(L,1).
L = [1] ; % <- length 1
L = [1, _G404], % <- length 2
dif(_G404, 1) ;
L = [_G401, 1], % <- length 2
dif(_G401, 1) ;
L = [1, _G460, _G463], % <- length 3
dif(_G460, 1),
dif(_G463, 1) ;
L = [_G457, 1, _G463], % <- length 3
dif(_G457, 1),
dif(_G463, 1) ;
L = [_G457, _G460, 1], % <- length 3
dif(_G457, 1),
dif(_G460, 1) ;
And the most general query is listing the results in a fair manner as well:
?- list_1s(L,X).
L = [], % <- empty list
X = 0 ;
L = [1], % <- length 1
X = 1 ;
L = [_G413], % <- length 1
X = 0,
dif(_G413, 1) ;
L = [1, 1], % <- length 2
X = 2 ;
L = [1, _G431], % <- length 2
X = 1,
dif(_G431, 1) ;
L = [_G428, 1], % <- length 2
X = 1,
dif(_G428, 1) ;

PROLOG Undefined procedure ERROR (Two parameters recursion)

count([], 0, 0).
count([X|T], M, N) :- 1 is X, count(T, MRec, NRec),
M is MRec, N is NRec+1.
count([X|T], M, N) :- 0 is X, count(T, MRec, NRec),
M is MRec+1, N is NRec.
control_number(L) :- count_digit(L, M, N), 2 is M, 3 is N.
?- control_number([1,1,0,0,1]).
ERROR: count_number/3: Undefined procedure: count/3
Hello everybody, I need help. This code must provide the count of two separate number recursively. However, I cannot provide recursion
with 2 parameters. I guess MRec and NRec is not valid in any way.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks now...
Here is a more idiomatic rewrite:
count_digits([], 0, 0).
count_digits([1|T], M, N) :-
count_digits(T, M, NRec),
N is NRec+1.
count_digits([0|T], M, N) :-
count_digits(T, MRec, N),
M is MRec+1.
control_number(L) :-
count_digits(L, 2, 3).
This can be improved a lot by using library(clpfd). Maybe someone else will answer.
As already pointed out by #false this predicate is quite a candidate for clpfd. Besides that I added constraints (marked as % <-) to ensure that M and N are greater than 0 in the recursive cases, so Prolog does not continue to search for further solutions once those variables have been reduced to 0.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count_digits([], 0, 0).
count_digits([1|T], M, N) :-
N #> 0, % <-
NRec #= N-1,
count_digits(T, M, NRec).
count_digits([0|T], M, N) :-
M #> 0, % <-
MRec #= M-1,
count_digits(T, MRec, N).
With these minor modifications you can already use count_digits/3 in several ways. For example to ask for all lists with 2 0's and 3 1's:
?- count_digits(L,2,3).
L = [1,1,1,0,0] ? ;
L = [1,1,0,1,0] ? ;
L = [1,1,0,0,1] ? ;
L = [1,0,1,1,0] ? ;
L = [1,0,1,0,1] ? ;
L = [1,0,0,1,1] ? ;
L = [0,1,1,1,0] ? ;
L = [0,1,1,0,1] ? ;
L = [0,1,0,1,1] ? ;
L = [0,0,1,1,1] ? ;
Or count the occurrences of 0's and 1's in a given list:
?- count_digits([1,1,0,0,1],M,N).
M = 2,
N = 3
% 1
Or even ask for the number of 0's and 1's in a list containing variables:
?- count_digits([1,0,X,Y],M,N).
M = X = Y = 1,
N = 3 ? ;
M = N = 2,
X = 1,
Y = 0 ? ;
M = N = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 1 ? ;
M = 3,
N = 1,
X = Y = 0
This is quite nice already and one might be content with the predicate as is. It certainly is fine if you intend to use it with control_number/1 as suggested by #false. However it might be worth the time to fool around a little with some other queries. For example the most general query: What lists are there with M 0's and N 1's?
?- count_digits(L,M,N).
L = [],
M = N = 0 ? ;
L = [1],
M = 0,
N = 1 ? ;
L = [1,1],
M = 0,
N = 2 ? ;
L = [1,1,1],
M = 0,
N = 3 ?
It is only producing lists that consist of 1's exclusively. That is because the first recursive rule is the one describing the case with the 1 as the first element of the list. So the solutions are coming in an unfair order. What happens with the following query is maybe even somewhat less intuitive: What lists are there with the same (but not fixed) number of 0's and 1's:
?- count_digits(L,M,M).
L = [],
M = 0 ? ;
There is an answer and then the predicate loops. That's not exactly a desirable property. An interesting observation about this query: If one uses it on lists with fixed length the result is actually as expected:
?- length(L,_), count_digits(L,M,M).
L = [],
M = 0 ? ;
L = [1,0],
M = 1 ? ;
L = [0,1],
M = 1 ? ;
L = [1,1,0,0],
M = 2 ? ;
L = [1,0,1,0],
M = 2 ? ;
Applying this idea to the previous query yields a fair ordering of the results:
?- length(L,_), count_digits(L,M,N).
L = [],
M = N = 0 ? ;
L = [1],
M = 0,
N = 1 ? ;
L = [0],
M = 1,
N = 0 ? ;
L = [1,1],
M = 0,
N = 2 ? ;
L = [1,0],
M = N = 1 ? ;
It certainly would be nice to get these results without having to prefix an auxiliary goal. And looking a little closer at the relation described by count_digits/3 another observation meets the eye: If there are M 0's and N 1's the length of the list is actually fixed, namely to M+N. To put these observations to work one could rename count_digits/3 to list_0s_1s/3 and redefine count_digits/3 to be the calling predicate with the following constraints:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count_digits(L,M,N) :-
X #= M+N,
length(L,X), % L is of length M+N
list_0s_1s([], 0, 0).
list_0s_1s([1|T], M, N) :-
N #> 0,
NRec #= N-1,
list_0s_1s(T, M, NRec).
list_0s_1s([0|T], M, N) :-
M #> 0,
MRec #= M-1,
list_0s_1s(T, MRec, N).
The first three queries above yield the same results as before but these two are now producing results in a fair order without looping:
?- count_digits(L,M,N).
L = [],
M = N = 0 ? ;
L = [1],
M = 0,
N = 1 ? ;
L = [0],
M = 1,
N = 0 ? ;
L = [1,1],
M = 0,
N = 2 ? ;
L = [1,0],
M = N = 1 ?
?- count_digits(L,M,M).
L = [],
M = 0 ? ;
L = [1,0],
M = 1 ? ;
L = [0,1],
M = 1 ? ;
L = [1,1,0,0],
M = 2 ? ;
L = [1,0,1,0],
M = 2 ?
Two last notes on your predicate control_number/1: Firstly, if you are using is/2 make sure to use it like so:
?- M is 2.
M = 2
% 1
instead of (as used in your definition of control_number/1):
?- 2 is M.
INSTANTIATION ERROR- in arithmetic: expected bound value
% 1
And secondly, if you intend to use a predicate like control_number/1 to call count_digits/3, don't put goals like M is 2 and N is 3 after the actual call of count_digits/3. That way you are asking for all solutions of count_digits(L,M,N), of which there are infinitely many, and in the subsequent goals you are then filtering out the ones that satisfy your constraints (M is 2 and N is 3). With this ordering of the goals you make sure that control_number/1 does not terminate after producing the finite number of solutions, since infinitely many solution-candidates are produced by the first goal that subsequently fail according to your constraints. Instead, place such constraints first or put them directly as arguments into the goal as posted by #false.
Accumulation parameters is the way to go (you need an auxiliary predicate in order to initialize those parameters):
count(List,C0,C1) :-
count_aux([0|Rest],C0,C1,PartialC0,PartialC1) :-
IncC0 is PartialC0+1,
count_aux([1|Rest],C0,C1,PartialC0,PartialC1) :-
IncC1 is PartialC1+1,
count_aux([_|Rest],C0,C1,PartialC0,PartialC1) :-
You should call count/3, not count_aux/5.
Last two parameters to count_aux/5 are accumulation parameters
initialized to zero.
First clause to count_aux/5 is the base case, where accumulated
parameters are returned.
Last clause to count_aux/5 prevents predicate failure if list items
are not 0 nor 1.
?- count([1,1,0,0,0,k],A,B).
A = 3,
B = 2.

Prolog Finding middle element in List

I am trying to make use of prolog predicates and find middle element of a given list. My idea was to cut first and last element of list using recursion.Unfortunately I dont know how to handle recursion call properly.
delete_last(L, L1) :-
append(L1, [_], L).
delete_first(L,L1) :-
check_len(L) :-
length(L,LEN), \+ 1 is LEN.
delete_both([_,_],_) :-
true, write('MidElement').
delete_both(L,L2) :-
delete_first(LT,L2), delete_last(L,LT),check_len(LT)
->write('here should be recursive call only when length is more than one').
I would be grateful for any help.
It would save a lot of typing if you checked the length of the list, calculated the position of the middle element, and only then traversed the list to get the element at that position. With SWI-Prolog, this would be:
?- length(List, Len),
divmod(Len, 2, N, 1),
nth0(N, List, a).
List = [a], Len = 1, N = 0 ;
List = [_G2371, a, _G2377], Len = 3, N = 1 ;
List = [_G2371, _G2374, a, _G2380, _G2383], Len = 5, N = 2 . % and so on
This solution makes sure the list has an odd length. You can see the documentation of divmod/4 if you need to define it yourself. Or, if the list does not have to have and odd, length, just use N is Len div 2. If for some reason you are not allowed to use nth0/3, it is still an easier predicate to implement than what you are trying to do.
You can tighten up what you have quite a bit as follows:
delete_last(L, L1) :-
append(L1, [_], L).
delete_first([_|L], L).
% No need to check length of 1, since we only need to check
% if L = [X] in the caller, so we'll eliminate this predicate
%check_len(L) :-
% length(L, 1). % No need for an extra variable to check length is 1
% Clauses that yield false are not needed since clauses already fail if not true
% So you can just remove those
delete_both([X], X) :-
% Here you need to fix the logic in your main clause
% You are deleting the first element of the list, then the last element
% from that result and checking if the length is 1.
delete_both(L, X) :-
delete_first(L, L1), % Remove first and last elements from L
delete_last(L1, LT),
( LT = [X] % Check for length of 1
-> true
; delete_both(LT, X) % otherwise, X is result of delete_both(LT, X)
With results:
| ?- delete_both([a,b,c,d,e], X).
X = c
| ?- delete_both([a,b,c,d,e,f], X).
A DCG solution also works well here:
% X is the middle if it is flanked by two sequences of the same length
middle(X) --> seq(N), [X], seq(N).
seq(0) --> [].
seq(N) --> [_], { N #= N1 + 1 }, seq(N1).
middle(List, X) :- phrase(middle(X), List).
With results:
| ?- middle([a,b,c,d,e], X).
X = c ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?- middle(L, a).
L = [a] ? ;
L = [_,a,_] ? ;
L = [_,_,a,_,_] ?
Another possible solution is to use SWI Prolog's append/2 predicate, which appends a list of lists (assuming you're using SWI):
middle(L, X) :-
same_length(Left, Right),
append([Left, [X], Right], L).
same_length([], []).
same_length([_|T1], [_|T2]) :- same_length(T1, T2).
In all of the above solutions, the predicate fails if the list has an even number of elements. Since that's what your original solution does, I assumed that's what is required. If there is a specific requirement for even lists, that needs to be stated clearly.

prolog list of how many times an element occurs in a list?

Well, I have a list, say [a,b,c,c,d], and I want to generate a list [[a,1],[b,1],[c,2],[d,1]]. But I'm having trouble with generating my list. I can count how many times the element occur but not add it into a list:
% count how much the element occurs in the list.
count([], _, 0).
count([A|Tail], A, K) :-
count(Tail, A, K1),
K is K1 + 1.
count([_|Tail], X, K) :-
count(Tail, X, K1),
K is K1 + 0.
% Give back a list with each element and how many times is occur
count_list(L, [], _).
count_list(L, [A|Tail], Out) :-
count(L, A, K),
count_list(L, Tail, [K|Out]).
I'm trying to learn Prolog but having some difficulties... Some help will be much appreciated... Thanks in advance!
Let me first refer to a related question "How to count number of element occurrences in a list in Prolog" and to my answer in particular.
In said answer I presented a logically-pure monotone implementation of a predicate named list_counts/2, which basically does what you want. Consider the following query:
?- list_counts([a,b,c,c,d], Xs).
Xs = [a-1,b-1,c-2,d-1]. % succeeds deterministically
?- list_counts([a,b,a,d,a], Xs). % 'a' is spread over the list
Xs = [a-3,b-1,d-1]. % succeeds deterministically
Note that the implementation is monotone and gives logically sound answers even for very general queries like the following one:
?- Xs = [_,_,_,_],list_counts(Xs,[a-N,b-M]).
Xs = [a,a,a,b], N = 3, M = 1 ;
Xs = [a,a,b,a], N = 3, M = 1 ;
Xs = [a,a,b,b], N = M, M = 2 ;
Xs = [a,b,a,a], N = 3, M = 1 ;
Xs = [a,b,a,b], N = M, M = 2 ;
Xs = [a,b,b,a], N = M, M = 2 ;
Xs = [a,b,b,b], N = 1, M = 3 ;
I cannot follow your logic. The easy way would be to use library(aggregate), but here is a recursive definition
count_list([], []).
count_list([H|T], R) :-
count_list(T, C),
update(H, C, R).
update(H, [], [[H,1]]).
update(H, [[H,N]|T], [[H,M]|T]) :- !, M is N+1.
update(H, [S|T], [S|U]) :- update(H, T, U).
the quirk: it build the result in reverse order. Your code, since it uses an accumulator, would give the chance to build in direct order....

Prolog program that deletes every n-th element from a list

Could you help me solve the following?
Write a ternary predicate delete_nth that deletes every n-th element from a list.
Sample runs:
?‐ delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],2,L).
L = [a, c, e] ;
?‐ delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],1,L).
L = [] ;
?‐ delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],0,L).
I tried this:
listnum([_|L],N) :-
N is N1+1.
delete_nth([X|L],C,L1) :-
Num is S+1,
( C>0
-> Y is round(Num/C),Y=0
-> delete_nth(L,C,L1)
; delete_nth(L,C,[X|L1])
My slightly extravagant variant:
delete_nth(L, N, R) :-
N > 0, % Added to conform "?‐ delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],0,L). false"
( N1 is N - 1, length(Begin, N1), append(Begin, [_|Rest], L) ->
delete_nth(Rest, N, RestNew), append(Begin, RestNew, R)
R = L
Let's use clpfd! For the sake of versatility and tons of other good reasons:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
We define delete_nth/3 based on if_/3 and (#>=)/3:
delete_nth(Xs,N,Ys) :-
N #> 0,
every_tmp_nth_deleted([] ,_ ,_,[] ). % internal auxiliary predicate
every_tmp_nth_deleted([X|Xs],N0,N,Ys0) :-
N1 is N0+1,
if_(N1 #>= N,
(N2 = 0, Ys0 = Ys ),
(N2 = N1, Ys0 = [X|Ys])),
Sample query:
?- delete_nth([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],2,Ys).
Ys = [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15] % succeeds deterministically
Ok, how about something a little more general?
?- delete_nth([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],N,Ys).
N = 1 , Ys = []
; N = 2 , Ys = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
; N = 3 , Ys = [1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 10,11, 13,14 ]
; N = 4 , Ys = [1,2,3, 5,6,7, 9,10,11, 13,14,15]
; N = 5 , Ys = [1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14 ]
; N = 6 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5, 7,8,9,10,11, 13,14,15]
; N = 7 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6, 8,9,10,11,12,13, 15]
; N = 8 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
; N = 9 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 10,11,12,13,14,15]
; N = 10 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14,15]
; N = 11 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 12,13,14,15]
; N = 12 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 13,14,15]
; N = 13 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 14,15]
; N = 14 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 15]
; N = 15 , Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ]
; N in 16..sup, Ys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15].
Please follow aBathologist instructive answer and explanation (+1). I just post my own bet at solution since there is a problem in ditto solution for ?‐ delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],0,L)..
delete_nth(L,C,R) :-
delete_nth([_|T],C,C,T1) :- !, delete_nth(T,C,1,T1).
delete_nth([H|T],N,C,[H|T1]) :- C<N, C1 is C+1, delete_nth(T,N,C1,T1).
1 ?- delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],2,L).
L = [a, c, e].
2 ?- delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],1,L).
L = [].
3 ?- delete_nth([a,b,c,d,e,f],0,L).
A minor (?) problem: this code is deterministic, while the samples posted apparently are not (you have to input ';' to get a false at end). Removing the cut will yield the same behaviour.
An interesting - imho - one liner variant:
delete_nth(L,C,R) :- findall(E, (nth1(I,L,E),I mod C =\= 0), R).
but the C==0 must be ruled out, to avoid
ERROR: mod/2: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `zero_divisor'
Edited, correcting the mistake pointed out by #CapelliC, where predicate would succeed on N = 0.
I can see where you're headed with your solution, but you needn't bother with so much arithmetic in this case. We can delete the Nth element by counting down from N repeatedly until the list is empty. First, a quick note about style:
If you use spaces, line breaks, and proper placement of parenthesis you can help your readers parse your code. Your last clause is much more readable in this form:
delete_nth([X|L], C, L1):-
listnum(L, S),
Num is S+1,
C>0 -> Y is round(Num/C),
Y=0 -> delete_nth(L, C, L1)
; delete_nth(L, C, [X|L1]).
Viewing your code now, I'm not sure whether you meant to write
( C>0 -> ( Y is round(Num/C),
Y=0 -> delete_nth(L, C, L1) )
; delete_nth(L, C, [X|L1])
or if you meant
C>0 -> Y is round(Num/C),
( Y=0 -> delete_nth(L, C, L1)
; delete_nth(L, C, [X|L1])
or perhaps you're missing a ; before the second conditional? In any case, I suggest another approach...
This looks like a job for auxiliary predicates!
Often, we only need a simple relationship in order to pose a query, but the computational process necessary to resolve the query and arrive at an answer calls for a more complex relation. These are cases where it is "easier said than done".
My solution to this problem works as follows: In order to delete every nth element, we start at N and count down to 1. Each time we decrement the value from N, we move an element from the original list to the list of elements we're keeping. When we arrive at 1, we discard the element from our original list, and start counting down from N again. As you can see, in order to ask the question "What is the list Kept resulting from dropping every Nth element of List?" we only need three variables. But my answer the question, also requires another variable to track the count-down from N to 1, because each time we take the head off of List, we need to ask "What is the Count?" and once we've reached 1, we need to be able to remember the original value of N.
Thus, the solution I offer relies on an auxiliary, 4-place predicate to do the computation, with a 3-place predicate as the "front end", i.e., as the predicate used for posing the question.
delete_nth(List, N, Kept) :-
N > 0, %% Will fail if N < 0.
delete_nth(List, N, N, Kept), !. %% The first N will be our our counter, the second our target value. I cut because there's only one way to generate `Kept` and we don't need alternate solutions.
delete_nth([], _, _, []). %% An empty list has nothing to delete.
delete_nth([_|Xs], 1, N, Kept) :- %% When counter reaches 1, the head is discarded.
delete_nth(Xs, N, N, Kept). %% Reset the counter to N.
delete_nth([X|Xs], Counter, N, [X|Kept]) :- %% Keep X if counter is still counting down.
NextCount is Counter - 1, %% Decrement the counter.
delete_nth(Xs, NextCount, N, Kept). %% Keep deleting elements from Xs...
Yet another approach, following up on #user3598120 initial impulse to calculate the undesirable Nth elements away and inspired by #Sergey Dymchenko playfulness. It uses exclude/3 to remove all elements at a 1-based index that is multiple of N
delete_nth(List, N, Kept) :-
N > 0,
exclude(index_multiple_of(N, List), List, Kept).
index_multiple_of(N, List, Element) :-
nth1(Index, List, Element),
0 is Index mod N.