No table created in db.sqlite3 after migrate and makemigrates in Django - django

I did this command and after that, only the DB file was created without any tables.
python makemigrations
python migrate
also I use the app name in this commands but nothing changed.
After that, I saw this DB file:


Django.Programming Error: Table Name Does Not Exist - How to solve?

I deleted a model in Django which I created for testing purposed. Now when I try and run makemigrations and mirgrate I get the following error:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: table "members_test" does not exist
Is there a standard procedure I should be doing when deleting a model? I only deleteed the code out of my Models file and tried migrating after.
I've only tried runing migrate and make migrations in addtion to scouring the web.
Simply you can delete all migrations folder and re-migrate using below command:
python makemigrations appname
python sqlmigrate appname 0001
python migrate

Is it possible to make migrations from db not from model?

Suppose, we have a db's backup and a django program. The program do not have any migrations. First we restore db, that has created table and data. Now we want to make migrations from available db. Is it possible or not?
Yes, Django has the inspectdb method, which is described here.
But if the Django app already has the models defined that correspond to the backed up database, then you can just run makemigrations (follow #Shafikur's instructions).
Just go to your corresponding database terminals and delete all the records from you django_migrations table with
delete from django_migrations;
Go to terminal and run remove all files in migrations folder with
rm -rf <app>/migrations/
Reset all the migrations of the Django's built-in apps like admin with the command
python migrate --fake
Create initial migrations for each and every app:
python makemigrations <app>
To create initial fake migrations just run
python migrate --fake-initial

Django Migrations command workflow

There are three migration commands in Django:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python syncdb
In what order do these commands should be executed in terms of workflow of a basic project?
I am using Version: 1.8
syncdb is deprecated and does the same as migrate.
Whenever you make a change to your models, and when you first create them, each time you'd want to first run makemigrations to create the migration files, then migrate to apply them to your database.

Cannot get Django 1.7 Migrations to detect proper changes to my DB.

I have a production web project running with a decent amount of data in the MySQL db. I am trying to update the database with some changes to an app called "enterlink." I've made new elements in the existing models and created new models altogether. Before this migration, I have never touched the schema of the db since originally running syncdb to create it. When I run: "python makemigrations enterlink" the below output appears(pic). My question is, why is this happening? The DB already includes all the models that it lists in the picture so why is it registering those lists of models? When I go to finish the migration by doing "python migrate" or "python migrate --fake enterlink" (pic again), I get an output shown but my database schema remains identical to the old db and any new code generates errors. Can anyone tell me what is likely the problem? I would be really appreciative of any advice. It's been very frustrating since I'm not sure what I'm missing.
What you have done is that you have ran the command python syncdb before running python makemigrations myapp and python migrate myapp. That is why syncdb created the database schema and the migration was faked because schema already exists. I will suggest to use python makemigrations myapp and python migrate myapp and not to use syncdb as its deprecated in Django 1.7.
If you change anything in your model, just run makemigrations and migrate command. Syncdb isn't necessary.
This question and relevant answers are intriguing me. Thus I want to share my experience on maintaining live database and migrations.
Tested in django1.5.5
Initializing the database:
./ syncdb --noinput
./ migrate
./ syncdb
Now I have created the database.
Doing a migration for an app:
./ schemamigration myapp --initial
./ migrate myapp --fake
Now do necessary changes in your model
./ schemamigration myapp --auto
./ migrate myapp
Im newbie for schemamigration too, but i will explain how it works for me:
First you create app and then
./ sycndb, so tables are created then you can
./ makemigrations myapp --initial
so now initial migrations are created and you should apply them
./ migrate myapp
now you can change your models : add,change fields, anything you want and then
./ makemigrations myapp --auto
this will create migrations for changes and now you need to apply them
enter code here./ migrate myapp
so this actually will create new tables in db

DatabaseError: no such column error

So I have a model that I wanted to add ImageField to, so I typed in
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='media/images')
I then ran syncdb and went into the shell:
python2 syncdb
python2 shell
I then imported the model and tried
I get the error:
DatabaseError: no such column: people_people.picture
When I run sql for the model
"picture" varchar(100) NOT NULL
is in the database.
What solutions do you guys have? I can't delete the data in the database.
As noted in the documentation syncdb doesn't add columns to existing tables, it only creates new tables.
I suggest running
python sqlall <your_app>
Looking at the sql it outputs for the table you're changing, and then running
python dbshell
in order to manually issue an ALTER TABLE command.
In future, you might like to use a migration tool like South.
There are two possibilities that to get this error 1) You added extra field to model after doing the syncdb. 2) you added new class to file in django.
Solution for this is:
First install south by using command
for windows: **easy_install south** //for that you need to go to the script folder of python folder in c drive.
for linux: **sudo easy_install south**
Then follow the steps which are included here migration tutorials
step1- python schemamigration your_app_name --initial
step-2 python migrate your_app_name
Hope this will help you.
As of 1.7 migrations within Django replaces South.
Create a new set of migration instructions by running the following command in terminal:
$ python makemigrations
Check the output in the migration folder it creates to make sure they make sense then run the following terminal command to complete the migrations:
$ python migrate
That's it.
Running migrations this way allows others to implement the same migrations instead of having to manually implement db changes on every machine using the code. On the new machine all they have to run is:
$ python migrate