Cannot upload document into AWS CloudSearch - amazon-web-services

I'm using AWS CloudSearch SDK Java (aws-java-sdk-cloudsearch 1.11.288)to upload document to CloudSearch. But it throws this exception:
AmazonCloudSearchDomainException: null (Service: AmazonCloudSearchDomain; Status Code: 411; Error Code: null...
Still not find the solution for that issue. I can upload the same json data using AWS Cloudsearch CLI.
How can I get over this exception?

The AWS documentation says that a request to upload documents will receive a response with the 411 status code when it is missing the Content-Length header.
Make sure to set the content length by calling the setContentLength() method on the UploadDocumentsRequest object with the appropriate value for your request.


How to solve the OPTIONS 500 error in AWS API Gateway?

I have created a React Application to upload a file to the S3 bucket. To do this, I have created a PUT API from the AWS API Gateway and the API is working well in the POSTMAN. The problem is, when I call the API from my React Application locally (http://localhost:3000), I'm getting a 500 error from the OPTIONS request (Preflight).
I have set the Binary Media Types to "image/jpeg" and When I remove the Binary Media Types, the API returns the 200 response, but then, an empty image is uploaded without its content.
How can I solve this?
This is my Request Integrations of both the PUT method and the OPTIONS method
Binary Media Types

How to use AWS S3 REST API ListObjects(v2) with multiple parent/child bucket directories?

What am I missing here?
I'm able to list objects no problem using the aws cli and this command:
aws s3 ls s3://
But using the REST API via Postman, an equivalent request returns an empty response.
Tool: Postman
Method: GET
I've tried with no headers and with x-amz-content-sha256 UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD
Message says "This is a duplicate header and will be overridden..." when I try to use this header
Status 200 but response is empty(There are MANY files in parent-dir2).
Eureka! Found the answer in the AWS docs here
Winner ended up being:

How to set the api version being called in API Gateway when integrating with AWS Service CloudWatch?

I get the following error message when calling actions for CloudWatch in API Gateway.
"Error": {
"Code": "InvalidAction",
"Message": "Could not find operation DescribeAlarms for version 2009-05-15",
"Type": "Sender"
I've been using DescribeAlarms for testing. My setup is as follows.
Integration Type = AWS Service
AWS Service = CloudWatch
HTTP method = POST
Action = DescribeAlarms
The error references the API Version 2009-05-15, which only has ListMetrics and GetMetricStatistics according to it's documentation on page 54. ListMetrics does indeed work as expected with my setup.
The current version is 2010-08-01 but I don't see anyway to reference that in API Gateway. In an example of a POST request in the documentation it shows a header labeled x-amz-target with a value of GraniteServiceVersion20100801.API_Name.
My interpretation is I can put Name = x-amz-target and value 'GraniteServiceVersion20100801.DescribeAlarms' in my http header for the Integration Request in API Gateway.
This doesn't change the response and gives the same error message.
I also used the --debug in CLI when calling describe-alarms, and in the body it shows...
"body": {
So I also set http headers to include Content-Type with a value of 'application/x-amz-json-1.1' and then put in
but nothing changed with that either.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Under Method Integration -> URL Query String Parameters
I added Version as the Name and '2010-08-01' under Mapped From.
All actions are now working as expected.
I'm trying to PutMetrics directly from Api Gateway -> Cloudwatch using PutMetricData, Version in the query string params didn't work for me.
These 3 HTTP headers in the Integration Request solved it for me:
Content-Type 'application/json'
X-Amz-Target 'GraniteServiceVersion20100801.PutMetricData'
Content-Encoding 'amz-1.0'

AWS APIGateway Image not shown

I created a API Gateway which is Integrated to use S3 bucket. I see that when I tried to retrieve the object I am getting a 200 response. However I am getting some ackward text(probably a base64 or binary text rather than the image. Can you please let me know the fix.
So the answer is set the following headers:-

There were headers present in the request which were not signed

AWS Request We are submiting PUT request in Amazon Web Service. But unfortunetly we are getting following error.
AccessDenied There were headers present in the request which were not
signed x-amz-acl, x-amz-server-side-encryption, x-amz-copy-source
Does anyone know how to fix this error?
Note: We are using Amazon Singature Version 4.