Validate Street Address Format - regex

I'm trying to validate the format of a street address in Google Forms using regex. I won't be able to confirm it's a real address, but I would like to at least validate that the string is:
[numbers(max 6 digits)] [word(minimum one to max 8 words with
spaces in between and numbers and # allowed)], [words(minimum one to max four words, only letters)], [2
capital letters] [5 digit number]
I want the spaces and commas I left in between the brackets to be required, exactly where I put them in the above example. This would validate
123 test st, test city, TT 12345
That's obviously not a real address, but at least it requires the entry of the correct format. The data is coming from people answering a question on a form, so it will always be just an address, no names. Plus they're all address is one area South Florida, where pretty much all addresses will match this format. The problem I'm having is people not entering a city, or commas, so I want to give them an error if they don't. So far, I've found this
But that doesn't allow for multiple words between the commas, or the capital letters and numbers for zip. Any help would save me a lot of headaches, and I would greatly appreciate it.

There really is a lot to consider when dealing with a street address--more than you can meaningfully deal with using a regular expression. Besides, if a human being is at a keyboard, there's always a high likelihood of typing mistakes, and there just isn't a regex that can account for all possible human errors.
Also, depending on what you intend to do with the address once you receive it, there's all sorts of helpful information you might need that you wouldn't get just from splitting the rough address components with a regex.
As a software developer at SmartyStreets (disclosure), I've learned that regular expressions really are the wrong tool for this job because addresses aren't as 'regular' (standardized) as you might think. There are more rigorous validation tools available, even plugins you can install on your web form to validate the address as it is typed, and which return a wealth of of useful metadata and information.

Try Regex:
See Demo

Accepts Apt# also:


Regex masking all phone numbers except a specific range

Not 100% if this is possible but I would like to convert any outbound call that does not match my DID range to a set phone number. 
With our carrier in Australia if the ANI is not from their supplied range the call is blocked as part of new regulations. 
What I am looking for is something like this. 
if not +61 2 XXXX XXXX - +61 2 XXXX  XXXX  then send as +612XXXX XXXX
I apologise I have no true understanding of regex and do not know even where to begin.
I am starting to work on my knowledge of it though. please be kind. If anyone can point me to an "idiots guide" link I would be appreciative as I am just getting into this.
Of course it's possible. It's just a matter of how much work you want to do. I'm not quite sure what you want to mask and what you want to pass on unmutilated. A couple of particular examples would help. How many different formats, countries, and so on do you need to support?
With these problems, I tend to follow this approach:
Normalize the data. Make them all look the same. So, remove all non-digits, for example. +61 2 XXXX XXXX turns into 612XXXXXXXX. In this step, you'd also fill in implicit information, like a local number that does not include the country code. Number::Phone may be interesting, but, also note is was the largest distro on CPAN for awhile.
Now it should be easier to recognize the number and it's components (because if it isn't, you didn't do Step 1 right). Instead of a regex, you might use a parser. That is, get the country code, and then from that, decide what has to happen next. That's the sort of thing I have to do with ISBNs in Business::ISBN, which have a group code then a publisher code (both of which are variable length.
Once you can recognize the number, it's easy to select a range. If it's in the range, you know what to replace.

SQL Server Regular Expression Workaround in T-SQL?

I have some SQLCLR code for working with Regular Expresions. But now that it is getting migrated into Azure, which does not allow SQLCLR, that's out. I need to find a way to do regex in pure T-SQL.
Master Data Services are not available because the dev edition of MSSQL we have is not R2.
All ideas appreciated, thanks.
Regular expression match samples that need handling
(culled from regexlib and other places over the past few years)
email address
one numeric digit
height notation
numbers between 1 1000
credit card numbers
list of years
days of the week
time on 12 hour clock
time on 24 hour clock
usa phone numbers
Unfortunately, you will not be able to move your CLR function(s) to SQL Azure. You will need to either use the normal string functions (PATINDEX, CHARINDEX, LIKE, and so on) or perform these operations outside of the database.
EDIT Adding some information for the examples added to the question.
Email address
This one is always controversial because people disagree about which version of the RFC they want to support. The original didn't support apostrophes, for example (or at least people insist that it didn't - I haven't dug it up from the archives and read it myself, admittedly), and it has to be expanded quite often for new TLDs (once for 4-letter TLDs like .info, then again for 6-letter TLDs like .museum). I've often heard quite knowledgeable people state that perfect e-mail validation is impossible, and having previously worked for an e-mail service provider, I can tell you that it was a constantly moving target. But for the simplest approaches, see the question TSQL Email Validation (without regex).
One numeric digit
Probably the easiest one of the bunch:
WHERE #s LIKE '[0-9]';
Credit card numbers
Assuming you strip out dashes and spaces, which you should do in any case. Note that this isn't an actual check of the credit card number algorithm to ensure that the number itself is actually valid, just that it conforms to the general format (AmEx = 15 digits starting with a 3, the rest are 16 digits - Visa starts with a 4, MasterCard starts with a 5, Discover starts with 6 and I think there's one that starts with a 7 (though that may just be gift cards of some kind)):
WHERE #s + ' ' LIKE '[3-7]'+ REPLICATE('[0-9]', 14) + '[0-9 ]';
If you want to be a little more precise at the cost of being long-winded, you can say:
WHERE (LEN(#s) = 15 AND #s LIKE '3' + REPLICATE('[0-9]', 14))
OR (LEN(#s) = 16 AND #s LIKE '[4-7]' + REPLICATE('[0-9]', 15));
USA phone numbers
Again, assuming you're going to strip out parentheses, dashes and spaces first. Pretty sure a US area code can't start with a 1; if there are other rules, I am not aware of them.
WHERE #s LIKE '[2-9]' + REPLICATE('[0-9]', 9);
I'm not going to go further, because a lot of the other expressions you've defined can be extrapolated from the above. Hopefully this gives you a start. You should be able to Google for some of the others to see how other people have replicated the patterns with T-SQL. Some of them (like days of the week) can probably just be checked against a table - seems overkill to do an invasie pattern matching for a set of 7 possible values. Similarly with a list of 1000 numbers or years, these are things that will be much easier (and probably more efficient) to check if the numeric value is in a table rather than convert it to a string and see if it matches some pattern.
I'll state again that a lot of this will be much better if you can cleanse and validate the data before it gets into the database in the first place. You should strive to do this wherever possible, because without CLR, you just can't do powerful RegEx inside SQL Server.
Ken Henderson wrote about ways to replicate RegEx without CLR, but they require sp_OA* procedures, which are even less likely to ever see the light of day in Azure than CLR. Most of the other articles you'll find online use an approach similar to Ken's or use complex use of built-in string functions.
Which portions of RegEx specifically are you trying to replicate? Can you show an example of the input/output of one of your functions? Perhaps it will be easy to convert to get similar results using the built-in string functions like PATINDEX.

Regexp to parse out a person's name?

This might be a hard one (if not impossible), but can anyone think of a regular expression that will find a person's name, in say, a resume? I know this won't be 100% accurate, but I can't come up with something.
Let's assume the name only shows up once in the document.
No, you can't use regular expressions for this. The only chance you have is if the document is always in the same format and you can find the name based on the context surrounding it. But this probably isn't the case for you.
If you are asking your applicants to submit their résumé online you could provide a separate field for them to enter their name and any other information you need instead of trying to automatically parse résumés.
Forget it - seriously.
Or expect to get a lot of applications from a Mr C Vitae
In my experience, having written something very similar (but a very long time ago), about 95% of resumes have the person's name as the very first line. You could probably have a pretty loose regex checking for alpha, hyphens, periods, and assume that's the name.
Obviously there's no way to do this 100% accurately, as you said, but this would be close.
Unless you wanted to build an expression that contained every possible name, or-ed together, the expression you are referring to is not "Regular," with a capital R. A good guess might be to go looking for the largest-font words in the document. If they follow a pattern that looks like firstname-lastname, name-initial-name, etc., you could call it a good guess...
That's a really hairy problem to tackle. The regex has to match two words that could be someone's name. The problem with that is that some people, of Hispanic origin, for example, might have a name that's more than 2 words. Also, how would you define two words to match for a name? Would you use a database of common first and last name fields? That might work unless someone has an uncommon name.
I'm reminded of a story of a COBOL teacher in college told me about an individual of Asian origin who's name would break every rule the programmers defined for a bank's internal system. His first name was "O." just the letter O.
The only remotely dependable way to nail down the regex would be if you had something to set off your search with; maybe if a line of text in the resume began with "Name: " then you'd know where to start looking.
tl;dr: People's names and individual resumes are too heavily varied for a regular expression to pick apart.
You could do something like Amazon does for book overviews: SIPs. This would require some after-the-fact double checking by humans but you might find the person's name(s) in there.

I'm going to be teaching a few developers regular expressions - what are some good homework problems? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm thinking of presenting questions in the form of "here is your input: [foo], here are the capture groups/results: [bar]" (and maybe writing a small script to test their answers for my results).
What are some good regex questions to ask? I need everything from beginner questions like "validate a 4 digit number" to "extract postal codes from addresses".
A few that I can think off the top of my head:
Phone numbers in any format e.g. 555-5555, 555 55 55 55, (555) 555-555 etc.
Remove all html tags from text.
Match social security number (Finnish one is easy;)
All IP addresses
IP addresses with shorthand netmask (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy)
There's a bunch of examples of various regular expression techniques over at - everything for simple literal matching to backreferences and lookahead.
To keep things a bit more interesting than the usual email/phone/url stuff, try looking for more original exercises. Avoid boredom.
For example, have a look at the Forsysth-Edwards Notation which is used for describing a particular board position of a chess game.
Have your students validate and extract all the bits of information from a string like this:
rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2
Additionaly, have a look at algebraic chess notation, used to describe moves. Extract chess moves out of a piece of text (and make them bold).
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Black now defends his pawn 2...Nc6 3. Bb5 Black threatens c4
Validate phone numbers (extract area code + rest of number with grouping) (Assuming US phone number, otherwise generalize for you style)
Play around with validating email address (probably want to tell the students that this is hugely complicated regular expression but for simple ones it is pretty straight forward) has a good library you can search through for examples.
H0w about extract first name, middle name, last name, personal suffix (Jr., III, etc.) from a format like:
Smith III, John Paul
How about Reg Ex to remove line breaks and tabs from the input
I would start with the common ones:
validate email
validate phone number
separate the parts of a URL
Be cruel. Tell them parse HTML.
RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
Are you teaching them theory of finite automata as well?
Here is a good one: parse the addresses of churches correctly from this badly structured format (copy and paste it as text first)
I'm a fan of parsing date strings. Define a few common data formats, as well as time and date-time formats. These are often good exercises because some dates are simple mixes of digits and punctuation. There's a limited degree of freedom in parsing dates.
Just to throw them for a loop, why not reword a question or two to suggest that they write a regular expression to generate data fitting a specific pattern like email addresses, phone numbers, etc.? It's the same thing as validating, but can help them get out of the mindset that regex is just for validation (whereas the data generation tool in visual studio uses regex to randomly generate data).
Rather than teaching examples based from the data set, I would do examples from the perspective of the rule set to get basics across. Give them simple examples to solve that leads them to use ONE of several basic groupings in each solution. Then have a couple of "compound" regex's at the end.
Spinners and special characters:
s/$rubble/and betty/
After this, I would give a few examples illustrating the pitfalls of trying to match html tags or other strings that shouldn't be done with regex's to show the limitations.
Try to think of some tests that don't include ones that can be found with Google.
Asking a email validator should pose no trouble finding..
Try something like a 5 proof test.
Input 5 digit. Sum up each digit must be dividable by five: 12345 = 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 / 5 = 3(.0)

where can i get a regex or a library package for recognizing street address, postal code, state, phone numbers, emails and etc?

i have bunch of unformatted docs....
i need regex to capture street address, postal code, state, phone numbers, emails, such common formats...
This site offers a searchable library of regexs: and this regular expression cookbook contains hundreds of examples of regex matching patterns
In the case of street addresses and to a certain extent, postal codes, regexs can only go so far. As a matter of fact, trying to regex a street is essentially impossible because of the huge variety of formats for a street address--even from within the United States.
A regex that has worked rather well for strictly formatted US-based postal codes is: ^\d{5}([-+]?\d{4})?$
In the US, ZIP Codes are typically formatted as follows:
12345+6789 12345-67ND (yes, you read that right, sometimes the last two can be "ND")
The other issue that you'll have is when a zero-prefixed ZIP such as one from New England has been run through Excel and it has removed the leading zero, leaving a four-digit number. This is why a regex alone can't get the job done 100% even for something as "simple" as a US-based ZIP Code.
Depending upon the business needs, you'll want to investigate an address verification solution. Any online provider worth their salt can standardize and verify and address which tells you if the address is real and can help reduce fraud and return shipping, etc.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm the founder of SmartyStreets. We have an online address verification service which cleans, standardizes, and validates addresses. You're more than welcome to contact me personally for any questions you have.