I've run into an issue creating macro variables using proc sql select into : logic. The code seems to be pretty straightforward, but I should note that the macro that is causing problems is called from several other macros.
Here is the snippet that is causing issues.
%do year_num=1 %to 5;
%if &year_num=1 %then %let min_date = %eval(&max2.-17);
%else %let min_date = %eval(&min_date.-12);
data tmp;
set bf(firstobs=&min_date obs=%eval(11+&min_date));
data tmp2;
set bf(firstobs=%eval(5+&min_date) obs=%eval(7+&min_date));
proc sql noprint;
select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss)
into :totep, :totexpt
from tmp;
select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss)
into :partep, :partexpt
from tmp2;
%put _LOCAL_;
*Other code...;
For some reason, the variables totep, totexpt, partep and pqrtexpt are not getting created and I can't find any useful information in the log that may shed light on the situation.
Here is part of the log, including the output from _LOCAL_.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YEAR_NUM resolves to 1
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MAX2 resolves to 96
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MIN_DATE resolves to 79
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MIN_DATE resolves to 79
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): set bf(firstobs=79 obs=90);
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): data tmp2;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MIN_DATE resolves to 79
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MIN_DATE resolves to 79
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): set bf(firstobs=84 obs=86);
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): proc sql noprint;
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss) into :totep, :totexpt from tmp;
MPRINT(BFMETHOD): select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss) into :partep, :partexpt from tmp2;
BFMETHOD SEAS_MAX 1.66666666666666
data tmp; set bf(firstobs=79 obs=90); run;
NOTE: There were 12 observations read from the data set WORK.BF.
NOTE: The data set WORK.TMP has 12 observations and 35 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TMP increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
109 + data tmp2; set bf(firstobs=84 obs=86); run;
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.BF.
NOTE: The data set WORK.TMP2 has 3 observations and 35 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TMP2 increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
109 + proc sql noprint;
109 + select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss) into :totep, :totexpt from tmp;
109 +
select sum(EP), sum(ExpectedLoss) into :partep, :partexpt from tmp2;
109 +
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
If I remove noprint from the proc sql statement then the correct values are output so I'm not sure what's going on. Any help would be appreciated.
Your issue is almost certainly related to execution timing. Particularly when using call execute, you can easily run into problems with timing where the macro variable is resolved by the SAS processor earlier than it's given a useful value.
Here's a simplified example. I specifically make a dataset so you can see when that happens (it's not a necessary step nor does it affect the example, it just makes a useful log entry).
Notice how when the macro runs on its own, everything works how you'd expect; but when it's run with call execute the %put executes before the macro actually executes.
The third example uses %nrstr to force SAS to not try to resolve the macro before actually running it - which causes it to be submitted properly.
Effectively, the first call execute version has SAS process the macro text then submit it to sas.exe - which you do not really want. Adding %nrstr fixes that.
%macro do_something();
%local mlist;
data class_m;
set sashelp.class;
where sex='M';
proc sql;
select name into :mlist separated by ' '
from class_m;
%put &=mlist;
%mend do_something;
%put Macro run on its own;
%put Macro run via call execute;
options mprint symbolgen;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class;
if _n_=1 then call execute('%do_something()');
%put Macro run with nrstr and call execute;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class;
if _n_=1 then call execute('%nrstr(%do_something())');
I have the following code:
data name_list;
length name $10;
input name $;
proc sql ;
select name
into :names separated by '" "'
from name_list
where substr(name,1,1) = 'P'
%put names;
The code work without any error and it does show the two names starting with P, however in the log I can't see the result of the %put statement.
After the execution of the PROC SQL I have the following log:
35 quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
36 %put names;
Why the names stored into the macro variable is not printed?
In your code you %put string that equals "names".
If you want to %put macro variable &names:
%let names=1;/*initializing macro variable*/
%put &=names;
%put &names;
I often need to assign (and de-assign) temporary librefs/filerefs as part of utility macros - and thus I need to avoid naming conflicts with any existing librefs/filerefs. I know I could query the sashelp or dictionary tables and use conditional logic to iterate until I find one that isn't assigned, but I wondered if there was some easier way?
For instance, the following will create a uniquely named dataset in the work library:
Is there some equivalent for librefs / filerefs?
The FILENAME() function already provides a method for this. When you call it with a missing value for the fileref it generates one using format #LNnnnnn.
6 data test;
7 length fileref $8 ;
8 rc=filename(fileref,,'temp');
9 put rc= fileref=;
10 run;
rc=0 fileref=#LN00056
NOTE: The data set WORK.TEST has 1 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
11 %global fileref ;
12 %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fileref,,temp));
13 %put &=rc &=fileref ;
The undocumented monotonic function, invoked in the open execution space, is very handy for obtaining an unused value.
libname mylib "C:\temp\sandbox";
data mylib.data%sysfunc(monotonic());
Or code a macro to deliver a name for a libref. The macro can also check for existence if so desired:
%macro nextName(lib=,base=data,check=1);
%local index name;
%if %length(&lib) %then %let lib=&lib..;/* handle non-empty lib */
%do %until (&check and not %sysfunc(exist(&name,data)));
%let name = &lib.&base.%sysfunc(monotonic());
data data3;run;
data data4;run;
%put %nextName();
%put %nextName();
%put %nextName();
%put %nextName();
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=%nextname();
by age;
You could go robust macro implementation and test for lib existence and valid check value.
The LIBNAME function has a similar feature as FILENAME but it does not populate the reference name variable as with FILENAME. The only way I can think of would be to compare SASHELP.VLIBNAM before and after. The librefs are in the form WC00000n.
79 data _null_;
80 length libref $32.;
81 libref = ' ';
82 rc = libname(libref,'.');
83 msg = sysmsg();
84 put _all_;
85 run;
libref= rc=-70004 msg=NOTE: Libref refers to the same physical library as WC000004. _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
actually writing one was fairly trivial, and didn't involve querying the (expensive) dictionary table:
libname mcore0 (work);
libname mcore1 (work);
libname mcore2 (work);
%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mcore,maxtries=1000);
%local x;
%let x=0;
%do x=0 %to &maxtries;
%if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;
%put Libref &prefix&x is available!;
%put unable to find available libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;
%let libref=%mf_getuniquelibref();
%put &=libref;
which returns;
I've added macros for both of these to the MacroCore library and they can be utilised as follows:
filename mc url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sasjs/core/main/macrocore.sas";
%inc mc;
%let libref=%mf_getuniquelibref();
%let fileref=%mf_getuniquefileref();
I want to produce a macro that converts the variable names of a dataset into the variables' labels. I intend to apply this macro for large datasets where manually changing the variable names would be impractical.
I came across this code online from the SAS website, which looked promising but produced errors. I made slight edits to remove some errors. It now works for their sample dataset but not mine. Any assistance with improving this code to work with my sample dataset would be greatly appreciated!
SAS sample dataset (works with code):
data t1;
label x='this_x' y='that_y';
do x=1,2;
do y=3,4;
My sample dataset (does not work with code):
data t1;
input number group;
label number = number_lab group = group_lab;
1 1
1 .
2 1
2 .
3 2
3 .
4 1
4 .
5 2
5 .
6 1
6 .
%macro chge(dsn);
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&dsn));
%let cnt=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nvars));
%do i= 1 %to &cnt;
%let var&i=%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&i));
%let lab&i=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid,&i));
%if lab&i = %then %let lab&i=&&var&i;
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));
proc datasets;
modify &dsn;
%do j = 1 %to &cnt;
%if &&var&j ne &&lab&j %then %do;
%mend chge;
proc contents;
My code produces the following error messages:
ERROR 73-322: Expecting an =.
ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.
Mainly you are not closing the RENAME statement with a semi-colon. But it also looks like you have the RUN and QUIT statements in the wrong order.
But note that there is no need for that complex %sysfunc() macro code to get the list of names and labels. Since you are already generating a PROC DATASETS step your macro can generate other SAS code also. Then your macro will be clearer and easier to debug.
%macro chge(dsn);
%local rename ;
proc contents data=&dsn noprint out=__cont; run;
proc sql noprint ;
select catx('=',nliteral(name),nliteral(label))
into :rename separated by ' '
from __cont
where name ne label and not missing(label)
%if (&sqlobs) %then %do;
proc datasets nolist;
modify &dsn;
rename &rename ;
%mend chge;
If the list of rename pairs is too long to fit into a single macro variable then you could resort to generating two series of macro variables using PROC SQL and then add back your %DO loop.
Here is SAS log from testing on your sample file.
4156 %chge(t1);
MPRINT(CHGE): proc contents data=t1 noprint out=__cont;
NOTE: The data set WORK.__CONT has 2 observations and 41 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
MPRINT(CHGE): proc sql noprint ;
MPRINT(CHGE): select catx('=',nliteral(name),nliteral(label)) into :rename
separated by ' ' from __cont where name ne label and not missing(label) ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
MPRINT(CHGE): proc datasets nolist;
MPRINT(CHGE): modify t1;
MPRINT(CHGE): rename group=group_lab number=number_lab ;
NOTE: Renaming variable group to group_lab.
NOTE: Renaming variable number to number_lab.
NOTE: MODIFY was successful for WORK.T1.DATA.
NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):
real time 0.12 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
Note that if I now try to run it again on the modified dataset it does not rename anything.
4157 %chge(t1);
MPRINT(CHGE): proc contents data=t1 noprint out=__cont;
NOTE: The data set WORK.__CONT has 2 observations and 41 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
MPRINT(CHGE): proc sql noprint ;
MPRINT(CHGE): select catx('=',nliteral(name),nliteral(label)) into :rename
separated by ' ' from __cont where name ne label and not missing(label) ;
NOTE: No rows were selected.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
you're missing a semi-colon here:
if you still get an error, turn on these options and let us know where the error occurs.
options symbolgen mprint;
I am trying to create array that hold a value.
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :dscnt from study;
select libname into :libname1 - :libname&dscnt from study;
I think the syntax is correct but i keep getting this following error message in in SAS studio.
***NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "DSCNT".
79 libname 4
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ',', FROM, NOTRIM.
ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored.***
Can someone explain to me what i am doing wrong?
You do not need to know the number of items ahead of time, if you leave it blank, SAS will automatically create the correct number of macro variables.
If you do want to use that number elsewhere you can create it using the TRIMMED option to remove any extra spaces. See the second example below.
proc sql noprint;
select name into :name1- from sashelp.class;
%put &name1;
%put &name19.;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct name) into :name_count TRIMMED from sashelp.class;
%put &name_count;
3068 proc sql noprint;
3069 select name into :name1- from sashelp.class;
3070 quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
3072 %put &name1;
3073 %put &name19.;
3075 proc sql noprint;
3076 select count(distinct name) into :name_count TRIMMED from
3076! sashelp.class;
3077 quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
3079 %put &name_count;
The into syntax in proc sql stores formatted values into macro variables. For example if you run this code:
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :dscnt from sashelp.class;
%put #&dscnt#;
You will see the output is:
# 19#
In otherwords the result is left padded with spaces. This means in your example, the code is resolving to something like:
select libname into :libname1 - :libname 19 from study;
^ Which is obviously invalid syntax. To fix this, you can simply add the TRIMMED keyword to your SQL statement:
select count(*) into :dscnt TRIMMED from study;
Thanks to Reeza for the TRIMMED keyword.
do something like below
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :dscnt from sashelp.class;
select name into :name1 - :name%left(&dscnt) from sashelp.class;
Hi I am trying to rename variables using SAS Macro loop.
%Let t1=12Mth;
%Let t2=20;
%Let t3=30;
%Let t4=40;
%Let t5=50;
%Let t6=60;
%macro Re(time);
%Do I = 1 %to &time.;
data MilkNew;
set Milk;
rename MT&&t&I..Sp=MTSp&&t&I.;
%mend Re;
This loop is mean to rename MT...Sp to MTSp.... Eg:MT20SP to MTSp20.
When I run my loop, there was no error but the variable names were not changed in MilkNew at all.
Where does the problem come? Thanks!
If the only purpose of the macro is to rename the variables in the data set, then why read the data with a set statement. Your data set is probably really small so you don't even realize the inefficiency of doing that. Instead use the modify statement in proc datasets to accomplish the same thing, but more efficiently. Here's an alternative macro for you.
%macro renamevar(dsname, time);
%local lib ds i;
%let lib = %sysfunc(coalescec(%scan(&dsname, -2, %str(.)), work));
%let ds = %scan(&dsname, -1, %str(.));
proc datasets lib=&lib nolist;
modify &ds;
%do i = 1 %to &time;
%renamevar(milk, 6);
Here's the log after the macro call:
NOTE: Renaming variable mt12MthSp to MTSp12Mth.
NOTE: Renaming variable mt20Sp to MTSp20.
NOTE: Renaming variable mt30Sp to MTSp30.
NOTE: Renaming variable mt40Sp to MTSp40.
NOTE: Renaming variable mt50Sp to MTSp50.
NOTE: Renaming variable mt60Sp to MTSp60.
NOTE: MODIFY was successful for WORK.MILK.DATA.
NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
You should move the loop so that it only generates just the RENAME statement (or even just the old=new name pairs). What is happening now is that you keep overwriting MilkNew so only the last RENAME has any effect.
%macro Re(time);
data MilkNew;
set Milk;
%do I = 1 %to &time.;
rename MT&&t&I..Sp=MTSp&&t&I.;
%mend Re;
You should have seen the last variable name in the loop (so the 6th) changed. That's because you repeated the same data step with the same source dataset but a different destination - so each time you 'forgot' the changes made in the earlier step.
So, this would've worked, though I'll get in a minute to why this isn't a good way to do this.
%Let t1=12Mth;
%Let t2=20;
%Let t3=30;
%Let t4=40;
%Let t5=50;
%Let t6=60;
%macro Re(time);
%Do I = 1 %to &time.;
data Milk;
set Milk;
rename MT&&t&I..Sp=MTSp&&t&I.;
%mend Re;
data milk;
12 20 30 40 50 60
Here I had it make all changes to Milk and save them back in that dataset. If you want to preserve Milk then first make Milk_New then have that in both set and data statements.
Second, you should not do a new data step for each change. Macros don't have to have a data step in them; they can be run inside the datastep.
So for example:
%macro Re(time);
%Do I = 1 %to &time.;
rename MT&&t&I..Sp=MTSp&&t&I.;
%mend Re;
data milk_new;
set milk;
Even better would be generating this list outside of a macro entirely - look up "generating code SAS" for suggestions on that.
If you didn't see any renames at all, you also may have an issue where a label is present on the column(s). That won't affect your usage of the variable name, but it will make it confusing. Use
label _all_;
Or include a label-clearing statement (label <varname>; where you pop in the same variable name as the original variable name before rename) inside your macro loop to fix that.