How to draw turing machine for a^p where p is a prime number? - primes

I dont know how to draw a turing machine for prime numbers. can anyone draw a diagram representing the above machine?

Draw a Turing Machine for a^b where a and b are any two numbers.
Draw a Turing Machine for p where p is a prime number.
Combine drawing 1 and drawing 2.


How to calculate efficiently and accurately the Fourier transform of a radial function in Fortran

As my question states, I want to calculate the Fourier transform F(q) of a radial function f(r) (defined on [0,infinity[ and which decays like an exponential exp(-Ar +b) at large r) as accurately as possible in Fortran. The function values come from a data file (which I can easily interpolate through cubic interpolation for example and extrapolate since the behaviour at large r is known).
I'm using the "physics" definition of the Fourier transform in 3D, which gives (because f is radial) :
I first tried to calculate this integral for some chosen values of q by using Gauss-Legendre quadrature, by generating some 60 or 100 abscissas and weights via the NAG routine D01BCF (D01BCF link). In the case of Gauss Legendre quadrature, the problem is to choose the interval [0,B] on which to integrate. While the function f loses 4 to 5 orders of magnitude from r=10 to r=20 (example), the choice of B as a strong influence on the result of the calculation... When I compared the result I get to a "nearly exact" calculation (made with matlab but with a veeeery long computation time), I saw that in fact this was only valid for small values of q (of the order of 5, when I have to deal with values as large as 150). A Gauss-Laguerre quadrature does not give any better result, probably because of the oscillatory part of the integrand.
I then tried to compute this Fourier transform for some given values of q with the routine D01ASF (D01ASF link). It is a "one-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, semi-infinite interval, weight function cos(ωx) or sin(ωx) ", which is exactly what I need. The results are quite convincing for q up to 80 or 100 if I input absolute error tolerances of 10E-5. Problems are : I would need to go at larger q, and the Fourier transform F(q) oscillates with a magnitude of ~ 10E-6 at such q's. Lowering the tolerance to 10E-5 already takes some time and even makes the whole thing to output some error message from the subroutine so I don't know if 10E-6 would be feasible.
I'm thus currently wondering if trying to calculate this Fourier transform with FFT wouldn't be a good idea ? The problems I face are that I don't know how to calculate radial wave functions with FFT (and also that I don't even know how to use FFT properly either since the definition of the transform is not even the same (exponent sign and argument) and that I never used it before).
Would you have ideas ? :)
EDIT 2 : I tried by FFT (using the routine C06FAF from NAG library). It works quite well up to some large values of q. The problem I face is that there is always some constant normalising factor to account for. I don't get why. This normalising factor evolves with the number N of points used in the mesh. It has the for of a power law : Normalising Factor F = N^(-0.5) x exp(9.9) approximately (see figure where the black line is the "exact" Fourier Transform and the green, magenta, blue, red and yellow lines are the FFT calculated for different values of N)
EDIT3 : I found the factor to be A*N^(-0.5) where A is the length of the integration mesh

c++, Generate diamond or triangular holes in uniform distribution in a 2D space

How to generate particles in 2D space using uniform random distribution such that there are triangular or diamond shaped holes within?
Acceptance/Rejection - define your cutout areas, generate points uniformly over the 2-d space, and if the result lands in a cutout reject it and try again. Probability of acceptance will be p(accept) = 1 - Area(cutouts) / Area(2-d_generating_space), and the expected number of attempts to generate will be the inverse of that. For example, if the holes make up 80% of your space then p(accept) = 0.2 for a given trial and on average it will take 5 attempts to get an acceptable point.
I would start off with the triangle case, since the diamond case is really the same as having two triangles.
Here is another explanation of pjs' algorithm:
Define your 2-d space in terms of x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max.
Define your a set of triangles you are cutting from in terms of triangle1[point1, point2, point3] ... triangle_n[point1, point2, point3].
Pick how many points you want to generate, call this numberOfPoints.
Iterate over the numberOfPoints.
Pick a random value within your x-range (from x-min to x-max)
Pick a random value within your y-range (from y-min to y-max).
This is your x,y position for your new random point.
Check to see if this fits within any of your cutting triangles (you will have another loop here) and can use this, or another containment test.
If it is within one of the cutting triangles, throw it away and do not increment your counter. Otherwise, you have successfully added a point.
There are ways to do this more efficiently, than checking every single point against every single cutting triangle. This is an OK first approach for not too many triangles.

Intersect Line vs Quadratic Bezier Triangle

I'm trying to find the intersection between a line segment and a quadratic bezier triangle for my OpenCL real time raytracer.
This question Detect&find intersection ray vs. cubic bezier triangle talks about finding the collision point between a ray and a cubic bezier triangle and the main recomendations are to try subdivision, or tensor product bezier patches.
I've read in a few places that when testing a line segment against a quadratic bezier triangle, that you just end up having to solve a quadratic equation, but I haven't found any information on what that equation actually is and am starting to wonder if it's true. My attempts to find it also have come up short so far :P
Does anyone know if this is true or how to solve it besides using subdivision or tensor product bezier patches?
Here's the equation for a quadratic bezier triangle:
AS^2 + 2*DST + 2*ESU + B*T^2 + 2*FTU + C*U^2
Where S,T,U are the parameters to the triangle. You could replace U with (1-S-T) since they are barycentric coordinates.
A,B,C are the corners of the triangle, and D,E,F are the control points along the edges.
Super stumped on this one!
Line segment has parametric equation P = P0+(P1-P0)*v=P0+d*v, where v is parameter [0..1]
To find intersection with brute force, you have to solve system of three quadratic equations like
x0+dx*v=AxS^2 + 2*Dx*S*T + 2*Ex*S*U + Bx*T^2 + 2*Fx*T*U + Cx*U^2
This system has 8 possible solutions, and intersection(s) exists only if resulted v,s,t lie in range 0..1 simultaneously. It's not easy to solve this system (possible approaches - Gröbner basis, numerical methods, and solution process might be numerically unstable). That is why subdivision method is sometimes recommended.
when your bezier patch has more than 3 sides, ray-intersection is no longer analytic (even if the splines on the side are only quadratic) and a precise enough iterative approach is significantly slower. Bezier patches are pathetic in terms of performance due to inherent recursion, you may want to do FFT for fourier-patches instead. [iq] has various "twisted cube intersection"s (that are not iterated by sphere-tracking==raymarching, which is efficient, but also causes MANY low-precision-cases-artifacts, where ever convergence of iteration is too slow).
yes, triangular-bezierpatch intersections has only analytic quadratic complexity (with quadratic beziers on the borders), but it involves some pre-computation (unless it is already in barycentric coordinates), that significantly lower the resulting precision (barycentric adds 1 division globally, and sums up over all domains)
This was solved (poorly, as in it has 1 error case and too low precision) on shadertoy in opengl in 2019:
and i optimized it slightly (fixed precision issues, added camera and culling): +
also see,

Fragment shader - drawing a line?

I was interested in how to draw a line with a specific width (or multiple lines) using a fragment shader. I stumbled on the this post which seems to explain it.
The challenge I have is understanding the logic behind it.
A couple of questions:
Our coordinate space in this example is (0.0-1.0,0.0-1.0), correct?
If so, what is the purpose of the "uv" variable. Since thickness is 500, the "uv" variable will be very small. Therefore the distances from it to pont 1 and 2 (stored in the a and b variables)?
Finally, what is the logic behind the h variable?
i will try to answer all of your questions one by one:
1) Yes, this is in fact correct.
2) It is common in 3d computer graphics to express coordinates(within certain boundaries) with floating-point values between 0 and 1(or between -1 and 1). First of all, this makes it quite easy to decide whether a given value crosses said boundary or not, and abstracts away from a concept of "pixel" being a discrete image unit; furthermore this common practise can be found pretty much everywhere else(think of device coordinates or texture coordinates)
Don't be afraid that values that you are working with are less than one; in fact, in computer graphics you usually deal with floating-point arithmetics, and FLOAT types are quite good at expressing Real values line around the "1" point.
3) The formula give for h consists of 2 parts: the square-root part, and the 2/c coefficient. The square root part should be well known from scholl math classes - this is Heron formula for the area of a triangle(between a,b,c). 2/c extracts the height of the said triangle, which is stored in h and is also the distance between point uv and the "ground line" of the triangle. This distance is then used to decide, where is uv in relation to the line p1-p2.

Computer Vision: Simple Noise Reduction

In computer vision, we often want to remove noise from an image. We can do this by getting an image and replacing distorted pixels with an average of its neighbours. I have no trouble understanding this but what are all the variables in the following equation meant to be? I've just found it in some slides but it doesn't come with any explanation:
The (i,j) is probably a given pixel and its neighbour, but what is the function f, the Omega, and the w? Any guesses?!
Cheers guys.
This is way too vague. Notation changes between papers and different approaches. Generally speaking that formula is doing some averaging within a neighbouring set of the i,j point (defined by the points in \Omega_{ij}) w is some normalization constant and f(m,n) is some function which typically assigns a value to m,n proportional to its distance from i,j
As I said your question is a bit too vague to say anything else...
This looks similar to motion prediction in video encoding.
g(i,j) is likely the ith, jth pixel in a block / screen. whose value is the weighted sum of another heuristic function taking the neighbor positions (m,n)
Since I see Omega I suspect you are working in signal space. This might filter out high frequencies not found in our neighbors m,n