Generate short temporary link to a form - django

So, I have a form that logged in user can fill, and when that form is submitted, I'd like it to generate a temporary link to another form that non-logged in users could access and fill, that would last 24 hours. That form would then send data to the database. That link would be valid only several times. that number is determined in the first form, by the logged in user.
I would like that URL to be as short as possible and easy to write down manually on a browser, but I don't know the best way to do so, or even how to do so.
The first form is completed, and only logged in user can fill it, but I do not know how to generate that temporary link.
Please keep in mind that I am fairly new to Django.
class GenFormPageView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
login_url = '/'
def get(selfself, request, **kwargs):
if request.method == 'POST':
formation_form = genForm(data=request.POST)
if formation_form.is_valid():
cdata = formation_form.cleaned_data.get
formation_form = genForm()
return render(request, 'genform.html', {'formation_form': formation_form})
class genForm(forms.ModelForm):
liste_formation = []
formations_info = {}
for formation in Formation.objects.all():
if formation.libelle in formations_info:
formations_info[formation.libelle].append(formation.formateur, formation.dateDebut, formation.dateFin,
formation.nbJours, formation.cours)
info = {'formateur':formation.formateur.get_full_name(), 'dateDebut':formation.get_debut(), 'dateFin':formation.get_fin(), 'nbJours':formation.nbJours, 'cours':formation.cours.get_titre()}
formations_info[formation.libelle] = info
formations = [str(formation) for formation in Formation.objects.all()]
formation_select = forms.ChoiceField(label='Formation', choices=([(formation, formation) for formation in formations]), required = True)
formateur = forms.CharField(label='Formateur')
cours = forms.CharField(label='Cours')
nombre_eleves = forms.IntegerField(label='Nombre d\'élèves', min_value=1)
formations = json.dumps(formations_info)
class Meta:
model = Formation
fields = ('formation_select', 'formateur', 'dateDebut', 'dateFin', 'nbJours', 'cours', 'nombre_eleves')
url(r'^genform/$', views.GenFormPageView.as_view()),
Here is the field tht is going to determine the number of time the new form can be submitted
When I click the button 'Generer', it creates a link to a form. that form can only be submitted a fixed number of time, and the link can only lead to that form if clicked within 24 hours from the generated time.
What I am trying right now, is creating a field in my database containing the time when the form is generated, and then I will check if the time is valid, and display the form only if it is.
That my idea right now, but I still don't konw how to do it.

So, to answer my question, I finally decided to use a field in my database containing the date of the creation of the form, then I would just check that today's date is within 24 hours from the date in my database.


How can I called a view within another view django

Currently, I have a view that essentially closes a lead, meaning that it simply copies the information from one table (leads) to another (deals), now what I really would like to do is that after clicking close, the user is redirected to another page where the user can update some entries (sales forecast), I have a view that updates the lead, so I thought that I can do something like below:
def close_lead(request):
id = request.GET.get('project_id', '')
keys = Leads.objects.select_related().get(project_id=id)
form_dict = {'project_id': keys.project_id,
'agent': keys.agent,
'client': keys.point_of_contact,
'licenses': keys.expected_licenses,
deal_form = NewDealForm(request.POST or None,initial=form_dict)
if request.method == 'POST':
if deal_form.is_valid():
obj = Leads.objects.get(project_id=id)
obj.status = "Closed"['status'])
## Changing the Forecast Table Entry
forecast = LeadEntry.objects.filter(lead_id=id)
for i in forecast:
m = i
m.stage = "Deal"['stage'])
messages.success(request, 'You have successfully updated the status from open to Close')
messages.error(request, 'Error updating your Form')
return render(request,
{'form': deal_form})
This view provides the formset that I want to update after closing the lead
def update_forecast(request,lead_id):
# Gets the lead queryset
lead = get_object_or_404(Leads,pk=lead_id)
#Create an inline formset using Leads the parent model and LeadEntry the child model
FormSet = inlineformset_factory(Leads,LeadEntry,form=LeadUpdateForm,extra=0)
if request.method == "POST":
formset = FormSet(request.POST,instance=lead)
if formset.is_valid():
return redirect('forecast_lead_update',lead_id=lead.project_id)
formset = FormSet(instance=lead)
context = {
return render(request,"account/leadentry_update.html",context)
As you can see I’m calling this function update_forecast(request,id) after validating the data in the form, and I would have expected to be somehow redirected to the HTML page specified on that function, however, after clicking submit, the form from the first view is validated but then nothing happens, so I'm the function doesn't render the HTML page
My question how can I leverage existing functions in my views?, obviously, I will imagine that following the DRY principles you can do that in Django, so what am I doing wrong ?, how can I call an existing function within another function in views?
A view returns a response object. In your current code, you're calling a second view but not doing anything with its response. If you just wanted to display static content (not a form that might lead to an action that cares about the current URL) you could return the response object from the second view - return update_forecast(request, id).
But since your second view is displaying a form, you care about what the action for the view from the second form is. The typical Django idiom is to have forms submit to the current page's URL - that wouldn't work if you just call it and return its response object. You could customize the action in the second view, say adding an optional parameter to the view, but the usual idiom for form processing is to redirect to the view you want to show on success. Just as you do in the update_forecast view. Something like this:
messages.success(request, 'You have successfully updated the status from open to Close')
return redirect('update_forecast', lead_id=id)

"form.populate_by returns" ERROR:'list' object has no attribute

I am creating a view function to edit the database using a wtform, I want to populate the form with information held on the database supplied by a differente form, My problem is the query that provides the details
I have read the manual
and the following question Python Flask-WTF - use same form template for add and edit operations
but my query does not seem to supply the correct format of data
datatbase model:
class Sensors(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
sensorID = db.Column(db.String, unique=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(30), unique=True)
form model:
class AddSensorForm(FlaskForm):
sensorID = StringField('sensorID', validators=[DataRequired()])
sensorName = StringField('sensorName', validators=[DataRequired()])
submit = SubmitField('Register')
view function:
#bp.route('/sensors/editsensor/<int:id>', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def editsensor(id):
edit = [(s.sensorID, s.sensorName) for s in db.session.\
form = AddSensorForm(obj=edit)
if form.validate_on_submit():
sensors = Sensors(, sensorName=form.sensorNa$
shell code for query:
from homeHeating import db
from homeHeating import create_app
app = create_app()
def editsensor(id):
edit = [(s.sensorID, s.sensorName) for s in db.session.query(Sensors).filter_by(id=id).all()]
[('28-0000045680fde', 'Boiler input')]
I expect that the two form fields will be populated with the in formation concerning the sensor called by its 'id'
but I get this error
File "/home/pi/heating/homeHeating/sensors/", line 60, in
File "/home/pi/heating/venv/lib/python3.7/site-
packages/wtforms/", line 96, in populate_obj
Open an interactive python shell in this
framefield.populate_obj(obj, name)
File "/home/pi/heating/venv/lib/python3.7/site-
packages/wtforms/fields/", line 330, in populate_obj
setattr(obj, name,
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'sensorID'
The error indicates that it wants 2 parts for each field "framefield.populate_obj(obj, name) mine provides only one the column data but not the column name, "sensorID"
If i hash # out the line "edit = ..." then there are no error messages and the form is returned but the fields are empty. So I want the form to be returned with the information in the database, filled in so that i can modify the name or the sensorID and then update the database.
I hope that this is clear
Warm regards
ps I have followed the instruction so the ERROR statement is only the part after "field.populate_by".
You are trying to pass a 1-item list to your form.
Typically, when you are selecting a single record based on the primary key of your model, use Query.get() instead of Query.filter(...).all()[0].
Furthermore, you need to pass the request data to your form to validate it on submit, and also to pre-fill the fields when the form reports errors.
Form.validate_on_submit will be return True only if your request method is POST and your form passes validation; it is the step where your form tells you "the user provided syntactically correct information, now you may do more checks and I may populate an existing object with the data provided to me".
You also need to handle cases where the form is being displayed to the user for the first time.
#bp.route('/sensors/editsensor/<int:id>', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def editsensor(id):
obj = Sensors.query.get(id) or Sensors()
form = AddSensorForm(request.form, obj=obj)
if form.validate_on_submit():
# return response or redirect here
return redirect(...)
# either the form has errors, or the user is displaying it for
# the first time (GET)
return render_template('sensors.html', form=form, obj=obj)

Can you use a Django form multiple times in one view?

I have a Django view that uses one form multiple times. The form is just a boolean field form that is supposed to initialize to True but then the user can decide to uncheck the boxes or not.
The problem I'm having is that the all of the fields evaluate to True no matter what the user leaves checked. Is this a problem with using the same form multiple times, or did I mess something else up?
The form looks like this:
class DataTypeForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
section_label = kwargs.pop('section_label')
initial_value = kwargs.pop('initial_value')
dataType = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
This is the view:
def Manual_Request(request):
form_dict = {}
arg_dict = {}
message = message = {'last_url':'Nominal_Request'}
if request.method == 'POST':"Query submitted, beginning query results render for:")
form_NOM = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None,section_label="ENG_NOM",initial_value=True)
form_DDM = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None,section_label="SCI_DDM",initial_value=True)
form_RAW = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None,section_label="SCI_RAW",initial_value=False)
if form_NOM.is_valid():
NOM = form_NOM.cleaned_data['dataType']
arg_dict.update({'ENG_NOM':str(NOM)})"ENG_NOM: {val}".format(val=NOM))
if form_DDM.is_valid():
DDM = form_DDM.cleaned_data['dataType']
arg_dict.update({'SCI_DDM':str(DDM)})"SCI_DDM: {val}".format(val=DDM))
if form_RAW.is_valid():
RAW = form_RAW.cleaned_data['dataType']
arg_dict.update({'SCI_RAW':str(RAW)})"SCI_RAW: {val}".format(val=RAW))
return Request_Results(request,args_dict)
else:"Rendering query page")
form_NOM = DataTypeForm(section_label="ENG_NOM",initial_value=True)
form_DDM = DataTypeForm(section_label="SCI_DDM",initial_value=True)
form_RAW = DataTypeForm(section_label="SCI_RAW",initial_value=True)
return render(request,'InterfaceApp/COMMRequest_Manual.html',form_dict)
Help much appreciated!
I haven't run your code, but my best guess is that yes, it's a problem with using the same form multiple times in the same view. The reason? All of your <input type="checkbox" name="..." ... /> tags will have the same name, 'dataType'. The user's browser knows nothing of your back-end, and will just send, for example, dataType=on&dataType=on as POST data for the three fields if two are checked and one is not.
Seeing the problem here? How is django supposed to know which of those dataType fields are for your NOM, DDM, or RAW forms? It can't know.
You should be able to solve this using form prefixes. In short, there's a kwarg that you can pass to a form's __init__() that will cause a prefix to be added to all of the form items in the rendered HTML. So, for example:
form_NOM = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None, section_label="ENG_NOM",
initial_value=True, prefix="NOM")
form_DDM = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None, section_label="SCI_DDM",
initial_value=True, prefix="DDM")
form_RAW = DataTypeForm(request.POST or None, section_label="SCI_RAW",
initial_value=False, prefix="RAW")
Hope that helps!
This is exactly what Django formsets are for. They allows you to create a set of the same type of form. It handles prefixes, and adds a management form so that Django doesn't get confused as to what data comes from what form.

submitting form results into db - django

i created a form to save a post into db for my blog project. I've designed index page. now i am tryin to create a form to create new posts. before that i was using ' shell'
here is my view :
def addpost(request):
form = addForm()
if request.method=="POST":
titleform = request.POST['title']
bodyform = request.POST['body']
checkform = request.POST['isdraft']
if form.is_valid():
n = Post(title = titleform, body = bodyform, isdraft=checkform)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/admin/')
return render(request,'userside/add.html',{'form':form,})
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
body = models.TextField()
slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='title',unique=True)
posted = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
isdraft = models.BooleanField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
def get_absolute_url(self):
return ('view_blog_post',None, {'postslug':self.slug})
class addForm(forms.Form):
title = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
body = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
isdraft = forms.BooleanField()
if i submit form as 'isdraft' field is False(unchecked) ; it gives error like:
MultiValueDictKeyError at /admin/addpost/
"Key 'isdraft' not found in "
and if i submit the form as 'isdraft' field is True(checked) ; it gives nothing. just refreshing form. no adding data into db.
i am doing sth wrong..
thank you
edit : Dmitry Beransky's answer worked for checkbox error. but it still doesnt add any data into db. just refreshes the form.
The whole point of using a form is that it takes care of validation and cleaning, that is converting values to the proper data types. That's why you should be accessing form.cleaned_data rather than reques.POST, and you should be doing it inside the if form.is_valid() check.
I've just noticed that you're never passing request.POST to the form. So form.is_valid() will never be true.
Please go back and read the documentation about using a form in a view.
If a checkbox is not checked in your HTML form, it's name/value is not going to be included in the data that the browser sends to your server. Which meanst that the request.POST dictionary is not going to contain an entry for 'isdraft' which in turn will cause a key error when you try to read the isdraft value. A solution is to change the way you read the value from the posted data to:
checkform = request.POST.get('isdraft', False)
rather than throw an error if isdraft isn't found in the dictionary, this will set checkform to False (the default value in case of a missing key)
Maybe your form does not validate at all. Have you checked if your code even reaches those lines after the if form.is_valid() statement ? If they do, what you've done there is right and should create the db row for your new entry, though you could have used
Post.objects.create(....) , and that would have taken away the need for calling the method save().
Some points though:
instead of checking for request.POST , check for request.method == 'POST' , cause there might be a post which has an empty POST dict ( in case no arguments have been submitted ), in that case request.POST fails to provide the right check .
see the docs for more info : request.POST
instead of using request.POST['var_name'] , use request.POST.get('var_name', 'default_value') , cause doing this like request.POST['var_name'] might result in some exceptions ( in case for example the argument is not provided , like what happened for your checkform variable )
Try accessing those variables through form.cleaned_data
and finally , you don't need the else statement in the end , just use the indentation :)

Need clarification on using Django 1.4 Form Wizards, specifically pre-filling and saving

We are building a wizard using Django 1.4's new form wizard functionality.
The docs on this are very terse and we can't find any advanced examples. We are using a named step wizard (needed to support a listview/datagrid we use) and a session backend.
The wizard is meant to edit roles and linked rights and is built to provide both add and edit functionality. We do this by asking the user in the first step if he/she wants to add or edit.
The next step depends on that choice;
If the user wants to edit, there is a search screen, followed by a listview/datagrid that displays results. The user can then select one of the results and goes to a details-screen, followed by a FilteredSelectMultiple page, allowing him/her to link rights to this role.
If the user wants to add a new role, the search and results screens are skipped and the user goes directly to the details screen, followed by the link-screen.
It all works pretty well, using a condition_dict in, but we are wondering a couple of things about the general functionality:
When a specific pre-existing role is selected, how can we fill the details and the link-screen with the corresponding data?
Do we instantiate a roles-object and pass it somehow to the two forms, if so, where do we instantiate it and do we need to do that for every form separately (which seems a bit over the top)?
When saving, is it common practice to create another instance of a role object, add the form data to it and save, or can we re-use the object used in the forms somehow?
We have tried overloading get_form_instance to return instances of roles, and we have looked at instance_dict in the docs, but it feels like the wrong approach and there are no examples to be found online, and we're not even sure these are used to pre-fill data or even if we're on the right track.
Logically, I would say in the step that selects an existing role, I need to fill the wizard-variables using an instance of the chosen object, and these get displayed in the forms. At the end of the wizard we reverse the process and get all data from the wizard-variables and add them to a newly instantiated roles-object and save it. Ideally this instance will determine itself if it needs to perform an INSERT or an UPDATE, depending on whether or not the promary key is filled.
If anyone can provide an example, or a nudge in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated.
The code of the wizardview class in is below:
class RolesWizard(NamedUrlSessionWizardView):
def get_template_names(self):
# get template for each step...
if self.steps.current == 'choice':
return 'clubassistant/wizard_neworeditrole.html'
if self.steps.current == 'search':
return 'clubassistant/wizard_searchrole.html'
if self.steps.current == 'results':
return 'clubassistant/wizard_pickrole.html'
if self.steps.current == 'details':
return 'clubassistant/wizard_detailsrole.html'
elif self.steps.current == 'rights':
return 'clubassistant/wizard_roles.html'
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
# get context data to be passed to the respective templates
context = super(RolesWizard, self).get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs)
# add the listview in the results screen
if self.steps.current == 'results':
# get search text from previous step
cleaned_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('search')
table = RolesTable(Roles.objects.filter(
RequestConfig(self.request, paginate={
"per_page": 4,
# add the listview with results
context.update({'table': table})
# add a role instance based on the chosen primary key
if self.steps.current == 'rights':
cleaned_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('results')
role_id = cleaned_data['role_uuid']
role = get_object_or_404(Roles, pk=role_id)
context.update({'role': role})
return context
def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
# this code is executed when the wizard needs to be completed
# combine all forms into a single dictionary
wizard = self.get_all_cleaned_data()
if wizard.get("neworeditrole")=="add":
role = Roles()
role = get_object_or_404(Roles, pk=wizard.get("role_uuid"))
# many-to-many rights/roles
for each_right in wizard.get('role_rights_new_style'):
RightsRoles.objects.create(role=role, right=each_right,)
# other properties
for field, value in self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('details'):
setattr(role, field, value)
# return to first page of wizard...
return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/maintenance/roles/wizard/choice/')
For future googlers:
I had some success with using get_form() because it is called before a form is rendered. Start with a couple of ModelForms:
class Wizard1(models.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('field0', 'model0')
class Wizard2(models.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
excludes = ('field0', 'model0')
Then, in your SessionWizardView:
class MyWizard(SessionWizardView):
def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None):
form = super(ExtensionCreationWizard, self).get_form(step, data, files)
if step is not None and data is not None:
# get_form is called for validation by get_cleaned_data_for_step()
return form
if step == "0":
# you can set initial values or tweak fields here
elif step == "1":
data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0')
if data is not None:
form.fields['field1'].initial = data.get('field0')
form.fields['field2'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
form.fields['field3'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True
form.fields['model1'].queryset = Model1.objects.filter(name="foo")
return form
The action is all in step 1. You request validated data from step 0 (which triggers another call to get_form() for step 0, so be careful) and then you can access any values that were set in step 0.
I threw in a couple of examples of settings you can change on the fields. You can update a queryset to limit the values in a ChoiceField, or re-display a value again but make it read-only. One caveat I noticed... readonly does not work on ChoiceField. You can make it disabled, but then the value is not propagated when you submit the form.
Let's see if I can help. I did a form wizard that adds steps depending on the answers. At each step I save all forms in a session variable, like so:
def process_step(self, request, form, step):
request.session['form_list'] = self.form_list
request.session['initial'] = self.initial
Then, each time that view is rendered, I instantiate a new form wizard with all the previous data:
def dynamic_wizard(request):
if not request.session.get('form_list'):
form = Wizard([Form1])
form = Wizard(request.session.get('form_list'), initial = request.session['initial'])
return form(context=RequestContext(request), request=request)