How to migrate postgresql database from 2.42 to 3.2.1 - redmine

I am upgrading my server and migrating my redmine postgresql database. But the database format has changed between 2.4.2 and 3.2.1
How do I go about migrating the data?


PostGIS built for PostgreSQL 13.0 cannot be loaded in PostgreSQL 14.2

I am running arch Linux, I installed postgresql and postgis to work with it in my Django project, but whenever i try to migrate my models i get this error
PostGIS built for PostgreSQL 13.0 cannot be loaded in PostgreSQL 14.2
can anyone tell me what's the problem here please
Ok i found the answer if anyone having the same problem like me , dowload the pkgbuild and postgis.changelog and build postgis using makepkg -si

AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'rsplit' error on Django 2.x 3.x 4.x with postgres database

This error may point to a model but it is mainly an incompatibility with Postgres package.
In a new postgres databases it may include following error when doing initial migration: "AssertionError: database connection isn't set to UTC"
I got same error with Python 3.8 & 3.10 + Django 3 & 4.
As mentioned in AssertionError: database connection isn't set to UTC the issue is the psycopg2 version 2.9 which is incompatible with Django 2.x, 3.x & 4.x.
The solution is very simple:
You can downgrade to 2.8.6 using:
pip install psycopg2==2.8.6
pip install psycopg2-binary==2.8.6
Then it all works as usual.

Connecting postgres DB with heroku

During development, I used postgres DB where I had to pip install psycopg2. Most of my post I updated during the course of development was on postgres DB. Now during deployment, I discovered that a part of the installation when I did heroku push master is installing sqlite. Now my problem is, how can I deploy my postgres DB for development in heroku, knowing that most of my post on development are really important.. thanks

Pip on Openshift

This may be a very silly question, but I am currently hosting a Django project on Openshift, and I have run into a funny problem. Both locally and remotely I am using pip version 7.1.2, and I've just updated Django to version 1.9.1. However, latest version of Django I can install on Openshift is 1.9b1. Is there anything else I need to update in order for Openshift to have the latest list (package)?
EDIT: Is that because I'm using python 3.3 on openshift and 3.4 locally?
This was my issue: The Django 1.8 series is the last to support Python 3.2 and 3.3.
I was using python 3.3 on Openshift.

Django-nonrel is not working with django 1.7

My project's backend support is Django 1.7 and my database support is mongodb.
To satisfy above requirement i need to install django-nonrel.
When I try to install django-nonrel with below command:
pip install git+
It is replacing my django 1.7 to django 1.5.
Please help.
New to django and Mongo db.
You could try install django nonrel 1.6 by running
pip install git+
It works for me with base configuration provided from here
And if you succeed with 1.7 - tell me how :)