When is OCaml's warning 27 "Innocuous unused variable" useful? - ocaml

This is the description of warning 27 from the OCaml manual:
27 Innocuous unused variable: unused variable that is not bound with let nor as, and doesn't start with an underscore (_) character.
This warning is turned on by jbuilder --dev, and I'm curious to know in which cases people find it useful. For me, it's an annoyance to get warnings when I write code like this:
$ utop -w +27
utop # fun (x, y) -> x;;
Characters 8-9:
Warning 27: unused variable y.
- : 'a * 'b -> 'a = <fun>
or like that:
utop # let error loc msg = failwith (loc ^ ": " ^ msg);;
val error : string -> string -> 'a = <fun>
utop # let rec eval = function
| `Plus (loc, a, b) -> eval a + eval b
| `Minus (loc, a, b) -> eval a - eval b
| `Star (loc, a, b) -> eval a * eval b
| `Slash (loc, a, b) ->
let denom = eval b in
if denom = 0 then
error loc "division by zero"
eval a / denom
| `Int (loc, x) -> x
Characters 33-36:
Warning 27: unused variable loc.
Characters 73-76:
Warning 27: unused variable loc.
Characters 112-115:
Warning 27: unused variable loc.
Characters 287-290:
Warning 27: unused variable loc.
val eval :
([< `Int of 'b * int
| `Minus of 'c * 'a * 'a
| `Plus of 'd * 'a * 'a
| `Slash of 'e * 'a * 'a
| `Star of 'f * 'a * 'a ]
as 'a) ->
int = <fun>
I know that prepending an underscore to the identifiers as in _loc suppresses the warnings, but it's not compatible with my notions that:
variables starting with an underscore are ugly and are meant for use in generated code, hidden from the programmer;
a name given to something should not have to change based on how it's used (including unused).
Using underscores, the code becomes:
(* Here we have _loc or loc depending on whether it's used. *)
let rec eval = function
| `Plus (_loc, a, b) -> eval a + eval b
| `Minus (_loc, a, b) -> eval a - eval b
| `Star (_loc, a, b) -> eval a * eval b
| `Slash (loc, a, b) ->
let denom = eval b in
if denom = 0 then
error loc "division by zero"
eval a / denom
| `Int (_loc, x) -> x
(* Here it can be hard to know what _ stands for. *)
let rec eval = function
| `Plus (_, a, b) -> eval a + eval b
| `Minus (_, a, b) -> eval a - eval b
| `Star (_, a, b) -> eval a * eval b
| `Slash (loc, a, b) ->
let denom = eval b in
if denom = 0 then
error loc "division by zero"
eval a / denom
| `Int (_, x) -> x

It is very useful in the monadic code, where instead of the common syntactic let bindings you're forced to use monadic >>= bind operator. Basically, where
let x = something in
translates to
something >>= fun x ->
If x is not used in code then only with the 27 warning enabled the latter will be highlighted, while the former will produce a warning by default. Enabling this warning, revealed lots of bugs for us. For example, it showed us that this code is buggy :)
Another source of use cases are higher-order functions, i.e., map, fold, etc. It captures one of the most common bugs:
let bug init =
List.fold ~init ~f:(fun acc xs ->
List.fold ~init ~f:(fun acc x -> x :: acc))
Concerning the ugliness, I totally agree that underscores are ugly, but in most cases, this is the main purpose of them - to highlight the suspicious code. Concerning the example, that you're showing, in the modern OCaml it could be easily addressed with the inline records, e.g.,
type exp =
| Plus of {loc : loc; lhs : exp; rhs: exp}
| ...
so that instead of using the underscores, you can just omit the unused field,
let rec eval = function
| Plus {lhs; rhs} -> eval lhs + eval rhs
You can use the same approach without using inline records by sparing some extra space in your program and defining all those records separately. The real-world example.

For me this warning is useful in order to remind me to explicit more my intention. If we take your example :
fun (x, y) -> x;;
Your intention is to use only the first element. If we rewrite it this way :
fun (x, _ ) -> x;;
You use a pattern matching in the parameter to make your code more concise, but you explain your intention of using only the first element. The added value in this example is small, related to the very simple implementation. But in real life functions, this warning promote a good habit in coding.


Why Peano numbers in OCaml not working due to scope error?

I have the following peano number written with GADTs:
type z = Z of z
type 'a s = Z | S of 'a
type _ t = Z : z t | S : 'n t -> 'n s t
module T = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t
type 'a nat = 'a t
type e = T : 'n nat -> e
The following function to decode a 'a nat (or 'a t) into the number it encoded, works:
let to_int : type n. n t -> int =
let rec go : type n. int -> n t -> int =
fun acc n -> match n with Z -> acc | S n -> go (acc + 1) n
fun x -> go 0 x
but if I try to rewrite it almost exactly the same this way:
let to_int2 (type a) (a: a nat) : int =
let rec go (type a) (acc : int) (x : a nat) : int =
match x with
| Z -> acc
| S v -> go (acc + 1) v
go 0 a
I get a scope error. What's the difference between the two functions?
138 | | S v -> go (acc + 1) v
Error: This expression has type $0 t but an expression was expected of type
The type constructor $0 would escape its scope
The root issue is polymorphic recursion, GADTs are a red herring here.
Without an explicit annotation, recursive functions are not polymorphic in their own definition.
For instance, the following function has type int -> int
let rec id x =
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
because id is not polymorphic in
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
and thus id 0 implies that the type of id is int -> 'a which leads to id having type int -> int.
In order to define polymorphic recursive function, one need to add an explicit universally quantified annotation
let rec id : 'a. 'a -> 'a = fun x ->
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
With this change, id recovers its expected 'a -> 'a type.
This requirement does not change with GADTs. Simplifying your code
let rec to_int (type a) (x : a nat) : int =
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
the annotation x: a nat implies that the function to_int only works with a nat, but you are applying to an incompatible type (and ones that lives in a too narrow scope but that is secondary).
Like in the non-GADT case, the solution is to add an explicit polymorphic annotation:
let rec to_int: 'a. 'a nat -> int = fun (type a) (x : a nat) ->
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
Since the form 'a. 'a nat -> int = fun (type a) (x : a nat) -> is both a mouthful and quite often needed with recursive function on GADTs, there is a shortcut notation available:
let rec to_int: type a. a nat -> int = fun x ->
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
For people not very familiar with GADTs, this form is the one to prefer whenever one write a GADT function. Indeed, not only this avoids the issue with polymorphic recursion, writing down the explicit type of a function before trying to implement it is generally a good idea with GADTs.
See also https://ocaml.org/manual/polymorphism.html#s:polymorphic-recursion , https://ocaml.org/manual/gadts-tutorial.html#s%3Agadts-recfun , and https://v2.ocaml.org/manual/locallyabstract.html#p:polymorpic-locally-abstract .

How to define "apply" in OCaml

I am trying to define a function that is similar to Lisp's apply. Here is my attempt:
type t =
| Str of string
| Int of int
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs
| (Int i)::xs -> apply (f i) xs
| [] -> f
(* Example 1 *)
let total = apply (fun x y z -> x + y + z)
[Int 1; Int 2; Int 3]
(* Example 2 *)
let () = apply (fun name age ->
Printf.printf "Name: %s\n" name;
Printf.printf "Age: %i\n" age)
[Str "Bob"; Int 99]
However, this fails to compile. The compiler gives this error message:
File "./myprog.ml", line 7, characters 25-30:
7 | | (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs
Error: This expression has type 'a but an expression was expected of type
string -> 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside string -> 'a
What is the meaning of this error message? How can I fix the problem and implement apply?
You cannot mix an untyped DSL for data:
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
and a shallow embedding (using OCaml functions as functions inside the DSL) for functions in apply
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs (* f is int -> 'a *)
| (Int i)::xs -> apply (f i) xs (* f is string -> 'a *)
| [] -> f (* f is 'a *)
The typechecker is complaining that if f has type 'a, f s cannot also have for type 'a since it would mean that f has simultaneously type string -> 'a and 'a (without using the recursive types flag).
And more generally, your function apply doesn't use f with a coherent type: sometimes it has type 'a, sometimes it has type int -> 'a, other times it would rather have type string -> 'a. In other words, it is not possible to write a type for apply
val apply: ??? (* (int|string) -> ... *) -> t list -> ???
You have to choose your poison.
Either go with a fully untyped DSL which contains functions, that can be applied:
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Fun of (t -> t)
exception Type_error
let rec apply f l = match f, l with
| x, [] -> f
| Fun f, a :: q -> apply (f a) q
| (Int _|Float _), _ :: _ -> raise Type_error
or use OCaml type system and define a well-typed list of arguments with a GADT:
type ('a,'b) t =
| Nil: ('a,'a) t
| Cons: 'a * ('b,'r) t -> ('a -> 'b,'r) t
let rec apply: type f r. f -> (f,r) t -> r = fun f l ->
match l with
| Nil -> f
| Cons (x,l) -> apply (f x) l
Using the GADT solution is quite direct since we are using usual OCaml type without much wrapping:
let three = apply (+) (Cons(1, Cons(2,Nil)))
(and we could use a heterogeneous list syntactic sugar to make this form even lighter syntactically)
The untyped DSL requires to build first a function in the DSL:
let plus = Fun(function
| Float _ | Fun _ -> raise Type_error
| Int x -> Fun(function
| Float _ | Fun _ -> raise Type_error
| Int y -> Int (x+y)
but once we have built the function, it is relatively straightforward:
let three = apply_dsl plus [Int 2; Int 1]
type t =
| Str of string
| Int of int
| Unit
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| x::xs -> apply (f x) xs
| [] -> f Unit
Let's go step by step:
line 1: apply : 'a -> 'b -> 'c (we don't know the types of f, args and apply's return type
line 2 and beginning of line 3: args : t list so apply : 'a -> t list -> 'c
rest of line 3: Since f s (s : string), f : string -> 'a but f t : f because apply (f s). This means that f contains f in its type, this is a buggy behaviour
It's actually buggy to call f on s and i because this means that f can take a string or an int, the compiler will not allow it.
And lastly, if args is empty, you return f so the return type of f is the type of f itself, another buggy part of this code.
Looking at your examples, a simple solution would be:
type t = Str of string | Int of int
let rec apply f acc args =
match args with x :: xs -> apply f (f acc x) xs | [] -> acc
(* Example 1 *)
let total =
(fun acc x ->
match x with Int d -> d + acc | Str _ -> failwith "Type error")
0 [ Int 1; Int 2; Int 3 ]
(* Example 2 *)
let () =
(fun () -> function
| Str name -> Printf.printf "Name: %s\n" name
| Int age -> Printf.printf "Age: %i\n" age)
() [ Str "Bob"; Int 99 ]
Since you know the type you want to work on, you don't need GADT shenanigans, just let f handle the pattern matching and work with an accumulator

how to implement lambda-calculus in OCaml?

In OCaml, it seems that "fun" is the binding operator to me. Does OCaml have built-in substitution? If does, how it is implemented? is it implemented using de Bruijn index?
Just want to know how the untyped lambda-calculus can be implemented in OCaml but did not find such implementation.
As Bromind, I also don't exactly understand what you mean by saying "Does OCaml have built-in substitution?"
About lambda-calculus once again I'm not really understand but, if you talking about writing some sort of lambda-calculus interpreter then you need first define your "syntax":
(* Bruijn index *)
type index = int
type term =
| Var of index
| Lam of term
| App of term * term
So (λx.x) y will be (λ 0) 1 and in our syntax App(Lam (Var 0), Var 1).
And now you need to implement your reduction, substitution and so on. For example you may have something like this:
(* identity substitution: 0 1 2 3 ... *)
let id i = Var i
(* particular case of lift substitution: 1 2 3 4 ... *)
let lift_one i = Var (i + 1)
(* cons substitution: t σ(0) σ(1) σ(2) ... *)
let cons (sigma: index -> term) t = function
| 0 -> t
| x -> sigma (x - 1)
(* by definition of substitution:
1) x[σ] = σ(x)
2) (λ t)[σ] = λ(t[cons(0, (σ; lift_one))])
where (σ1; σ2)(x) = (σ1(x))[σ2]
3) (t1 t2)[σ] = t1[σ] t2[σ]
let rec apply_subs (sigma: index -> term) = function
| Var i -> sigma i
| Lam t -> Lam (apply_subs (function
| 0 -> Var 0
| i -> apply_subs lift_one (sigma (i - 1))
) t)
| App (t1, t2) -> App (apply_subs sigma t1, apply_subs sigma t2)
As you can see OCaml code is just direct rewriting of definition.
And now small-step reduction:
let is_value = function
| Lam _ | Var _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec small_step = function
| App (Lam t, v) when is_value v ->
apply_subs (cons id v) t
| App (t, u) when is_value t ->
App (t, small_step u)
| App (t, u) ->
App (small_step t, u)
| t when is_value t ->
| _ -> failwith "You will never see me"
let rec eval = function
| t when is_value t -> t
| t -> let t' = small_step t in
if t' = t then t
else eval t'
For example you can evaluate (λx.x) y:
eval (App(Lam (Var 0), Var 1))
- : term = Var 1
OCaml does not perform normal-order reduction and uses call-by-value semantics. Some terms of lambda calculus have a normal form than cannot be reached with this evaluation strategy.
See The Substitution Model of Evaluation, as well as How would you implement a beta-reduction function in F#?.
I don't exactly understand what you mean by saying "Does OCaml have built-in substitution? ...", but concerning how the lambda-calculus can be implemented in OCaml, you can indeed use fun : just replace all the lambdas by fun, e.g.:
for the church numerals: you know that zero = \f -> (\x -> x), one = \f -> (\x -> f x), so in Ocaml, you'd have
let zero = fun f -> (fun x -> x)
let succ = fun n -> (fun f -> (fun x -> f (n f x)))
and succ zero gives you one as you expect it, i.e. fun f -> (fun x -> f x) (to highlight it, you can for instance try (succ zero) (fun s -> "s" ^ s) ("0") or (succ zero) (fun s -> s + 1) (0)).
As far as I remember, you can play with let and fun to change the evaluation strategy, but to be confirmed...
N.B.: I put all parenthesis just to make it clear, maybe some can be removed.

GADTs for Representing Function Application with Multiple Parameters (AST)

I saw in the OCaml manual this example to use GADT for an AST with function application:
type _ term =
| Int : int -> int term
| Add : (int -> int -> int) term
| App : ('b -> 'a) term * 'b term -> 'a term
let rec eval : type a. a term -> a = function
| Int n -> n
| Add -> (fun x y -> x+y)
| App(f,x) -> (eval f) (eval x)
Is this the right way of representing function application for a language not supporting partial application?
Is there a way to make a GADT supporting function application with an arbitrary number of arguments?
Finally, is GADT a good way to represent a typed AST? Is there any alternative?
Well, partial eval already works here:
# eval (App(App(Add, Int 3),Int 4)) ;;
- : int = 7
# eval (App(Add, Int 3)) ;;
- : int -> int = <fun>
# eval (App(Add, Int 3)) 4 ;;
- : int = 7
What you don't have in this small gadt is abstraction (lambdas), but it's definitely possible to add it.
If you are interested in the topic, there is an abundant (academic) literature. This paper presents various encoding that supports partial evaluation.
There are also non-Gadt solutions, as shown in this paper.
In general, GADT are a very interesting way to represent evaluators. They tend to fall a bit short when you try to transform the AST for compilations (but there are ways).
Also, you have to keep in mind that you are encoding the type system of the language you are defining in your host language, which means that you need an encoding of the type feature you want. Sometimes, it's tricky.
Edit: A way to have a GADT not supporting partial eval is to have a special value type not containing functions and a "functional value" type with functions. Taking the simplest representation of the first paper, we can modify it that way:
type _ v =
| Int : int -> int v
| String : string -> string v
and _ vf =
| Base : 'a v -> ('a v) vf
| Fun : ('a vf -> 'b vf) -> ('a -> 'b) vf
and _ t =
| Val : 'a vf -> 'a t
| Lam : ('a vf -> 'b t) -> ('a -> 'b) t
| App : ('a -> 'b) t * 'a t -> 'b t
let get_val : type a . a v -> a = function
| Int i -> i
| String s -> s
let rec reduce : type a . a t -> a vf = function
| Val x -> x
| Lam f -> Fun (fun x -> reduce (f x))
| App (f, x) -> let Fun f = reduce f in f (reduce x)
let eval t =
let Base v = reduce t in get_val v
(* Perfectly defined expressions. *)
let f = Lam (fun x -> Lam (fun y -> Val x))
let t = App (f, Val (Base (Int 3)))
(* We can reduce t to a functional value. *)
let x = reduce t
(* But we can't eval it, it's a type error. *)
let y = eval t
(* HOF are authorized. *)
let app = Lam (fun f -> Lam (fun y -> App(Val f, Val y)))
You can make that arbitrarly more complicated, following your needs, the important property is that the 'a v type can't produce functions.

Generalized fold for inductive datatypes in coq

I've found myself repeating a pattern over and over again, and I'd like to abstract it. I'm fairly confident that coq is sufficiently expressive to capture the pattern, but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do so. I'm defining a programming language, which has mutually recursive inductive datatypes representing the syntactic terms:
Inductive Expr : Set :=
| eLambda (x:TermVar) (e:Expr)
| eVar (x:TermVar)
| eAscribe (e:Expr) (t:IFType)
| ePlus (e1:Expr) (e2:Expr)
| ... many other forms ...
with DType : Set :=
| tArrow (x:TermVar) (t:DType) (c:Constraint) (t':DType)
| tInt
| ... many other forms ...
with Constraint : Set :=
| cEq (e1:Expr) (e2:Expr)
| ...
Now, there are a number of functions that I need to define over these types. For example, I'd like a function to find all of the free variables, a function to perform substitution, and a function to pull out the set of all constraints. These functions all have the following form:
Fixpoint doExpr (e:Expr) := match e with
(* one or two Interesting cases *)
| ...
(* lots and lots of boring cases,
** all of which just recurse on the subterms
** and then combine the results in the same way
| ....
with doIFType (t:IFType) := match t with
(* same structure as above *)
with doConstraint (c:Constraint) := match c with
(* ditto *)
For example, to find free variables, I need to do something interesting in the variable cases and the cases that do binding, but for everything else I just recursively find all of the free variables of the subexpressions and then union those lists together. Similarly for the function that produces a list of all of the constraints. The substitution case is a little bit more tricky, because the result types of the three functions are different, and the constructors used to combine the subexpressions are also different:
Variable x:TermVar, v:Expr.
Fixpoint substInExpr (e:Expr) : **Expr** := match e with
(* interesting cases *)
| eLambda y e' =>
if x = y then eLambda y e' else eLambda y (substInExpr e')
| eVar y =>
if x = y then v else y
(* boring cases *)
| eAscribe e' t => **eAscribe** (substInExpr e') (substInType t)
| ePlus e1 e2 => **ePlus** (substInExpr e1) (substInExpr e2)
| ...
with substInType (t:Type) : **Type** := match t with ...
with substInConstraint (c:Constraint) : **Constraint** := ...
Writing these functions is tedious and error prone, because I have to write out all of the uninteresting cases for each function, and I need to make sure I recurse on all of the subterms. What I would like to write is something like the following:
Fixpoint freeVars X:syntax := match X with
| syntaxExpr eVar x => [x]
| syntaxExpr eLambda x e => remove x (freeVars e)
| syntaxType tArrow x t1 c t2 => remove x (freeVars t1)++(freeVars c)++(freeVars t2)
| _ _ args => fold (++) (map freeVars args)
Variable x:TermVar, v:Expr.
Fixpoint subst X:syntax := match X with
| syntaxExpr eVar y => if y = x then v else eVar y
| syntaxExpr eLambda y e => eLambda y (if y = x then e else (subst e))
| syntaxType tArrow ...
| _ cons args => cons (map subst args)
The key to this idea is the ability to generally apply a constructor to some number of arguments, and to have some kind of "map" that that preserves the type and number of arguments.
Clearly this pseudocode doesn't work, because the _ cases just aren't right. So my question is, is it possible to write code that is organized this way, or am I doomed to just manually listing out all of the boring cases?
Here's another way, though it's not everyone's cup of tea.
The idea is to move recursion out of the types and the evaluators, parameterizing it instead, and turning your expression values into folds. This offers convenience in some ways, but more effort in others -- it's really a question of where you end up spending the most time. The nice aspect is that evaluators can be easy to write, and you won't have to deal with mutually recursive definitions. However, some things that are simpler the other way can become brain-twisters in this style.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrbool.
Require Import Ssreflect.eqtype.
Require Import Ssreflect.seq.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrnat.
Inductive ExprF (d : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
(c : Type -> Type) (e : Type) : Type :=
| eLambda (x:nat) (e':e)
| eVar (x:nat)
| eAscribe (e':e) (t:d c e)
| ePlus (e1:e) (e2:e).
Inductive DTypeF (c : Type -> Type) (e : Type) : Type :=
| tArrow (x:nat) (t:e) (c':c e) (t':e)
| tInt.
Inductive ConstraintF (e : Type) : Type :=
| cEq (e1:e) (e2:e).
Definition Mu (f : Type -> Type) := forall a, (f a -> a) -> a.
Definition Constraint := Mu ConstraintF.
Definition DType := Mu (DTypeF ConstraintF).
Definition Expr := Mu (ExprF DTypeF ConstraintF).
Definition substInExpr (x:nat) (v:Expr) (e':Expr) : Expr := fun a phi =>
e' a (fun e => match e return a with
(* interesting cases *)
| eLambda y e' =>
if (x == y) then e' else phi e
| eVar y =>
if (x == y) then v _ phi else phi e
(* boring cases *)
| _ => phi e
Definition varNum (x:ExprF DTypeF ConstraintF nat) : nat :=
match x with
| eLambda _ e => e
| eVar y => y
| _ => 0
Compute (substInExpr 2 (fun a psi => psi (eVar _ _ _ 3))
(fun _ phi =>
phi (eLambda _ _ _ 1 (phi (eVar _ _ _ 2)))))
nat varNum.
Compute (substInExpr 1 (fun a psi => psi (eVar _ _ _ 3))
(fun _ phi =>
phi (eLambda _ _ _ 1 (phi (eVar _ _ _ 2)))))
nat varNum.
Here is a way to go, but it does not give very readable code: use tactics.
Let's say I have a language with many constructors of various arity, and I want to apply a specific goal only to the case given by constructor aaa, and I want to traverse all the other constructors, to get down to the aaa's that may appear under them. I can do the following:
Say you want to define a function A -> B (A is the type of the language), you will need to keep track of what case you are in,
so you should define a phantom type over A, reducing to B.
Definition phant (x : A) : Type := B.
I suppose that the union function has type B -> B -> B and that you have a default value in B, called empty_B
Ltac generic_process f acc :=
match goal with
|- context [phan (aaa _)] => (* assume aaa has arith 1 *)
intros val_of_aaa_component; exact process_this_value val_of_aaa_component
| |- _ =>
(* This should be used when the next argument of the current
constructor is in type A, you want to process recursively
down this argument, using the function f, and keep this result
in the accumulator. *)
let v := fresh "val_in_A" in
intros v; generic_process f (union acc (f v))
(* This clause will fail if val_in_A is not in type A *)
| |- _ => let v := fresh "val_not_in_A" in
(* This should be used when the next argument of the current
constructor is not in type A, you want to ignore it *)
intros v; generic_process f acc
| |- phant _ =>
(* this rule should be used at the end, when all
the arguments of the constructor have been used. *)
exact acc
Now, you define the function by a proof. Let's say the function is called process_aaa.
Definition process_aaa (x : A) : phant x.
fix process_aaa 1.
(* This adds process_add : forall x:A, phant x. in the context. *)
intros x; case x; generic_process process_aaa empty_B.
Note that the definition of generic_process only mention one constructor by name, aaa, all others
are treated in a systematic way. We use the type information to detect those sub-components in which we want to perform a recursive descent. If you have several mutually inductive types, you can add arguments to the generic_process function to indicate which function will be used for each type and have more clauses, one for each argument of each type.
Here is a test of this idea, where the language has 4 constructors, values to be processed are the ones that appear in the constructor var and the type nat is also used in another constructor (c2). We use the type of lists of natural numbers as the type B, with nil as the empty and singleton lists as result when encountering variables. The function collects all occurrences of var.
Require Import List.
Inductive expr : Type :=
var : nat -> expr
| c1 : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
| c2 : expr -> nat -> expr
| c3 : expr -> expr -> expr
| c4 : expr -> expr -> expr
Definition phant (x : expr) : Type := list nat.
Definition union := (#List.app nat).
Ltac generic_process f acc :=
match goal with
|- context[phant (var _)] => exact (fun y => y::nil)
| |- _ => let v := fresh "val_in_expr" in
intros v; generic_process f (union acc (f v))
| |- _ => let v := fresh "val_not_in_expr" in
intros v; generic_process f acc
| |- phant _ => exact acc
Definition collect_vars : forall x : expr, phant x.
fix collect_vars 1.
intros x; case x; generic_process collect_vars (#nil nat).
Compute collect_vars (c1 (var 0) (c2 (var 4) 1)
(c3 (var 2) (var 3))).
The last computation returns a list containing values 0 4 2 and 3 as expected, but not 1, which did not occur inside a var constructor.