MSYS2 and Windows Runtime Library - c++

I'm trying to compile a C/C++ library under msys2. The problem is, the library requires Windows Runtime Library (WRL). And maybe more parts of Visual C++ Redistributable libraries. However I did not get that far in compilation process.
I found this thread about MSYS2 and WRL which suggests, that WRL is not supported yet. But its from late 2013. Maybe things have changed since.
Is any chance to make Visual C++ libraries (and headers) work with MSYS2?
Thank you


Does a fresh install of Windows include a standard C++ library?

I'm doing some experiments with Mingw-w64 and it works great compiling regular C code, linking to the Windows system MSVCRT.DLL C library. But, if I compile C++ code, then mingw's g++ links to what looks like the GNU libstdc++ library. Why? This doesn't happen with regular C binaries. I see commerical Windows software all the time including the Microsoft "C++ redist" package, which I guess matches the version of Visual C++ they use to develop their software. So it seems like there's actually no C++ library by default on Windows. I'd like to use the "system" C++ library and not use the GNU one if possible to reduce the size of the binaries mingw is compiling. But, I also don't want a separate C++ redistributable that needs to be installed. Am I stuck with the GNU library?
MinGW/MinGW-w64 build do use system standard libraries, that are part of Windows.
Visual C++ redistributable and runtime packages are only needed when sources are compiled with MSVC.
If your MinGW/MinGW-w64 build isn't statically linked you may need to ship libstd DLL files, but you can just put them in the same place as your .exe and/or .dll files, along with any other dependancy .dll files.
I actually love the fact that MinGW/MinGW-w64 builds don't need Visual C++ redistributable for several reasons:
The user doesn't need to install yet another Visual C++ redistributable.
The binaries are compact and don't depend on other Microsoft libraries except the ones in the operating system, which increases the chance of your software running well on different Windows versions.
Install (and uninstall) instructions (or installer code) are easier as the Visual C++ redistributable dependancy doesn't need to be installed. In fact you can even run your software as a portable app without installer.

Visual Studio 2017 C++ Exe for any pc (linking vcruntime140.dll)

I'm very new to GUI programming in c++, thus I don't have that much experience.
I created myself a GUI for my programm using the Visual Studio 2017 CRL package and now I'm trying to make this exe available for everyone.
The application works fine for those who have Visual Studio or VC Runtime installed but for those who don't the programm throws something like: "vcruntime140.dll is missing on your computer to run this app".
I am not sure how to link these dll's in my programm so that EVERYONE is able to use it.
I'm also not quit sure how I would link dll's.
There's basically two options.
The Standard in the industry is to ship the Visual Studio 20xx Runtime Redistributable Installer alongside your program, and have it run before anyone tries to run your program themselves, to make sure that the .dll files are installed onto the target computer.
The other option is to change the way that the libraries are linked to the executable at compile-time. This is done with a flag in Visual Studio:
Basically, you want to change the Runtime Library field to either say Multi-Threaded or Multi-Threaded Debug depending on whether you're in Release or Debug mode, as opposed to "Multi-Threaded DLL", which is the default.
Note, however, that you need to make sure that every single library you're using was compiled the same way: if any of them were compiled using the DLL version of the Runtime Library, they'll interoperate with your code in funny ways, and the least of your problems will be that they'll need the DLLs installed anyways, defeating your effort.
Naturally, that's not an issue if all your libraries are Header-Only, but if any of them have been compiled, then you'll need to recompile them using the correct settings.
You need to install Visual Studio 2017 redistribuables on the machine (that's how it works for every version of Visual Studio).
However, I could not find any official link on Microsoft website (probably because this is not officially released yet)....
You probably need to use 2015 version (for which redistribuables are available here) and wait for 2017 to become an official release.

Which Visual C/C++ run-time library to pick?

I've stumbled upon the issues with having the wrong MSVC run-time when linking or running apps written in C or C++. Because of that, I try to be exact on using the correct versions.
I see that the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library is pre-compiled with MSVCRT, which AFAIK is compiled with MSVC 4.2 to 6.0. Still, that pre-compiled library works fine with my apps compiled with the much later Visual Studio 2015 v14.
How come there are no issue with linking old MSVCRT with MSVCR140, e.g. SDL?
Is there a way to make a library be compatible with any greater Visual Studio compiler?
How is this solved with using other compilers, e.g. GCC or even on Linux or Mac?
Because the, let's call them vintage, runtimes are used so widely they're always there. But more recent runtimes, used by a newer Visual C++, might not be automatically present. Also, Visual C++ standardised on a single runtime library for some time, ensuring backwards compatibility with existing applications. Somewhere around Visual Studio 2012 this was dropped in favor of version specific runtimes.
You need to package your application into an installer that also installs the necessary runtime (or runtimes if you require more than one).
Linux applications are packaged (RPM, YUM etc.) with dependencies on runtime components. Basicaly the same as a Windows installer. Dependencies are either part of the package or satified by the distro. Linux shared libraries are versioned, multiple versions can be installed side-by-side and an applications can link against specific versions if required.

Why is not the new Visual Studio runtime part of Windows

I know that I have to distribute C / C++ runtime libraries along with my project. I am just wondering why Microsoft does not do that for us? I know that there is Visual Studio 6.0 runtime included in Windows but why there is no new one?
If somebody could give me a link to some explanation article. I am trying to google that without success for a while.
There is a C runtime included with Windows, msvcrt.dll. The MinGW gcc variation uses that library as its base runtime. Microsoft also builds programs that link to that runtime (for example, the programs that are part of the Windows installation).
While the msvcrt.dll that is part of Windows has the same name as the runtime DLL from VC6, it's not necessarily the VC6 runtime. Each new version of Windows has added functions to the msvcrt.dll and probably fixed some bugs.
The WDK used to include build configurations to link to msvcrt.dll (it looks like the last version of the WDK to support this was WDK 7.1). These build configurations also included some compatibility shims, such as msvcrt_win2003.obj, that allow a program built with such a configuration to run against the msvcrt.dll libraries included with older versions of Windows - adding support for newer exception handling and some newer APIs, for example.
I suspect there are various reasons that MS prefers that 3rd party programs link to runtimes that are not part of the Windows system files. A couple possible reasons:
it helps ensure that the 3rd party programs are not broken by a Windows update that includes a newer version of msvcrt.dll.
it helps ensure that 3rd party programs will run against the runtime DLLs that they were tested against (since presumably the 3rd party program's installer also makes certain that the appropriate MSVC redistributable runtime is installed).

Why won't my program run unless Visual Studio 2008 is installed?

I have written a game that uses GLUT, OpenGL and FMOD. The problem is that the binary won't run, unless Visual Studio 2008 is installed on the computer.
Why is this?
Most likely you're linking with DLL versions of the C/C++ runtime. Go to project properties -> C++ -> Code Generation, and set Runtime Library to not be one of "DLL" kinds.
Alternatively, you can link to DLL runtimes, but then you have to redistribute the runtime with your application.
MSDN has more information on various aspects of C++ application deployment:
Also, Dependency Walker (depends.exe) will show what libraries your executable depends on. It ships with some versions of Visual Studio as well.
You mean why is Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) needed?
This package installs runtime
components of C Runtime (CRT),
Standard C++, ATL, MFC, OpenMP and
MSDIA libraries. For libraries that
support side-by-side deployment model
(CRT, SCL, ATL, MFC, OpenMP) they are
installed into the native assembly
cache, also called WinSxS folder, on
versions of Windows operating system
that support side-by-side assemblies.
Because they are not installed on all Windows by default, especially the ones that shipped before VS 2008.
Even for
cout << "Hello, World" << endl;
You need a library, which in this case the Standard C++ library.
Welcome to the wonderful world of application deployment.
Run the tool depends on your executable and it will tell you which DLLs you need to also copy along with your EXE.
This program can help you find what dlls (if any) are missing on the the computer that it won't run on
Only the release versions of the C runtime and the C++ standard library dlls are installed with Windows by default. Installing Visual Studio will additionally install the debug versions.
Make sure the version you're deploying is built entirely in release mode.
Try compiling in release mode, and make sure that all required DLLs are installed on the target machine. It works for me.
Do you have dependencies on debug libraries?