how to match a sentence having particular word in different patterns - regex

We have a problem here...
We have a text having different patterns of sentences.
We want to get the sentence having a particular word.
One further point, by way of providing another model. The analysis in
the second paragraph could lead in the following direction. 'The
Destructors' deals with, obviously, destruction, whilst the book of
Genesis deals with creation. The vocabulary is similar: Blackie
notices that 'chaos had advanced', an ironic reversal of God's
imposing of form on a void. Furthermore, the phrase 'streaks of light
came in through the closed shutters where they worked with the
seriousness of creators', used in the context of destruction, also
parodies the creation of light and darkness in the early passages of
the Biblical book. Greene's ironic use of the vocabulary of the Bible
might be making the point that, for him, the Second World War
signalled the end of a particular Christian era. Now, it is perfectly
arguable that the rise of fascism is linked to this, or that it is the
cause. The cult of personality and secular leadership has, for Greene,
taken over from the key role of the church in Western societies. In
this way the two main themes identified above - the tension between
individual and community, and religion - are linked. In terms of essay
writing this link could well be made after the discussion of the theme
of the individual and the community, and its links with the theme of
leadership. This might be the general conclusion to the essay. After
thoughtful consideration and interpretation a student may well decide
that this is what the (destructors.)' boils down to: Greene is making a
clear link between the rise of fascism and the decline of the Church's
influence. Despite the fact that fascism has been recently defeated,
Greene sees the lack of any contemporary values which could provide
social cohesion as providing the potential for its reappearance.
In the above text, we have bold words (destructors). We want to get the sentences which are having the word "destructors".
The word "destructors" can be present in different formats. Eg: (destructors), (DesTrucTors), (Des.tructors), DESTRUCTORS, destructors, des-tructors.
When we tried writing a regex to match the sentences, we are failing to get the sentences at some conditions(like we are getting half sentences, etc.,).
Could you please help us with this.
If this information doesn't help you to solve, please let us know. Will update it.
Thank you...

I'm not too sure about Python, but I believe this might work:
for match in re.finditer(r"[^.]*destructors[^.]*\.[^\w\s]*", subject, re.IGNORECASE):
# match start: match.start()
# match end (exclusive): match.end()
# matched text:
In any case, I think the regex you want is:
with the case insensitive and global flags set.

It will be helpful if you could provide the regex pattern which you have tried with so far. The best I can come up with is,
str_text='your text here containing DESTRUCTORS''pass all the destructors combination here', str_text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Try for more patterns available for string formatting with regex here,


Can you limit the words between two capturing groups in Regex

I have been trying to create a parser for Law texts.
I need to find a way to find "external links" like : art. 45 alin. (1) din Lege nr. 54/2000
But the problem is that my country law writing style is so, soooo lacking uniformity and that means sometimes the links might look like this : articolul 45 alineatul (1) din Legeea nr. 30/2000
The fact that my language has forms for words for days. (articol, articolului, articolelor....)
That means that i need to generalize that first thing... (art.) as to catch as many forms as possible and pray that the last thing is a law number & year (54/2000).
Now here comes the hard part... The problem is that every section that starts with Articol N starts the regex and it goes on and on until it finds a law number & year that have absolutely no relation between them.
This is how it looks \b(((A|a)rt.*?) \(?\d*?\)??)( \w*? )*?nr\.? (\d+\/\d\d\d\d|\d+\/\d\d\d\d)\b
My question is there a way to limit the words between the two capturing groups?
Link to a Docs to determine what should pass and what not:
As Cary and James answered in comments above, I used (?:\S+\s*){0,15}. I used \S instead of \w to include punctuation and thus, abbreviated forms of the names of the Law (e.g. Const. for Constitution). That was the reason why my original regex wasn't working even when using {m,n}.

Regex to capture transcript speaker names before colon

From text transcripts, I want to capture all names of speakers.
The target names start at the start of a line and should end at a ": " (ie. colon and space).
Optionally, for even finer control, it may be safe to assume the first colon and two spaces.
Example text:
Julian Z.: What's really exciting is the opportunity to be more intelligent about how you approach trying to reach your consumer. In a world where digital and the use of digital has exploded, to be able to have one-on-one conversations in the digital world, and to be able to eventually translate that into the TV space, whether that be addressable or data-driven, is really fantastic. Because at the end of the day, you want your brand, in our case, our networks, to be able to have a relationship with the consumer. Data is a proxy to allow for that to occur.
From an advertiser perspective, obviously now the ability to go to the broadcast networks and have a data-driven buy has absolutely blown up and proliferated. That's with us. That's with some of our competitors. Obviously, we think we're the best at it, but neither here nor there. I think it's a really wonderful foundational approach for advertisers to take. I think it's a great advancement in the market.
As a spender of money, and as somebody who is trying to get people to engage with our brands, the ability to use data to really have, again, these really one-on-one, unique conversations, and to be able to deliver creative content that's relevant for individual consumers, that's driven by what we know about the consumer, now, ultimately, where we can reach them effectively and in environments where we know they're engaged, is really a great, tremendous advancement. You'll see by our ratings numbers, which are on the upswing, that approach has really had a direct impact on what our linear ratings have resulted in.
Speaker 2: Great. Tell us a little bit about Viacom. It's a lot of fans, a lot of passion in people. How do you define the audience in broad strokes? How do they respond to advertising and what are some of the concerns that consumers have around ads?
Julian Z.: Well, I think, again, when you're talking about how we're reaching fans, it is using intelligence, and information, and data, not only to profile who our fans are, but ultimately where they're best reached. Our job is to deliver great, compelling content, which we believe we're really, really good at.
In order to do that, there's the linear side of the equation, but of course we want to make sure that we're reaching our fans in digital as well, and that there's a 360 kind of fan experience. We believe holistically that our fans are really the base of what we're trying to do. We're trying to please and create value for our fans. The more we engage with them, and the more we know about them, the better we're able to deliver customized content that fits their need.
Ultimately, as a content creator, what's more exciting than to delivery really great content to people that they really, really engage with and they build relationships with? That's all you can really hope for is, somebody that creates content, is to be able to develop compelling content and content that your audience really wants to engage with.
Speaker 2: When you look at targeting, is that a cross-platform? Where does that targeting happen?
Julian Z.: It absolutely is cross-platform. Of course, there is natural addressability in the digital market, because it is much more of a one-to-one. But now you see a lot of the MVPDs have obviously opened up addressable inventory. A lot of the MVPDs now have matured their addressable footprint, which allows you now to have a digital-like, not exactly the same obviously, but a digital-like experience in the linear space, to deliver content to the consumer or advertising to the consumer when it's relevant and when it's going to have the most impact for your message.
Ultimately, it's absolutely cross-platform because addressability is all about having that conversation, having that direct one-to-one with your audience. Our partners on the MVPD side have really matured over the last several years as of regard to addressable, and now you can have that 360 experience of having a conversation in linear and in digital that really is addressable.
Example strings to be captured are: Julian Z. and Speaker 2. Names will vary from text to text. I need all/multiple names present. As you see, names may include a mixture of alpha case, punctuation characters and numbers.
I will want to deduplicate names, which are repeated in the text, but believe I should shelve that for now, focusing this question on the capture.
I have tried plenty, for the last day or two.
eg. ^[^:]+\s* with /g comes close, but only captures the first, single Julian Z., whereas I want everything. For now, I am out of ideas and need to learn how to do this.
Regex to match any characters up until the first colon:
^: match from beginning of line
.: match anything
*?: non-greedy search, so it stops at first colon (see next line)
(?=:): positive lookahead meaning next character should be colon but it doesn't capture
g: don't return after first match, returns all matches
m: run regex for each line
You can use this regex based on a negated character class:
RegEx Demo 1
RegEx Demo 2
RegEx Breakup:
^\w: Match a word character at the start
[^:\n]*: Match zero or more of any character that is not a colon and not a newline.
var names = inputData.transcript.match(/^\w[^:\n]*/mg) || [];

Regex - Match Exact (and only exact) string/phrase

I'm having some trouble using Regex to match an exact string (and only that string, must not contain prefix or suffix) out of a sample with only slight variations.
I've looked over every "duplicate" this has been compared to, and none of the solutions seem to apply to the problem I'm trying to accomplish. If it is indeed a duplicate, I'd love to see how!
Phrase to Match:
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Sample Text:
Metallica - Master Of Puppets (instrumental)
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
- Metallica - Master Of Puppets
I've tried a few different approaches with this.
There's "the starting point": ^(Metallica - Master Of Puppets)$
The "slightly more involved": ^((?!Lamb of God - Laid to Rest).)*$
The "I'm getting desperate": /(?<=\||\A|\n)(Metallica -
and the "im out of ideas, so why the hell not": (?=^\s*Metallica - Master Of
None of which will match the correct (the second option, in bold) string. I've dedicated the better part of my free-time from last night on this one little string rather than coding out a new app I've been working on (I really do hate to give up), and am, at this point, out of ideas, examples and patience. Nonetheless, I really would like to get to the bottom of what this seemingly simple Regex need will take to accomplish, both for the app and for my mental well being (I hate Regex, but love a good challenge).
Note: I DO need this to be done in Regex (not grep, not java etc). Sorry to throw such a seemingly menial question up, but my 15 or so months in the programming world only gets me so far. Looking forward to a solution, thanks!5
I believe your first approach was correct (in agreement with #Dmitry Egorov), although you are probably missing the multi-line flag. This sets it so that ^ and $ are set at the beginning and end of each line of your string or file.
In PHP/Js you'll want to use
/^Metallica - Master Of Puppets$/gm
the g flag is 'global' and finds all instances, the mflag is the aforementioned multi-line flag.
Other languages will have similar flags or options for multi-line support.

How to get sentence number from input?

It seems hard to detect a sentence boundary in a text. Quotation marks like .!? may be used to delimite sentences but not so accurate as there may be ambiguous words and quotations such as U.S.A or Prof. or Dr. I am studying Tperlregex library and Regular Expression Cookbook by Jan Goyvaerts but I do not know how to write the expression that detects sentence?
What may be comparatively accurate expression using Tperlregex in delphi?
First, you probably need to arrive at your own definition of what a "sentence" is, then implement that definition. For example, how about:
He said: "It's OK!"
Is it one sentence or two? A general answer is irrelevant. Decide whether you want it to interpret it as one or two sentences, and proceed accordingly.
Second, I don't think I'd be using regular expressions for this. Instead, I would scan each character and try to detect sequences. A period by itself may not be enough to delimit a sentence, but a period followed by whitespace or carriage return (or end of string) probably does. This immediately lets you weed out U.S.A (periods not followed by whitespace).
For common abbreviations like Prof. an Dr. it may be a good idea to create a dictionary - perhaps editable by your users, since each language will have its own set of common abbreviations.
Each language will have its own set of punctuation rules too, which may affect how you interpret punctuation characters. For example, English tends to put a period inside the parentheses (like this.) while Polish does the opposite (like this). The same difference will apply to double quotes, single quotes (some languages don't use them at all, sometimes they are indistinguishable from apostrophes etc.). Your rules may well have to be language-specific, at least in part.
In the end, you may approximate the human way of delimiting sentences, but there will always be cases that can throw the analysis off. For example, assuming that you have a dictionary that recognizes "Prof." as an abbreviation, what are you going to do about
Most people called him Professor Jones, but to me he was simply The Prof.
Even if you have another sentence that follows and starts with a capital letter, that still won't help you know where the sentence ends, because it might as well be
Most people called him Professor Jones, but to me he was simply Prof. Bill.
Check my tutorial here This concrete example can be easily rewritten to regular expressions and some imperative code.
It will be wise to use a NLP processor with a pre-trained model. EnglishSD.nbin is one such model that is available for OpenNLP and it can be used in Visual Studio with SharpNLP.
The advantage of using this method is numerous. For example consider the input
Prof. Jessica is a wonderful woman. She is a native of U.S.A. She is married to Mr. Jacob Jr.
If you are using a regex split, for example
string[] sentences = Regex.Split(text, #"(?<=['""A-Za-z0-9][\.\!\?])\s+(?=[A-Z])");
Then the above input will be split as
Jessica is a wonderful woman.
She is a native of U.
She is married to Mr.
Jacob Jr.
However the desired output is
Prof. Jessica is a wonderful woman.
She is a native of U.S.A. She is married to Mr. Jacob Jr.
This kind of logical sentence split can be achieved only using trained models from OpenNLP project. The method is as simple as this.
private string mModelPath = #"C:\Users\ATS\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Google_page_speed_json\Google_page_speed_json\bin\Release\";
private OpenNLP.Tools.SentenceDetect.MaximumEntropySentenceDetector mSentenceDetector;
private string[] SplitSentences(string paragraph)
if (mSentenceDetector == null)
mSentenceDetector = new OpenNLP.Tools.SentenceDetect.EnglishMaximumEntropySentenceDetector(mModelPath + "EnglishSD.nbin");
return mSentenceDetector.SentenceDetect(paragraph);
where mModelPath is the path of the directory containing the nbin file.
The mSentenceDetector is derived from the OpenNLP dll.
You can get the desired output by
string[] sentences = SplitSentences(text);
Kindly read through this article I have written for integrating SharpNLP with your Application in Visual Studio to make use of the NLP tools

Regexp to parse out a person's name?

This might be a hard one (if not impossible), but can anyone think of a regular expression that will find a person's name, in say, a resume? I know this won't be 100% accurate, but I can't come up with something.
Let's assume the name only shows up once in the document.
No, you can't use regular expressions for this. The only chance you have is if the document is always in the same format and you can find the name based on the context surrounding it. But this probably isn't the case for you.
If you are asking your applicants to submit their résumé online you could provide a separate field for them to enter their name and any other information you need instead of trying to automatically parse résumés.
Forget it - seriously.
Or expect to get a lot of applications from a Mr C Vitae
In my experience, having written something very similar (but a very long time ago), about 95% of resumes have the person's name as the very first line. You could probably have a pretty loose regex checking for alpha, hyphens, periods, and assume that's the name.
Obviously there's no way to do this 100% accurately, as you said, but this would be close.
Unless you wanted to build an expression that contained every possible name, or-ed together, the expression you are referring to is not "Regular," with a capital R. A good guess might be to go looking for the largest-font words in the document. If they follow a pattern that looks like firstname-lastname, name-initial-name, etc., you could call it a good guess...
That's a really hairy problem to tackle. The regex has to match two words that could be someone's name. The problem with that is that some people, of Hispanic origin, for example, might have a name that's more than 2 words. Also, how would you define two words to match for a name? Would you use a database of common first and last name fields? That might work unless someone has an uncommon name.
I'm reminded of a story of a COBOL teacher in college told me about an individual of Asian origin who's name would break every rule the programmers defined for a bank's internal system. His first name was "O." just the letter O.
The only remotely dependable way to nail down the regex would be if you had something to set off your search with; maybe if a line of text in the resume began with "Name: " then you'd know where to start looking.
tl;dr: People's names and individual resumes are too heavily varied for a regular expression to pick apart.
You could do something like Amazon does for book overviews: SIPs. This would require some after-the-fact double checking by humans but you might find the person's name(s) in there.