Unable to set array as environment variable - Postman test - postman

I am trying to set an array as an environmental variable in postman.
But it stores the first value of the array rather than the array.
var aDataEntry = postman.pm.environment.get('data_set_entries');
if(aDataEntry == null) {
aDataEntry = [];
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
// a console.log here confirms that aDataEntry is an array
As mentioned in the comment of the code, the variable is coming as an array,
but when I again get the environment variable in the second run, it is not
of type array. But just contains the first element in the array.
What's wrong here?
How can set the array and use it from the postman environment variable.

It seems like pm.environment.set calls toString to set an environment value. You can use the below code to work-around that:
var aDataEntry = pm.environment.get('data_set_entries');
if(aDataEntry == null) {
aDataEntry = [];
} else {
aDataEntry = JSON.parse(aDataEntry);
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
// a console.log here confirms that aDataEntry is an array
Edit 1:
As mentioned in the Postman reference docs, it is suggested that one use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() for storing complex objects. I have updated the code accordingly.

I'm not sure of how you intend to use the array, but to dynamically generate an array for use in a Body > raw > JSON POST, as in the answer above you do need to actually store the var as a string.
Here's an example of that and it's use in the POST Body. I had a long list of IDs, and I'm using Postman to do some bulk user profile updates.
In the Pre-request Script, generate the string to be POSTed as an array.
var externalIds = [111,222,333,444];
var attrString = "";
externalIds.forEach(userId => {
attrString += `,{"external_id": ${userId},"my_first_attribute": false,"my_next_attribute": true}`;
attrString = attrString.replace(',',''); // strip out that 1st unwanted comma
The saved "array", Postman console logged:
"{"external_id": 111,"my_first_attribute": false,"my_next_attribute": true},
{"external_id": 222,"my_first_attribute": false,"my_next_attribute": true},
{"external_id": 333,"my_first_attribute": false,"my_next_attribute": true},
{"external_id": 444,"my_first_attribute": false,"my_next_attribute": true}"
Looks like bad, nested double quotes, but the format is actually valid.
My Body > raw looks like:
"api_key": "{{api_key}}",
"attributes": [{{attributeArray}}]
Note the Postman variable is wrapped in "[" and "]".
If my externalIds array needed to be a pm variable, I'd store that as a string, and .split() it when using it in the Script tab.
The Postman console really helps get past the syntax mistakes.


Can Apple Watch workout metadata use JSON strings?

I've got a working Apple Watch workout app. My metadata saves and all workout data flows to iPhone. I'm also able retrieve and display the data. But when i try to add arrays converted to ... json strings ... to metadata, the app crashes on save. Every time. I've tried numerous variations, always it's the same. Here's the latest code to crash... and it's perfectly fine.
GOOD CODE that works, but return string...
CRASHES with every HKWorkoutSession save.
func toJSON(array: [[String: Any]]) throws -> String {
let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: array, options: [])
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
NOW ... when my configuration class is converted with strings created using the function below, metadata saves just fine... and i'm back where i started. Wondering how to restore the [[String:Any]] arrays from String.
SAVES on WatchOS 3
This code creates a string from array of dictionaries.
What I'm needing help with is function to restore strings created using this function back into original form of [ [ String : Any ] ]
func joinedRepresentationOfArrayOfArrays(newArray: [[String : Any]]) -> String {
var newString = ""
for dictionary in newArray {
newString = newString.appending("[")
for (key, value) in dictionary {
newString = newString.appending("[\(key) : \(value), ")
newString = newString.appending("], ")
newString = newString.appending("], ")
return newString

how to store data to local device from server with titanium?

I want to make a auto login when users used APP after first time.I tried to keep it in alloy.js and Ti.App.Properties.getString('login_token'),but they didn't work.
in my coffee:
result = JSON.parse this.responseText
console.info result.token #"dsfdsfds2142fds3r32rf32e3dfefwedf"
Ti.App.Properties.setString "token",result.token
console.info Ti.App.Properties.getString "token" # it's blank
I couldn't find a built in way to do this so i just created a getter and setter method and put it in alloy.js. Feels very hacky and dirty but it does work.
//retrieves the value of the token
// also checks if the token is valid and sets logged_in accordingly
function getToken(){
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,'api.txt');
var content = f.read();
//if we can read this return it, otherwise return a blank value
if (content){
return content.text;
else {
return '';
//persists and sets the value of token to the new value
function setToken(key){
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,'api.txt');
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,'api.txt');
token = key;

Assert a method was called whilst verifying the parameters are correct

Given the following snippet from my test:
var mockProvider = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IItemProvider>();
var target = new ItemService(mockProvider);
Internally target.SaveItem makes a call like this:
provider.SaveItem(new SaveContract(item.Id, user, contents)); where provider is the local name for the mockProvider passed in.
How do I:
Verify provider.SaveItem is called whilst also
Asserting that the values of item.Id, user and contents are as they should be.
I think I might be able to use mockProvider.AssertWasCalled but can't figure out the syntax to set the condition of the parameters passed to the constructor of SaveContract.
Ok so based on this I did something like the following:
var mockProvider = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IItemProvider>();
var target = new ItemService(mockProvider);
Item testItem = null;
mockProvider.Expect(c => c.SaveItem(Arg<Item>.Is.Anything))
.WhenCalled(call =>
testItem = (Item)call.Arguments[0];
target.SaveItem(item);//item initialised elsewhere
Assert.AreEqual(item.Id, testItem.Id);

Emberjs: best way to iterate through ArrayProxy content?

Often, I need to loop through an Ember.ArrayProxy object's content.
Exemple 1, I need to build a list of IDs:
var loc = myArrayProxy.get('length') || 0,
ids = new Array(),
while(--loc >= 0) {
var curObject = myArrayProxy.objectAt(loc);
idsList = ids.join(',');
Exemple 2, I need to build an Array of primitive objects (not Ember.Object):
var loc = myArrayProxy.get('length') || 0,
newContent = new Array();
while(--loc >= 0) {
var curObject = myArrayProxy.objectAt(loc);
id: curObject.id,
name: curObject.name
Question: is there a better way to do this? The "while(--loc >= 0)" seems bad to me.
Ember.ArrayProxy provides many friendly functions (through Ember.Array, Ember.Enumerable, ...). Loops can often be avoided using "forEach". In your 2nd example, you may consider using "map".
Here is a link to Ember.ArrayProxy documentation.
Be sure to look at: Ember.Array and Ember.Enumerable
For instance, assuming the order of the ids is not relevant, your first example could be written:
var idsList = myArrayProxy.mapProperty('id').join(',');

Reflection on EmberJS objects? How to find a list of property keys without knowing the keys in advance

Is there a way to retrieve the set-at-creations properties of an EmberJS object if you don't know all your keys in advance?
Via the inspector I see all the object properties which appear to be stored in the meta-object's values hash, but I can't seem to find any methods to get it back. For example object.getProperties() needs a key list, but I'm trying to create a generic object container that doesn't know what it will contain in advance, but is able to return information about itself.
I haven't used this in production code, so your mileage may vary, but reviewing the Ember source suggests two functions that might be useful to you, or at least worth reviewing the implementation:
Ember.keys: "Returns all of the keys defined on an object or hash. This is useful when inspecting objects for debugging. On browsers that support it, this uses the native Object.keys implementation." Object.keys documentation on MDN
Ember.inspect: "Convenience method to inspect an object. This method will attempt to convert the object into a useful string description." Source on Github
I believe the simple answer is: you don't find a list of props. At least I haven't been able to.
However I noticed that ember props appear to be prefixed __ember, which made me solve it like this:
for (f in App.model) {
if (App.model.hasOwnProperty(f) && f.indexOf('__ember') < 0) {
And it seems to work. But I don't know whether it's 100% certain to not get any bad props.
EDIT: Adam's gist is provided from comments. https://gist.github.com/1817543
var getOwnProperties = function(model){
var props = {};
for(var prop in model){
if( model.hasOwnProperty(prop)
&& prop.indexOf('__ember') < 0
&& prop.indexOf('_super') < 0
&& Ember.typeOf(model.get(prop)) !== 'function'
props[prop] = model[prop];
return props;
Neither of these answers are reliable, unfortunately, because any keys paired with a null or undefined value will not be visible.
MyClass = Ember.Object.extend({
name: null,
age: null,
weight: null,
height: null
test = MyClass.create({name: 'wmarbut'});
console.log( Ember.keys(test) );
Is only going to give you
["_super", "name"]
The solution that I came up with is:
* Method to get keys out of an object into an array
* #param object obj_proto The dumb javascript object to extract keys from
* #return array an array of keys
function key_array(obj_proto) {
keys = [];
for (var key in obj_proto) {
return keys;
* Put the structure of the object that you want into a dumb JavaScript object
* instead of directly into an Ember.Object
MyClassPrototype = {
name: null,
age: null,
weight: null,
height: null
* Extend the Ember.Object using your dumb javascript object
MyClass = Ember.Object.extend(MyClassPrototype);
* Set a hidden field for the keys the object possesses
MyClass.reopen({__keys: key_array(MyClassPrototype)});
Using this method, you can now access the __keys field and know which keys to iterate over. This does not, however, solve the problem of objects where the structure isn't known before hand.
I use this:
None of those answers worked with me. I already had a solution for Ember Data, I was just after one for Ember.Object. I found the following to work just fine. (Remove Ember.getProperties if you only want the keys, not a hash with key/value.
getPojoProperties = function (pojo) {
return Ember.getProperties(pojo, Object.keys(pojo));
getProxiedProperties = function (proxyObject) {
// Three levels, first the content, then the prototype, then the properties of the instance itself
var contentProperties = getPojoProperties(proxyObject.get('content')),
prototypeProperties = Ember.getProperties(proxyObject, Object.keys(proxyObject.constructor.prototype)),
objectProperties = getPojoProperties(proxyObject);
return Ember.merge(Ember.merge(contentProperties, prototypeProperties), objectProperties);
getEmberObjectProperties = function (emberObject) {
var prototypeProperties = Ember.getProperties(emberObject, Object.keys(emberObject.constructor.prototype)),
objectProperties = getPojoProperties(emberObject);
return Ember.merge(prototypeProperties, objectProperties);
getEmberDataProperties = function (emberDataObject) {
var attributes = Ember.get(emberDataObject.constructor, 'attributes'),
keys = Ember.get(attributes, 'keys.list');
return Ember.getProperties(emberDataObject, keys);
getProperties = function (object) {
if (object instanceof DS.Model) {
return getEmberDataProperties(object);
} else if (object instanceof Ember.ObjectProxy) {
return getProxiedProperties(object);
} else if (object instanceof Ember.Object) {
return getEmberObjectProperties(object);
} else {
return getPojoProperties(object);
In my case Ember.keys(someObject) worked, without doing someObject.toJSON().
I'm trying to do something similar, i.e. render a generic table of rows of model data to show columns for each attribute of a given model type, but let the model describe its own fields.
If you're using Ember Data, then this may help:
You can iterate the attributes of the model type and get meta data associated with each attribute.
This worked for me (from an ArrayController):
fields: function() {
var doc = this.get('arrangedContent');
var fields = [];
var content = doc.content;
content.forEach(function(attr, value) {
var data = Ember.keys(attr._data);
data.forEach(function(v) {
if( typeof v === 'string' && $.inArray(v, fields) == -1) {
return fields;