XSLT white space in concat - xslt

I have the following code
<xsl:value-of select="concat(string($var15_cond_result_exists), string($var16_cond_result_exists))"/>
which is concatenating 2 strings. Examle John and Smith to JohnSmith.
What i want is a space between first name and last name.
I can do this with adding ,' ', between them in concat. Howered there is posibility that there is no first name or last name so I don't need the white space.
How can i solve this problem?
Is it possible to use some conditions or there is easier solution.

Wrap the concat in normalize-space() which will trim any excess spaces at the start or end
select="normalize-space(concat(string($var15_cond_result_exists), ' ', string($var16_cond_result_exists)))"/>
Note, you may be able to drop the string function inside the concat. Try this too
select="normalize-space(concat($var15_cond_result_exists, ' ', $var16_cond_result_exists))"/>

You don't say which XSLT version you are using. In XSLT 2.0 you can do
<xsl:value-of select="$var15_cond_result_exists, $var16_cond_result_exists"/>
which will automatically insert a space if and only if both items exist. The conversion to string is automatic in both 1.0 and 2.0.


xslt mapping to find substring between

I have my string as below
<Text>Pack:NA Lead:20 Dimension:235</Text>
And need to map
NA to outputfield1
20 to outputfield2
235 to outputfield3
How to do this correctly in xslt mapping where the values 'NA,20,235' could be different each time?
I could only see substring component which takes length as second parameter.
That leads requires several steps to achieve this.
Any better solution to just take the value between Lead: and Dimension for outputfield2?
To extract the Pack value, you can use:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(Text, 'Pack:'), ' ')" />
To extract the Lead value, use:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(Text, 'Lead:'), ' ')" />
To extract the Dimension:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after(Text, 'Dimension:')" />

Xpath search for duplicate

I have the following xml:
<logentry revision="11956">
JIRA-1263 - did something
<logentry revision="11956">
JIRA-1263 - did something 22 again
I want to ignore any occurrence of the JIRA-1263 after the first one.
The xpath I am trying is (Which works if the duplicates nodes are following. But if you have duplicates else where(deep down), then it is ignored:
<xsl:variable name="uniqueList" select="//msg[not(normalize-space(substring-before(., '
')) = normalize-space(substring-before(following::msg, '
')))]" />
If you want to get each msg use //msg[starts-with(normalize-space(.), 'JIRA-1263')] to get output JIRA-1263 - did something and JIRA-1263 - did something 22 again.
And if you want to get any element with same codition use //*[starts-with(normalize-space(.), 'JIRA-1263')] which give same result as previous one.
At the end, if you want to get first msg with same condition use //logentry/msg[starts-with(normalize-space(.), 'JIRA-1263')][not(preceding::msg)] to get output JIRA-1263 - did something
You can define a key at the top level of your stylesheet that groups log entries by their first word:
<xsl:key name="logentryByCode" match="logentry"
use="substring-before(normalize-space(msg), ' ')" />
Now you need to select all logentry elements where either
the msg does not start JIRA-nnnn (where nnnn is a number) or
this entry is the first one whose msg starts with this word (i.e. the first occurrence of "JIRA-1234 - anything" for each ticket number)
(note that these two conditions need not be mutually exclusive):
<xsl:variable name="uniqueList" select="log/logentry[
starts-with(normalize-space(msg), 'JIRA-') and
boolean(number(substring-before(substring(normalize-space(msg), 6), ' ')))
generate-id() = generate-id(key('logentryByCode',
substring-before(normalize-space(msg), ' '))[1])
]/msg" />
The boolean(number(...)) part checks whether a string of text can be parsed as a valid non-zero number (the text in this case being the part of the first word of the message that follows JIRA-), and the generate-id trick is a special case of the technique known as Muenchian grouping.
Equally, you could group the msg elements instead of the logentry elements, using match="msg" in the key definition and normalize-space(.) instead of normalize-space(msg).
And here another interpretation of what you try to do.
Find any first logentry which start with JIRA-XXXX.
If this it right try this:
starts-with(normalize-space(msg), 'JIRA-') and
substring-before( normalize-space(msg), ' ')= substring-before( normalize-space(preceding::msg), ' ')
This will find any logentry which starts with JIRA- but has not preceding one with the same substring before the first space (JIRA-XXXX) in your example.

How to remove character from string using xslt?

<xsl:value-of select="//RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate">
In this xslt code iam getting a last character as 'z' in "//RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate" i want to remove z and please help on this.
If the value of //RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate contains 'z' only at the end, you can use substring-before function.
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(//RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate, 'z')">
If you want to get the first 10 characters of the value, you can use substring function.
<xsl:value-of select="substring(//RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate, 1, 10)">
In general, you may want to convert an element value in ISO 8601 date format to another format by adding a javascript function to your xslt, and call that function in your Xpath expression.
For instance, when you have added a (javascript) function convertToDate that extracts the date part of the input value in the format yyyymmdd, the Xpath expression
convertToDate (//RequestParameters/Identifier/DepartureDate)
will result in a value
assuming there is only one DepartureDate element in the input, having value

how to parse the value from xml through xsl

I need to get output that looks like:
/001/002,/300060000120135670,CREDIT AGRICOLE ASSET MANAGEMENT
I have done like this in XSL, but I didn't get the output I wanted. Can anyone please give me some idea how I could get that output?
<xsl:for-each select ="block4/tag[name = '50K']">
<xsl:value-of select="
" />,<xsl:text/>
concat takes any number of arguments, no need to nest those calls. Besides, substring takes a beginning and an optional length, not a terminating character. Try something like this instead:
<xsl:for-each select ="block4/tag[name = '50K']">
<xsl:value-of select="
substring(value, 1, 8), ',',
'),9), ',',
" />,<xsl:text/>
I've kept the final comma in, which is one of the many things you did not really specify.
Why not use XSLT 2.0 tokenize() function?
See Here

XSLT transformation: Substring after a last special character

I have fields "commercial register code: 1111111" and "commercial register code 2222" I need to take after last space symbols: 1111111 and 2222. There is function to take symbolrs before "space" in xsl?
Update from comments
I will have "comercial register 21
code:" line
"code" can be without ":" symbol
If there is going to be one and only one number, then you could use
This will remove any not digit character from the string.
If the prefixed label is stable, then you could use something like:
substring-after($string,'commercial register code:')
Abour the question:
There is function to take symbolrs before "space" in xsl?
Answer: Yes, substring-before() function
From comments, it looks like the string pattern would be:
'commercial register' number 'code' (':')? number
Then use:
translate(substring-after($string,'code'), ': ', '')
In XSLT 2.0, use tokenize($in, '\s+')[last()]
If you're stuck with 1.0, you need a recursive template: check out str:tokenize in the EXSLT library.
Can you use EXSLT functions? If so, there is a str:split function and then you can do:
str:split($string, ' ')[position()=last()]