Security-Configuration Field For AWS Data Pipeline EmrCluster - amazon-web-services

I created an AWS EMR Cluster through the regular EMR Cluster wizard on the AWS Management Console and I was able to select a security-configuration e.g., when you export the CLI command it's --security-configuration 'mySecurityConfigurationValue'.
I now need to create a similar EMR through the AWS Data Pipeline but I don't see any options where I can specify this security-configuration field.
The only similar fields I see are EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup, EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup, AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups, AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups, and SubnetId. I already have all of those filled out in my Pipeline configuration but I just need to also specify the security-configuration. Any thoughts?

Unfortunately, DataPipeline does not support the Security Configurations feature (as well as other features that were introduced in the EMR 5.x versions like using a custom AMI).
One solution for this is to:
Replace the EmrCluster in your pipeline with an EC2 resource
Use a ShellCommandActivity on the EC2 resource to run the aws emr create-cluster CLI command
Use a bootstrap step to install TaskRunner on the cluster
Replace all the runsOn properties in your pipeline with workerGroup so the tasks run on the EMR cluster you created in step 2
Add a final ShellCommandActivity at the end of the pipeline to terminate the cluster using CLI
Now since you are spinning up your cluster using the CLI you have access to all kinds of features like security configurations, custom AMI, instance fleets, etc. and you can still orchestrate the tasks using DataPipeline.


Is it possible to run kubeflow pipelines or notebooks using AWS EMR as Spark Master/Driver

I am trying to implement as solution on an EKS cluster where jobs are expected to be submitted using kubeflow central dashboard by users/developers. To include spark as a service for users on platform I tried to have standalone spark installation on EKS cluster where everything other config will have to managed by admin. So managed service EMR could be possibly used here as an independent service and will be triggered only when job is submitted.
I an trying to make EMR on EC2 or EMR on EKS available as an endpoint to be used in kubeflow notebooks or pipelines. Tried various things but could not have any robust solution for it.
So if anybody has any sort of experience in the same please feel free to drop in your suggestions.

AWS - Conditionally run a script on EC2 instances

I am looking for a way to conditionally run a script on every existing / new EC2 instances.
For example, in Azure, you can create an Azure Policy that is executed on every existing / new VM, and when a set of conditions apply on that VM, you can deploy a VM extension or run a DSC script.
I am looking for the equivalent service in AWS.
From AWS Systems Manager Run Command - AWS Systems Manager:
Using Run Command, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, you can remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed instances. A managed instance is any Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or on-premises machine in your hybrid environment that has been configured for Systems Manager. Run Command allows you to automate common administrative tasks and perform one-time configuration changes at scale. You can use Run Command from the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs.
Administrators use Run Command to perform the following types of tasks on their managed instances: install or bootstrap applications, build a deployment pipeline, capture log files when an instance is removed from an Auto Scaling group, and join instances to a Windows domain.
You will need to trigger the Run Command to execute on nominated EC2 instances. It will not automatically run for every 'new' instance.
Alternatively, there is Evaluating Resources with AWS Config Rules - AWS Config:
Use AWS Config to evaluate the configuration settings of your AWS resources. You do this by creating AWS Config rules, which represent your ideal configuration settings. While AWS Config continuously tracks the configuration changes that occur among your resources, it checks whether these changes violate any of the conditions in your rules. If a resource violates a rule, AWS Config flags the resource and the rule as noncompliant.
For example, when an EC2 volume is created, AWS Config can evaluate the volume against a rule that requires volumes to be encrypted. If the volume is not encrypted, AWS Config flags the volume and the rule as noncompliant. AWS Config can also check all of your resources for account-wide requirements. For example, AWS Config can check whether the number of EC2 volumes in an account stays within a desired total, or whether an account uses AWS CloudTrail for logging.
You can create an AWS Config custom rule that triggers a process when a non-compliant resource is found. This way, an automated action could correct the situation.
You can also use an AWS managed service such as OpsWorks (Managed Chef/Puppet).
This can give you a way of running the commands in an organized way by allowing you to create defined sets of instances and associated resources.

How to run PySpark on AWS EMR with AWS Lambda

How may I make my PySpark code to run with AWS EMR from AWS Lambda? Do I have to use AWS Lambda to create an auto-terminating EMR cluster to run my S3-stored code once?
You need transient cluster for this case which will auto terminate once your job is completed or the timeout is reached whichever occurs first.
You can access this link on how to initialise the same.
What are the processes available to create a EMR cluster:
Using boto3
/ Java
Using cloudformation
Using Data Pipeline
Do I have to use AWS Lambda to create an auto-terminating EMR cluster to run my S3-stored code once?
No. It isn’t mandatory to use lambda to create an auto-terminating cluster.
You just need to specify a flag --auto-terminate while creating a cluster using boto3 / CLi / Java-SDK. But this case you need to submit the job along with cluster config. Ref
Its not possible to create an auto-terminating cluster using cloudformation. By design, CloudFormation assumes that the
resources that are being created will be permanent to some extent.
If you REALLY had to do it this way, you could make an AWS api call to
delete the CF stack upon finishing your EMR tasks.
How may I make my PySpark code to run with AWS EMR from AWS Lambda?
You can design your lambda to submit spark
You can find an example
In my use case I have one parameterised lambda which invoke CF to create cluster, submit job and terminate cluster.

How to clone an AWS EMR cluster in command line?

I have a recurring task where I need to clone an existing EMR cluster (except with a different name). I have been doing this in the AWS Console (basically, finding the EMR cluster in the console, click "Clone", change the name, then "Create cluster"). Is there a way to do this in command line so that I can automate it? I have checked aws emr create-cluster help but nothing seems relevant. Thanks!
I think this is what you are looking for:
Assuming that you want the cluster to be a clone of the starting state of the original cluster, just create the first EMR cluster from a CloudFormation template and then create new clusters from the same template as needed. Here's an example template.
Cloning a Cluster Using the Console
You can use the Amazon EMR console to clone a cluster, which makes a copy of the configuration of the original cluster to use as the basis for a new cluster.
To clone a cluster using the console
From the Cluster List page, click a cluster to clone.
At the top of the Cluster Details page, click Clone.
In the dialog box, choose Yes to include the steps from the original cluster in the cloned cluster. Choose No to clone the original cluster's configuration without including any of the steps.
For clusters created using AMI 3.1.1 and later (Hadoop 2.x) or AMI 2.4.8 and later (Hadoop 1.x), if you clone a cluster and include steps, all system steps (such as configuring Hive) are cloned along with user-submitted steps, up to 1,000 total. Any older steps that no longer appear in the console's step history cannot be cloned. For earlier AMIs, only 256 steps can be cloned (including system steps). For more information, see Submit Work to a Cluster.
The Create Cluster page appears with a copy of the original cluster's
configuration. Review the configuration, make any necessary changes,
and then click Create Cluster.

Creating an AWS Data Pipeline EMR cluster using ShellCommandActivity

When I create an AWS EMR I can do so through their simple wizard on the AWS Management Console. Once it's completed I can test it out and when I'm happy with it's configuration I can simply click the AWS CLI Export button and copy the CLI command that creates the EMR.
I need to create an EMR as part of my AWS Data Pipeline process and rather than configure the EmrCluser and then running whatever EmrActivity I want I'm wondering if I could just copy my CLI command I exported during my testing and paste it inside a ShellCommandActivity which will create the EMR. From there I could use either an EmrActivity to do some processing or just use the ShellCommandActivity to do the processing.
Can I create my AWS Data Pipeline EMR Cluster using a CLI command that's run through a ShellCommandActivity? And if I do so will I be able to run an EmrActivity against that EMR Cluster? I just think it would be easier to create the EMR this way because I can use the AWS Management Console to create my EMR and then I can test my EMR before exporting the CLI command rather than going through the process of properly constructing the EMR through the AWS Data Pipeline wizard/JSON process. I.E., The actual EMR wizard on the AWS Management Console is way easier than the Data Pipeline wizard for creating the EMR on the AWS Management Console, especially when it comes to choosing my security groups and various configurations.
I just verified that I can in fact run a CLI command through the ShellCommandActivity to create my EMR through the Data Pipeline but is this possibly a code smell or bad practice? Are there any downfalls to creating and EMR on the Data Pipeline this way rather than doing it through the predefined EmrCluster command?
It's possible, but a little complicated:
The following action or the script itself would have to wait for the cluster to be created. Make sure the action does not time out.
The data pipeline does not know about the cluster, hence you need to specify a workerGroup instead of runsOn in the EMRActivity. You also need to install Task Runner on the cluster.