Transferring cookies from site to another site - cookies

Is it possible to create a cookie from a first site on the user's browser and remains even if he goes to visit a second site. ( define it as a uid )

No. If you were able to do that there would be huge potential for exploitation.
Cookies are locked down to specific URLs and can only be used on there. A global cookie would be terrible practice as you would be able to alter a user's cookies outside of those defined and used on your own site.
I'm not sure why you would want to do this anyway as there is absolutely no reason to do so. If you want to share a cookie with another site you have, then that is entirely possible by making that user send a request to your site and then giving them a specific cookie upon the request. Unless you have malicious intent, there would be no reason or use for global cookies.


Django set django session cookies programmatically

I am creating a saas, software as a service site with django.
Due to the project requirements the users are inside schemas/tenants, for that im using the fantastic django-tenant-schemas app, one user can have accounts inside different schemas (they share username and password) ... i want to let the user move throught the different schemas they are in more or less freely ... for that i have created a view where the user can select on what schema he wants to be on.
When i use an application wide cookie session that is when i have the cookie setting as ".domain.ext" (django documentation) that works fine but its NOT the behaviour we really want for our application.
What we really need is to be able to have different versions of the app on different browser tabs.
So we have to set the cookie configuration to "domain.ext", then everything breaks because the original view is on one tenant and the next view (where the just logged user really belongs) is inside other tenant then the old cookie is deleted.
So the question is how can i programmatically set the cookie correctly on the new view so the user that really belongs to that tenat is still authenticated.
Or is there any alternative approach we could use for that? Any examples?
EDIT TO CLARIFY as demanded:
Person A belongs to 2 schemas SH1 and SH2 on both of them he has the same username and password.
On every password change the password hash is replicated on all the schemas they belong to so they dont have to remember specific passwords or usernames.
When the person is logged on SH1 the url will be when he is logged on SH2 the url will be
So lets say the person is now logged on schema SH1, he decides to switch to schema SH2, to be able to do that i need the user to still been authenticated so that view has to be on the SH1 schema, but then its redirected to the new schema force authenticating the user but since the cookie is set as domain specific (default django behaviour) when the user lands on the next url the previous cookie is deleted and thus he has to log in again to be able to access.
If I'm understanding correctly, you want the ability to have the behavior of a cross-domain cookie, but without actually using a cross-domain cookie.
The immediate answer that comes to mind is "well, use a cross-domain cookie". This is pretty much the vanilla example of a situation where you'd want to use use a cross-domain cookie. Engineering a complex solution so that you can avoid using the simple solution never ends well :-) Unless there's some other constraint in play that you haven't revealed, I'd start by questioning whether you shouldn't just be doing this the easy way.
However, assuming there is a good reason (and, frankly, I'd be interested to know what that is), the problem you're going to face is that browser security is essentially trying to stop you doing exactly what you're proposing. You want to know, from domain SH2, whether something has happened to a cookie set on domain SH1. That's exactly the situation that cookie security policies are designed to prevent.
The only way you're going to be able to work around this is to have a third party that can share knowledge. When user A logs into SH1, you do password authentication as normal - but you also post a flag somewhere that says "User A is now on SH1". When A logs into SH2, you post the corresponding flag. If A goes back to SH1, you check against the central source of truth, discover that they're currently on SH2, and force a login.
You probably could do this by manipulating cookies and session keys, but I suspect an easier way would be to use an Authentication backend. What you'll be writing is an authentication backend that is very similar to Django's own backend - except that it will be making checks of cross-domain login status against the central source of truth.
How you implement that "source of truth" is up to you - an in memory cache, database table, or any other source of data will do. The key idea is that you're not trying to rewrite cookies so that the same cookie works on every site - you're keeping each site's cookies independent, but using Django's authentication infrastructure to keep the cookies synchronised as a user moves between domains.

Meaning of cookie in browser

I found that the cookie in browser is a random string which web server sends to each client for remembering users' information purpose. But I don't understand in programmers viewpoint, what does cookie use for?
For example, I've used EditThisCookie extension in Chrome Browser to read site's cookie, in the following picture included here. The value of this cookie (sessionId) is useless for programmers (EDIT: I mean I don't extract any information from this cookie, I know the cookie is very important for web developers, so sorry about my poor expression). If I get this cookie, which kind of information I can understand about the users?
Looking for some help! Thank you very much!
The example about cookie
EDIT: Sorry, I've just expressed my problem in wrong way.
Actually, I am going to write an extension for collecting users' preferences via users' cookie, but I can't understand anything what information can be extracted from cookie. I've read about cookie in many documents, like wikipedia, and all of them just show how to get cookie, the definition of cookie, classified... and nothing about which information we can get from cookie.
Thank you very much!
Why do you say that the sessionId is useless for programmers? It actually can be extremely useful. Somewhere on Wikipedia's servers, they're probably storing quite a bit of information about your session. This could include things like whether you've already hidden one of their fundraising banners (so that it won't keep showing it to you again and again), to things that are required for basic functionality, such as what user you are currently logged in as.
However, Wikipedia is storing this same information for millions of sessions. It needs a way to tie the information back to each individual browser. That sessionId is how it does so. It set the sessionId in a cookie when you first accessed the page, and that cookie gets sent back to the server with every request you make to it now. Then they have code on the back end that reads that sessionId from the cookie and uses it to look up all of the information specific to your session, and do whatever needs to be done with it.
You could of course store the session information itself in the cookies, but there are a couple problems with that. First, there are limits on the size of each cookie, and on the overall size of all cookies for a single domain. Some of the data you want to store might not even fit. But the bigger problem is that cookies can be very easily manipulated by the end user. If you stored the information of who the user is logged in as in a cookie, the user could just change that value to something else, and suddenly be logged in as someone else! Of course, it's also possible that the user could change their sessionId to be some other user's session and suddenly be logged in as them. That's why session IDs need to be as random as possible, and should be long enough that guessing someone else's is basically impossible.
Well, why would someone bother writing a sessionId to a cookie if it's useless?
Cookies are extremely useful when it comes to (e.g) identifying users on your site so you can have them logged in right away, count their visits, track them on your site and even beyond.. only to name a few use cases.
To cite a somewhat popular site (
Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information (such as items in a shopping cart) or to record the user's browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited by the user as far back as months or years ago).
The most important word here is "stateful".

Bypass specific URL from Akamai if certain cookie exist

I would like Akamai not to cache certain URLs if a specified cookie exist (i.e) If user logged in on specific pages. Is there anyway we can do with Akamai?
The good news, is that I have done exactly this in the past for the Top Gear site ( The logic goes that if a cookie is present (in this case "TGCACHEKEY") then the Akamai cache is to be bypassed for certain url paths. This basically turns off Akamai caching of html pages when logged in.
The bad news is that you require an Akamai consultant to make this change for you.
If this isn't an option for you, then Peter's suggestions are all good ones. I considered all of these before implementing the cookie based approach for Top Gear, but in the end none were feasible.
Remember also that Akamai strips cookies for cached resources by default. That may or may not effect you in your situation.
The Edge Server doesn't check for a cookie before it does the request to your origin server and I have never seen anything like that in any of their menus, conf screens or documentation.
However, there are a few ways I can think of that you can get the effect that I think you're looking for.
You can specify in the configuration settings for the respective digital property what path(s) or URL(s) you don't want it to cache. If you're talking about a logged on user, you might have a path that only they would get to or you could set up such a thing server side. E.g. for an online course you would have that anybody could get to whereas you might use for the actual logged on lessons content. Specifying that /student/* would not be cached would solve that.
If you are serving the same pages to both logged on and not-logged on users and can't do it that way, you could check server-side if they're logged on and if so add a cache-breaker to the links so when they follow a link a cache-breaker is automatically added. You could also do this client side if you want, but it would be more secure and faster to do it server-side. As a note on this, this could be userid-random#. That would keep it unique enough when combined with the page that nobody else would request it and get the earlier 'cache-broken' page.
If neither of the above are workable, there is one other way I can think of, which is a bit unconventional to say the least, but it would work. Create symbolically linked directory in your document root with another name so that you can apply the first option and exempt it from cacheing. Then you check if the guy is logged on and if so prepend the extra directory to the links. From akamai's point of view can be exempt from cache where is cached. On your server if /logged-on/ symbolically links over to /content/ then you're all set.
When they login you could send them to a subdomain which is set up as a ServerAlias, so on your side it's the same, but on Akamai has differnt cache handling rules.
Following the same answer than #llevera, you can use the cookies on CloudFlare without intervention of engineers to make the change for you.
Having that sort of cookies to bypass content is a technique that its becoming more popular with the time, and even bug companies like Magento are using it for Magento 2 platform.
But solutions from above still valid, Maybe Akamai supports that that already now, we are in 2017!

Security Token/Cross Domain Cookie in Classic ASP?

I have an interesting conundrum.
We have a site that is a completely separate domain, we'll say and our own site that is The site is actually a classic ASP site, and we aren't converting it to .NET at this time.
The problem is that there is a link on that redirects to from a members area. We want to "authenticate" the user to make sure they are a member from the other site. If they are, they are directed to a members area on If not, they have to provide login information on
Cookies obviously don't work due to the cross domain security, but is there a way around this? I've also looked at a service for tokens, but I'm not sure exactly how that works in Classic ASP. Any ideas or suggestions?
What I did when I needed to pass information cross domain what so hash the information into one variable and pass the url/page as another variable as a post into a page on the That page would unhash the data, set the cookies and session variables, and then do a redirect or server.transfer to the page that was passed. The same can work going from to

Repeated cookie query or Storing in viewstate? Which is the better practice?

I have a internal website that users log into. This data is saved as a cookie. From there the users go on their merry way. Every so often the application(s) will query the authentication record to determine what permissions the user has.
My question is this: Is it more efficent to just query the cookie for the user data when it is needed or to save the user information in viewstate?
[Edit] As mentioned below, Session is also an option.
Viewstate is specific to the page they are viewing, so its gone once they go along thier merry way. Not a good way to persist data.
Your best bet is to use Forms Authentication, its built in to ASP.NET and you can also shove any user-specific information into the Forms Authentication Ticket's Value. You can get 4000 bytes in (after encrypting) there that should hold whatever you need. It will also take care of allowing and denying users access to pages on the site, and you can set it to expire whenever you need.
Storing in the session is a no-no because it scales VERY poorly (eats up resources on the server), and it can be annoying to users with multiple browser connections to the same server. It is sometimes unavoidable, but you should take great pains to avoid it if you can.
Personally, I prefer using a session to store things, although the other developers here seem to think that's a no-no.
There is one caveat: You may want to store the user's IP in the session and compare it to the user's current IP to help avoid session hijacking. Possibly someone else here has a better idea on how to prevent session hijacking.
You can use session data - that way you know that once you have stored it there, users can't fool around with it by changing the query string.
I would use the cookie method. Session is okay but gets disposed by on recompile, and you have to use a non session cookie if you want to persist it after session anyway. Also if you ever use a stateserver its essentially doing the same thing (stores session in the db). Session is like a quick and dirty fix, real men use cookies.