AWS: Execute a task after 1 year has elapsed - amazon-web-services

Basically, I have a web service that receives a small json payload (an event) a few times per minute, say 60. This event must be sent to an SQS queue only after 1 year has elapsed (it's ok to have it happen a few hours sooner or later, but the day of month should be exactly the same).
This means I'll have to store more than 31 million events somewhere before the first one should be sent to the SQS queue.
I thought about using SQS message timers, but they have a limit of only 15 minutes, and as pointed out by #Charlie Fish, it's weird to have an element lurking around on a queue for such a long time.
A better possibility could be to schedule a lambda function using a Cron expression for each event (I could end up with millions or billions of scheduled lambda functions in a year, if I don't hit an AWS limit well before that).
Or I could store these events on DynamoDB or RDS.
What would be the recommended / most cost-effective way to handle this using AWS services? Scheduled lambda functions? DynamoDB? PostgreSQL on RDS? Or something entirely different?
And what if I have 31 billion events per year instead of 31 million?
I cannot afford to loose ANY of those events.

DynamoDB is a reasonable option, as is RDS - SQS for long term storage is not a good choice. However - if you want to keep your costs down, I may suggest another: accumulate the events for a single 24 hour period (or a smaller interval if that is desirable), and write that set of data out as an S3 object instead of keeping it in DynamoDB. You could employ dynamodb or rds (or just about anything else) as a place to accumulate events for the day (or hour) before it then writes out that data to S3 as a single set of data for the interval.
Each S3 object could be named appropriately, either indicating the date/time it was created, or the data/time it needs to be used, i.e. 20190317-1400 to indicate that on March 17th, 2019 at 2PM this file needs to be used.
I would imagine a lambda function, called by a cloudwatch event that is triggered every 60 minutes, scans your s3 bucket looking for files that are due to be used, and it then reads in the json data and puts them into an SQS queue for further processing and moves the processed s3 object to another 'already processed' bucket
Your storage costs would be minimal (especially if you batch them up by day or hour), S3 has 11 9's of durability, and you can archive older events off to Glacier if you want to keep them around even after the are processed.
DynamoDB is a great product, it provides redundant storage, and super high performance - but I see nothing in your requirements to that would warrant incurring that cost or requiring the performance of DynamoDB; and why keep millions of records of data in a 'always on' database when you know in advance that you don't need to use or see the records until a year from now.

I mean you could store some form of data in DynamoDB, and run some daily Lambda task to query for all the items that are greater than a year old, remove those from DynamoDB and import it into SQS.
As you mentioned SQS doesn't have this functionality built in. So you need to store the data using some other technology. DynamoDB seems like a responsible choice based on what you have mentioned above.
Of course you also have to think about if doing a cron task once per day is sufficient for your task. Do you need it to be exactly after 1 year? Is it acceptable to have it be one year and a few days? Or one year and a few weeks? What is the window that is acceptable for importing into SQS?
Finally, the other question you have to think about is if SQS is even reasonable for your application. Having a queue that has a 1 year delay seems kinda strange. I could be wrong, but you might want to consider something besides SQS because SQS is meant for much more instantaneous tasks. See the examples on this page (Decouple live user requests from intensive background work: let users upload media while resizing or encoding it, Allocate tasks to multiple worker nodes: process a high number of credit card validation requests, etc.). None of those examples are really meant for a year of wait time before executing. At the end of the day it depends on your use case, but off the top of my head I can't think of a situation that makes sense for delaying entry into an SQS queue for a year. There seem to be much better ways to handle this, but again I don't know your specific use case.
EDIT another question is if your data is consistent? Is the amount of data you need to store consistent? How about the format? What about the number of events per second? You mention that you don’t want to lose any data. For sure build in error handling and backup systems. But for DynamoDB it doesn’t scale the best if one moment you store 5 items then the next moment you want to store 5 million items. If you set your capacity to account for 5 million then it is fine. But the question is will the amount of data and frequency be consistent or not?


Is there a efficient solution to access time series data from DynamoDB every hour?

I store sensor data (power and voltage measurements) coming from different devices in DynamoDB (partition key: deviceid and sort key: timestamp).
Every hour, I would like to access the data that has been stored in that time frame, do some calculations with it and store the results elsewhere.
My initial idea was to run a Lambda that would be triggered by a CloudWatch Rule, do the calculations and store the results in another DynamoDB table.
I saw a similar question and the answer suggested DynamoDB Streams instead. But aren´t Streams supposed to be triggered every time an item is updated/deleted/inserted?. I understand there are conditions to invoke the Lambda with the Streams service that could allow me to do so every hour, but I don´t think this is the most efficient way to get around the problem.
So my question is if there is an efficient way/service to accomplish this?
DynamoDB Streams can efficiently process this data using batch windows and tumbling windows. These are built into DynamoDB stream. Batch windows can ensure the lambda function is only invoked once every 5 minutes or after 6MB of data, and tumbling windows allow you to perform running calculations for up to 15 minutes.

Can I aggregate data from a stream on AWS?

I have data coming from multiple machines, I would like to aggregate it by user. I'm thinking of producing batches of 1000 "rows", or 10 seconds of data (whichever comes first), by user.
I do have some experience with AWS kinesis and lambdas, but in my experience we don't have so much control on how the aggregation is done. All machines would send the data by kinesis, with the user id as the partition key. Then AWS will call our lambda with small batches. This has been great for some other use cases but here if I receive 100 records I don't know what to do (I would like to "wait" to receive more or wait that 10 seconds elapse since the date of the first record).
Also I'm not sure how the aggregation "by user id" would work. So far, on a lambda, I would have split the records in the batch by user id, but then if I get called with a batch of 100 records, even though there is a partition key on the user id, there is no guarantee that those 100 records would be for 1 user. Maybe I will get 100 records from 100 different users, and there is no "aggregation" help at all.
Any idea if kinesis + lambda is suited for this? I did look at the documentation of AWS but I don't see my scenario. It looks like they also have a tool "Data Streams" but it's hard for me to understand if this would work for my case.
Your understanding is correct. AWS Lambda + Kinesis alone will not be sufficient alone for aggregation. AWS Lambda programming model is stateless, so you can only aggregate based on the batch of records received in that particular invocatio(GetRecords API) call. Furthermore, the batch size provided in the function does not gurantee that you will get that number of records. This is merely the maximum number of records which you can get(MaxRecords) per invocation.
What you need is some kind of windowing mechanism, either row-based or time-based. Kinesis Analytics would be the easiest and fastest to get on-boarded with this. You can either use SQL or Flink with Kinesis analytics. You can even have your output to AWS Lambda for post processing.
Other ways would be use a Spark streaming job (you can use AWS EMR) and use windowing in your application.

Alternatives for Athena to query the data on S3

I have around 300 GBs of data on S3. Lets say the data look like:
## S3://Bucket/Country/Month/Day/1.csv
We are doing some complex aggregation on the data, and because some countries data is big and some countries data is small, the AWS EMR doesn't makes sense to use, as once the small countries are finished, the resources are being wasted, and the big countries keep running for long time. Therefore, we decided to use AWS Batch (Docker container) with Athena. One job works on one day of data per country.
Now there are roughly 1000 jobs which starts together and when they query Athena to read the data, containers failed because they reached Athena query limits.
Therefore, I would like to know what are the other possible ways to tackle this problem? Should I use Redshift cluster, load all the data there and all the containers query to Redshift cluster as they don't have query limitations. But it is expensive, and takes a lot of time to wramp up.
The other option would be to read data on EMR and use Hive or Presto on top of it to query the data, but again it will reach the query limitation.
It would be great if someone can give better options to tackle this problem.
As I understand, you simply send query to AWS Athena service and after all aggregation steps finish you simply retrieve resulting csv file from S3 bucket where Athena saves results, so you end up with 1000 files (one for each job). But the problem is number of concurrent Athena queries and not the total execution time.
Have you considered using Apache Airflow for orchestrating and scheduling your queries. I see airflow as an alternative to a combination of Lambda and Step Functions, but it is totally free. It is easy to setup on both local and remote machines, has reach CLI and GUI for task monitoring, abstracts away all scheduling and retrying logic. Airflow even has hooks to interact with AWS services. Hell, it even has a dedicated operator for sending queries to Athena, so sending queries is as easy as:
from airflow.models import DAG
from airflow.contrib.operators.aws_athena_operator import AWSAthenaOperator
from datetime import datetime
with DAG(dag_id='simple_athena_query',
start_date=datetime(2019, 5, 21)) as dag:
run_query = AWSAthenaOperator(
I use it for similar type of daily/weekly tasks (processing data with CTAS statements) which exceed limitation on a number of concurrent queries.
There are plenty blog posts and documentation that can help you get started. For example:
Medium post: Automate executing AWS Athena queries and moving the results around S3 with Airflow.
Complete guide to installation of Airflow, link 1 and link 2
You can even setup integration with Slack for sending notification when you queries terminate either in success or fail state.
However, the main drawback I am facing is that only 4-5 queries are getting actually executed at the same time, whereas all others just idling.
One solution would be to not launch all jobs at the same time, but pace them to stay within the concurrency limits. I don't know if this is easy or hard with the tools you're using, but it's never going to work out well if you throw all the queries at Athena at the same time. Edit: it looks like you should be able to throttle jobs in Batch, see AWS batch - how to limit number of concurrent jobs (by default Athena allows 25 concurrent queries, so try 20 concurrent jobs to have a safety margin – but also add retry logic to the code that launches the job).
Another option would be to not do it as separate queries, but try to bake everything together into fewer, or even a single query – either by grouping on country and date, or by generating all queries and gluing them together with UNION ALL. If this is possible or not is hard to say without knowing more about the data and the query, though. You'll likely have to post-process the result anyway, and if you just sort by something meaningful it wouldn't be very hard to split the result into the necessary pieces after the query has run.
Using Redshift is probably not the solution, since it sounds like you're doing this only once per day, and you wouldn't use the cluster very much. It would Athena is a much better choice, you just have to handle the limits better.
With my limited understanding of your use case I think using Lambda and Step Functions would be a better way to go than Batch. With Step Functions you'd have one function that starts N number of queries (where N is equal to your concurrency limit, 25 if you haven't asked for it to be raised), and then a poll loop (check the examples for how to do this) that checks queries that have completed, and starts new queries to keep the number of running queries at the max. When all queries are run a final function can trigger whatever workflow you need to run after everything is done (or you can run that after each query).
The benefit of Lambda and Step Functions is that you don't pay for idle resources. With Batch, you will pay for resources that do nothing but wait for Athena to complete. Since Athena, in contrast to Redshift for example, has an asynchronous API you can run a Lambda function for 100ms to start queries, then 100ms every few seconds (or minutes) to check if any have completed, and then another 100ms or so to finish up. It's almost guaranteed to be less than the Lambda free tier.
As I know Redshift Spectrum and Athena cost same. You should not compare Redshift to Athena, they have different purpose. But first of all I would think about addressing you data skew issue. Since you mentioned AWS EMR I assume you use Spark. To deal with large and small partitions you need to repartition you dataset by months, or some other equally distributed value.Or you can use month and country for grouping. You got the idea.
You can use redshift spectrum for this purpose. Yes, it is a bit costly but it is scalable and very good for performing complex aggregations.

How control parallel job runs count in AWS batch?

Aws batch supports up to 10000 job in one array. But what if each job writes to DynamoDb? It is needed to control rate in this situation. How to do that? Is there a setting to keep only N job in the running state and do not launch others?
Easiest way would be to send DyanmoDB jobs to an SQS queue, and have workers/lambdas poll this queue at a rate you specify. That is the classic approach to rate-limiting in AWS world. I would do some calculations as to what rate this should be in capacity units and configure your Tables' capacity accordingly with the queue polling rate.
Keep in mind that you may have other processes accessing your DynamoDB using up your Table's capacity as well as noting the retention time of the queue you setup. You may benefit immensely speed and cost wise with some caching implemented for read jobs, have a look at DAX for that.
Edit Just to address your comments. So as you say if you have 20 units for your table, you can only execute 10 jobs per second if each job is using 2 units in 1 second. Say you submit 10,000 jobs, at 10 jobs a second that will be 1,000 seconds to process all those jobs. If, however you submit more than 3,456,000 jobs, that will take more than 4 days to process at 10 jobs a second. The default retention time for SQS is 4 days, so you would start losing messages/jobs at this rate.
And as I mentioned you could have other processes accessing your table which could blow it's usage past 20 units, so you will need to be very careful when approaching your Table's limit.

How do you handle Amazon Kinesis Record duplicates?

According to the Amazon Kinesis Streams documentation, a record can be delivered multiple times.
The only way to be sure to process every record just once is to temporary store them in a database that supports Integrity checks (e.g. DynamoDB, Elasticache or MySQL/PostgreSQL) or just checkpoint the RecordId for each Kinesis shard.
Do you know a better / more efficient way of handling duplicates?
We had exactly that problem when building a telemetry system for a mobile app. In our case we were also unsure that producers where sending each message exactly once, therefore for each received record we calculated its MD5 on the fly and checked whether it is presented in some form of a persistent storage, but indeed what storage to use is the trickiest bit.
Firstly, we tried trivial relational database, but it quickly became a major bottleneck of the whole system as this isn't just read-heavy but also write-heavy case, since the volume of data going though Kinesis was quite significant.
We ended up having a DynamoDB table storing MD5's for each unique message. The issue we had was that it wasn't so easy to delete the messages - even though our table contained partition and sort keys, DynamoDB does not allow to drop all records with a given partition key, we had to query all of the to get sort key values (which wastes time and capacity). Unfortunately, we had to just simply drop the whole table once in a while. Another way suboptimal solution is to regularly rotate DynamoDB tables which store message identifiers.
However, recently DynamoDB introduced a very handy feature - Time To Live, which means that now we can control the size of a table by enabling auto-expiry on a per record basis. In that sense DynamoDB seems to be quite similar to ElastiCache, however ElastiCache (at least Memcached cluster) is much less durable - there is no redundancy there, and all data residing on terminated nodes is lost in case of scale in operation or failure.
The thing you mentioned is a general problem of all queue systems with "at least once" approach. Also, not just the queue systems, the producers and consumers both may process the same message multiple times (due to ReadTimeout errors etc.). Kinesis and Kafka both uses that paradigm. Unfortunately there is not an easy answer for that.
You may also try to use an "exactly-once" message queue, with stricter transaction approach. For example AWS SQS does that: . Be aware, SQS throughput is far smaller than Kinesis.
To solve your problem, you should be aware of your application domain and try to solve it internally like you suggested (database checks). Especially when you communicate with an external service (let's say an email server for example), you should be able to recover the operation state in order to prevent double processing (because double sending in the email server example, may result in multiple copies of the same post in the recipient's mailbox).
See also the following concepts;
At-least-once Delivery:
Exactly-once Delivery:
Idempotent Processor: