C/C++ default value/value assigned to variable is never used - c++

I like to always initialse local variables, e.g
int32_t result = 0;
I thought this is good programming style because "result" can never become uninitialised, independent of whether following if-constructs set it or not.
But now I am trying out a static code checker tool (C_STAT for IAR embedded workbench) and this complains that in the function below, MISRA-C++ rule 2008-01-06 ("shall not contain instances of non-volatile variables being given values that are never subsequently used") and MISRA C:2012 rule 2.2c ("no dead code") and CWE 563 ("unused variable") are violated.
// gets signal1 - signal2 (checks range of value)
int16_t getSignalDifferenceFromFloat(float signal1, int16_t signal2)
int32_t result = 0; // <-- this assignment makes the violation
// ... but I feel better with it
if (signal1 > 65535.0)
// because result cannot be smaller than the max value of TSignal
result = 32767;
else if (signal1 < -65535.0) // <-- here an else was missing
// because result cannot be larger than the min value of TSignal
result = -32768;
result = (int32_t)signal1 - (int32_t)signal2;
if (result < -32768)
result = -32768;
else if (result > 32767)
result = 32767;
return (int16_t) result;
original Question: What do you think about it?
New Questions:
Are there good coding standards which require always immediate initialisation of declared local variables?
Is the code checker too pedantic (some compilers do not complain at this place but would complain it the variable would be completely stay unused)? I make it for years but I cannot remember where I had seen it.
Update: In the meantime (Sept 2021) I use pclint with default settings. It also checks misra C++ rule 0-1-6 (variable not subsequently used) and others, but does not complain with this example. If I change the code and do not return this variable, the warning comes as expected. I think it is correct that pclint does not give a warning here.

I agree with MISRA.
The unnecessary initialisation of a variable can allow for sloppy code as it defeats tools that check for uninitialised variables.
In your particular case you could localise result to the final else case and return prematurely in the other cases. But that's not to everyone's taste either.

Static analysers apply the rules you define - some of these rules will conflict because you are expected to set them to match your local coding standard. I imagine there is also a rule that may or may not be enabled that requires initialisation of all variables; and you cannot do both.
Pick a non-conflicting rule set that matches your preferred standard. Which you choose is a matter of opinion so not really a valid SO question.

Most good static analysers will provide you with data flow analysis - which warn you of possible paths leaving uninitialised variables.
Taking your example, say you (accidentally) missed one of the later assignments, this would not be detected by SA:
/// gets signal1 - signal2 (checks range of value)
int16_t getSignalDifferenceFromFloat(float signal1, int16_t signal2)
int32_t result = 0; // <-- this assignment makes the violation
// ... but I feel better with it
if (signal1 > 65535.0)
// commented out this line
// No data-flow anomoly detected
// result = 32767;
// Snip rest of code
return (int16_t) result;
The MISRA Guidelines are not perfect, by any stretch, but we try and prevent the obvious... and uninitialised variables are quite easy to detect - as long as you don't try and fudge the issue.
It's a bit like sticking a cast in, just to shut up the Static Analysis tool......
[See profile for disclaimers]


How to speed up dynamic dispatch by 20% using computed gotos in standard C++

Before you down-vote or start saying that gotoing is evil and obsolete, please read the justification of why it is viable in this case. Before you mark it as duplicate, please read the full question.
I was reading about virtual machine interpreters, when I stumbled across computed gotos . Apparently they allow significant performance improvement of certain pieces of code. The most known example is the main VM interpreter loop.
Consider a (very) simple VM like this:
#include <iostream>
enum class Opcode
int main()
Opcode program[] = { // an example program that returns 10
int result = 0;
for (Opcode instruction : program)
switch (instruction)
case Opcode::HALT:
case Opcode::INC:
case Opcode::DEC:
case Opcode::BIT_LEFT:
result <<= 1;
case Opcode::BIT_RIGHT:
result >>= 1;
case Opcode::RET:
std::cout << result;
return 0;
All this VM can do is a few simple operations on one number of type int and print it. In spite of its doubtable usefullness, it illustrates the subject nonetheless.
The critical part of the VM is obviously the switch statement in the for loop. Its performance is determined by many factors, of which the most inportant ones are most certainly branch prediction and the action of jumping to the appropriate point of execution (the case labels).
There is room for optimization here. In order to speed up the execution of this loop, one might use, so called, computed gotos.
Computed Gotos
Computed gotos are a construct well known to Fortran programmers and those using a certain (non-standard) GCC extension. I do not endorse the use of any non-standard, implementation-defined, and (obviously) undefined behavior. However to illustrate the concept in question, I will use the syntax of the mentioned GCC extension.
In standard C++ we are allowed to define labels that can later be jumped to by a goto statement:
goto some_label;
Doing this isn't considered good code (and for a good reason!). Although there are good arguments against using goto (of which most are related to code maintainability) there is an application for this abominated feature. It is the improvement of performance.
Using a goto statement can be faster than a function invocation. This is because the amount of "paperwork", like setting up the stack and returning a value, that has to be done when invoking a function. Meanwhile a goto can sometimes be converted into a single jmp assembly instruction.
To exploit the full potential of goto an extension to the GCC compiler was made that allows goto to be more dynamic. That is, the label to jump to can be determined at run-time.
This extension allows one to obtain a label pointer, similar to a function pointer and gotoing to it:
void* label_ptr = &&some_label;
goto (*label_ptr);
This is an interesting concept that allows us to further enhance our simple VM. Instead of using a switch statement we will use an array of label pointers (a so called jump table) and than goto to the appropriate one (the opcode will be used to index the array):
// [Courtesy of Eli Bendersky][4]
// This code is licensed with the [Unlicense][5]
int interp_cgoto(unsigned char* code, int initval) {
/* The indices of labels in the dispatch_table are the relevant opcodes
static void* dispatch_table[] = {
&&do_halt, &&do_inc, &&do_dec, &&do_mul2,
&&do_div2, &&do_add7, &&do_neg};
#define DISPATCH() goto *dispatch_table[code[pc++]]
int pc = 0;
int val = initval;
while (1) {
return val;
val *= 2;
val /= 2;
val += 7;
val = -val;
This version is about 25% faster than the one that uses a switch (the one on the linked blog post, not the one above). This is because there is only one jump performed after each operation, instead of two.
Control flow with switch:
For example, if we wanted to execute Opcode::FOO and then Opcode::SOMETHING, it would look like this:
As you can see, there are two jumps being performed after an instruction is executed. The first one is back to the switch code and the second is to the actual instruction.
In contrary, if we would go with an array of label pointers (as a reminder, they are non-standard), we would have only one jump:
It is worthwhile to note that in addition to saving cycles by doing less operations, we also enhance the quality of branch prediction by eliminating the additional jump.
Now, we know that by using an array of label pointers instead of a switch we can improve the performance of our VM significantly (by about 20%). I figured that maybe this could have some other applications too.
I came to the conclusion that this technique could be used in any program that has a loop in which it sequentially indirectly dispatches some logic. A simple example of this (apart from the VM) could be invoking a virtual method on every element of a container of polymorphic objects:
std::vector<Base*> objects;
objects = get_objects();
for (auto object : objects)
Now, this has much more applications.
There is one problem though: There is nothing such as label pointers in standard C++. As such, the question is: Is there a way to simulate the behaviour of computed gotos in standard C++ that can match them in performance?.
Edit 1:
There is yet another down side to using the switch. I was reminded of it by user1937198. It is bound checking. In short, it checks if the value of the variable inside of the switch matches any of the cases. It adds redundant branching (this check is mandated by the standard).
Edit 2:
In response to cmaster, I will clarify what is my idea on reducing overhead of virtual function calls. A dirty approach to this would be to have an id in each derived instance representing its type, that would be used to index the jump table (label pointer array). The problem is that:
There are no jump tables is standard C++
It would require as to modify all jump tables when a new derived class is added.
I would be thankful, if someone came up with some type of template magic (or a macro as a last resort), that would allow to write it to be more clean, extensible and automated, like this:
On a recent versions of MSVC, the key is to give the optimizer the hints it needs so that it can tell that just indexing into the jump table is a safe transform. There are two constraints on the original code that prevent this, and thus make optimising to the code generated by the computed label code an invalid transform.
Firstly in the original code, if the program counter overflows the program, then the loop exits. In the computed label code, undefined behavior (dereferencing an out of range index) is invoked. Thus the compiler has to insert a check for this, causing it to generate a basic block for the loop header rather than inlining that in each switch block.
Secondly in the original code, the default case is not handled. Whilst the switch covers all enum values, and thus it is undefined behavior for no branches to match, the msvc optimiser is not intelligent enough to exploit this, so generates a default case that does nothing. Checking this default case requires a conditional as it handles a large range of values. The computed goto code invokes undefined behavior in this case as well.
The solution to the first issue is simple. Don't use a c++ range for loop, use a while loop or a for loop with no condition. The solution for the second unfortunatly requires platform specific code to tell the optimizer the default is undefined behavior in the form of _assume(0), but something analogous is present in most compilers (__builtin_unreachable() in clang and gcc), and can be conditionally compiled to nothing when no equivalent is present without any correctness issues.
So the result of this is:
#include <iostream>
enum class Opcode
int run(Opcode* program) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; true;i++)
auto instruction = program[i];
switch (instruction)
case Opcode::HALT:
case Opcode::INC:
case Opcode::DEC:
case Opcode::BIT_LEFT:
result <<= 1;
case Opcode::BIT_RIGHT:
result >>= 1;
case Opcode::RET:
std::cout << result;
return 0;
The generated assembly can be verified on godbolt

Can (a==1 && a==2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true in C or C++?

We know it can in Java and JavaScript.
But the question is, can the condition below ever evaluate to true in C or C++?
if(a==1 && a==2 && a==3)
If a was an integer.
Depends on your definition of "a is an integer":
int a__(){ static int r; return ++r; }
#define a a__() //a is now an expression of type `int`
int main()
return a==1 && a==2 && a==3; //returns 1
Of course:
int f(int b) { return b==1&&b==2&&b==3; }
will always return 0; and optimizers will generally replace the check with exactly that.
If we put macro magic aside, I can see one way that could positively answer this question. But it will require a bit more than just standard C. Let's assume we have an extension allowing to use the __attribute__((at(ADDRESS))); attribute, which is placing a variable at some specific memory location (available in some ARM compilers for example, like ARM GCC). Lets assume we have a hardware counter register at the address ADDRESS, which is incrementing each read. Then we could do something like this:
volatile int a __attribute__((at(ADDRESS)));
The volatile is forcing the compiler to generate the register read each time the comparison is performed, so the counter will increment 3 times. If the initial value of the counter is 1, the statement will return true.
P.S. If you don't like the at attribute, same effect can be achieved using linker script by placing a into specific memory section.
If a is of a primitive type (i.e all == and && operators are built in) and you are in defined behavior, and there's no way for another thread to modify a in the middle of execution (this is technically a case of undefined behavior - see comments - but I left it here anyway because it's the example given in the Java question), and there is no preprocessor magic involved (see chosen answer), then I don't believe there is anything way for this to evaluate to true. However, as you can see by that list of conditions, there are many scenarios in which that expression could evaluate to true, depending on the types used and the context of the code.
In C, yes it can. If a is uninitialised then (even if there is no UB, as discussed here), its value is indeterminate, reading it gives indeterminate results, and comparing it to other numbers therefore also gives indeterminate results.
As a direct consequence, a could compare true with 1 in one moment, then compare true with 2 instead the next moment. It can't hold both those values simultaneously, but it doesn't matter, because its value is indeterminate.
In practice I'd be surprised to see the behaviour you describe, though, because there's no real reason for the actual storage to change in memory in the time between the two comparisons.
In C++, sort of. The above is still true there, but reading an indeterminate value is always an undefined operation in C++ so really all bets are off.
Optimisations are allowed to aggressively bastardise your code, and when you do undefined things this can quite easily result in all manner of chaos.
So I'd be less surprised to see this result in C++ than in C but, if I did, it would be an observation without purpose or meaning because a program with undefined behaviour should be entirely ignored anyway.
And, naturally, in both languages there are "tricks" you can do, like #define a (x++), though these do not seem to be in the spirit of your question.
The following program randomly prints seen: yes or seen: no, depending on whether at some point in the execution of the main thread (a == 0 && a == 1 && a == 2) evaluated to true.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
_Atomic int a = 0;
_Atomic int relse = 0;
void *writer(void *arg)
while (relse != 2);
for (int i = 100; i > 0; --i)
a = 0;
a = 1;
a = 2;
return NULL;
int main(void)
int seen = 0;
pthread_t pt;
if (pthread_create(&pt, NULL, writer, NULL)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
while (relse != 2);
for (int i = 100; i > 0; --i)
seen |= (a == 0 && a == 1 && a == 2);
printf("seen: %s\n", seen ? "yes":"no");
pthread_join(pt, NULL);
return 0;
As far as I am aware, this does not contain undefined behavior at any point, and a is of an integer type, as required by the question.
Obviously this is a race condition, and so whether seen: yes or seen: no is printed depends on the platform the program is run on. On Linux, x86_64, gcc 8.2.1 both answers appear regularly. If it doesn't work, try increasing the loop counters.

Authoritative "correct" way to avoid signed-unsigned warnings when testing a loop variable against size_t

The code below generates a compiler warning:
private void test()
byte buffer[100];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buffer); ++i)
buffer[i] = 0;
warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
This is because sizeof() returns a size_t, which is unsigned.
I have seen a number of suggestions for how to deal with this, but none with a preponderance of support and none with any convincing logic nor any references to support one approach as clearly "better." The most common suggestions seem to be:
ignore the warnings
turn off the warnings
use a loop variable of type size_t
use a loop variable of type size_t with tricks to avoid decrementing past zero
cast size_of(buffer) to an int
some extremely convoluted suggestions that I did not have the patience to follow because they involved unreadable code, generally involving vectors and/or iterators
libraries that I cannot load in the AVR / ARM embedded environments I often use.
free functions returning a valid int or long representing the byte count of T
Don't use loops (gotta love that advice)
Is there a "correct" way to approach this?
-- Begin Edit --
The example I gave is, of course, trivial, and meant only to demonstrate the type mismatch warning that can occur in an indexing situation.
#3 is not necessarily the obviously correct answer because size_t carries special risks in a decrementing loop such as
for (size_t i = myArray.size; i > 0; --i)
(the array may someday have a size of zero).
#4 is a suggestion to deal with decrementing size_t indexes by including appropriate and necessary checks to avoid ever decrementing past zero. Since that makes the code harder to read, there are some cute shortcuts that are not particularly readable, hence my referring to them as "tricks."
#7 is a suggestion to use libraries that are not generalizable in the sense that they may not be available or appropriate in every setting.
#8 is a suggestion to keep the checks readable, but to hide them in a non-member method, sometimes referred to as a "free function."
#9 is a suggestion to use algorithms rather than loops. This was offered many times as a solution to the size_t indexing problem, and there were a lot of upvotes. I include it even though I can't use the stl library in most of my environments and would have to write the code myself.
-- End Edit--
I am hoping for evidence-based guidance or references as to best practices for handling something like this. Is there a "standard text" or a style guide somewhere that addresses the question? A defined approach that has been adopted/endorsed internally by a major tech company? An emulatable solution forthcoming in a new language release? If necessary, I would be satisfied with an unsupported public recommendation from a single widely recognized expert.
None of the options on offer seem very appealing. The warnings drown out other things I want to see. I don't want to miss signed/unsigned comparisons in places where it might matter. Decrementing a loop variable of type size_t with comparison >=0 results in an infinite loop from unsigned integer wraparound, and even if we protect against that with something like for (size_t i = sizeof(buffer); i-->0 ;), there are other issues with incrementing/decrementing/comparing to size_t variables. Testing against size_t - 1 will yield a large positive 'oops' number when size_t is unexpectedly zero (e.g. strlen(myEmptyString)). Casting an unsigned size_t to an integer is a container size problem (not guaranteed a value) and of course size_t could potentially be bigger than an int.
Given that my arrays are of known sizes well below Int_Max, it seems to me that casting size_t to a signed integer is the best of the bunch, but it makes me cringe a little bit. Especially if it has to be static_cast<int>. Easier to take if it's hidden in a function call with some size testing, but still...
Or perhaps there's a way to turn off the warnings, but just for loop comparisons?
I find any of the three following approaches equally good.
Use a variable of type int to store the size and compare the loop variable to it.
byte buffer[100];
int size = sizeof(buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
buffer[i] = 0;
Use size_t as the type of the loop variable.
byte buffer[100];
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buffer); ++i)
buffer[i] = 0;
Use a pointer.
byte buffer[100];
byte* end = buffer + sizeof(buffer)
for (byte* p = buffer; p < end; ++p)
*p = 0;
If you are able to use a C++11 compiler, you can also use a range for loop.
byte buffer[100];
for (byte& b : buffer)
b = 0;
The most appropriate solution will depend entirely on context. In the context of the code fragment in your question the most appropriate action is perhaps to have type-agreement - the third option in your bullet list. This is appropriate in this case because the usage of i throughout the code is only to index the array - in this case the use of int is inappropriate - or at least unnecessary.
On the other hand if i were an arithmetic object involved in some arithmetic expression that was itself signed, the int might be appropriate and a cast would be in order.
I would suggest that as a guideline, a solution that involves the fewest number of necessary type casts (explicit of implicit) is appropriate, or to look at it another way, the maximum possible type agreement. There is not one "authoritative" rule because the purpose and usage of the variables involved is semantically rather then syntactically dependent. In this case also as has been pointed out in other answers, newer language features supporting iteration may avoid this specific issue altogether.
To discuss the advice you say you have been given specifically:
ignore the warnings
Never a good idea - some will be genuine semantic errors or maintenance issues, and by teh time you have several hundred warnings you are ignoring, how will you spot the one warning that is and issue?
turn off the warnings
An even worse idea; the compiler is helping you to improve your code quality and reliability. Why would you disable that?
use a loop variable of type size_t
In this precise example, that is exactly why you should do; exact type agreement should always be the aim.
use a loop variable of type size_t with tricks to avoid decrementing past zero
This advice is irrelevant for the trivial example given. Moreover I presume that by "tricks" the adviser in fact means checks or just correct code. There is no need for "tricks" and the term is entirely ambiguous - who knows what the adviser means? It suggests something unconventional and a bit "dirty", when there is not need for any solution with such attributes.
cast size_of(buffer) to an int
This may be necessary if the usage of i warrants the use of int for correct semantics elsewhere in the code. The example in the question does not, so this would not be an appropriate solution in this case. Essentially if making i a size_t here causes type agreement warnings elsewhere that cannot themselves be resolved by universal type agreement for all operands in an expression, then a cast may be appropriate. The aim should be to achieve zero warnings an minimum type casts.
some extremely convoluted suggestions that I did not have the patience to follow, generally involving vectors and/or iterators
If you are not prepared to elaborate or even consider such advice, you'd have better omitted the "advice" from your question. The use of STL containers in any case is not always appropriate to a large segment of embedded targets in any case, excessive code size increase and non-deterministic heap management are reasons to avoid on many platforms and applications.
libraries that I cannot load in an embedded environment.
Not all embedded environments have equal constraints. The restriction is on your embedded environment, not by any means all embedded environments. However the "loading of libraries" to resolve or avoid type agreement issues seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
free functions returning a valid int or long representing the byte count of T
It is not clear what that means. What id a "free function"? Is that just a non-member function? Such a function would internally necessarily have a type case, so what have you achieved other than hiding a type cast?
Don't use loops (gotta love that advice).
I doubt you needed to include that advice in your list. The problem is not in any case limited to loops; it is not because you are using a loop that you have the warning, it is because you have used < with mismatched types.
My favorite solution is to use C++11 or newer and skip the whole manual size bounding entirely like so:
// assuming byte is defined by something like using byte = std::uint8_t;
void test()
byte buffer[100];
for (auto&& b: buffer)
b = 0;
Alternatively, if I can't use the ranged-based for loop (but still can use C++11 or newer), my favorite syntax becomes:
void test()
byte buffer[100];
for (auto i = decltype(sizeof(buffer)){0}; i < sizeof(buffer); ++i)
buffer[i] = 0;
Or for iterating backwards:
void test()
byte buffer[100];
// relies on the defined modwrap semantics behavior for unsigned integers
for (auto i = sizeof(buffer) - 1; i < sizeof(buffer); --i)
buffer[i] = 0;
The correct generic way is to use a loop iterator of type size_t. Simply because the is the most correct type to use for describing an array size.
There is not much need for "tricks to avoid decrementing past zero", because the size of an object can never be negative.
If you find yourself needing negative numbers to describe a variable size, it is probably because you have some special case where you are iterating across an array backwards. If so, the "trick" to deal with it is this:
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
size_t index = sizeof(array)-1 - i;
array[index] = something;
However, size_t is often an inconvenient type to use in embedded systems, because it may end up as a larger type than what your MCU can handle with one instruction, resulting in needlessly inefficient code. It may then be better to use a fixed width integer such as uint16_t, if you know the maximum size of the array in advance.
Using plain int in an embedded system is almost certainly incorrect practice. Your variables must be of deterministic size and signedness - most variables in an embedded system are unsigned. Signed variables also lead to major problems whenever you need to use bitwise operators.
If you are able to use C++ 11, you could use decltype to obtain the actual type of what sizeof returns, for instance:
void test()
byte buffer[100];
// On macOS decltype(sizeof(buffer)) returns unsigned long, this passes
// the compiler without warnings.
for (decltype(sizeof(buffer)) i = 0; i < sizeof(buffer); ++i)
buffer[i] = 0;

Constant folding/propagation optimization with memory barriers

I have been reading for a while in order to understand better whats going on when multithread programming with a modern (multicore) CPU. However, while I was reading this, I noticed the code below in the "Explicit Compiler Barriers" section, which does not use volatile for IsPublished global.
#define COMPILER_BARRIER() asm volatile("" ::: "memory")
int Value;
int IsPublished = 0;
void sendValue(int x)
Value = x;
COMPILER_BARRIER(); // prevent reordering of stores
IsPublished = 1;
int tryRecvValue()
if (IsPublished)
COMPILER_BARRIER(); // prevent reordering of loads
return Value;
return -1; // or some other value to mean not yet received
The question is, is it safe to omit volatile for IsPublished here? Many people mention that "volatile" keyword has nothing much to do with multithread programming and I agree with them. However, during the compiler optimizations "Constant Folding/Propagation" can be applied and as the wiki page shows it is possible to change if (IsPublished) into if (false) if compiler do not knows much about who can change the value of IsPublished. Do I miss or misunderstood something here?
Memory barriers can prevent compiler ordering and out-of-order execution for CPU, but as I said in the previos paragraph do I still need volatile in order to avoid "Constant Folding/Propagation" which is a dangereous optimization especially using globals as flags in a lock-free code?
If tryRecvValue() is called once, it is safe to omit volatile for IsPublished. The same is true in case, when between calls to tryRecvValue() there is a function call, for which compiler cannot prove, that it does not change false value of IsPublished.
// Example 1(Safe)
int v = tryRecvValue();
if(v == -1) exit(1);
// Example 2(Unsafe): tryRecvValue may be inlined and 'IsPublished' may be not re-read between iterations.
int v;
v = tryRecvValue();
if(v != -1) break;
// Example 3(Safe)
int v;
v = tryRecvValue();
if(v != -1) break;
some_extern_call(); // Possibly can change 'IsPublished'
Constant propagation can be applied only when compiler can prove value of the variable. Because IsPublished is declared as non-constant, its value can be proven only if:
Variable is assigned to the given value or read from variable is followed by the branch, executed only in case when variable has given value.
Variable is read (again) in the same program's thread.
Between 2 and 3 variable is not changed within given program's thread.
Unless you call tryRecvValue() in some sort of .init function, compiler will never see IsPublished initialization in the same thread with its reading. So, proving false value of this variable according to its initialization is not possible.
Proving false value of IsPublished according to false (empty) branch in tryRecvValue function is possible, see Example 2 in the code above.

Any difference in compiler behavior for each of these snippets?

Please consider following code:
uint16 a = 0x0001;
if(a < 0x0002)
// do something
uint16 a = 0x0001;
if(a < uint16(0x0002))
// do something
uint16 a = 0x0001;
if(a < static_cast<uint16>(0x0002))
// do something
uint16 a = 0x0001;
uint16 b = 0x0002;
if(a < b)
// do something
What compiler does in backgorund and what is the best (and correct) way to do above testing?
p.s. sorry, but I couldn't find the better title :)
values 0x0001 and 0x0002 are only example. There coudl be any 2 byte value instead.
Thank you in advance!
The last example is the best code-wise, as you shouldn't use "magic constants" in your code.
In fact, the best way would be to make b const, (edit) and use meaningful names:
uint16 currentSpeed = 0x0001;
const uint16 cMaxSpeed = 0x0002;
if (currentSpeed < cMaxSpeed)
// do something
Other than that, there is very little difference "under the bonnet" between your examples.
It is usually best to avoid unnamed "magic" numbers in code, since it is hard for a maintainer to understand what the number is supposed to mean. For this reason, it is good practice to name your constants. For this reason, don't do number 1.
In C++, it is best to use static_cast, rather than C style casts. I'm sure there are probably other questions about why this is the case, but the best reference here is Meyers (Effective C++). For this reason, prefer 3 over 2, but 3 still suffers from the magic number problem.
Four is the best, except the variable names are meaningless, and it might make sense for one or both variables to be const.
I'm not sure if there is any difference between any in terms of compiled code, but there might be due to the literal being interpreted as something other than uint16. It might be a uint32 for instance, although you should still get the expected result.
If that is all, there's no difference (GCC, -O2). In all cases //do something is simply executed unconditionally.
So it's just a style issue.
Since the numbers you're working with are both single digit and less than 10, there's no difference between decimal and hexadecimal. Unless you've defined uint16 in an unexpected way, the cast and/or static_cast should make no difference at all. There should be no real difference between using the constant directly, and initializing a variable, then using that.
What you should be concerned with is making sure that a reader can understand what's going on -- give meaningful names, so it's apparent why you're comparing those items. Since the casts aren't really accomplishing anything, you'd be better off without them.