Lpsolve rounding in matrix - linear-programming

I'm using LPSolve IDE and have a problem with rounding in constraint matrix.
For example,
1275699039.79*X1 + 1304079473.01209677*X2 <= 204401963493.5341;
And LPSolve build matrix
X1 X2
R1: 1275699039.7903 1304079473.0121
Source multipler not equals matrix value(1275699039.79 != 1275699039.7903)
If change X1 multiplier to 111111275699039.79 then LPSolve matrix value = 111111275699053.
Is where any way to fix source multiplier?


Value type preventing calculation?

I am writing a program for class that simply calculates distance between two coordinate points (x,y).
differenceofx1 = x1 - x2;
differenceofy1 = y1 - y2;
squareofx1 = differenceofx1 * differenceofx1;
squareofy1 = differenceofy1 * differenceofy1;
distance1 = sqrt(squareofx1 - squareofy1);
When I calculate the distance, it works. However there are some situations such as the result being a square root of a non-square number, or the difference of x1 and x2 / y1 and y2 being negative due to the input order, that it just gives a distance of 0.00000 when the distance is clearly more than 0. I am using double for all the variables, should I use float instead for the negative possibility or does double do the same job? I set the precision to 8 as well but I don't understand why it wouldn't calculate properly?
I am sorry for the simplicity of the question, I am a bit more than a beginner.
You are using the distance formula wrong
it should be
distance1 = sqrt(squareofx1 + squareofy1);
instead of
distance1 = sqrt(squareofx1 - squareofy1);
due to the wrong formula if squareofx1 is less than squareofy1 you get an error as sqrt of a negative number is not possible in case of real coordinates.
Firstly, your formula is incorrect change it to distance1 = sqrt(squareofx1 + squareofy1) as #fefe mentioned. Btw All your calculation can be represented in one line of code:
distance1 = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2));
No need for variables like differenceofx1, differenceofy1, squareofx1, squareofy1 unless you are using the results stored in these variables again in your program.
Secondly, Double give you more precision than float. If you need precision more than 6-7 places after decimal use Double else float works too. Read more about Float vs Double

How to approximate Euclidean distance on the integer plane, without overflow?

I'm working on a platform that has only integer arithmetic. The application uses geographic information, and I'm representing points by (x, y) coordinates where x and y are distances measured in meters.
As an approximation, I want to compute the Euclidean distance between two points. But to do this I have to square distances, and with 32-bit integers, the largest distance I can represent is 32 kilometers. Not good.
My needs are more on the order of 1000 kilometers. But I'd like to be able to resolve distances on a scale smaller than 30 meters.
Hence my question: how can I compute Euclidean distance, using only integer arithmetic, without overflow, on distances whose squares don't fit in a single word?
ETA: I would like to be able to compute distances, but I might settle for being able to compare them.
Perhaps comparing the octagonal distance approximation would be sufficient?
Slightly more up to date is this article on fast approximate distance functions.
I would recommend to use fixed point calculation using integers and then the distance approximation is already not too complicated.
fixed point calculation
distance approximation
Fast Approximate Distance Functions by Rafael Baptista
First step is to choose some fixed point representation for our needs:
For example in case we need a number range for 1000km with 1m resolution we can use 20bits that would be 2^20 = 1,048,576. So we have around 10bits for fractions.
Then we need to implement the approximation we choose:
For example in case we select the following approximation:
h ≈ b (1 + 0.337 (a/b)) = b + 0.337 a AND assuming 0 ≤ a ≤ b
We will implement as follows:
int32_t dx = (x1 > x2 ? x1 - x2 : x2 - x1);
int32_t dy = (y1 > y2 ? y1 - y2 : y2 - y1);
int32_t a = dx > dy ? dy : dx;
int32_t b = dx > dy ? dx : dy;
int32_t h = b + (345 * a >> 10); /* 345.088 = 0.337 * 2^10 */
About overflow:
Adding two <+20.0> positive numbers will result a maximum of <+21.0> number. That is Ok.
The multiplication is also safe while we use numbers in a range of -1..1. In this case the result will also remain in the same range. In our case <+20.0> * <+0.10> will result <+20.10> numbers. That we convert back to <+20.0>.
There is one step here we need to pay attention. During the multiplication we will get temporary a number with <+20.10> that is already near to our 32bits limit.
Exact calculation
We can also calculate the exact distance using the following consideration:
h = b sqrt(1 + (a/b)^2) AND assuming 0 < b ≤ a
In tis case we also need to calculate the square root:
square root
In case the a/b still significantly larger than one or too large to calculate the square of it, we can simplify the calculation to:
h = a
See the implementation here
I would leave the square root out of play, so that I can approximate the Euclidean distance. However, when comparing distances, this approach gives you 100% accuracy, since the comparison would be the same if you squared the distances.
I am pretty sure about that, since I had use that approach when searching for nearest neighbours in high dimensional spaces. You can check my code and the theory in kd-GeRaF.

Eigen C++ / Matlab quaternion and rotation matrix mismatch

I noticed that there's a difference in Eigen C++ and Matlab when calculating with quaternions.
In Eigen C++, the code
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
q.x() = 0.270598;
q.y() = 0.653281;
q.z() = -0.270598;
q.w() = 0.653281;
Eigen::Matrix3d R = q.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
std::cout << "R=" << std::endl << R << std::endl;
gives the rotation matrix:
-2.22045e-16 0.707107 0.707107
0 0.707107 -0.707107
-1 0 -2.22045e-16
In Matlab (which uses wxyz), however, I get the following result:
q =
0.6533 0.2706 0.6533 -0.2706
>> quat2dcm(q)
ans =
-0.0000 0 -1.0000
0.7071 0.7072 0
0.7072 -0.7071 -0.0000
which is the transpose! Can somebody explain me what is going on? I made sure that the positions of wxyz are correct.
Thank you
With Matlab, you are calculating the direction cosine matrix. It is indeed a rotation matrix like the one you are calculating with Eigen C++, and as such is also unitary (all rows and all columns have a norm of 1 and either form a perpendicular set of vectors).
Now, it so happens that the inverse of a unitary matrix is equal to its conjugate transpose (*), i.e.:
U*U = UU* = I
In other words, what must be happening is that the convention of Matlab is the opposite of that of Eigen C++.
From Wikipedia:
The coordinates of a point P may change due to either a rotation of the coordinate system CS (alias), or a rotation of the point P (alibi).
In most cases the effect of the ambiguity is equivalent to the effect of a rotation matrix inversion (for these orthogonal matrices equivalently matrix transpose).

How to compute sin(2*m*Pi/n) exactly with CGAL and CORE?

Using Chebyshev polynomials, we can compute sin(2*Pi/n) exactly using the CGAL and CORE library, like the following piece of codes:
#include <CGAL/CORE_Expr.h>
#include <CGAL/Polynomial.h>
#include <CGAL/number_utils.h>
//return sin(theta) and cos(theta) for theta = 2pi/n
static std::pair<AA, AA> sin_cos(unsigned short n) {
// We actually use -x instead of x since root_of will give the k-th
// smallest root but we want the second largest one without counting.
Polynomial x(CGAL::shift(Polynomial(-1), 1));
Polynomial twox(2*x);
Polynomial a(1), b(x);
for (unsigned short i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
Polynomial c = twox*b - a;
a = b;
b = c;
a = b - 1;
AA cos = -CGAL::root_of(2, a.begin(), a.end());
AA sin = CGAL::sqrt(AA(1) - cos*cos);
return std::make_pair(sin, cos);
But if I want to compute sin(2*m*Pi/n) exactly, where m and n are integers, what is the formula of the polynomial that I should use? Thanks.
(Partial solution.)
This is essentially computing the real and imaginary part of the roots of unity as algebraic numbers. Let's denote w(m) = exp(2*pi*I*m/n). Then, w(m) itself is a complex root of En(x) = x^n-1.
You need to find a defining polynomial of Re(w(m)). Resultants are a tool to find such a polynomial: 2*Re(w(m)) is a root of Res (En(x-y), En(y); y).
For an explanation why this is the case: Note that 2*Re(w(m)) = w(m) + conj(w(m)), and that the complex roots of En come in conjugate pairs; hence, also conj(w(m)) is a root of En. Now loosely speaking, the En(y) part "constrains" y to be any (complex) root of En, and combining this with the first argument allows x to take any complex value such that x-y is a root of En as well. Hence, a possible assignment is y = conj(w(m)) and x-y = w(m), hence x = w(m)+conj(w(m)) = 2*Re(w(m)).
CGAL can compute resultants of multivariate polynomials, so you can compute this resultant, and you simply have to pick the correct real root. (The largest one will obviously be w(0) = 1, the smallest one is 2*Re(w(floor(n/2))).)
Unfortunately, the resultant has a high complexity (degree n^2), and resultant computation will not be the fastest operation you've ever seen. Also, you'll pay for dense polynomials although your instances are very sparse and structured. YMMV; I have no clue about your use case, and if you need higher degrees.
However, I did a few tests in a computer algebra system, and I found that the resultant splits into factors of more reasonable size, and that all its real roots actually belong to a much simpler polynomial of degree floor(n/2)+1 only. (No proof, just an observation.)
I don't know of a direct formula to write down this factor, and I don't want to speculate about it. But maybe some people at mathoverflow or math.stackexchange can help?
EDIT: Here is a guess for at least a recursive formula.
I write s(n,x) for the significant factor of the resultant polynomial containing all real roots but 0. This means that s(n,x) has all values 2*Re(w(m)) for m != n/4, 3*n/4 as roots.
s(0,x) = 0
s(1,x) = x - 2
s(2,x) = x^2 - 4
s(3,x) = x^2 - x - 2
s(4,x) = x^2 - 4
s(5,x) = x^3 - x^2 - 3*x + 2
s(6,x) = x^4 - 5*x^2 + 4
s(7,x) = x^4 - x^3 - 4*x^2 + 3*x + 2
s(8,x) = x^4 - 6*x^2 + 8
s(n,x) = (x^2-2)*s(n-4,x) - s(n-8,x)
Waiting for a proof...

Matrix Representation of Second Degree Linear Recurrence Equations

I can calculate the Matrix representation of first degree Linear recurrence equations. And I calculate for higher order by using fast matrix exponentiation. I learnt this from this tutorial
But I am facing problem in calculating the matrix representation of Second Degree Linear recurrence equations. For example -
S(n) = a * (S(n - 1))^2 + b * S(n - 1) + c
where S(0) = d
Can you help me to figure out the matrix representation of the above equation or give me some insights? Thanks in advance.
This is polynomial of second degree. The well-known recurrence
x_(n+1) = (x_n)^2 + c
that is often called the quadratic map is not in general solvable in closed form. Quadratic iteration
x_(n+1) = a (x_n)^2 + b x_n + c
is iteration of the Mandelbrot fractals.
This is the real version of the complex map defining the Mandelbrot set.