Graph API: All Mutual Friends Returning Empty List - facebook-graph-api

All mutual friends request made from my app server (node) (also tried the Facebook API explorer) suddenly started returning an empty array for the data field. I confirmed and validated my access token and appsecret_proof on the API explorer. Do you know what has changed or what the request below is missing?
Note: both users use the app and have granted user_friends permission.
I am using v2.12
url: '{user-facebookid}?fields=context.fields(all_mutual_friends.limit(5000))',
qs: {access_token: 'XXXXX'
appsecret_proof: crypto.createHmac('sha256', clientSecret).update(accessToken).digest('hex')

Yep. Facebook has taken down the Graph API for page access tokens. The only way to retrieve data (or was a week or so ago), was a temporary user token that lasts about 2 hours. It's totally broken my band's schedule page. I've been through every avenue and even spoke with a facebook ad team employee on the phone that was aware of it. She seemed to empathize but had no solution for me. I would count on it being down for a while.

I have finally figured out a work around for this. On your fb application, you have to disable the secret key requirement. This can be found under the advance settings of your fb application console. It's called "
Require App Secret".
Once you generate a fb PAGE access token, you get a fb page token, and then extend it.
here is the token debugger:
You can extend the access token programmatically as explained here:
There is also an extend tool in the access token debugger.


Facebook Messenger subscribed apps, page and app access token generation

I am hitting a wall while developing seamless integration of a Facebook page with my bot.
Essentially I want to achieve same integration than Chatfuel or Manychat have, where being logged in with your Facebook account lets you to just choose what page you are connecting to them and you are good to go.
The problem I am facing is generating the proper token in order to bind the selected page to my app (bot). As per Facebook documentation:
When you create a subscribed_apps edge, the page-id you use in endpoint must match the page ID of the page access token used in the API call. The app that the access token is for is installed for the page.
Given the call has no other parameter than the access token, this access token has to be enough for Facebook to:
Authorize the action on the page.
Identify what app is being subscribed to the page.
This is confirmed while using the Facebook Graph API Explorer, where one selects the page and the app to bind and a proper access token is generated:
This token properly works using cURL in the terminal:
$ curl -X POST '<MY_APP_ID_HERE>/subscribed_apps?access_token=<TOKEN_PASTED_FROM_GRAPH_API_EXPLORER>'
With the Facebook Access token debugger (info icon on the left of the access token, then open in Access token tool), it is confirmed that the token knows about both the page and the app that have to be connected.
The question is, how are these page-app related token programmatically produced? I can't seem to find the proper API call in Facebook documentation and it is by all means possible, as Chatfuel and Manychat are doing this.
Thanks in advance for your support Lars Schwarz and community!
Adding some detail to Alex's answer, for it to be more complete.
When subscribing an app to a page, Facebook needs to:
Know what app you are talking about.
Know what page you are talking about.
Know that you have permissions on that page to subscribe an app.
How does Facebook know it all?
1 comes from the fact that Facebook login happens in the context of a page, actually, the Javascript code for Facebook contains your appId:
js.src = '<YOUR_APP_ID_IS_HERE>&autoLogAppEvents=1';
2 Comes from the page_id in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
3 Comes from the access token, obtained in the context of an APP through Facebook login, that is passed as parameter in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
To do this, you need to put FB Login on your site/customer portal and request pages_messaging and manage_pages permissions. The person that logs in must be a Page Admin.
Once your app has been granted that permission for the page, you can generate a page access token as described here:

Do Facebook provide the access token (at that instant) or one can get only after the friend's permission? (Using PHP Facebook-graph-API )

I am using PHP for accessing Facebook friends location. I want to access location of all friends. I read that it requires "access tokens" to get client's public information from here
and here
Is that token will be provided by Facebook at that instant of time or my app needs to wait till friend's approval.
I saw this post on stack overflow: How to get user access token?
But i still i can't figure out what if friend is offline. How that token will be passed to my application?
Or is it like that "Tokens are generated by Facebook at time when my application made the request but i can only access the user information later using the same token if he has given permission (when he gets logged in)".?
I am unable to find any explanation regarding this.
You can´t get the location of friends at all. Friend permissions have been removed for privacy reasons, you can only get data of users who authorized your App too. Check out the changelog for more information:
That being said, there are different Access Tokens. You can get an App Token without authorization, but you need to implement an authorization process for User or Page Tokens.
More information:

Facebook Graph API - complete server side auth and API calls

I have an application, that runs on server. On that server is background task, that will post status update on few social networks (Facebook, Twitter, G+). It must be completely server-side.
In Twitter API I'm able to use OAuth header to authorize API request. OAuth HTTP header uses consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret to create the header. With this I'm able to post/update/delete tweets with no user interaction.
How can I do this for Facebook? I found a solution to obtain a long-lived access_token (2 months), but we don't want to regenerate access_token every 60 days. We want to use it for manage our Facebook page - post status updates, but completely server-side.
Am I able to do this for Facebook? Thanks for answers.
PS: I searched stackoverflow hundred-times but with no solution for my problem.
It is not possible for User Access Tokens (they can only be extended to 60 days and need to be refreshed by the user after that), but for posting to a Page you should use a Page Token anyway. An Extended Page Token is valid forever.
Here are some Links to help you get that Extended Page Token:
A Page Token will post "as Page" btw, but that´s probably what you want. And auto-posting on user profiles is not really allowed anyway, every message has to be 100% user generated and every posting should get authorized by the user.
Pay attention to Access Tokens Expiration & Extentions.
The Page Access Token could be a good solution to only server side calls for testing and data analysis purposes.
Take your User Access Token from Graph API Tool
Extend your User Access Token
Call with your user access token extended
*all calls are GET and this procedure does not use APP Access Token.

Facebook checkins, user access tokey is required

I am able to access checkins and locations by url, using the Graph API Explorer with my app.
So, the user tokens seem to be OK.
Now, when I try :
$ curl "[my id]/locations?access_token=[my app token]
it states:
{"error":{"message":"A user access token is required to request this resource.","type":"OAuthException","code":102}}
In the Graph API Explorer, I've enabled every single permission for my app. I've tried checkins and locations, and neither works. I can see basic info, likes, friends, etc., but no location info.
App Settings
August 2012 Breaking Changes:
Remove offline_access permission:
Stream post URL security:
Forces use of login secret for auth.login:
September 2012 Breaking Changes:
October 2012 Breaking Changes:
I am reading through all of the stackoverflow topics on this, and I'm reading through the documentation, but I seem to be missing something.
Any idea what I am missing?
OK, so I wasn't clear on understanding how the user token came into play, even though there are other posts talking about it, as well as user1438003's comment.
I can grab the user token from the php-sdk facebook api, make sure it is long-lived via 60 days:[my app id]&client_secret=[my secret]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[user token]
this returns a new user token.[user id]/checkins?access_token=[new user token]
this returns the info I expected.

Application Token is Different

On this page:
It describes how to get the app access token, yet the token it returns is different than the one in the open Graph "Get Code" example. The latter is the only one that works. How can I get the second access token using the API? When I try to use the first example, I basically get something back that looks like "application ID|secret key" which is different than the real access token.
as documentation states, you will get
string back from the API call. Even though it LOOKS like "application ID|secret key HASH" - it is a valid access token you can use to publish to user's wall. You can verify it's a proper access token using Debug toll from FB: - just paste the token there.
The reason it might not work for you is because you are trying to publish something to the user's wall who did not authorize your app. Look here: - for example of how to use your app ID to make user authorize the app. You need to request publish_stream permission for your app from user in order to be able to publish as the app to the user's wall.
And going back to the documentation:
Note that the app access token is for publishing purposes permitted by
the publish_actions and publish_stream permissions. You will be unable
to retrieve information about the status update post with the given ID
using the app access token. Instead, you should use a user access
token for such purposes.
hope that helps.