Kubectl is not working on AWS EC2 instance - amazon-web-services

I am unable to install kubectl on AWS ec2 instance(Amazon ami and ubuntu).
After installing kops and kubectl tried to check the version of kubectl but it is throwing the error:
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
I have already opened the ports, but still, I'm getting the same error.
I have installed Minikube also, but still, I am facing the same issue.

This is because your ~/.kube/config file is not correct. Configure it correctly so that you can connect to your cluster using kubectl.

Kubectl is the tool to control your cluster. It can be installed by Kops, for example.
If you already have the cluster to manage it from the host you did not use for the initialization, you should export your Kubeconfig by kops export kubecfg command on the node where you have the configured installation of kops.
If not, initialize the cluster first, and Kops will setup the Kubectl configuration for you automatically.

If you want to run with cluster,
You should try after getting token by kubeadm init, which gives advice that
sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/config $HOME/
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/config
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/config
~/.kube/config is your missing file.


How can I use kubectl commands on my cluster hosted on ec2 instances from my local machine without ssh

I want to be able to use kubectl commands on my master ec2 instance from my local machine without ssh. I tried copying .kube into my local but the problem is that my kubeconfig is using the private network and so when i try to run kubectl from my local I can not connect.
Here is what I tried:
user#somehost:~/aws$ scp -r -i some-key.pem ubuntu#some.ip.0.0:.kube/ .
user#somehost:~/aws$ cp -r .kube $HOME/
user#somehost:~/aws$ kubectl version
and I got:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.7", GitCommit:"1dd5338295409edcfff11505e7bb246f0d325d15", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-01-13T13:23:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp some.other.ip.0:6443: i/o timeout
Is there a way to change the kubeconfig in a way that would tell my kubectl when I run commands from local to run them on the master on the ec2 instance?
You have to change clusters.cluster.server key in your kubectl config with externally accessible IP.
For this your VM with master node must have external IP assigned.
Depending on how you provisioned your cluster, you may need to add additional name to Kubernetes API server certificate
With kubeadm you can just reset cluster with
kubeadm reset
on all nodes (including master), and then
kubeadm init --apiserver-cert-extra-sans=<master external IP>
Alternatively you can issue your commands with --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag. E.g.
kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify get pods

Jenkins installed via docker cannot run on AWS EC2

I'm new to devops. I want to install Jenkins in AWS EC2 with docker.
I have installed the Jenkins by this command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -d -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts
On AWS security group, I have enabled port 8080 and 50000. I also enabled port 22 for SSH, 27017 for Mongo and 3000 for Node.
I can see the Jenkins container when I run docker ps. However, when I run https://xxxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8080, there is not a Jenkins window popup for Jenkins setting and display error, ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
Does someone know what's wrong here? Should I install Nginx as well? I didn't install it yet.
The error is due to the fact that you are using https:
From your description it does not seem that you've setup any type of ssl connection to your instance. So you should connect using http only:
But this is not good practice as you communicate using plain text. A common solution is to access your jenkins web-ui through ssh tunnel. This way the connection is encrypted and you don't have to exposed any jenkins port in your security groups.

I cannot reach from a browser to ec2 instance in AWS

I wrote a very simple spring-boot application and packed it in Docker.
The content of docker file is:
FROM openjdk:13
ADD target/HelloWorld-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar HelloWorld.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "HelloWorld.jar"]
I pushed it to docker hub.
I created a new EC2 instance on aws. Then I connected to it and typed the following commands:
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install docker -y
sudo service docker start
sudo docker run -p 80:8085 ****/docker-hello-world
The last command gave many messages on the screen that said that spring-boot application is running.
Looks great. However, when I opened my browser and typed: "http://ec2-54-86-87-68.compute-1.amazonaws.com/" (public DNS of EC2 machine).
I got "This site can’t be reached".
Do you know what I did wrong?
Edit: security groups that regard this machine are "default" and the following group that I defined:
Inside the EC2 machine, I typed:"curl localhost:8085" and got:
"curl: (52) Empty reply from server"
Ensure that your port's inbound traffic is enabled for your local IP address in your ec2 instance security group configuration
Have you allowed inbound traffic for port 8085 in your security group configuration? That should be the first thing to check.
I found the solution.
It was port issues.
Instead of running
sudo docker run -p 80:8085 ****/docker-hello-world
I had to run:
sudo docker run -p 8085:8080 ****/docker-hello-world
This command says: "take the application that runs on port 8080 in the application and put it on port 8085 on docker".
I opened the browser and browsed to: "http://ec2-18-207-188-57.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8085/hello" and got the response I expected.

Kubernetes on AWS using Kops - kube-apiserver authentication for kubectl

I have setup a basic 2 node k8s cluster on AWS using KOPS .. I had issues connecting and interacting with the cluster using kubectl ... and I keep getting the error:
The connection to the server api.euwest2.dev.avi.k8s.com was refused - did you specify the right host or port? when trying to run any kubectl command .....
have done basic kops export kubecfg --name xyz.hhh.kjh.k8s.com --config=~$KUBECONFIG --> to export the kubeconfig for the cluster I have created. Not sure what else I'm missing to make a successful connection to the kubeapi-server to make kubectl work ?
Sounds like either:
Your kube-apiserver is not running.
Check with docker ps -a | grep apiserver on your Kubernetes master.
api.euwest2.dev.avi.k8s.com is resolving to an IP address where your nothing is listening.
You have the wrong port configured for your kube-apiserver on your ~/.kube/config
server: https://api.euwest2.dev.avi.k8s.com:6443?

Connection refused with kubectl on EC2 ubuntu instance?

I installed docker-go-kubernetes on an ubuntu EC2 AWS instance using this guide: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/aws/
I have kubectl installed but when I run a test:
kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
I receive and error:
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you
specify the right host or port?
How do I specify the host or port?
It looks like you didn't configure your kubectl.
You need to either place proper kubeconfig into ~/.kube/config or provide in during call like:
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80