Say I have 3 threads, T1, T2 and T3 from an application all starting at the exact same time. They all read the same value from a certain table, row and column. Lets say this value is 50.
1. T1 is fast. Completes in 100ms. Upon completion, it updates the value it read with +5. So, it writes 55 in the database.
2. T2 is a bit slower. Completes in 700ms. And upon completion, it adds +10 to the value it read. So it updates the data with 60.
3. T3 is even slower and completes in 1300ms. On completion this thread adds +15. So it the value becomes 65.
The solution I'm hoping to learn from SO is how does one handle the data consistency in such cases. Since, clearly at the end of T3 the value should be 80 (50 + 5 T1 + 10 T2 + 15 T3) as opposed to 65.
Do let me know if I can make my question any clearer if needed.
Well, given that we're talking about an SQL database, you must use transactions with serializable isolation level. Read about it here.
When i run this program i get output as 10 which seems to be impossible for me. I'm running this on x86_64 core i3 ubuntu.
If the output is 10, then 1 must have come from either c or d.
Also in thread t[0], we assign c as 1. Now a is 1 since it occurs before c=1. c is equal to b which was set to 1 by thread 1. So when we store d it should be 1 as a=1.
Can output 10 happen with memory_order_seq_cst ? I tried inserting a atomic_thread_fence(seq_cst) on both thread between 1st (variable =1 ) and 2nd line (printf) but it still didn't work.
Uncommenting both the fence doesn't work.
Tried running with g++ and clang++. Both give the same result.
using namespace std;
atomic<int> a,b,c,d;
void foo(){,memory_order_seq_cst);
// atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);,memory_order_seq_cst);
void bar(){,memory_order_seq_cst);
// atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);,memory_order_seq_cst);
int main(){
thread t[2];
t[0]=thread(foo); t[1]=thread(bar);
bash$ while [ true ]; do ./a.out | grep "10" ; done
10 (c=1, d=0) is easily explained: bar happened to run first, and finished before foo read b.
Quirks of inter-core communication to get threads started on different cores means it's easily possible for this to happen even though thread(foo) ran first in the main thread. e.g. maybe an interrupt arrived at the core the OS chose for foo, delaying it from actually getting into that code1.
Remember that seq_cst only guarantees that some total order exists for all seq_cst operations which is compatible with the sequenced-before order within each thread. (And any other happens-before relationship established by other factors). So the following order of atomic operations is possible without even breaking out the a.load2 in bar separately from the of the resulting int temporary.,memory_order_seq_cst); // bar1. b=1,memory_order_seq_cst); // bar2. a.load reads 0, d=0,memory_order_seq_cst); // foo1,memory_order_seq_cst); // foo2. b.load reads 1, c=1
// final: c=1, d=0
atomic_thread_fence(seq_cst) has no impact anywhere because all your operations are already seq_cst. A fence basically just stops reordering of this thread's operations; it doesn't wait for or sync with fences in other threads.
(Only a load that sees a value stored by another thread can create synchronization. But such a load doesn't wait for the other store; it has no way of knowing there is another store. If you want to keep loading until you see the value you expect, you have to write a spin-wait loop.)
Footnote 1:
Since all your atomic vars are probably in the same cache line, even if execution did reach the top of foo and bar at the same time on two different cores, false-sharing is likely going to let both operations from one thread happen while the other core is still waiting to get exclusive ownership. Although seq_cst stores are slow enough (on x86 at least) that hardware fairness stuff might relinquish exclusive ownership after committing the first store of 1. Anyway, lots of ways for both operations in one thread to happen before the other thread and get 10 or 01. Even possible to get 11 if we get b=1 then a=1 before either load. Using seq_cst does stop the hardware from doing the load early (before the store is globally visible), so it's very possible.
Footnote 2: The lvalue-to-rvalue evaluation of bare a uses the overloaded (int) conversion which is equivalent to a.load(seq_cst). The operations from foo could happen between that load and the that gets a temporary value from it. is not an atomic copy; it's equivalent to int tmp = a;;. That isn't necessary to explain your observations.
The printf statements are unsynchronized so output of 10 can be just a reordered 01.
01 happens when the functions before the printf run serially.
I don't know why my code isn't thread-safe, as it outputs some inconsistent results.
value 48
value 49
value 50
value 54
value 51
value 52
value 53
My understanding of an atomic object is it prevents its intermediate state from exposing, so it should solve the problem when one thread is reading it and the other thread is writing it.
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
I probably misunderstood what an atomic object is, Can someone explain?
inc(std::atomic<int>& a)
while (true) {
a = a + 1;
printf("value %d\n", a.load());
std::atomic<int> a(0);
std::thread t1(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t2(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t3(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t4(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t5(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t6(inc, std::ref(a));
return 0;
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
You can, just not the way you have coded it. You have to think about where the atomic accesses occur. Consider this line of code …
a = a + 1;
First the value of a is fetched atomically. Let's say the value fetched is 50.
We add one to that value getting 51.
Finally we atomically store that value into a using the = operator
a ends up being 51
We atomically load the value of a by calling a.load()
We print the value we just loaded by calling printf()
So far so good. But between steps 1 and 3 some other threads may have changed the value of a - for example to the value 54. So, when step 3 stores 51 into a it overwrites the value 54 giving you the output you see.
As #Sopel and #Shawn suggest in the comments, you can atomically increment the value in a using one of the appropriate functions (like fetch_add) or operator overloads (like operator ++ or operator +=. See the std::atomic documentation for details
I added steps 5 and 6 above. Those steps can also lead to results that may not look correct.
Between the store at step 3. and the call tp a.load() at step 5. other threads can modify the contents of a. After our thread stores 51 in a at step 3 it may find that a.load() returns some different number at step 5. Thus the thread that set a to the value 51 may not pass the value 51 to printf().
Another source of problems is that nothing coordinates the execution of steps 5. and 6. between two threads. So, for example, imagine two threads X and Y running on a single processor. One possible execution order might be this …
Thread X executes steps 1 through 5 above incrementing a from 50 to 51 and getting the value 51 back from a.load()
Thread Y executes steps 1 through 5 above incrementing a from 51 to 52 and getting the value 52 back from a.load()
Thread Y executes printf() sending 52 to the console
Thread X executes printf() sending 51 to the console
We've now printed 52 on the console, followed by 51.
Finally, there's another problem lurking at step 6. because printf() doesn't make any promises about what happens if two threads call printf() at the same time (at least I don't think it does).
On a multiprocessor system threads X and Y above might call printf() at exactly the same moment (or within a few ticks of exactly the same moment) on two different processors. We can't make any prediction about which printf() output will appear first on the console.
Note The documentation for printf mentions a lock introduced in C++17 "… used to prevent data races when multiple threads read, write, position, or query the position of a stream." In the case of two threads simultaneously contending for that lock we still can't tell which one will win.
Besides the increment of a being done non-atomically, the fetch of the value to display after the increment is non-atomic with respect to the increment. It is possible that one of the other threads increments a after the current thread has incremented it but before the fetch of the value to display. This would possibly result in the same value being shown twice, with the previous value skipped.
Another issue here is that the threads do not necessarily run in the order they have been created. Thread 7 could execute its output before threads 4, 5, and 6, but after all four threads have incremented a. Since the thread that did the last increment displays its output earlier, you end up with the output not being sequential. This is more likely to happen on a system with fewer than six hardware threads available to run on.
Adding a small sleep between the various thread creates (e.g., sleep_for(10)) would make this less likely to occur, but would still not eliminate the possibility. The only sure way to keep the output ordered is to use some sort of exclusion (like a mutex) to ensure only one thread has access to the increment and output code, and treat both the increment and output code as a single transaction that must run together before another thread tries to do an increment.
The other answers point out the non-atomic increment and various problems. I mostly want to point out some interesting practical details about exactly what we see when running this code on a real system. (x86-64 Arch Linux, gcc9.1 -O3, i7-6700k 4c8t Skylake).
It can be useful to understand why certain bugs or design choices lead to certain behaviours, for troubleshooting / debugging.
Use int tmp = ++a; to capture the fetch_add result in a local variable instead of reloading it from the shared variable. (And as 1202ProgramAlarm says, you might want to treat the whole increment and print as an atomic transaction if you insist on having your counts printed in order as well as being done properly.)
Or you might want to have each thread record the values it saw in a private data structure to be printed later, instead of also serializing threads with printf during the increments. (In practice all trying to increment the same atomic variable will serialize them waiting for access to the cache line; ++a will go in order so you can tell from the modification order which thread went in which order.)
Fun fact: + a.load(std:memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_release) is what you might do for a variable that was only written by 1 thread, but read by multiple threads. You don't need an atomic RMW because no other thread ever modifies it. You just need a thread-safe way to publish updates. (Or better, in a loop keep a local counter and just .store() it without loading from the shared variable.)
If you used the default a = ... for a sequentially-consistent store, you might as well have done an atomic RMW on x86. One good way to compile that is with an atomic xchg, or mov+mfence is as expensive (or more).
What's interesting is that despite the massive problems with your code, no counts were lost or stepped on (no duplicate counts), merely printing reordered. So in practice the danger wasn't encountered because of other effects going on.
I tried it on my own machine and did lose some counts. But after removing the sleep, I just got reordering. (I copy-pasted about 1000 lines of the output into a file, and sort -u to uniquify the output didn't change the line count. It did move some late prints around though; presumably one thread got stalled for a while.) My testing didn't check for the possibility of lost counts, skipped by not saving the value being stored into a, and instead reloading it. I'm not sure there's a plausible way for that to happen here without multiple threads reading the same count, which would be detected.
Store + reload, even a seq-cst store which has to flush the store buffer before it can reload, is very fast compared to printf making a write() system call. (The format string includes a newline and I didn't redirect output to a file so stdout is line-buffered and can't just append the string to a buffer.)
(write() system calls on the same file descriptor are serializing in POSIX: write(2) is atomic. Also, printf(3) itself is thread-safe on GNU/Linux, as required by C++17, and probably by POSIX long before that.)
Stdio locking in printf happens to be enough serialization in almost all cases: the thread that just unlocked stdout and left printf can do the atomic increment and then try to take the stdout lock again.
The other threads were all blocked trying to take the lock on stdout. One (other?) thread can wake up and take the lock on stdout, but for its increment to race with the other thread it would have to enter and leave printf and load a the first time before that other thread commits its a = ... seq-cst store.
This does not mean it's actually safe
Just that testing this specific version of the program (at least on x86) doesn't easily reveal the lack of safety. Interrupts or scheduling variations, including competition from other things running on the same machine, certainly could block a thread at just the wrong time.
My desktop has 8 logical cores so there were enough for every thread to get one, not having to get descheduled. (Although normally that would tend to happen on I/O or when waiting on a lock anyway).
With the sleep there, it is not unlikely for multiple threads to wake up at nearly the same time and race with each other in practice on real x86 hardware. It's so long that timer granularity becomes a factor, I think. Or something like that.
Redirecting output to a file
With stdout open on a non-TTY file, it's full-buffered instead of line-buffered, and doesn't always make a system call while holding the stdout lock.
(I got a 17MiB file in /tmp from hitting control-C a fraction of a second after running ./a.out > output.)
This makes it fast enough for threads to actually race with each other in practice, showing the expected bugs of duplicate values. (A thread reads a but loses ownership of the cache line before it stores (tmp)+1, resulting in two or more threads doing the same increment. And/or multiple threads reading the same value when they reload a after flushing their store buffer.)
1228589 unique lines (sort -u | wc) but total output of
1291035 total lines. So ~5% of the output lines were duplicates.
I didn't check if it was usually one value duplicated multiple times or if it was usually only one duplicate. Or how far backward the value ever jumped. If a thread happened to be stalled by an interrupt handler after loading but before storing val+1, it could be quite far. Or if it actually slept or blocked for some reason, it could rewind indefinitely far.
I want to know wich of these options is correct.
An atomic register R initially holding value 33 is used by two process P and Q that perform the
following concurrent operations: P executes write(R,68) during time interval [2,6] and Q executes
read(R) during time interval [4,7] (the operations overlap in time). In this situation, since the
register provides the atomic semantics, it is guaranteed that:
(A) The read operation always returns value 68.
(B) The read operation always returns value 33.
(C) The read operation can return either value 33 or value 68.
(D) Nothing can be ensured, because the operations are concurrent.
I know atomic registers ensure that
if Ri → Rj then i j (if i is before j)
During a concurrent read and write, the read can return either the old value or the new value. To maintain the properties of an atomic register, during the write, there is a point in time:
before which 33 is always returned, and
after which 68 is always returned.
Therefore, option (C) is correct.
You can read an explanation here:
What's the difference between safe, regular and atomic registers?
The notable piece of information is
Readers that act at a point before that point will all read the old value and readers that act after that point will all read the new value
So by definition, since the read occurs before the write completes it should always see 33. If it were a regular register, it could flicker between the two.
In ""
That says
[monotonicity] Accesses to a single variable V of type T by a single
thread X appear to occur in programme order. For example, if V is
initially 0, then X writes 1, and then 2 to V, no thread (including
but not limited to X) can read a value from V and then subsequently
read a lower value from V. (Notice that this does not prevent
arbitrary load and store reordering; it constrains ordering only
between actions on a single memory location. This assumption is
reasonable on all architectures that I currently know about. I suspect
that the Java and CLR memory models require this assumption also.)
I can't understand relationship between call_once and monotonicity.
And can't find related document about it.
Please, help.
It means that the compiler won't reorder actions done on the same memory spot.
So if you write:
int i = 0;
i = 1;
i = 2;
There is no way your current thread or another will read the i variable with a value of 2 then read the same variable to find out the value 1 or 0.
In the linked paper it is used as a requirement for the given pthread_once implementation, so if this principle is not respected, that implementation might not work. The reason of this added requirement seems to be to avoid a memory barrier to gain performance.
Monotonicity means: If operation B is issued after operation A, then B cannot be executed before A.
The explanation given in the text stems from mathematics, where a monotonic series is one that only ever moves up or down: 1, 2, 7, 11 is monotonic (each value is bigger than the one before), as is 100, 78, 39, 12 (each value is smaller than the one before), 16, 5, 30 isn't monotonic.
If a value is modified in strictly ascending order, any two reads will lead to two results a, b with b >= a - the monotonicity is kept.
I searched around a bit, but could not find anything useful. Could someone help me with this concurrency/synchronization problem?
Given five instances of the program below running asynchronously, with s being a shared data with an initial value of 0 and i a local variable, which values are obtainable by s?
for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
s = s + 1;
I would like to know which values, and why exactly.
The non-answering answer is: Uaaaagh, don't do such a thing.
An answer more in the sense of your question is: In principle, any value is possible, because it is totally undefined. You have no strict guarantee that concurrent writes are atomic in any way and don't result in complete garbage.
In practice, less-than-machine-word sized writes are atomic everywhere (for what I know, at least), but they do not have a defined order. Also, you usually don't know in which order threads/processes are scheduled. So you will never see a "random garbage" value, but also you cannot know what it will be. It will be anything 5 or higher (up to 25).
Since no atomic increment is used, there is a race between reading the value, incrementing it, and writing it back. If the value is being written by another instance before the result is written back, the write (and thus increment) that finished earlier has no effect. If that does not happen, both increments are effective.
Nevertheless, each instance increments the value at least 5 times, so apart from the theoretical "total garbage" possibility, there is no way a value less than 5 could result in the end. Therefore (1) and (2) are not possible, but (3) is.