Nintex Conditional Rules According to a Choice Field - sharepoint-2013

in my list i have these cloumns:
1- a choice drop-down List (Item1, Item2,.....)
2- Date-and-Time filed
the List date and time field need to be compared with the current date and time according to the choice from the drop-down list
for Item1, the entered DATE should be >= 2 days from current date
for Item 2, the entered TIME should be >= 2 hours from current time
for any other item, no need for any validation


Default Date on Slicer & custom selection

I have a date slicer which should show last 12 days as selected when report opens. Further, user should have flexibility to select any other date range.
enter image description here
Can you try Relative Date option for the date slicer as shown below image-
In this case, you can select last 12 Days in the slicer while publish. User can then switch to any other date range as per necessity. But while initial loading, report will always show last 12 days in the selection.

Create Calculated Table in Power BI based on the earliest date that another criteria is met on

I am trying to create a calculated table in Power BI that will provide one row per person based on the most earliest date that the score column is greater than 9. The initial table is thousands of rows and includes multiple entries per person if more than one score was collected.
Initial table:
Output goal:
Since Supergirl didn't ever have a score > 9, she isn't included in the output. Each person with a score > 9 will have one row with the score that occurred on the first date that the score was > 9 and the Date Completed.
I will then add columns and measures based on this new table. I tried using the summarize function and duplicating the initial table and manipulating it without success and have read many posts and didn't find anything that matched my ask. Please help :)
you could start off with creating an additional calculated column "TenOrMore" where you would simply calculate if Score >= 10 then true else false. Then your next select you can do max or min on the score where column "TenOrMore" is true or select all the values and calculate the next step. I hope this helps.

Create a monthly graph containing dynamical values

I discovered PowerBI few hours ago and I am trying to render a new graph, pretty complex from my data.
My subject:
I have a list of employees from my society with some information (name, location, seniority, ....) inside a table named Suivis de mission.
I'm focusing on seniority column. I have to display, monthly, the number of employees which has less than 3 seniority years, more than 3, more than 5 and more than 8.
This field is calculed through another field (date_de_changement_de_mission) by the next formula:
(today - date_de_changement_de_mission) / 365
It gives me a number according to the seniority years (above in french)
My experimental work:
I tried to make some things and this is what I have up to now.
I created a new table with months (string column1 and int column2) and the third column according to the number of employee with less than 3 seniority years for each month.
This is the formula that I'm trying to implement in order to get the number but I have lot of mistakes :
Nbr_inf_3_ans = SUMX('Suivis de mission';
'Suivis de mission'[Activité] = "En poste";1 &&
DATEDIFF(01/01/2019;'Suivis de mission'[Date de changement de mission].[Date];DAY);365)
The formula must contains several conditions :
Field 'Suivis de mission'[Activité] has to be : "En poste"
Loop over each month in my table (if the month is not targed, display 0)
I'm a bit lost.
Assuming that:
You want to do it in Power Query Editor
You already created the "seniority" and "month" ("mois*") columns
You are not worried about the year (you are really grouping just by month)
Then these steps may help you to begin:
Create a custom column name "IsLesserThan3" with the formula:
if [Seniority] < 3 and [Activité] = "En poste" than 1 else 0
Change the formula to include the requirement about "if the month is not targed" (i didn't get what it means, sorry).
Choose "Transform" (menu), then "Group By", then basic, set group by = month, give it a name ("Nbr_inf_3_ans"), set operation = sum, set column = IsLesserThan3
New extra assumption:
There is a second table with month description and month number and you want to create the new column there ("Nbr_inf_3_ans") and fill it, probably to grant all the months are there (including those with no occurrences).
With this new assumption in mind, the approach will be to join the two tables and do the same thing:
Create a custom column named "IsLesserThan3" with the formula:
if [Seniority] < 3 and [Activité] = "En poste" than 1 else 0
Change the formula to include the requirement about "if the month is not targed" (i didn't get what it means, sorry).
Change the type of the new column to integer (click the icon to the left of the column name).
Create a custom column named "Mois_int" with the formula:
Then join the tables by month. To do that, select the other table and choose "Transform" (menu), then "Merge", then let the second table selected and select the first table as the "bottom" table, select columns "Mois_int" in both tables, set "join kind" = "left outer".
PowerBI will create a new column wich name is the name of the first table. Click the arrows icon in that column header and choose "aggregate" and mark only "sum of LesserThan3".

Tableau data extract refresh

So I have this database which I will build a dashboard with. A tableau admin will refresh d extract everyday.
example of data
Date item
1-jul. Book
2-jul. Cane
24-jul Rice
25-jul. Car
Everyday new row is added
Question: how do I set up my date range filters in d data source view so that the extract refreshes by the admin will reflect the current data always.
One solution although bit long is:
Create calculated field "date2" as type date (based on date info from your data.) use date function if e.g year id missing.
Create calculated field "max date" as type date (max(date2))
then create yet another calculated field "max date filter"
If date2 = [max date] then 1 end
Drag filter field to filters and set it to 1
Drag item to rows

Check if day is valid for selected month Django forms

I have a form where the user types a day (number between 1 and 31) and then selects a month from a list and then types a year.
The problem is that when a date such as (31 February) will throw the following error:
day is out of range for month
Is there a way I can check if the day is valid for that month (and year if it is a leap year) in the form?
If you use django Forms check SelectDateWidget
btw, why don't you want to catch such errors and show above your form in other words (if you allow to choose and submit 31 and 'February')?