C++ find where a point set lies between two others - c++

I have three sets of 2d points. What i need to do is to find out where one sits in relation to the other two.
Every set has the same points, in the same order. One is 'neutral', one is 'max', and the third is unknown. What I need is to return a single value, between 0 and 1, that illustrates the amount that the unknown set is between the other two.
For example, in the image:
I would somehow get the 'distance' or 'weight' between Set A and Set B, then find out where Set C sits between them. In this example, i would expect a value of around 75%, or 0.75.
I have looked at using point set registration algorithms that return a scale amount to match Set C to Set B, but i am not convinced that this is the best way. What approach would be suitable for this problem? What algorithms should I be searching for?

You could try to solve this with a simple linear interpolation between the two sets. This works if the transition between the sets is indeed nearly linear. If you know that it is something else, you can adapt the interpolation function.
Let us focus on a single point p. We know its coordinates in all sets p_A, p_B, and p_C. Then, we specify that p_C is more or less a linear interpolation between p_A and p_B with parameter t (where t=0 represents set A and t=1 represents set B):
p_C = (1 - t) * p_A + t * p_B
= p_A - t * p_A + t * p_B
= p_A + t * (p_B - p_A)
p_C - p_A = t * (p_B - p_A)
The question now is to find a t that approximately holds for all your points.
We can solve this by stating the problem as a linear least squares problem. I.e. we want to minimize the summed residuals (difference between left-hand sides and right-hand sides of the above equation) for all points:
arg min_t Σ_i (pi_C.x - pi_A.x - t * (pi_B.x - pi_A.x))^2
+ (pi_C.y - pi_A.y - t * (pi_B.y - pi_A.y))^2
The optimal t is then:
numX = Σ_i (pi_A.x^2 - pi_A.x * pi_B.x - pi_A.x * pi_C.x + pi_B.x * pi_C.x)
numY = Σ_i (pi_A.y^2 - pi_A.y * pi_B.y - pi_A.y * pi_C.y + pi_B.y * pi_C.y)
denX = Σ_i (pi_A.x^2 - 2 * pi_A.x * pi_B.x + pi_B.x^2)
denY = Σ_i (pi_A.y^2 - 2 * pi_A.y * pi_B.y + pi_B.y^2)
t = (numX + numY) / (denX + denY)
If your points have higher dimension, just add the new dimension with the same pattern.


Numerically calculate combinations of factorials and polynomials

I am trying to write a short C++ routine to calculate the following function F(i,j,z) for given integers j > i (typically they lie between 0 and 100) and complex number z (bounded by |z| < 100), where L are the associated Laguerre Polynomials:
The issue is that I want this function to be callable from within a CUDA kernel (i.e. with a __device__ attribute). Standard library/Boost/etc functions are therefore out of the questions, unless they are simple enough to re-implement on my own - this especially relates to the Laguerre polynomials which exist in Boost and C++17. Regardless if I manage to wrap any standard function for Laguerre polynomials, I still have a similar pre-factor to calculate of the form (z^j/j!).
Question: How can I do a relatively simple implementation of such a function, without introducing significant numerical instability?
My idea so far is to calculate L and its pre-factor independently. The pre-factor I will calculate by first looping from 0 to j-i and calculate (z^1 * z^2/2 * ... * z^(j-1)/(j-i)!). I will then calculate the remaining factor exp(-|z|^2/2) *(j-i)! * sqrt(i!/j!) (either in a similar way, or through the Gamma-function, which is implemented in CUDA math). The idea is then to find a minimal algorithm to calculate the associated Laguerre polynomial, unless I manage to wrap an implementation from e.g. Boost or GNU C++.
Edit/side note: The expression for F actually blows up numerically for some values of i/j. It was derived wrong in the source where I got it, and the indices of the associated Laguerre polynomials should instead be L_i^(j-i). That does not invalidate the approaches suggested in the answers/comments.
I recommend finding a recurrence relation for the coefficients of the Laguerre Polynomial:
C(k+1) = g(k)C(k)
g(k) = C(k+1) / C(k)
g(k) = -z * (j - k) / ((j - i + k + 1) * (k + 1)) //Verify this yourself :)
This allows you to avoid most of factorials in computing the polynomial.
After that I would follow Severin's idea of doing the calculations in logarithms
so as to not overload the double floating point range:
log(F) = log(sqrt(i!/j!)) - |z|^2 + (j-i) * log(-z) + log(L(|z|^2))
log(L) = log((2*j - i)!) + log(sum) // where the summation is computed using the recurrence relation above
and using the fact that:
log(a!) = sum(k=1..a, log(k))
and also:
log(z) = log(|z|) + I * arg(z) for complex z
log(-z) = log(|z|) + I * arg(-z)
log(-z) = log(|z|) - I * arg(z)
for the log(sqrt(i!/j!)) part I would do (assuming that j >= i):
= 0.5 * (log(i!) - log(j!))
= -0.5 * sum(k==i+1..j, log(k))
I haven't tried this out so there could definitely be little mistakes here and there. This answer is more about the technique rather than a copy-paste-ready answer
Well, what you should do is to logarithm it
Assuming natural logarithm,
q = log(z^j/j!) = log(z^j) - log(j!) = j*log(z) - log(Gamma(j+1))
First term is simple, second term is standard C++ function lgamma(x) (or you could use GSL).
compute value of q and return cexp(q)
You could fold exponent in this method as well

Runge Kutta in Fortran

I'm trying to implement the Runge Kutta method in Fortran and am facing a convergence problem. I don't know how much of the code I should show, so I'll describe the problem in detail, and please guide me as to what I should add/remove to/from the post to make it answerable.
I have a 6-dimensional vector of position and velocity of a ball, and a corresponding system of diff. eqs. that describe the equations of motions, from which I want to calculate the trajectory of the ball, and compare results for different orders of the RK method.
Let's focus on 3rd order RK. The model I use is implemented as follows:
k1 = h * f(vec_old,omega,phi)
k2 = h * f(vec_old + 0.5d0 * k1,omega,phi)
k3 = h * f(vec_old + 2d0 * k2 - k1,omega,phi)
vec = vec_old + (k1 + 4d0 * k2 + k3) / 6d0
Where f is the function that constitutes the equations of motion (or equivalently the RHS of my system of diff. eqs). Note that f is time independent, therefore has only 1 argument. h takes the role of a small time step dt.
If we wish to calculate the trajectory of the ball for a finite time total_time, and allow for a total error of epsilon, then we need to ensure each step takes a proportional fraction of the error. For the first step, I then did the following:
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
do while (maxval((/(abs(vec1(i) - vec2(i)),i=1,6)/)) > eps * h / (tot_time - current_time))
h = h / 2d0
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
end do
vec = (8d0/7d0) * vec2 - (1d0/7d0) * vec1
Where solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi) is the function that calculates the single RK step described above. 3 denotes the RK order we are using, vec_old is the current state of the position-velocity vector, h, h/2d0 both represent the time step being used, and omega,phi are just some extra parameters for f. Finally, for the first step we set current_time = 0d0.
The point is that if we use a 3rd order RK, we should have an error in $O(h^3)$, and thus fall off faster than linearly in h. Therefore, we should expect the while loop to eventually come to a halt for small enough h.
My problem is that the loop doesn't converge, and not even close - the ratio
maxval(...) / eps * (...)
remains pretty much constant, all the way until eps * h / (tot_time - current_time)) becomes zero due to finite precision.
For completeness, this is my definition for f:
function f(vec_old,omega,phi) result(vec)
real(8),intent(in) :: vec_old(6),omega,phi
real(8) :: vec(6)
real(8) :: v,Fv
v = sqrt(vec_old(4)**2+vec_old(5)**2+vec_old(6)**2)
Fv = 0.0039d0 + 0.0058d0 / (1d0 + exp((v-35d0)/5d0))
vec(1) = vec_old(4)
vec(2) = vec_old(5)
vec(3) = vec_old(6)
vec(4) = -Fv * v * vec_old(4) + 4.1d-4 * omega * (vec_old(6)*sin(phi) - vec_old(5)*cos(phi))
vec(5) = -Fv * v * vec_old(5) + 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*cos(phi)
vec(6) = -Fv * v * vec_old(6) - 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*sin(phi) - 9.8d0
end function f
Does anyone have any idea as to why the while loop doesn't converge?
If anything else is needed (output, other pieces of code etc.) please tell me and I'll add it. Also, if trimming is required, I'll cut whatever would be considered unnecessary. Thanks!
To compute the step error using the half step method, you need to compute the approximation at t+h in both cases, which means two steps with step size h/2. As it is now you compare the approximation at t+h to the approximation at t+h/2 which gives you an error of size f(vec(t+h/2))*h/2.
Thus change to a 3-step procedure
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec2 ,h/2d0,omega,phi)
in both locations, the difference of vec2-vec1 should then be of order h^4.

Calculating the area of overlap of two functions

Locked. There are disputes about this question’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have two functions. I am giving here the basic structure only, as they have quite a few parameters each to adjust their exact shape.
For example, y = sin(.1*pi*x)^2 and y = e^-(x-5)^2.
The question is how much area of the sine is captured by the e function:
I tried to be clever and recursively find the points of intersection, but that turned out to be a lot more work than was necessary.
As n.m. pointed out, you want the integral from a to b of min(f, g). Since you're integrating by approximation, you're already stepping through the interval, meaning you can check at each step which function is greater and compute the area of the current trapezoid.
Simple implementation in C:
#define SLICES 10000
* Computes the integral of min(f, g) on [a, b].
* Intended use is for when f and g are both non-negative, real-valued
* functions of one variable.
* That is, f: R -> R and g: R -> R.
* Assumes b ≥ a.
* #param a left boundary of interval to integrate over
* #param b right boundary of interval to integrate over
* #param f function accepting one double argument which returns a double
* #param g function accepting one double argument which returns a double
* #return integral of min(f, g) on [a, b]
double minIntegrate (double a, double b, double (*f)(double), double (*g)(double)) {
double area = 0.0;
// the height of each trapezoid
double deltaX = (b - a) / SLICES;
* We are integrating by partitioning the interval into SLICES pieces, then
* adding the areas of the trapezoids formed to our running total.
* To save a computation, we can cache the last side encountered.
* That is, let lastSide be the minimum of f(x) and g(x), where x was the
* previous "fence post" (side of the trapezoid) encountered.
* Initialize lastSide with the minimum of f and g at the left boundary.
double lastSide = min(f(a), g(a));
// The loop starts at 1 since we already have the last (trapezoid) side
// for the 0th fencepost.
for (int i = 1; i <= SLICES; i++) {
double fencePost = a + (i * deltaX);
double currentSide = min(f(fencePost), g(fencePost));
area += trapezoid(lastSide, currentSide, deltaX);
lastSide = currentSide;
return area;
* Computes the area of a trapezoid with bases `a` and `b` and height `height`.
double trapezoid (double a, double b, double height) {
return h * (a + b) / 2.0;
If you're looking for something really, really simple, why don't you do Monte Carlo Integration?
Use the fact that the functions are easy to calculate to sample a large number of points. For each point, check whether it's below 0, 1, or 2 of the curves.
You might have some fiddling to find the boundaries for the sampling, but this method will work for a variety of curves.
I'm guessing your exponential is actually of the form e^-(x-5)^2 so that the exponential decays to zero at plus/minus infinity.
Given that, your integral would be most quickly and accurately calculated by something called Gaussian quadrature. There are a few types of common integrals which have very simple solutions using different polynomials (Hermite, Legendre, etc.). Yours specifically looks like it could be solved using Gauss-Hermite quadrature.
Hope this helps.

Finding Y given X on a Cubic Bezier Curve?

I need a method that allows me to find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate.
I've come across lots of places telling me to treat it as a cubic function then attempt to find the roots, which I understand. HOWEVER the equation for a Cubic Bezier curve is (for x-coords):
X(t) = (1-t)^3 * X0 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * X1 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * X2 + t^3 * X3
What confuses me is the addition of the (1-t) values. For instance, if I fill in the X values with some random numbers:
400 = (1-t)^3 * 100 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * 600 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * 800 + t^3 * 800
then rearrange it:
800t^3 + 3*(1-t)*800t^2 + 3*(1-t)^2*600t + (1-t)^3*100 -400 = 0
I still don't know the value of the (1-t) coefficients. How I am I supposed to solve the equation when (1-t) is still unknown?
There are three common ways of expressing a cubic bezier curve.
First x as a function of t
x(t) = sum( f_i(t) x_i )
= (1-t)^3 * x0 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * x1 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * x2 + t^3 * x3
Secondly y as a function of x
y(x) = sum( f_i(x) a_i )
= (1-x)^3 * y0 + 3*(1-x)^2 * x * y1 + 3*(1-x) * x^2 * y2 + x^3 * y3
These first two are mathematically the same, just using different names for the variables.
Judging by your description "find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate on it." I'm guessing that you've got a question using the second equation are are trying to rearrange the first equation to help you solve it, where as you should be using the second equation. If thats the case, then no rearranging or solving is required - just plug your x value in and you have the solution.
Its possible that you have an equation of the third kind case, which is the ugly and hard case.
This is both the x and y parameters are cubic Beziers of a third variable t.
x(t) = sum( f_i(t) x_i )
y(t) = sum( f_i(t) y_i )
If this is your case. Let me know and I can detail what you need to do to solve it.
I think this is a fair CS question, so I'm going to attempt to show how I solved this. Note that a given x may have more than 1 y value associated with it. In the case where I needed this, that was guaranteed not to be the case, so you'll have to figure out how to determine which one you want.
I iterated over t generating an array of x and y values. I did it at a fairly high resolution for my purposes. (I was looking to generate an 8-bit look-up table, so I used ~1000 points.) I just plugged t into the bezier equation for the next x and the next y coordinates to store in the array. Once I had the entire thing generated, I scanned through the array to find the 2 nearest x values. (Or if there was an exact match, used that.) I then did a linear interpolation on that very small line segment to get the y-value I needed.
Developing the expression further should get you rid of the (1 - t) factors
If you run:
expand(800*t^3 + 3*(1-t)*800*t^2 + 3*(1-t)^2*600*t + (1-t)^3*100 -400 = 0);
In either wxMaxima or Maple (you have to add the parameter t in this one though), you get:
100*t^3 - 900*t^2 + 1500*t - 300 = 0
Solve the new cubic equation for t (you can use the cubic equation formula for that), after you got t, you can find x doing:
x = (x4 - x0) * t (asuming x4 > x0)
Equation for Bezier curve (getting x value):
Bx = (-t^3 + 3*t^2 - 3*t + 1) * P0x +
(3*t^3 - 6*t^2 + 3*t) * P1x +
(-3*t^3 + 3*t^2) * P2x +
(t^3) * P3x
Rearrange in the form of a cubic of t
0 = (-P0x + 3*P1x - 3*P2x + P3x) * t^3+
(3*P0x - 6*P1x + 3*P2x) * t^2 +
(-3*P0x + 3*P1x) * t +
(P0x) * P3x - Bx
Solve this using the cubic formula to find values for t. There may be multiple real values of t (if your curve crosses the same x point twice). In my case I was dealing with a situation where there was only ever a single y value for any value of x. So I was able to just take the only real root as the value of t.
a = -P0x + 3.0 * P1x - 3.0 * P2x + P3x;
b = 3.0 * P0x - 6.0 * P1x + 3.0 * P2x;
c = -3.0 * P0x + 3.0 * P1x;
d = P0x;
t = CubicFormula(a, b, c, d);
Next put the value of t back into the Bezier curve for y
By = (1-t)^3 * P0x +
3t(1-t)^2 * P1x +
3t^2(1-t) * P2x +
t^3 * P3x
So I've been looking around for some sort of method to allow me to find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate on it.
Consider a cubic bezier curve between points (0, 0) and (0, 100), with control points at (0, 33) and (0, 66). There are an infinite number of Y's there for a given X. So there's no equation that's going to solve Y given X for an arbitrary cubic bezier.
For a robust solution, you'll likely want to start with De Casteljau's algorithm
Split the curve recursively until individual segments approximate a straight line. You can then detect whether and where these various line segments intercept your x or whether they are vertical line segments whose x corresponds to the x you're looking for (my example above).

Create sine lookup table in C++

How can I rewrite the following pseudocode in C++?
real array sine_table[-1000..1000]
for x from -1000 to 1000
sine_table[x] := sine(pi * x / 1000)
I need to create a sine_table lookup table.
You can reduce the size of your table to 25% of the original by only storing values for the first quadrant, i.e. for x in [0,pi/2].
To do that your lookup routine just needs to map all values of x to the first quadrant using simple trig identities:
sin(x) = - sin(-x), to map from quadrant IV to I
sin(x) = sin(pi - x), to map from quadrant II to I
To map from quadrant III to I, apply both identities, i.e. sin(x) = - sin (pi + x)
Whether this strategy helps depends on how much memory usage matters in your case. But it seems wasteful to store four times as many values as you need just to avoid a comparison and subtraction or two during lookup.
I second Jeremy's recommendation to measure whether building a table is better than just using std::sin(). Even with the original large table, you'll have to spend cycles during each table lookup to convert the argument to the closest increment of pi/1000, and you'll lose some accuracy in the process.
If you're really trying to trade accuracy for speed, you might try approximating the sin() function using just the first few terms of the Taylor series expansion.
sin(x) = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! ..., where ^ represents raising to a power and ! represents the factorial.
Of course, for efficiency, you should precompute the factorials and make use of the lower powers of x to compute higher ones, e.g. use x^3 when computing x^5.
One final point, the truncated Taylor series above is more accurate for values closer to zero, so its still worthwhile to map to the first or fourth quadrant before computing the approximate sine.
Yet one more potential improvement based on two observations:
1. You can compute any trig function if you can compute both the sine and cosine in the first octant [0,pi/4]
2. The Taylor series expansion centered at zero is more accurate near zero
So if you decide to use a truncated Taylor series, then you can improve accuracy (or use fewer terms for similar accuracy) by mapping to either the sine or cosine to get the angle in the range [0,pi/4] using identities like sin(x) = cos(pi/2-x) and cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x) in addition to the ones above (for example, if x > pi/4 once you've mapped to the first quadrant.)
Or if you decide to use a table lookup for both the sine and cosine, you could get by with two smaller tables that only covered the range [0,pi/4] at the expense of another possible comparison and subtraction on lookup to map to the smaller range. Then you could either use less memory for the tables, or use the same memory but provide finer granularity and accuracy.
long double sine_table[2001];
for (int index = 0; index < 2001; index++)
sine_table[index] = std::sin(PI * (index - 1000) / 1000.0);
One more point: calling trigonometric functions is pricey. if you want to prepare the lookup table for sine with constant step - you may save the calculation time, in expense of some potential precision loss.
Consider your minimal step is "a". That is, you need sin(a), sin(2a), sin(3a), ...
Then you may do the following trick: First calculate sin(a) and cos(a). Then for every consecutive step use the following trigonometric equalities:
sin([n+1] * a) = sin(n*a) * cos(a) + cos(n*a) * sin(a)
cos([n+1] * a) = cos(n*a) * cos(a) - sin(n*a) * sin(a)
The drawback of this method is that during this procedure the round-off error is accumulated.
double table[1000] = {0};
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
sine_table[i-1] = std::sin(PI * i/ 1000.0);
double getSineValue(int multipleOfPi){
if(multipleOfPi == 0) return 0.0;
int sign = 1;
if(multipleOfPi < 0){
sign = -1;
return signsine_table[signmultipleOfPi - 1];
You can reduce the array length to 500, by a trick sin(pi/2 +/- angle) = +/- cos(angle).
So store sin and cos from 0 to pi/4.
I don't remember from top of my head but it increased the speed of my program.
You'll want the std::sin() function from <cmath>.
another approximation from a book or something
streamin ramp;
streamout sine;
float x,rect,k,i,j;
x = ramp -0.5;
rect = x * (1 - x < 0 & 2);
k = (rect + 0.42493299) *(rect -0.5) * (rect - 0.92493302) ;
i = 0.436501 + (rect * (rect + 1.05802));
j = 1.21551 + (rect * (rect - 2.0580201));
sine = i*j*k*60.252201*x;
full discussion here:
I presume that you know, that using a division is a lot slower than multiplying by decimal number, /5 is always slower than *0.2
it's just an approximation.
streamin ramp;
streamin x; // 1.5 = Saw 3.142 = Sin 4.5 = SawSin
streamout sine;
float saw,saw2;
saw = (ramp * 2 - 1) * x;
saw2 = saw * saw;
sine = -0.166667 + saw2 * (0.00833333 + saw2 * (-0.000198409 + saw2 * (2.7526e-006+saw2 * -2.39e-008)));
sine = saw * (1+ saw2 * sine);